Ohh you can recycle contact lens stuff! https://www.terracycle.com/en-US/brigades/bauschrecycles#resources

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this would be great. i hope they make the astigmatism correcting ones as well like this

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Interesting. Though I go through one pair like every 6-8 weeks since I only wear them like 4-5 days a week for about an hour a day when I go to the gym.

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Excuse my language but: fuck this time change.

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Eh, I'm cool with it.

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ugh. it sucks. I don't live my life by the clock generally, so why the bother?

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We should not change the clocks twice a year in order to enforce a time shift. There are health consequences for this practice that are under-estimated and routinely dismissed or otherwise glossed over.

I'm perfectly happy with the idea of a permanent Daylight Saving Time but it comes with a caveat - Be careful what you wish for. You just might get it. In other words, as it did in 1974, permanent DST will burn itself out in short order. With sunrises not happening in most of the United States until *after* 8:00 AM from Thanksgiving to almost Valentine's Day, no one's going to be a fan of DST from late fall to mid-winter.

I'd be much less unhappy with the bi-annual time shift if it were done intelligently. That means taking advantage of the earlier sunrises as they happen before 6:00 AM (1st Sunday in April) and switch back to Standard Time soon after sunrises happen after 7:00 AM (last Sunday in September or the 1st Sunday in October).

Even so, the benefits of the DST time shift is primarily about business - retail businesses see a boost in shopping because people are out shopping later. But I figure that would happen anyhow without shifting to DST just as a consequence of sunsets happening progressively later in the day from late March to late September.

If the United States were to go on year-round Standard Time, I think that time shifts would happen organically and people would be happier and healthier as a consequence. Some of those time shifts would be people starting work earlier because the sun is up earlier. Which leads to folks getting off work earlier and enjoying more post-work sunshine. If merchants, restaurateurs, bar owners, etc. wanted to keep longer store hours they could do that; there's no law that says they can't.

Enforced time shift in this day and age is simply pig-headed; therefore, it's stupid.

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I adjusted well Sunday morning, but this morning was very rough.

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Same here.

This brings up another quibble I have with DST: it's done wrong. Give as many people as you can the best opportunity to adjust.

Since businesses benefit the most from DST they should be willing to take the hit on the time shift. PROPOSAL - start Daylight Saving Time at 12:00 Noon on the 1st Friday in April. Even if this means that some merchants, banks, etc., are going to shorten their business hours by one hour for one day, it does less to hurt workers and other members of the general public. It also gives a 2 day start to DST and makes an easier transition (but not a foolproof or painless transition) to the following Monday morning.

The back end of that proposal is to shift back to Standard Time at 9:00 PM on the last Friday in September or 1st Friday in October.

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Mar 14, 2022·edited Mar 14, 2022

I wonder if it would be easier to adjust in two, half-hour increments? Jump ahead 30 minutes the third Sunday in February, then again the third Sunday in March. Does this make for two headaches instead of one or does cutting the time in half make each adjustment negligible?

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I think it would be easier to just stop doing it altogether. No matter which schedule we ended up with, we will adjust.

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I have no strong preference for being on permanent DST or permanent standard time, just pick one and stop changing the clocks.

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It's also bad for us with a consequent increase in car accidents etc. https://www.businessinsider.com/daylight-saving-time-is-deadly-2018-3

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I love DST (light in the evening), but dark in the morning is a drag. I read an article recently that we should have permanent DST, since "working from home" resulted in people waking up later, so giving extra "fun" evening hours would be good. But that is very white-collar focused. The folks doing construction, working at markets, driving the buses, etc. would need to get to work in the dark.

And young kids with school. They aren't pushing that back an hour, so DST in December would be pitch black at 7am (maybe even 8am?).

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I used to love DST because it was better for business, later sunset = more people wanting to sail in the evening, however I don't think it actually affected sales too much since folks don't like the cold. Now that I started surfing a couple years ago the change over delays the dawn patrol surfing by an hour which is annoying since LA traffic starts at 6am regardless of how much daylight there is.

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Where I live, a permanent DST would mean the sun wouldn't rise until almost 8:30am in mid-January. I wouldn't mind permanent standard time, since it would still be light out until almost 8 during summer.

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Mar 14, 2022·edited Mar 14, 2022

It gets especially tough for people on the western edge of a time zone (so midwesterners on Eastern Time, basically). The sun wouldn't rise until 8am in those places in the winter.

That said . . . people who live at even more northerly latitudes (Alaskans, Scandinavians) put up with far more darkness than that. I think people would adjust. Or some of those midwestern states could just decide to be on Central Time instead.

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Back when I moved to Alaska once upon a time it was much more difficult to get used to the short days than it was to get used to the colder weather. Didn't help that the move was just after Thanksgiving so not far from the shortest day.

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Michael Jordan fuck them kids dot jpg

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I had a 6 AM call and it was harder falling asleep last night at 11 and getting up at 5:45. Had totally forgotten about the time change with my sleep cycle until someone mentioned it in the call.

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It's nice that it's still light past 7pm now. It's less nice being woken up by my alarm and thinking "it cannot possibly be time to wake up already"

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Definitely noticed it yesterday as the day just kinda got away from me and my lunch/dinner schedule seemed off. But not so much this morning with 6am boot camp.

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Now, THIS is a technical


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The world needs more convertible-based technicals

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A mid sixties sedan you could mount something more substantial than an M2.

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[CNN] Russia has requested military & financial aid from China


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Zachary's in Oakland and Rockridge is offering specials for Restaurant week.


Lunch special is small thin 2 topping pizza and salad for $20.

Or Prix Fixe specials.

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was at Stonestown yesterday and Blaze Pizza has an offer for a $3.14 pie (if you sign up today) to be made use of by end of month


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I'll sign up for this.

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I just did, but I'm not getting the reward :-/

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I noticed that as well. Maybe it'll show up later today. I'd have to go into Berkeley or Pleasanton to use it so maybe that's not worth it.

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it showed up later today :-)

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Woohoo happy Pi Day!

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This weekend the local Wegman's (grocery store) had a charming section filled with pi day-themed items (mostly pies).

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Although I guess we have until 1:59 pm to get pies.

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took me a second to get that...

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Dang, I forgot to get pies for the office.

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TIL (Today I Was Reminded) that it's Steph's bday...34 yo

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Steph, Klay and Dray back on the court together for the first time since June 2019

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He's just a baby!

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baby-faced (assassin!)

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my best friend from grad school was obsessed with Pi. it was his email address and nickname for most things electronic.

at end of every email was a long text-graphical rendition of pi made up of the first couple hundred digits.

sadly he died young.

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Other viruses

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My daughter had a stomach bug on Saturday and was throwing up all day and night. She seems to have passed it to me as it hit me late last night and I’ve been vomiting every 2 hours.

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Keep up with fluids as much as possible. Popsicles may be a necessity.

Barfing a lot weakens a person fast.

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There's some germ warfare going on in my house right now. Cf-98 picked up some illness from school and was oozing snot from her face and eyes for about a week. The missus picked it up, somehow got a double ear infection (inner AND outer ear), and has been completely wiped out for the past week and a half. Meanwhile I had a slightly sort throat for a few days and a little congestion, so I guess I fought it off pretty well. As far as I'm concerned, living with a toddler is like living with some kind of latent bioweapon.

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Toddlers are walking germ factories...or didn't you get the memo?

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Perfect timing for my immune system that had spent the previous 15 months on vacation thanks to masking/distancing

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The nursery school years were quite something, and coincided with an outbreak of genuine gastric flu in the DC area, that was a shitty few days figuratively and literally

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The joys of parenthood!

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I used to get sick once every 2-3 years. Now I'm lucky to go 2-3 months between colds.

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I assume Cf-98 is patient zero in the house.

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Always. Due to the ongoing pandemic, we didn't enroll her until she was about 11 months old. Within 3 weeks we all got sick. And that was in June, not even during typical cold/flu season.

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My 2 year old basically has a perpetual cough/runny nose ever since she started preschool in the fall. In January it actually was COVID, but otherwise it's just the norm for her to have some kind of cold symptoms.

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got my 2nd dose of Shingles vaccine on Sat. similar to the coronavirus vaccines, i felt somewhat tired and used it as an excuse to take a nap all of Sun afternoon.

you are supposed to get the 2 shots about 6 mo apart. mine ended up being closer to 7 mo, but apparently it is all good.

i had chicken pox when i was a kid, so they recommend the Shingles vaccine > 50.

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I was told the two Shingrix shots were to be two months apart, which is what I had.

Last year was my vaccine year: Moderna-1: April, Moderna-2: May, Shingrix-1: June, Shingrix-2: August.

S1 was nothing; less than even the mild Moderna effects. S2 kicked my ass...fever, headache, sweats for a couple of days. But it was sickness with a known cause, a purpose, and an expected short duration. As opposed to a random sickness, which I've not had for a couple of years #masks

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DBD AV club

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Thanks to the terrible weather over the weekend here in Pittsburgh, I spent a lot of time on Netflix over the weekend.

Season 5 (final season) of The Last Kingdom was great. I am happy to learn that they will apparently adapt the last three books of the series into a TV-movie with some of the same actors. Similar to the previous seasons, there were plenty of heartbreak, redemption, and actors playing different ages like it was more theater than a TV show. It's a bit emotionally dense to binge through, but that's how I had watched the previous 4 seasons.

Season 4 of Drive to Survive. This show had done a great job with making boring F1 seasons to be entertaining. Conversely, I am not sure it did one of the most exciting and controversial F1 season justice here. We got way more of the Mercedes and Red Bulls team principals than before (as well as their wives, the Red Bulls team principal Christian Horner is married to Ginger Spice). The episode about Haas and their new Russian money does make Russian Oligarch Dmitry Mazepin looks like a Bond villain (so glad that they are not involved this year).

Adams Project - Fun time-travel movie that's probably aimed at a younger audience. I have squabbles about how it portrayed the rules of time-travel as well as how the movie apparently does not understand how DNA works. It was an enjoyable 100 minutes though.

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re: "I have squabbles about how it portrayed the rules of time-travel"

I think any depiction of time travel into into the past is going to be fundamentally flawed, since there's no theoretical way of doing it (parallel universes or realities notwithstanding, but that would make "time travel" a semantic debate in terms of what it means).

The future is easy, since we do it by default or our "travel" rate is dilated by our velocity or gravitational experience.. But curious if there's ever been a "time travel into the past" work of fiction that was ever satisfying (again, aside from multiverse).

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I enjoyed the Jules Verne one, years ago

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which one was that?

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The Time Machine

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i.e. H.G. Wells (not Verne)? Either way I dont remember the "rules" of that one per se..

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Mar 14, 2022·edited Mar 14, 2022

Also read a fascinating story on why John Carter (of Mars) failed - basically they say at the end it's not THAT bad, and may end up a cult classic like many sci-fi flops.


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I read that article last week. I found it very interesting. I also liked John Carter when it came out and thought it would become a cult classic.

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I think part of the issue is that the story is weirdly structured. They do this thing where they're keeping you in the dark about everything until right before it happens, and then they use flashbacks to explain the immediate plot developments to you. Kind of makes everything feel arbitrary and unmotivated, like they're just making it up along the way.

So as a production it looks nice and is well-mounted but the story sputters.

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Clear Eyes, Full Hearts

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It's biiiig Tim Riggins for a Panthers first down

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Loved FNL. Definitely top 3-4 TV shows for me.

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Oh, and on my daughter's suggestion we watched Encanto, visually stunning, but kinda thin emotionally I thought - it's no Coco. 15/19WB

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When I visited my sister over New Year's we watched simultaneously with my nephew and his GF. She was born in Cuba then spent her HS and college years in Colombia. Last summer my nephew and his GF visited her family in Colombia and they shared pictures they took on the trip before we watched the movie and some of the pictures were places depicted in the movie. That, and my light knowledge of the history in Colombia made for an enjoyable watch.

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It also isn’t a Pixar film. I find make Disney/non Pixar films to be a step below Pixar.

Also, what I found interesting about Encanto is the whole story takes place in and contained in one house. The “hero” never leaves home on a hero’s quest.

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It struck a cord with my wife and I especially because of our toxic parents.

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I would agree with this, and I also thought that the story was a little abrupt. Loved the music, though.

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Saw the 2021 West Side Story. The musical performances are wonderful, much better, in my opinion, than the older movie. The changes to the story add nice depth, but they also slow down the overall pace, which was already a little slow. In the movie anyway; I never saw the Broadway version. I did see a version by the Los Angeles school for the arts, and it was quite good for high schoolers, and the pacing seems better.

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I liked the new version very much, but the choreography in the original is top-shelf. Maybe the best ever. So I can't agree that the musical performances are better, unless you're just talking about singing.

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Indeed, I was just talking about the singing. Thanks for helping clarify.

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I can see that. It's nice to have actors who do their own signing in this one, while Tony & Maria were dubbed over in the original.

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Attended the Sparks concert at the Warfield in SF on Friday with Atoms - was a great show. No opening act, music spanned a 50 year catalog, set list was clever (as you would expect from these guys) songs commented on the previous song etc...

I described them as my favorite band, which isn't really true, since I don't have one. But I have liked them a long time, and they are a unique band/viewpoint. It was kind of touching at the end, after the encore, and the rest of the band left the stage, the Mael brothers just kinda hung out with the crowd for about 5 - clearly happy with the reception.

Also everyone in the audience kept their masks on throughout the show, which surprised me.

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No, I have not, my introduction to Sparks was a low-wattage college radio station in Alabama.

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Turning Red (new Pixar movie) good.

The Worst Person in the World (Norwegian movie up for some Oscars) . . . REALLY good.

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I watched it without having any idea that it was a teenage Asian-American angst movie and was both pleasantly surprised and unexpectedly triggered. Though, to be fair, I can't completely understand what the main character was going through because AA females have a vastly different experience growing up from AA males.

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Yes, though having grown up around plenty of Asian-American kids I definitely recognized the personality type being depicted here.

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I might need to check out more of his stuff, because this was the first one I've seen and it was great!

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I saw a matinee of Dear Evan Hansen in NYC yesterday. I didn't know much about it, apart from people telling me it was good. I did not expect to spend three hours in an afternoon crying. (19/19, WB).

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Hastings NE has a 'history of kool aid' exhibit in their local museum. It's kind of a big deal to the town.

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Oh yeah!

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i dressed up at the Kool-Aid Man for Halloween once. it was one of my better costumes over the years.

i had small glasses of Kool-Aid to give away w/ the candy when you came to the door back when people didnt think you were trying to poison the children.

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Elsewhere in college

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Mar 14, 2022·edited Mar 14, 2022Author

Kept him around as long as they could to avoid the buyout!

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Iowa's Jordan Bohannon with a marvelous accomplishment. Who's a good boy?


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Ok, you play for one of the storied programs in college baseball...so let's take a shot from a flask in the bullpen during a game.

WATCH: Longhorns Catcher Hoffart Suspended After In-Game Drinking Incident


According to a report, Texas catcher Preston Hoffart has been suspended indefinitely for drinking from a flask in the Longhorns' bullpen during Tuesday's 9-8 win against Texas State in San Marcos.

Video proof of the incident clearly shows Hoffart in full catchers' gear taking a flask from someone in the crowd before kneeling down and drinking at the edge of the Texas bullpen.

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Today in Covid

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Mar 14, 2022·edited Mar 14, 2022

Masks are no longer required for field staff, regardless of vaccination status, when they are working at an outdoor location.

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Well, this weekend; dinner plans cancelled by the restaurant due to a covid outbreak there, called about 3 hours prior to our reservation.

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Starting today, masks optional for all schools my kids attend. Mine are still wearing masks until we go on vacation in early April.

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Oakland schools are still enforcing outdoor mask mandates, which seems nuts to me. Though I think the real culprit is just the district's poor relationship with the union; they have to move very carefully with all of this stuff as a result.

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our schools are mask optional as well but close 90% still wear them in HS

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All schools here are mask optional. My kid says it's a culture war thing. Gen Ed classes are 5% masked. AP classes are 95% masked.

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I don't see many masks walking around, but I still do see a fair number in stores.

A few in the gym. I wear it when I enter, remove it when I run, and put it back on on the cycles. Since I remove it when I run I probably should just keep it off all the time in the gym.

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I don't see a lot of masks on the street anymore. In stores I see fewer than before but still probably more than 50% are masked. The only place I go that's still enforcing rules is the Kennedy Center. You have to be masked inside the building and have to show proof of vax if you're going to a show.

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The 9:30 club is still enforcing that at all their properties as well

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I think mask mandates are very personal with some surprising personal choices by friends/family - some more/less restrictive. To apply George Carlin, "anyone who drives slower than you is a moron. Anyone who drives faster is a maniac."

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Carlin had it right. And reading that quote, I can hear him saying it in my head.

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I’m mulling what I will do when the airplane mandate is revoked. Tbh I’ve felt like the airport gate area is much more of a potential transmission site than the actual plane.

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I agree with your statement. At least on the plane you have HEPA filters and the air is recycled frequently.

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AFAIK actual airplanes are extremely safe environments when it comes to disease transmission. And yeah, it's because of the air filtration.

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Around 2007, some colleagues of mine got funding to measure the bioburden in aircraft cabin air. Basically, they were paid to fly around the world, sitting on planes and collecting air samples. There was more microbial diversity than expected.I haven't really kept up on the field since then.

Here's the link: https://www.nature.com/articles/ismej200811

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A quick scan shows they separated only by domestic and international. I wonder if it depends on the airlines. For example, I wonder if the big 4 filter better than someone like Spirit Airlines. Maybe they change their filters more often.

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Also if you have independent air nozzles you can basically set up your own ventilation in front of your face, which I’ve always done because I overheat on planes

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My one flight during the height of covid I didn't even turn my air on, which is unusual for me. This was August of 2020. Luckily I had basically no one within 5 rows ahead or behind me and maybe 2 rows on the other side and I sat on my window and they at their windows.

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I see case rates are edging back up in western European countries which dropped mask mandates, which in turn drove a resumption of hostilities on Twitter between the forces of “we’re all doomed” versus “haven’t you heard, public mitigation is over” so that was jolly

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some people still wear masks or as required but on the whole people are just roaming around like normal around here in NYC and suburbs.

i went to one restaurant where they checked my vaccine app but they said it was no longer city-mandated. each restaurant could decide what to do on its own ...

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Here in SF, people still mask up. Was in LA for a few days last week, and masks were much less common. Even at an indoor (crowded) industry event. Prob 3 out of 150 people has masks.

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Had a bad experience with masking in SF over the weekend. Not saying this is the worst thing in the world, just a frustrating time.

We tried to bring our kids to the Walt Disney Family Museum in the Presidio. I didn't fully realize it, but it's not the most kid-friendly place. More of an adult museum than the name would suggest. Even so, my 2-year-old daughter is a big Mickey Mouse fan so we figured she might get a kick out of it. Well, as 2-year-olds are wont to do, that day she got it in her head that she would not keep her mask on. Kept ripping it off no matter what. Most places don't really care if little kids keep their masks on (recognizing that below a certain age it's unrealistic to expect full compliance), but the Disney Museum people DEFINITELY did! Their many docents kept "politely" suggesting to me that if the masking was going to be hard for her maybe we should come back another day.

So we left without seeing most of the exhibits (they refunded us). It's just the museum's policy and not any requirement from the city, but I was frustrated at the lack of flexibility. You'd think a Disney property would be a little more understanding. What I did see seemed pretty cool, but I guess I'll have to go back without kids some time.

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My impression was that the Disney properties are the most strict about rules.

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that's surprising. both the mask aspect and the thrust of the museum.

I guess it's the "Walt Disney Family" Museum, not the "Walt Disney" Family Museum...

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That's pretty much it. It's a museum about the life of Walt Disney, as presented by his family, not a "family museum."

Their attitude seemed pretty antithetical to what Walt himself probably would have preferred, but oh well.

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I did get to see that part and that was very cool.

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East Bay masking has certainly become lax. I went to a few shows this weekend and the overall feeling is, "please show your vaxx card and wear a mask to get in, but we don't care what you do after that." I met friends at Telegraph beer garden before the Judas Priest show saturday and had to show my vaxx card, but was not wearing a mask. The bouncer told me just to wear it if I went inside to order food/beer. Luckily there was also an outside bar that didn't require masks.

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always has been.

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Very much so

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The A's trade Olsen to the Braves for OF Cristian Pache, C Shea Langeliers, SP Ryan Cusick and SP Joey Estes.

Which probably means Freeman to the Dodgers, unless the Yankees want him over Rizzo.

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As a Braves fan, I definitely feel like the Braves gave up quite a bit in this deal. Langeliers might end up being the best prospect in the deal and Pache could be a post-hype breakout this season. Cusick got a great arm and Estes is a pretty good throw-in as a future lotto type of prospect. This is much much more than what the Braves gave up back in the day for Tim Hudson.

I just hope that Freddie Freeman does get some insane amount of money from a team for a contract that goes for too long. I also hope that Olson signs a small extension with the Braves (team only has two years of control).

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It's sad what the A's are doing. Poor Cugel & Newellbany.

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I'm unhappy with the current ownership. They suck.

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The owners need to sell to someone that wants to keep them in Oakland and wants to spend money.

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loan me $5B and I'll do it

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They can also give me $5B. (Nothing about what I'll do.)

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SF Giants get their SP centerpiece by signing Carlos Rodon. He played HS ball two towns south of me.


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Mar 14, 2022·edited Mar 14, 2022

I hate that deal. I like the player, but injuries.

If you get 150 innings out of him, you're lucky.

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LOL. Seems likely he was trying to move to another team (49ers?) and his "retirement" was to trick the Bucs into releasing him from his contract. They called his bluff and now he's back in Tampa.

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Kershaw back to the Dodgers for 1/17 + incentives. I figured all along that if there was any interest he'd be back with the Dodgers or retire. Apparently Rangers were a maybe and I assume only if the Dodgers weren't interested (no way that was going to happen).

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Fernando Tatis Jr out 3 months with wrist surgery. Kid is injury prone.

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Is this a recent injury? I'm hoping it isn't a Shaq "I got injured on company time I'll heal on company time" situation.

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He was in a motorcycle accident in December, so there's, um, THAT....smh.

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So instead of Shaq, we have Jeff Kent?

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I guess he's been getting advice from Jeff Kent.

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Great minds o/

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Heh...Padres gonna Padres. They've got like what, another 12 years of this?

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He should have surgery one his shoulder while they're in there fixing his wrist.

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Yup...even if he's back in end of June, you know that shoulder is going to remain an issue. He could re-injure it on any swing, any dive, ANY play!

Kills my fantasy team tho ;-)

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That's why he should've had it in Sept when the Pads tanked. Look at Bellinger. His shoulder affected him all year and he had it right after the WS. Tatis is getting bad advice from someone.

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[MLB] Yankees give a pair to Twins. Yankees get three Twins. Or is that Triplets?


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I recently learned that the corresponding term for twins or triplets for a single child is "singleton."

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[Hockey] Milwaukee Admiral's Mathieu Oliver goes 1978-style while wearing his team's throw-back Raggedy Andy/Fish Fry jersey.


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[Golf] The 17th hole at Sawgrass is hard enough under normal conditions. With 35 MPH headwinds, it was eating players for lunch.


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Memphis wears home whites on the road. Hilarity ensues.


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A prime example of why the NBA's existing uniform policy is stupidly vague. Teams don't actually have "home" and "road" uniforms anymore, just that the home team can wear one of their 6 or 7 different combos and the road team has to wear something that contrasts.

They need something more concrete. If teams just want to wear their dark colors at home now (as most football teams do), then fine . . . designate the white jerseys as the road look and everyone knows what to expect.

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How is that possible? Doesn't the NBA have a requirement that the home team has precedence and the visitors must contrast?

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Yes. And yet, here we are.

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Coulda done shirts vs skins

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heh..make them put on the mesh pullovers.

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Kirk Cousins signs 1-year $35m extension that will count $45m against cap

[Cousins]: "I am thrilled for the opportunity to play for Kevin and could not be more excited about the direction of our team."

[Vikings fans]: 😐

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Cousins has made some ridiculous amount of money in his career by signing a bunch of one year guaranteed contracts. I believe he has made $231 million dollars.

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Player from third division team in Thailand not happy with foot contact by opponent from university team. Red carded, then sacked from team.


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Tom Brady

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Too much drama with that guy.

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Craves the attention that Rodgers was getting.

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Lakers are awful. Lose badly to Suns.

granted the Suns are good. but the Lakers looked like a one-man team.

is Westbrook not playing at all anymore?

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If LeBron doesn't score 50 they are very bad.

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Even when he scores 50, they are very bad. And it is only going to go downhill from here.

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Westbrook plays a TON - guy gives all he's got.

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Plenty of effort, just can't make a shot.

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Does he still have college eligibility left? He'd fit right in with this Cal team.

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Go Bears!!!

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[WGYM] Senior-heavy Cal ends the regular season in style, scoring the second highest score in their dual meet history.


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TIL: Cal's women's gymnastics team has its own bear mascot head. Might be better than Oski, but vaguely makes me want to buy fabric softener.


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It's a new thing this season. I'll try to get the story behind it this week, if I do get to interview them this week as planned.

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Those black, vacant, soulless eyes are unnerving.

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Our beloved Oski may have dead eyes but this is significantly more terrifying. But if the team likes it I ain't standing in the way.

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Mar 14, 2022·edited Mar 14, 2022

I emailed Knowlton a fair, somewhat dispassionate message asking for at least a pragmatic approach to an extension for Fox...ie wait until year 4 at least, and a full cycle of recruits, etc. Though I think it would behoove the program to move on ASAP, I never thought there was much of a chance he would not be getting at least a 4th season.

He emailed me back the following day - a very fair and sincere message...I was somewhat impressed, actually. While I do not necessarily agree, it’s safe to say we can probably expect Fox for another year or two at the least, and that the administration views the COVID restraints by the CoB as the primary reason for the Bears lack of success on the basketball court. Again, the pandemic had zero impact on Fox’s 9 seasons at UGA, and what we’ve seen is pretty similar, but we can expect Fox to be around awhile. Hope he recruits better.

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Mar 14, 2022·edited Mar 14, 2022

I'll give him credit, he's a charmer. And despite his on the court persona, Fox can be pretty charming too. They've done a good job of pulling from the same talking points and convincing the right people of the same excuses. Still, it's really important that Knowlton hears from us, so glad you took the extra step to write him. I think Cal Basketball has become such a lost cause and invisible for so many, that they are operating in something of a vacuum. They are really just hearing from and talking to a very small group is how I read the situation.

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Sounds like my experience corresponding with Knowlton. It appears he is extending too much grace to Fox for dealing with 2 years of COVID. Frustrating at this time of year, where we all want to be excited for our program, but we look around and have little reason for optimism.

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Hell, I'd argue NO reason for optimism, based on Fox's track record at UGA and now at Cal.

I mean, the Bears have zero scholarships available, so barring a transfer out, THIS is the team next year...they're more likely take a step back, actually, which is brutal.

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Went to the baseball game yesterday. We got destroyed. UofA dropped 9 on us in the first, but such a great environment. I haven't been to too many baseball games at Evans, but I'd never seen the place so full.

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Mar 14, 2022·edited Mar 14, 2022

My senior year of HS, my pops and I squired off to Omaha for the '92 CWS. That was a great Cal team - Campo's Jon Zuber, Matt Luke, Troy Penix, Chris Clapinski, Geoff Blum, Mike Cather...helluva squad. Had game 1 v. Miami won but they gagged it and lost in extra innings. Their next game, some little lefty named Tim Davis from Fla State handcuffed them and the Bears were sent home. But man, an all-time great Cal event to hit. I highly recommend the College World Series for any baseball fan...it's pure.

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My senior year in Omaha in '88, and I got my Cal spring '89 admission letter the same week of Cal's games. I couldn't get tickets, but got my first Cal swag from the vendors. That year, Cal went 0-2 as well, losing to ASU and Florida. The Pac had 3 teams in, with Stanford beating the Sun Devils to take the championship.

I was in Omaha in 2011, and saw Cal lose to the Wahoos in their first round game. I agree on the 'pure' comment. Omaha pours their heart and soul into the CWS.

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Mar 14, 2022·edited Mar 14, 2022

I miss Johnny Rosenblatt Stadium.

Incidentally, I still have that '92 CWS t-shirt...I bought it from a vendor out front of Rosenblatt, and then spent 15 minutes chatting with Geoff Blum, a FR on that Cal team who was only a couple years older than me. Great dude. The only size they had was an XL, so I bought it but didn't actually wear it until the early 2000's because it was too big. It's part of my rotation....the funny thing is, the former Mrs. Jimmy Chitwood was born just a couple of years before I bought it...smh.

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When the CWS moved from Rosenblatt to the new downtown ballpark, people thought it would lose some of the folksy feel. While it did become more commercialized, the more centrallized (and flexible) surrounding area gave rise to more group events and more of a "big tent" feel to the whole thing.

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I used to go all the time in my last two years at Cal, which coincided with Tyson Ross. I also recall watching Marcus Semien, but I think I was in grad school at the time.

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