Rating the Bears: Cal vs. San Diego State Football
A great second half outweighs an uneven first half
This should sound familiar: the Cal defense puts an overmatched offense in a headlock for 60 minutes while the Cal offense bumbles around for a half before exploding for several TDs in a short span. That seems to be the script for every game against FCS and G5 foes. While that could pose challenges for rating the game—do you penalize the offense for its first-half struggles, let the second-half outburst overcome the first half, or average the two?—we have plenty of experience with these kinds of games, so I’m sure you have all carefully honed your rating approach for such uneven games. Let’s see how the ratings unfolded.
Rating the Bears
Jet Thomas and the ground game earned the highest ratings of the week while the pass defense only forced two interceptions and had to settle for second. Nearly everything else cleared the 70-point mark (special teams baaarely missed the cut) to cement a solid performance across the board. Most intruigingly, our predictions of a win over Florida State have nearly doubled thanks to Cal’s 3-0 start and FSU’s shocking 0-3 record.
Ratings Comparison
Here’s how the SDSU game compared to all our previous games against G5 opponents in recent years.

Except for pass offense and coaching, everything is above the 75th percentile. Run offense set a new record high, which is quite a feat in a group of data points anchored by stars such as Jaydn Ott, Patrick Laird, Daniel Lasco, and Shane Vereen.
Compared to the rest of the Wilcox Era, Saturday’s ratings were all better-than-usual.
It’s not quite as rosy as the comparison to prior G5 games, but this performance still compares quite favorably to games over Wilcox’s previous seven seasons.
We have three sets of awards with several new faces in each category.
Sunshine Pumpers
First, our highest ratings of the week. As usual Calamo carries the sunshine-pumping flag. This time she’s joined by Hough_janus, whose name sounds like a throwback to David Shaw [weird and obscure insult], who would always post perfect scores.
Even the non-perfect scores are pretty generous.
Old Blues
Next, the worst scores of the week.
A couple failing grades this week…
The Voice of Reason
Finally, we have those whose grades were closest to the community averages. The parentheses next to a name denote the number of times that reader has won this award previously this season.
Several repeat recipients this week as AKBear posts an extremely rare sub-3.00 score. Sometimes we go an entire season without anyone breaking the 3.00 mark.
Next, let’s have a look at the comments. Will someone mention the card stunt fiasco? Let’s see…
Any comments on the gameday experience?
Willis Chong: Hey students, appreciate the enthusiasm but when entire alumni sections tell you to stop throwing stuff, you better believe security isn't far behind
T: ESPN's 3:30 commercial breaks are just too long. The UC Davis game (ACC network?) were only 2:00 or 2:30 minutes.
the mic man had no control over the student section and it didn't help that the student section speakers are broken. They've been broken since last season.
and why is stadium speaker music playing over the marching band pre-game? what dumbass thinks fans want to hear pop music drowning out the marching band!
Bear19: Students throwing cards was an excellent use of cardboard.
TKE Prytanis 79: Nice to see the large crowd for a meh evening opponent...and I don't mind raucous students...better than the alternative!
Calboy76: The students throwing "stuff", I'm guessing at the opposing team, need to removed from the game. 2 penalties is reason enough.
fuzzywuzzy: Apparently there isn't a large SDSU presence at the sports bar I was at, even though it's 30 minutes from SDSU campus; maybe it's just a fair weather area? Either way, enjoyed watching with my wife (SDSU alum AND employee), and fellow Cal alums. Nice to cleanse the pallet after the last time we played SDSU, and also good that my wife knew which sport was being played. She was more upset that Tito's wasn't used for her martini.
Frisco Bear: First thing I noticed was how nice it was that there was no "hype" person. The person announcing promotions was competent and not over the top.
Even though Coach Wilcox suggests nothing be done about the Cal student section, take the cards away for the next game. I'm surprised UCPD couldn't spot the person(s) throwing the card from their spot in the press box.
Was nice to see how happy some of the HS kids were afterwards for getting to march on the field with the Cal Band at halftime.
wiata78: ESPN camerawork often looked like a rollercoaster. Brock was not worth listening to.
What was the deal with that targeting call???
But the team did great to come back after a crapfilled first half.
Rose Bowl Oski: I know all stadiums are doing this, but can we just stop the constant assault on the senses? We don't need piped-in music every moment between plays. Maybe let Cal Band play during the ever-annoying ESPN timeouts?
What are your thoughts on Cal's passing game?
MBrew3: Did enough to support the run game.
Kj1980: It is mediocre. The two hard sacks reminded us all of the limits on the O lines' ability to protect the passer.
trilljester: Mendoza really found his passing game in the second half. Credit to the Aztecs for putting a lot of pressure on him, but he adjusted nicely in the second half with quick routes. Beautiful pass to Hunter to seal the game off after the huge run from Calloway.
Calboy76: A bit of a let down from last week but good enough to win on Saturday night
1988goldenbear: Once they figured out that SDSU was going to blitz constantly, the quick drop and throw strategy worked great. The QB runs worked great most of the time to offset the aggressiveness of the SDSU defense. The o-line was overmatched at the start in intensity, but picked things up as the game went on. Ott is a way better protector than Jet, and he was missed. So many penalties...
sacalum: I like 'Nando's quick release when he spots an open receiver. But six sacks? I find myself holding my breath with each snap from center.
What are your thoughts on Cal's running game?
MBrew3: Great today, good push by the oline, and Jet ran hard.
Kj1980: Solid. And without Jaden Ott. He did not play a down and we had a great rushing game.
trilljester: Outstanding run offense this week. Huge chunk plays were what got the Bears on track. The solid running game finally opened up the passing game which is what this team is built around. Well done to the O-Line for creating giant holes for the backs.
AKBear: Dominant! And this with an OL in flux and without Ott! Wow!
fuzzywuzzy: Beastly. Did a nice job, even without Ott...good to see Ott not being needed.
Frisco Bear: Without Ott and 2 Offensive Linemen, after the first 10 minutes, they started rolling. Then in the 2nd half they started steamrolling. This patchwork O-line is starting to gel, which can only mean good things later for the Bears.
Goldenone: Effective but need to improve blocking schemes
BrooklynBear: Was that end around to J Martin (#17) negated by the "holding" his first play of the season? And a lot of love to see J Wiley (#28) getting a couple carries.
What are your thoughts on Cal's pass defense?
Willis Chong: Got more picks. Got some pressure on the QB. Hats off to the defense- they played 4 quarters and had extended playing time thanks the few bad apple students
T: tackle instead of trying to pop the ball loose
KillingmeSofele: Continues to be a strength. Only getting better. Takers.
Frisco Bear: Deceptive outcome. SDSU started a local kid making his first start in the shadow of his hometown. The D did what they had to do and looked good doing it. Just curious as to if the D was that good or if SDSU's offense was that bad...
GlueAndBold: Only two interceptions? Sooo embarrassing!
What are your thoughts on Cal's run defense?
trilljester: Cal's front guys really did well in shutting down the run. Credit is due to the linebacker corps again for being solid and not letting anything big to the outside.
TKE Prytanis 79: Their RB was stout, but we took care of business
1988goldenbear: Contained a quick and shifty RB for most of the game. But like the pass defense, it's hard to judge because SDSU had so many drive-killing penalties that erased big gains and key conversions.
Frisco Bear: Did what they had to do to win. Adjusted well after the first few drives and kept SDSU in check.
GlueAndBold: Reasonably solid. SDSU tends to field a pretty decent rushing attack.
What are your thoughts on Cal's special teams?
MBrew3: We need Coe to figure it out.
BTown85: Boy, missed FGs haven’t bitten us yet, butt…..
trilljester: Cal finally has a great kicker again! Although he missed the long FG attempt at the end of the half, he was on target. Punts were great too. Overall the special teams did awesome.
TKE Prytanis 79: slightly jittery that our very strong kicker has now missed two he should have made...needs to clean that up
KillingmeSofele: Coe could be really good at some point but the poor performance thus far is frustrating.
Frisco Bear: Fair job tonight. Short men on kickoff returns need more practice fielding kicks. It's evident teams are going to kick away from the deep guys, so the short men need to work on their hands.
Missed a makeable FG at the end. Not going to hold the 62 yarder against Coe. Although his one make must might have gone 62 itself.
Other than one punt that got a favorable Cal bounce, Wilson displayed his typical awesomeness and is a front runner for the Ray Guy award.
Bowlesman80: Are we cursed for field goal kicking? Does Coe have a case of nerves? How can we help him? Coe does great on KOs, meanwhile Wilson keeps doing an awesome job.
GlueAndBold: I'd much rather hit 90% of FGs under 40 yards than 50% of over 45. This will definitely bite us in the future
Rose Bowl Oski: Nice to finally see a longish FG made!
What are your thoughts on the coaching staff's performance?
Willis Chong: 1. Hail mary was a much better play call to end the first half
2. Came out flat as we all feared
3. Team wasn't particularly disciplined today
Please do better for next week
trilljester: Is Justin Wilcox going to be the new hype man for the Bears? Him shouting at the crowd to stop throwing things on the field was awesome. Overall, the penalties should have hurt the Bears a lot but SDSU was even more undisciplined. Coaching staff needs to focus on that this week. Reduce the dumb penalties. Overall, both sides looked good though.
TKE Prytanis 79: Is it coaching or the team that results in these slow starts to lesser teams???
Calboy76: They weren't on the field making dumb penalties but they'll need to remind the players that stuff will cost you a win versus a better opponent.
1988goldenbear: We looked unprepared from the start, just like against UC Davis. Good adjustments (to change the passing scheme to quicker throws) and get pressure on the QB defensively. Calling time out on that fortunate 1st down spot was a disaster - they need to know enough to run that play no matter what it is. I know they will be as fired up from the start next weekend as they were at Auburn!
sacalum: I can only guess that the coaches are making meaningful changes at halftime.
fuzzywuzzy: Did they know SDSU would blitz that much? You'd think they would have, or maybe they rolled that out for us, but Mendo took a lot of hits. Other than that, good game plan - but we had a few too many penalites.
GlueAndBold: Good second half adjustments but they absolutely have to protect Mendoza more.
What are your thoughts on Cal's overall performance?
Willis Chong: We won on what looked like the makings of a trap game. So kudos to the team there. Also, can the refs stop calling targeting on us?
MBrew3: Nope, hopefully they win next week, I’m a little worried about a youth movement at FSU.
Kj1980: I am not sure what to make of this Cal team. Beating Auburn was great. Playing weak first halves against UC Davis and San Diego State is disappointing. We need a blowout to boost team morale and show what we can do.
Gobears157: Tail of two halves again. Play like this again and we’re playing with fire. Despite fsu’s record, we might hand them their first win if we don’t shape up.
TKE Prytanis 79: 3-0....drop the mic....next week is HUUUUGE
1988goldenbear: We were really lucky that SDSU is such an undisciplined team, because without those drive-killing penalties we probably lose this game. It seemed like almost every big gain and even one or two scoring plays were reversed on holds or lineman downfield calls. SDSU pretty much smashed us in the face from the start. But good strategic changes and breakout games from Jet and Calloway saved the day.
sacalum: Need to clean up the penalties. And the student section needs to understand it is supposed to help the team, not hurt it.
fuzzywuzzy: I'd like to think that SDSU cheated more than they were flagged for, which I don't think we'll see the rest of the year, but there were definitely things to work on - but it was good experience for Mendo to start working those blitzes, and he figured that out as the game went on. Nice to see a dominant run game. Something tells me FSU will make some personnel adjustments for us next week...GO BEARS
Frisco Bear: The refs sucked. The targeting call was (expletive deleted). Sitting in the stands with them coming back on an apparent review of a completion, only to find a targeting penalty. I'm surprised that they didn't come back and say that Justin Wilcox owed $3000 from his tax return from 2021 too. There also didn't appear to be a warning of consequences to the student section (not that there NEEDED to be - stuff simply shouldn't be thrown on the field), but nagging them 3 times and then throwing a penalty flag seemed to be missing a logical step in the process.
Back to the Bears...again, this has the potential to be a pretty special season, particularly with all of the airline miles they will log. If I haven't been an ardent Bear fan for over 50 years, I'd start to get excited...
GlueAndBold: Surprise cover! And not even close to getting cursed by getting ranked.
Texashaterforlife: good, hoping it would have been better in the first half
Rose Bowl Oski: The slow start came as no surprise, with this game against a B opponent sandwiched between two important road trips. Glad to finally see Cal put away an opponent.
Thanks to all who participated! Check back Saturday night (or Sunday morning or whenever) for a link to the Florida State ratings form in the insta-recap.
Agree with Willis Chong. This was simultaneously a hangover game, post-Auburn, and a trap game, pre-FSU. Cal had a blah first half but didn't do anything tragic, then righted the ship. You can't be 100% on fire every moment of every game. I'm sure the guys will be pumped up for tomorrow and the coaches will have the game prep all set.
In pre game warmups it was obvious that Cal came out "flat" for this game. A lot of the players were being lazy during drills by not going full speed on pass routes, just going through the motions on blocking drills, walking to the next drill by some of them, and worst of all their team run out on the field before kickoff was so blasé. This can happen after a big emotional win and you think you have a pushover opponent coming up.