Write For California X WarriorsWorld: The Final Day To Order
You wanted Cal merch from Write for Cal? We did it with the best Bay Area sports merch creator.
Oski? Marshawn? Golf Cart? Cal? Write for Cal? WarriorsWorld?
We know some of the readership has been wanting Cal gear from us.
Short sleeve shirts?
Long sleeve shirts?
The shop has them all.
And we wouldn’t be a fan blog without giving back to our community. Part of the proceeds from the sales of this merch line will be donated to the Basic Needs program at Cal to help any students with basic needs help. It includes food, housing and financial support, along with health care, technology help and transportation
Thanks to WarriorsWorld who came up with the design and will be handling the orders for us!
Make sure to order your gear as this is a limited time release and may or may not be coming back anytime soon!
The final day to preorder is today!
Orders are open on shopwarriorsworld.net
Go Bears. Go Warriors.
Write for Cal x Warriors World.
In ordered mine on the first day. Any idea when they'll be sent?