
Just the other day, the WFC writers and I were discussing as to where that 6 month investigative benchmark went. Well here we are. A justified decision.

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Glad this happened. No athletic department should tolerate this kind of stuff, even from a "winner".

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It's still not clear to me why this took this long. Does Cal get to pay less (or none) for firing McKeever now versus if they had made this decision during the summer? It would have also been nice had Cal Athletics made some concrete statements on the changes that will protect student-athletes NOW.

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The sheer breadth of allegations really outlines how much this stuff was ignored until the OC Register reporting meant that the AD could no longer keep their head in the sand. It's really hard to imagine that Cal's current athletic department leadership can regain trust

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Knowlton next, plz. Then Fox. Who am I kidding? I don't care who's next as long as they both hit the road. Jfc what a clusterFck for this entire dept.

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Jan 31, 2023·edited Jan 31, 2023

Knowlton has to be fired as well if he ignored complaints…

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his seat just got considerably warmer if it wasn't already

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I can't be alone in wishing this headline was followed by news of Fox. But I'm glad to see the AD take this action given what sounds like substantiated concerns.

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I haven’t read the report, obviously, but I’m glad the university thoroughly investigates and acts on allegations of abuse. I wish the university would also act on poor job performance. I don’t think these things need to be mutually exclusive.

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I believe Knowlton is still reading the 500 page report on Fox

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Report cost $2 million to produce!

She could have had the decency to bow out and say "Whoops, sorry, I guess I was a little rough on some of the ladies" instead of making them go through this huge investigation. She had been so awful to so many for so long, that it took a ton of legwork to document it all. So disgusting and shameful. That will be her epitaph. Instead of "Leader of National and Olympic Champions," it will be "So awful to so many for so long."

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Needed to happen. McKeever brought this on herself and no amount of success can justify this pattern of abuse.

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I'm curious as to whether the report will eventually be made public.

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The report is public, though heavily redacted in parts for reasons both good (protecting the identities of those interviewed) and bad (protecting those in the AD): https://wpdash.medianewsgroup.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/01/MTO-Investigation-Report-re-Teri-McKeever-CPRA-Redactions-Applied.pdf

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I thought it was basketball, football and AD......lol!

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Good, now do Fox.

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What a LOSER.

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Hey, we're in the ESPN top headlines for the first time in forever. We do exist.

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"[V]erbal abuse and emotional abuse."

At least there's no sexual abuse accusations.

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what about the emotional abuse us fans/alums are experiencing due to Fox & Wilox?

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LOL. Well said.

Cardiac Cal.

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Not good. Even worse if it goes to court. Dirty laundry will get AIRED. For EVERYONE.

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