
There's nothing wrong with Cal Basketball that money can't fix...

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let me just get some money from my money tree!

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Truth. But maybe more importantly a desire to fix it.

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What is desire but a willingness to raise and spend the money required?

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Using us as an example, I think Cal has at points had more of a desire to succeed, but hasn't had comparable resources. And that desire has at times allowed us to punch above our weight (think Braun). The thing that has been missing to me with MBB since Cuonzo left is a basic desire for Cal MBB to be successful. No, we don't have great resources. But the lack of care has resulted in us misusing the resources we have. Look at a department like WSU. They have far less resources than Cal, but the desire is there and as a consequence they make better decisions that allows them to make the most of their resources.

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I would agree that the last two hires (and many other decisions over the past half-decade) have felt like settling. Cal does not have unlimited resources, but I think we'd both agree they have been deploying the resources they do have in especially careless ways.

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Now do Knowlton!

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maybe the guy who hired him should follow him out the door

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Thank you, Mark Fox, for your efforts. Success is neither easy nor guaranteed, at Berkeley in particular. Best to you and your family.

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You’re a better person than me because Mark Fox was one of those rare failures that was so bad at his job that it felt insulting to see him on the sidelines. If he had resigned, I would have more respect for him but he was a failure who didn’t have the decency to walk away.

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Sort of how Tom Holmoe recognized he wasn't succeeding at Cal and resigned rather than be fired in 2001?

Although I will admit that Head Coaching contracts *heavily* incentive coaches to play out the string and get fired, rather than resign when it's obvious a change is needed.

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Thank you for your kind comment. I suppose hope springs eternal and, with failure being a great teacher, he may have figured with just more time he could turn it around.

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Are you kidding? Knowlton paid this loser millions to destroy the basketball program. What are you, a Fox relative? GOOD-BYE

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At last our long basketball nightmare is over

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Depends on who we hire next...

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2 yrs of Wyking, 4 of Fox, attendance & program have bottomed out. Straight-up massive rebuild, systemic. & no one trusts the AD to make the right hire regardless. Yet, something in the human brain defaults to "it can't get worse"...

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What would "worse" look like? 0 wins? Averaging 400 attendees per game? It's not inconceivable, but it starts to get into "unprecedented amongst high-major programs" territory.

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Aren't we already in "unprecedented" territory. I thought I read somewhere that no major program had this many 20 loss seasons in a row. or over the same span.

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Mar 10, 2023·edited Mar 10, 2023

We're already in unprecedented space, but could be going into the great frontier of unknowns at this point. Is a winless season possible?

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Agreed, this is basically rock bottom.

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Mar 10, 2023·edited Mar 10, 2023

Yes it can get worse. As long as Knowlton hirers the next flunkey we’ll out how worse it can get.

Let's face it. If the Physics or Chemistry Depts/Schools were this bad holy hell would be the order of the day.

The Egg Heads who really run Cal could care less about sports. Everything else is just rearranging deck chairs on the Titanic.

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Many may be too young to recognize the paraphrase of newly-sworn President Gerald Ford after Nixon’s resignation. https://youtu.be/HLyX4DbE6Hc

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Got it immediately. Well done.

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We need an image of Fox giving the peace signs in front of a helicopter

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It only continues. Wiking Jones, Fox, they've destroyed Cal Basketball

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Mar 9, 2023·edited Mar 9, 2023

"This was a difficult decision and one that I do not take lightly." Blabbity, blabbity, f'ing blab! It would also be appropriate to say, "though Fox is a good guy, on-court results matter. They matter to our players, to our fans, alumni, and to our institution. The results that Fox delivered are simply unacceptable." These statements are always full of posturing, but why make a statement that postures in the completely wrong f'ing direction Knowlton!!!

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If this was a 'difficult decision' then God help us identifying an EASY decision...

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I installed firefox on my laptop. Thanks Mozilla!

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As inevitable as this feels, it was not impossible for us to imagine that Knowlton would not act. So I feel relief. May this be our nadir. Fiat Lux!

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Hey PolyAnna. Get a grip on reality.

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Wow. I'm sorry you got your lunch pail stolen this morning but don't take it out on the rest of us. If you aren't able to have any hope, or believe in Fiat Lux, then I'm truly sorry for you.

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Hey a grip on reality. CB91 is spot on. CB91 obviously you haven't seen this repeated over and over and over and over again since Pappi Waldorf in his later years.

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I'm just gobsmacked that Knownothinglton would have the guts to say "this was a difficult decision". If THIS was a difficult decision then he has no business being anywhere near another athletic department. I'm super late to noknowlton bandwagon, but boy oh boy the incompetence is incredible.

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Wow it happened faster than I thought!

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Not me..... Easiest decision since..... [cue Progressive Insurance Ad].....

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Me as well.

Hopefully it shows he has a plan!

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Mar 9, 2023·edited Mar 9, 2023

Ah, but do we know the quality of that plan?

If the plan is to outsource the hire to another consultant firm, then why do we need Jim Knowlton?

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Hopefully some knowledgeable donors take control.

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So, how much are you donating?

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Until Knowlton and Christ are gone, my $ goes to the CA Legends Collective.

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The plan is, there is no plan

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Parted ways? Screw that just say we dumped his losing, incompetent #$% at long last!! Praise be Oski!

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Do any WfC writers think Mark Fox will get any coaching job (assistant or HC) at the Division I level ever again?

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I personally believe no more HC jobs but I can see a team taking a flier on him as a defensive specialist (even with regressing Cal defenses)

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I don't think Knowlton will survive the McKeever investigation...thus will not be doing the hiring!

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We need a MBB coach before the McKeever situation plays out unfortunately. So many expenses legal consequences that they'll have to take their time with building a case first before they will ever relieve him. It is possible, however, that they might take the decision out of his hands. When Cuonzo was hired the former vice-chancellor Wilton worked around Barbour to get that done. I think she had fallen out of favor after the Dykes hire. The story was she was ready to move on DeCuire when Wilton intervened.

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Allahu Akbar!!

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With apologies to Star Trek III...


My God, Carol, what have I done?


What you had to do; what you always do: turn death into a fighting chance to live.

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Eh, this feels more like Carol from Walking Dead. Causing all the problems, and then lamenting that she's just doing what needs to be done.

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"Walking Dead" is pretty much what *Carol* is doing to Cal Athletics...

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