Study on you, Bears!

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Fantastic news. Roll on you student athletes.

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Great news, now if we could just add a few more wins (or a few less avoidable losses)

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Go Bears! Scholar-athlete University.

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Go Bears!

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Looking good! I'm still a bit scarred from the late-Tedford era scores. Seems like we've achieved a reasonable balance here.

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depends on how many athletes we're turning away based on GPA-or-whatever. I'd trade a few APR points for a few 4 and 5 star recruits.

Does anyone know if we still have the restrictions that we had post-Tedford?

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I doubt we've been turning away very many at all who would consider coming here. But, yes, we should be juicing the APR so we can take some calculated risks, not optimizing for APR.

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This is the level of student-athletic performance that should be the NCAA standard. How did Stanford perform? And how do our scores compare with the teams in our new conference?

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A big departure from the Jeff Tedford years where football was at the bottom of the Pac12. A huge embarrassment and intolerable for Cal alumni, contributing to his being fired. Say what you will about Coach Wilcox, he’s delivering balanced results. In this era of NIL, college can still contribute to the academic maturity of a young person and allow them to earn a university degree. No doubt the Cameron center has made a big impact here, too. We can be proud as Cal alumni and fans.

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I would rather see the football success of the Tedford years though and all the great players we had 20 years ago.

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