Which Golden Bear will finish with the top record in the NFC?
Goff got it. I’m so happy. I wanna see that little turd from LA eat his words (McVay).
Turd from LA is too kind of a description for that little bag of skin filled with feces
Great receiver blocking on that TD (hint hint). Lions will be so tough if Montgomery comes back full strength.
Van Ginkel is a problem, my goodness.
He's a bully.
Actually, kind of a jerk, not in a good, Evan Weaver way.
So much for the shootout they thought would happen…
Great 4th down conversion.
Love the "everyone but the center" calls.
Wait Cam didn’t say Cal. Said his high school….booo on him….
One of my friends in my Cal group chat went to Centennial. We are giving it to him lol.
Go Goff! Represent Cal!
Goff got it. I’m so happy. I wanna see that little turd from LA eat his words (McVay).
Turd from LA is too kind of a description for that little bag of skin filled with feces
Great receiver blocking on that TD (hint hint). Lions will be so tough if Montgomery comes back full strength.
Van Ginkel is a problem, my goodness.
He's a bully.
Actually, kind of a jerk, not in a good, Evan Weaver way.
So much for the shootout they thought would happen…
Great 4th down conversion.
Love the "everyone but the center" calls.
Wait Cam didn’t say Cal. Said his high school….booo on him….
One of my friends in my Cal group chat went to Centennial. We are giving it to him lol.
Go Goff! Represent Cal!