I've gone over to the dark side.

Fire them all.

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If they have lost Alpha, there is not many left

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Oct 15, 2022·edited Oct 15, 2022

Yes, welcome my young apprentice. From this day forth you shall be known as Darth Alpha.

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I left today too.

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I agree! I was an optimist before but eff this. WE WERE COMING OFF A BYE!!!

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Yes, welcome my young apprentice. From this day forth you shall be known as 2nd brother.

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In Star Trek-speak, you are number one redshirt. There can only be two Sith.

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Only two Sith but he is the 2nd brother of the Inquisitorius.

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Oh, yeah, the Sith benchwarmers.

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Musgraves "Worst Coast Offense, strikes again.

We lost to the #1 team in ESPN's bottom 10 teams. WTF

We were 15 point favorites. WTF

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Zona was the #1 bottom team last year when we lost to them too

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But half our team traveled due to Covid. This year is worse…

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I wasn't worried after that game. We went down there with half a team and almost won. There was no excuse for this game, though. The offense came up empty against arguably the worst defense in the nation.

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Wilcox does not appear to be the answer, unfortunately.

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As one of my 3rd graders once said--"I got the answers right. You just asked me the wrong question!"

Basically, Wilcox is the answer to the wrong question.

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I could see him doing well at Oregon. Why? Because they support football, there.

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Screw that. There is no excuse for this travesty, plain & simple. Support a loser like Wilcox? No thank you.

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I honestly don’t think Wilcox has what it takes to be a good P5 HC. His ceiling is a MWC coach or a P5 DC.

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Agreed. Time to move on. It is unfortunate, I thought the model of the program he wanted to build could be successful at Cal. Unfortunately, I don't think he can build that model.

That said, I could see Wilcox being like Sonny, dropping down a level to the mountain west and then getting another P5 job and being successful. I still think he is a smart person, and that there were some hard lessons to be learned during his time here. But again, its time to move on, and I wish him the best of luck. No hard feelings.

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Oct 15, 2022·edited Oct 15, 2022

I think Wilcox is a good dude, and I really wish he could achieve success here. Cal’s absolutely not for everyone, and it’s an incredibly challenging job given the University and Administrative hurdles.

But we’re not looking to be wildly successful - 6-6 should absolutely be attainable…the expectations are rather low.

The inability to field a competent O though. save for a handful of games in 2019, is really tough to look past…

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I think Dykes’ comments need to be heard by more Cal fans. The Bears simply can’t complete with teams that actually prioritize football. Cal is trying to have it all and it simply isn’t going to work. Instead of hiring a new coach who will be subject to the vortex of UC administrative mediocrity, I think Cal needs to see simply consider dropping down to a lower competitive level or dumping the program. Spending tons of money to only hamstring your team and be bottom dwellers is stupid.

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Oct 16, 2022·edited Oct 16, 2022

Or to quit hamstringing the program and prioritize it.

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yeah, after being a cal fan for 25 years, it ain't gonna happen

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Oct 16, 2022·edited Oct 16, 2022

Feelings have nothing to do with this. I honestly don't care where Wilcox goes to coach. As long as it's not at Cal.

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True enough. I really hoped he would succeed. He did for awhile with Dykes' recruits. But the ineptitude and apparently empty cupboard at the QB position is telling.

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was he ever?

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I hoped so after 2019…

Unlike Knowlton, I don’t think COVID excuses what’s happened to this program.

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Oct 15, 2022·edited Oct 16, 2022

. If Knowlton won't fire him then he goes too

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Such a bad look for Knowlton to have extended him.

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All I can say is thank God the Warriors season starts this week.

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Thinking the saaaaaaame thing

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I had the same thought!

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Wilcox needs to fire someone or he needs to go, and if that doesn’t happen Knowlton needs to fire Wilcox or he needs to go.

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That’s kind of where I’m at. It’s clearly not working. The defense, which is his thing, still is for the most part. So take responsibility as the dude in charge and make a tough choice and do something else for the offense. If you can’t, then make room for someone else who will make those tough choices. Can’t wait for the end of the season with a performance like that.

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I have never in my life seen this level of disconnect between talent on offense and results.

At this point we would have better results letting a computer program call the plays.

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This hits it on the head. Talent and terrible play calling. David had a more interesting offense.

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I’m not sure who David is but I tend to agree.

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David Shaw and the ND-beating lobsterbacks, maybe? lol

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Meant UC Davis! Lot of motion and interesting play calling.

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James Madison, UC Davis, David, just about anyone has a more interesting offense than us right now.

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Hell David Shaw is trying to learn from Wake Forest, so I'd count him too

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Oregon feigning interest in Wilcox so Cal can’t afford to fire him. The Ducks should have also done that with Herm and Dorrell.

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Best con job in the pac.

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FANTASTIC water polo home victory over U$C. The crowd was electric. Cal now either 1st or 2d nationally. What, were you guys watching some other game today?

(I get SO much more out of my $10 polo tkt than I get out of my entire season tkt for football...)

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BTW, I never want to hear that Cal needs to win in order to get fans to the game. Boulder has the same rep as Berkeley, and they were sold out.

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In some ways, I feel like we get the results we deserve. We cant get more than 35k to the stadium while we travel to other programs that have worse records than us and sell out.

If we are supposed to recruit better, how can we do that with a 1/2 full stadium?

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Is Troy Taylor here yet?

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I’m totally on board for a lot of reasons:

-He played here at a time when the program and facilities sucked and was part of the Snyder rebuild and totally understands the difficulties of building/maintaining a program here first hand as a player/alum and as a broadcaster.

-He’s built sustained success at a commuter school and attracted players capable of putting up points and competing with anyone they play.

-I’m assuming Sac State isn’t getting first pick of all the 4 and 5 star recruits, which means he’s developing and coaching the talent he has managed to get to their full potential. Absolutely essential for a program like ours which will never out-recruit the big boys.

-He doesn’t strike me as someone that’s going to sacrifice academics to achieve success.

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I officially don’t care about college football now.

I was hoping to at least make it to November Justin.

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Kansas scored 42 points today against Oklahoma, with their backup QB. Our offense is so bad that it is truly offensive to watch it.

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I, like many here, like Justin Wilcox as a person and possibly even as a head coach, but he has created this shitshow with his poor hiring and “loyalty” and I’m done. It is conceivable that he is overseeing the end of Cal football - if the Big10 extends offers to Washington, Oregon and possibly Furd, then Az, AZ State, CO and Utah are off to the Big12 and Cal is left abandoned. Maybe this is unlikely but if it happened, Cal joining the Mtn West or some other second tier conference would not generate the interest or dollars to keep Cal athletics afloat. Under this scenario, more likely they shut down all athletics and we go back to being UC Berkeley. Drastic changes are needed now!

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So sick of the offensive play calling. My head hurts.

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I was a Wilcox defender pending a change at OC and O Line coaching/development, but the little bit of goodwill I had left just got obliterated. Zero points in the first half against the worst P5 team only to lose to them in OT? Just absolutely putrid.

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There’s gotta be a doctor somewhere that will put me out my misery based solely on being a chronic Cal Football fsn

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Oct 16, 2022·edited Oct 16, 2022

There are not enough drugs in California to end this misery.

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