I don't think “distractions” would be something a kid would worry about. Parents? Yes.

DYKES TO PARENTS: “I lived in Berkeley, and know first hand about the drug culture there, the sex parties, getting drunk, student groups for gay people and how a great kid like your son can so easily get in trouble there. I had to get out of that place just so my children wouldn't grow up being exposed to all of that!

You send your son to me in Texas, to our CHRISTIAN University, and he'll grow up to be a fine young man.”

DYKES TO DAMONIC, privately, so the parents don't hear: “At Berkeley they actually make the football players attend classes, on top of giving out constant huge home work assignments during football season. You won't have those problems with us. And our Christian girls are just beautiful, and they love football players. We Texans know how to treat the fine young men on our team.”

Parents: “Oh thank you Coach Dykes for telling us about that sinful place. Now Damonic, you're going to TCU and that's the end of the discussion!”

Hahaha. I bet there's more than a little truth to this scenario.

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Don't let the door hit you in the butt on your way out.

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Who was that linebacker from late Tedford era that had a semi-similar commitment drama? Some folks were touting him as the best linebacker of the previous 20 years or some such nonsense. Anyway, he ended up not playing a down for anyone, as I recall.

I wish I could remember his name.

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I remember the receiver Jordan Payton that committed to Washington, Cal, UCLA and I think some Big 10 school.

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Chris Martin, not of Coldplay?

He reportedly left because of distractions from staying in the Bay Area. A healthy reminder that these decisions may seem mercurial and funny to us, but that doesn't mean that they're easy decisions for these kids.


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Yup. That's the guy.

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He signed with Cal in the best recruiting class ever that won Tosh recruiter of the year, and then transferred to Florida before the season started. Then went to CCSF, to Kansas, and got arrested for robbery and kicked off the team.

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He may have just beaten out Jordan Payton for my favorite indecisive Cal commit.

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What a head case. He is perfect for Sonny.

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He's going to enter the transfer portal after camp before 2022 season starts.

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Bye - like the Cal program needs more drama

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Worth the decommit just to read that last line.

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Ahh the joys of program success depending on the whims of 18 year old males.

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Meh, again, it is what it is. Too much attention on this already. I'm more worried about who hasn't committed yet.

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It's early yet he could still flip a few more times before the day ends.

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It sucks but he is only 18 and parents or relatives or HS coaches are a big influence and can be a big obstacle. Sounds like he was torn and heavily influenced by someone, similar to Ott.

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Maybe recommitting to us was a negotiation tactic to get more money from TCU?

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Sounds like we dodged a bullet. Whatevs.

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