Being able to hold a 25 point 3rd quarter lead would have made it just a little bit better... When does the coaching staff pay the price for many years of inability to hold a lead and win close games (which this should not have been)?

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Cal grad '77. I watched replays of the helmet to helmet launch at our QB's head, then the FSU linemen being illegally upfield on their subsequent passing touchdown. Cal didn't lose this game. FSU stole it with horrible assists from the refs!

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Beautiful day in Bear Territory. So proud of the fans and Daniel for the great showing on GameDay. In my 59 years of being a Bear - this has to be the best along with "the Play". Watched every minute on TV starting with Sports Center at 4 AM! Thank you for this great recap with the highlight clips! Re-loving every minute!

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I'm a very old Bear and I come from a line of Cal Bears. My grandfather, John M. Eshleman (Eshleman Hall named after him) Grandmother, Father and Mother, me, my Daughter and Son, are all Bears. Anyway I got up at 5:30, got my coffee and watched the entire show with many times having tears flow. Thanks Game Day and ESPN for finally coming to our beautiful campus.

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Oh Oh. I forgot to mention my Wife. She's a Bear too.

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I was 12 when i went from tears at Elway’s comeback to screaming for The Play, then running onto the field and ending up in the locker room (thanks forever, Don James). That was a pretty special feeling in my life. Much older now, but Saturday—from 4:45 am until about 1:47 left in the game—man, it came really, really, really close.

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Thank you, TD_24, for capturing it.

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It was truly an inspiring morning. If only we'd been able to follow it up by closing out that game!

But the way the fans and students showed up for both should send a message to the university that it's worth it to invest in revenue sports and give them real support. It's how you build loyalty to the school!

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Great story and video. Go Bears! I'll see y'all at the Big Game in Berkeley.

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What about NC State?

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I hadn’t heard about the Vans donation of an extra $100k for hurricane relief, that’s awesome. Hopefully Daniel also got Vans for life!

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Just one pair! (Per the screenshot on Pat M’s show.)

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Tears of pride and joy flowed several times that morning...was blessed to watch with several lifelong friends who also are Cal alums, and we were following along with every cheer, hoarse when it was all over. And it was so great to see that the Chancellor was there along with so many other VIP's. We may have lost the game(still numb), but we have won the war on branding. ESPN won't think twice if there is another opportunity to return. Go my glorious bears, and thank you to all who showed up and represented! The Calgorithm will live on!

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Has this resolved the issue of folks not knowing that Cal & UC Berkeley are the same University?

BTW, I noticed

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BTW, I noticed the broadcasters at KTVU are referring to the latest Nobel Laureates as having a “Cal Connection.” (Shoutout to @Sal_Castenada who is an alum and was at #CalGameDay.)

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A great and terrible day which ultimately leaned "great" in spite of the tragic game outcome... all because of the Cal community rose so beautifully to meet the moment. Well done, friends. Well done.

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Cal College Game Day > Loss to Miami

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With some distance, I think this performance matters way more than our devastating loss. Way more folks were watching this around the country than the late night collapse. If we can keep the season going with a few impressive ACC wins (and why not?) I think this season will be huge for the program.

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Yeah, but lose a 3rd game in a row, which is likely as the underdog on the road against a ranked and undefeated Pitt team, and Cal will disappear beneath the surface of the bay as quickly as they surfaced from a national perspective.

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Ya gotta believe.

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Well, yeah. You gotta win games. But I didn’t expect us to beat Miami, FSU, or Clemson. If we can win the others we are on a good trajectory. Pitt will be a challenge.

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Did you mean Auburn?

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I can't help but believe the success of Game Day will help immensely with our recruiting. Now we just need to build our Legends NIL fund.

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Yes. All these people complaining should put their money on it.

I see progress, but, one can make what they choose.

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Agree Bowlesman. Some people are glass half full while others are glass half empty.

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But what I suspected would happen did, which is a real issue with Game Day at a west coast school, meaning up at o-dark:30, followed by a late night game. The Cal team was out of gas by 10 PM, if not a little before, and asleep on the field even though the game still had over an hour to go.

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On Miami time, the 4th quarter was at 1 AM, so they should have been more affected than Cal

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They weren't impacted by the circus that was having Game Day there. For anyone/anything Cal, it was unavoidable.

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That had nothing to do with night time, and everything to do with losing the TOP battle 2-1 IMHO.

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Being gassed has something to do with execution, the lack of which leads to losing the time of possession battle. And Cal was clearly gassed, and up WAY past their bed time.

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Yeah, I'm just not buying that being at night impacted them all that much in comparison to having to defend twice the number of plays that Miami's defense did. Being at night should have impacted Miami more than us, considering we were playing at home.

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