No Nate Rutchena on the roster?

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For the WfC writers that watched open practice: Is Mikey Matthews the faster WR?

And then if Stoffel doesn't start that'll be a big as he's got 19 consecutive starts @ Temple.

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For several years depth has been an Achilles heel for the Bears. It could be surprising we have done as well as we have, given injuries and lack of depth in critical positions. This year seems more hopeful, barring any serious injuries.

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ILB worries me the most wrt depth.

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That could be the Achilles heel.

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Jake Curtis: "What are the benefits of not announcing [a starting quarterback]?"

Wilcox: "What are the benefits *to* announcing?" (smiles humorously)

Jake Curtis: "That's not my question. My question is 'What are the benefits to not announcing?'"

Wilcox: (changes expression to contemplative) "Well..."

--6:40 into the last press conference:


Should Wilcox pull a "Coach Prime" and ban him!?

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Ha ha yeah I agree a bit annoying. Pretty obvious keep the other team guessing, make them prepare for both QBs etc... ugh.... but he keeps asking. I am all for using any and all advantages you have.

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Yep, and the fact that we really need to do this for Auburn so its still a week early. I'm not sure anyone is dying to know which qb is getting the first snap against Davis.

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Best talent and depth we've had since Wilcox has been at CAL. Time to see if the coaches can help them win some games.

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Seems true certainly for Offense, but do you also feel that way on Defense? The front 7 depth seems a little precarious as usual, but the overall talent level perhaps the best of his time. Hard to discount that original Takers-era defense which overperformed. Time will only tell, I suppose.

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Actually, I think our inside guys are definitely better and deeper. Sadly, Brett Johnson was never able to get back to his dominating form. Our two transfers are definitely upgraded. And I think our starting OLB's are solid and their backups are really really good as well. Our top two ILB's are ballers, and I think Hunter Barth is solid, but we are thin there.

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Good to hear. If you like it, then I like it!

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Spring hope is eternal... preseason Fall hope is eternally eternal!

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Tobias Merriweather at one of the WR slots also should get a mention - this might be the deepest we’ve been at WR since the Sonny days

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Fired up...ready to go....Bears!

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