
The Tucson curse strikes again!

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At least they're presumably vaccinated and not just "immunized" like a certain alum. Hoping their symptoms are mild and they're back on the field quickly.

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Also, supposedly 99% of the team was vaccinated right? I certainly hope they got a real vaccine and not the Rodgers Crystals and Herbs Rub Down vaccine.

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According to the Pac-12 Network - 99% vaccinated is correct. But it could be due to contact with someone (Halloween Party? external party?) and its a city of berkeley thing?

It's all speculation right now. (And I'm adding to it)

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I guess as part of Aaron Rodgers’ cash donations to the football program, he sent along a side of COVID to go with it… 🤦🏽‍♂️

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Well, we shall find out come game time who they are. The good news is the game is going to be played unlike last year where our entire position group were affected and we didn't have enough players to compete.

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Wilner reporting that, "roster depletion significant". Also wrote, "could only happen in Berkeley, lots of frustration". So is it City protocols we are following...again?

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Wilner Tweet:

"The roster depletion is significant for Saturday (likely multiple starters), and the overall situation could only happen in Berkeley. "Lots of frustration"

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“Only in Berkeley”; I’m sure it’s already being used against us in recruiting. And coaches thinking to themselves, why do I put up with this shit?

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I assume this is a Pac 12 protocol but I am not sure.

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[RUMORS ONLY] seems to be a berkeley thing, not a pac-12 thing, but who knows

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City or university?

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You can not lose to a team that hasn’t won since 10/5/19 v NAU...COVID or no COVID. A loss would be devastating for Wilcox, and would be the nail in the coffin for this disappointing season.

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I agree.

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Just a question of who it is. Trivial or Fatal? All depends on who.

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Maybe not the right thread, but I've gone from being a huge Aaron Rodgers fan to absolutely detesting the guy over the last 48 hours. He's now taking medical advice from Joe Rogan. What an embarrassment to himself and our fine university.

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I'm sure he takes football advice from former actors turned podcasters, too.

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My friend's (Cal alum) high school football coach used to call him "4.0 stupid" when he did something dumb. Can't think of a better term. At least we can be assured that AR really did do his research...just stupidly.

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PAC-12 protocol is 10 days of isolation if you test positive. Would like to know if there were any positive tests vs. contact tracing. If they were positive before Wednesday, they could make the next game.

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Some yahoo down in Arizona wrote that it is up to 50 players!! Source??

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That can’t be true because I assume if it were, we would have to cancel the game.

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Apparently the rule is to forfeit. I'd rather play the game with a short staff than to have to forfeit.

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Yes, we would have to forfeit.

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Not good.

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Was told by guys that cover AZ to take what he says with a massive grain of salt.

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I have done my research and I know for a fact that salt cures Covid.

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This feels like the first stage of what will be a test of many stages to get to a win.

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The Tucson Terror strikes again.

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This was already going to be a dogfight...a loss at Tucson would be the beginning of the end for Wilcox.

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Nope, we will give him a pass due to Covid and people will not hold this loss against him.

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I think it's different in the context of a season where we've already been underperforming. It would be tough, but maybe I could live with a COVID-ravaged team losing to Arizona if we only had a loss or two otherwise. But we're clearly not having one of those kinds of season.

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True - but as soon as they build momentum w/ W’s v. CU & OSU, after bad losses to UNR, TCU, they’re hit with this...2 days before a game you absolutely CAN NOT lose if you want to get to 6-6...

Are they the only team in the country to have a COVID mess?

Garbers is the only one who would be a devastating loss...and the sleuths think it’s him?? Barf.

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Of course these sunshine pumpers will...I’m talking about me.

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Next man up. But admittedly this kind of sucks.

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f u COVID!

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When the hell did the City of Berkeley, a municipal entity within the County of Alameda, have enforcement power over the University of California-an entity of the State of California? When did cities become more powerful than the states? Isn't it in federalism the order downward federal, state, county and then the city? UC as an entity of the state does have the assets to carry out the COVID testing enforcement of its students and athletes. I know, malfeasance is now an acceptable tool of governance.

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The spell-checker switched to through from throw. This sucks and is the end of the hope for Cal football this year. The Peoples Republic strikes again.

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