Happy he got his degree from Cal but he wasn't a PAC12 caliber LB. He got a great education and coaching and can go to a lower division and enjoy some PT. Good for him.

It is a wee bit concerning that the staff invested so much in him and had him as the starter to begin the year. Some players show in practice but it doesn't transfer to games. I suspect that may have happened w/ Tattersall.

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I think we were thin at LB with a lot of unproven youngsters. In the end the youngins showed up when given their chance and they balled out. Now the baton has been passed and Tattersall wasn't on the relay team any more.

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He wasn’t a full time starting Pac 12 LB. His ceiling in the P5 is special teams contributor and backup LB. He should go to a G5 school where he will probably be a quality starter and contributor.

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Props to Evan. You're a stud and always giving it your all. I'm going to miss you on the field.

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Another Sacramento area departure. Big congrats on graduating and best of luck with graduate school!

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My hat is off and my respect is given to any player who has donned the uniform of the Golden Bears, no matter where they end up transferring. I am grateful for their sacrifice and in Evan's case, like with all the others, I wish him much success where ever he ends up. Btw, I don't feel the same about recruits that back out before they come here. Fuck em'.

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Every time I noticed him on the field, he was doing something good. Didn't notice any missed tackles, blown coverages, etc, but maybe not with elite speed. In any case, he's graduating with a degree in economics, so congrats Evan & best of luck in the future!

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I think you are mistaking him with someone else

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Congrats on graduating.

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