10 hrs ago·edited 10 hrs ago

A confluence of factors seems to have gotten us to this moment. The move to the ACC has been a meme in and of itself. In the past year or so, we have probably got more mentions in various social media due to the conference move than we have had in total in the previous five (or more) years. It also helps that we are the slightly bigger football brand of the two new ACC schools, and the calimony drama added another layer to it.

And then we beat an SEC team right as a bunch of new schools and fan bases start paying attention to us in our first year in the new conference.

And then we are going up against a 0-3 FSU, easily THE most meme'ed school in the last year due to the playoff snub, the ACC lawsuit, and now the worst start for a top ten program in history.

Would be nice to keep the momentum going. The second half of our schedule does not offer much in the way of interesting match ups. I am not even sure we need to win to keep the limelight on us, we just need to show up and play hard. A close exciting game against a 0-3 FSU, even if we lose will probably get a lot of views. Same with Miami assuming they stay undefeated. The worst thing we can do is lay an egg of a game. Hopefully Wilcox will have these players ready. We are having a moment and the few times we have had this in the past we have let it slip away. Fingers crossed.

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"It also helps that we are the slightly bigger football brand of the two new ACC schools..."

Three new ACC schools! And SMU had a lot of hype until they reminded us that it takes a few years to level up to power level football even when paying for rosters. We were honestly just lucky enough to play at Auburn (and beat them) on the first year of realignment, which put us in front of a lot of East Coast eyes immediately.

UCLA may be making more money, but I think we got the better deal in terms of visibility and the ability to grow our football program in the short-term. We still need to flip this into more money.

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That's gold Jerry! Gold!

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10 hrs ago·edited 10 hrs ago

The reddit peeps alerted me to this. Me thinks reddit has a lot to do with this. The posts in there are hilarious and numerous college football fans are listing Cal as their #2 team based on the memes alone. So, while I'm not much of a social media participant it is curious that I became aware of this ~ 3 days ago ~ from some of me reddit high school buddies, whom are having more fun w/ this than I was. Now I'm kinda, sorta engaged.

Also, now that I live in the South. Many peeps have commented on Cal's billboards down here, courtesy of BI. Crazy how things are revving up here in the South for Cal.

Go Bears.

p.s. just beat FSU in Calahassee, c'mon Sirmon!!

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Haha love this !

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Cal has needed more pub for years. This is good.

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In all the prognosticating off season leading up to the new season, whoever could have imagined the story of the year so far is Cal Twitter. Hilarious. The only downside is what comes up comes down, and the inevitable backlash will follow. Especially with a face plant loss. Who cares. We are used to disappointment, so enjoy the ride while it lasts.

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Cal students (and grads) are smart, savvy, and unrivaled in self-deprecation. It's only natural that our Golden Brand of humor would gain traction if given the chance. I'm reminded of UC Berkeley Memes For Edgy Teens Facebook page from seven or so years ago, whose reach extended well beyond Cal students and alumni.

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12 hrs ago·edited 7 hrs ago

I’m a die-hard Republican and this is hilarious!

Most of the time, I am able to put politics aside and join my Marxist, fellow Cal fans to unite for The Bears! 🐻 🐻

Bears of the World Unite!

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I always had a "feeling" there was sumtin off about u, now I FINALLY know what it is.

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The Leftist Agenda failed to brainwash me, but not for a lack of trying.

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10 hrs ago·edited 9 hrs ago

meh, I'm a registered Independent for the past 40 years, which is more than 2/3 of my life. early on I luked at it and decided this was one big arse FUBAR. Hell I didn't even know Trump got shot in the ear until last week. Yes, I live isolated and with mother nature...alone and quiet.

Go Bears.

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Politics is a lesson in grifting.

Politicians enter paupers and come out Kings or Queens.

Oligarchic corporations and foreign influencers run both parties.

I should have written "die-hard conservative.

The last time I tried to register "Independent" I later discovered that the "Independent Party" was actually far Left. LOL.

So, yeah, just conservative and, similar to you, I see all politicians through jaundice eyes.

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20 hrs agoLiked by Avinash Kunnath, Piotr Le

“Chaos isn't a pit. Chaos is a ladder. Many who try to climb it fail and never get to try again. The fall breaks them. And some, are given a chance to climb. They refuse, they cling to the realm or the gods or love. Illusions. Only the ladder is real. The climb is all there is”

-Petyr “Littlefinger” Baelish

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22 hrs agoLiked by Avinash Kunnath, Piotr Le

Holy shit, that last one was new to me rofl.

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22 hrs ago·edited 22 hrs agoLiked by Rick Chen, Avinash Kunnath, Piotr Le

We also need to give a shoutout to the official Cal Football Twitter for the "It just means more" tweet after the Auburn win. It got mentioned on SEC Shorts!

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22 hrs agoLiked by Avinash Kunnath, Piotr Le

This is so perfect. Stuart Mandel answered my question in his latest college football mailbag, referencing this. I had no idea what he was talking about until now. Go Bears!

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If I ever thought of joining Cal Twitter, this quickly put a stop to that notion.

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22 hrs agoLiked by Rick Chen, Avinash Kunnath

I commented this on another post, but as a republican Cal fan/alumnus, I am still totally here for this. Anything that helps boost the brand and get people in the seats is something I support.

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22 hrs agoLiked by Avinash Kunnath

I think as long as its light-hearted and fun, its a win-win for everyone, and is actually good for subduing the political divide. It reminds me of Super Troopers, so long as the Super-Troopers don't go Farva and start throwing fire extinguishers, everyone has a good time.

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I’m not the only conservative?! Haha

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We're here

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11 hrs agoLiked by Rick Chen

The quiet Bears…

At least about politics

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