My favorite thing about this game was seeing the incredible sense of espirit de corps between the players and coaches. If you watched closely, you would see Bradley slapping Fox on the chest in the way of saying "Thanks Coach" or " I got this for you Coach". Seeing a team try that hard, and feel together with their coaches, is really a beautiful thing. It's not enough by itself, but it bodes well for the future. Go Bears.

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Got over my threshold of 66 points, usually when we get there on merit we win (i.e not like final second garbage points vs USC and Furd game 2), and got some help from guys like Celestine which was nice to see. Cal is a good home team under Fox, only really being not competitive in 2 total games over the last 2 seasons. Here's hoping to a good finish to the season with some momentum into the P12 tourney like last year where I think we can do damage.

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