
Wrenn Robinson steal and score, let the man play!

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Adrian Branch with immediate excuses on the first possession lol

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and the start of the 2nd half.

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Feb 5, 2023·edited Feb 5, 2023

Utah was worse than Cal last year, tho swept them…and now they’ll likely dance this year…Fox is horrid.

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Cal has scored 46 points in 3 straight games…

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And then there were 9….

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Good first half. Dropped off after that.

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ONE point in the first 6 minutes of the second half. Does the equipment manager have any eligibility?

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Would love for wrenn to play more minutes

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Remember that when Montgomery retired both he and the players lobbied for Travis DeCuire (Monty's top assistant) to be hired. Presumably because of his lack of head coaching experience, he was passed over and that started the slide to hopeless oblivion. No telling how DeCuire would have done at Cal, but, perhaps the players (and Monty) should have been listened to. He was shortly thereafter hired at Montana. He's now in his 9 year as head coach of the Griz.... He's well respected, popular with players and fans, and might be worth a look at Cal (presuming he's not still bitter over being passed over earlier).

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Feb 6, 2023Liked by BentPawn

Well Cal pretty quickly had it’s highest tourny season ever under Cuonzo, so I don’t totally understand why there are DeCuire regrets. Because Cuonzo was having success here another program was willing to pay him twice what he was making at Cal. We could have retained him if we were willing pony up, but I guess we felt it wasn’t worth it. Our mistakes have been how our ADs have responded since he left. DeCuire would have lasted longer than Wyking fo sure, but I’m not convinced he would have continued Monty’s success either.

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We had really good years with Martin.

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He got paid for a reason.

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what's his 9 year record and who of significance has Montana played? Didn't Montgomery coach at Montana before moving to Stanford?

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Correct; Montgomery spent 8 years at Montana, and won one Big Sky championship before moving to Stanford in 1986. Besides Montgomery, Wayne Tinkle (OSU), Larry Krystkowiak (Utah), Jud Heathcoate (Mich State), Stew Morrill, Jim Brandenburg, Blaine Taylor, Pat Kennedy.....quite a list, all of whom went on to head coaching jobs at D 1 schools. Montana has often been refered to as a cradle of BB coaches.

DeCuire's record is 160-98, 3 Big Sky championships, 2 NCAA appearances.... but, think about the difficulties in attracting top notch young BB players to Montana.

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Also, didn't Musselman lobby very hard for the Cal job?

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He lobbied hard after Cuonzo left. Apparently Mike Williams gave him the creeps and scared him off, although others think he played us to get more money from Nevada.

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Mike Williams was an absolute buffoon.

Jim Knowlton said hold my beer, and blew that incompetence out of the water.

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Go Bears! Don't be Teddy Besrs!

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Go Bears!!!

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Feb 5, 2023·edited Feb 5, 2023

you can suggest, but if I was JK, I would say, No. Unless they are uenployed like Fox, Coaches being interviewed may prefer some anonymity (to protect their current position) and adding 3-5 players into the interview cycle all but eliminates any confidentiality.

That said, I think it was foolish not to listen to Monty. If Travis was given the reins, his friend Monty would have always been available for a free consultation. (As Monty would have had some skin in the game.)

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Good suggestions Bob. In this evening's letter to Knowlton, be sure to mention the towel situation. The players would really prefer hand-loomed towels; this is a very important consideration in our next hire: we have to get the towels right this time . If he does not reply within an hour, send again...maybe three times...then every hour on the hour from 12-6 AM. You're doing G*D's work; stay on him.

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Do really think most will return? I'm thinking a number will opt for transfer portal to get a new start. But, suppose it depends in part on who the coach will be.

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Feb 5, 2023·edited Feb 5, 2023

There will likely be a mass exodus because of the transfer portal. They likely won’t ALL leave, but I wouldn’t count on seeing ANY of these players back, except perhaps Askew because his transfer options are much more limited, given that he’s already moved twice.

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I could care less if any stay. I wish them all the best. I just want the right coach here, and if it means seeing everyone walk, so be it. We prioritized keeping players with the Wyking hire and look what that got us.

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Part of me wants to see some of these kids with a new coach, just so we can see just how f-ing awful Mark Fox truly is.

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Wrenn is 30

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