Genzel shares a half of the prize with UCLA's Andrea Ghez for experimental proofs that a supermassive blackhole is at the center of the Milky Way
I wonder how many other Cal fan sites have a physicist on retainer to break down the research behind Nobel wins.
Excellent. Up to 24 Nobel Laureates over time.
Actually enough active laureates to field a football team on both sides of the ball. I am reminded of Glenn Seaborg's (last name is an anagram for go bears) apocryphal stories of turning a red liquid to blue during Big Game week.
Very much real and very much something you see in Fall sessions of Chem 1A.
Yay Go Bears!
I wonder how many other Cal fan sites have a physicist on retainer to break down the research behind Nobel wins.
Excellent. Up to 24 Nobel Laureates over time.
Actually enough active laureates to field a football team on both sides of the ball. I am reminded of Glenn Seaborg's (last name is an anagram for go bears) apocryphal stories of turning a red liquid to blue during Big Game week.
Very much real and very much something you see in Fall sessions of Chem 1A.
Yay Go Bears!