Ben Smiley has played 6 seasons of CFB and still has eligibility.

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Strength to strength and shore up weakness

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I graduated from Cal in the winter quarter of '79, but did not use up all my eligibility. Should I schedule a visit too? I get it that this is what Cal has to do to compete in the Portal-verse (folks on WFC call it leaning in), but the operation of the Portal is just crazy. Crazy bad. NCAA needs an overhaul, bigly!

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I don’t remember which bowl game it was, but for the first time I heard a commentator strongly discuss that changes are needed. I can complain all I want, but no one is listening to me. This guy? Maybe…..

the Portal is more destructive than NIL….

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Both contributed to where we are today. I’m done saying I told you so to all the culture warriors who wanted NIL. Rather I agree that we should just go all in at this point and stop the charade that these are student athletes. The sooner we realize that and move fast, the better our football team will become

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I think NIL is the root. The portal rules are the NCAA's way of clinging onto what they have so the blue chips dont revolt and form their own league.

I think the only solution is to call it what it is, PAY FOR PLAY. The train has long left the station. Either let them form their own league, or formalize the death of amateurism in college football and adopt an NFL-style model of contracts and free agency.

The money these kids are getting paid should be connected to the teams they play for (let's not even call them "schools" anymore). Then you implement some regulations for parity, and let the market decide contractually which players can come and go as they please..

It's over. You can't put the toothpaste back in the tube...

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The portal is creating mercenaries, not helping young men grow as humans. This has to change. Go Student Athlete Bears!

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