
Gonna keep it as a single gamethread today until the code errors are removed

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These are the guys I know for sure are there from social media posts the last 24 hours.



Trevon Clark

Orin Patu





Dejuan Butler

Mo Iosefa

Fatu Iosefa


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That's a little reassuring.

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But DL might be hit...

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This game confirms how weak overall the program that Wilcox has built is. No speed, no depth, poor coaching. Covid excuse is shallow.

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Yeah, absolutely no speed at all!

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Too many, throughout the season, shoe string tackles on RBs with open green ahead of them.

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COVID excuse is weak. This program is weak

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We just lost to an 0-8 team because we have a back up QB who was unprepared and sucks. We would have been better off giving Zack Johnson a couple of series in the second half. I blame Wilcox for this. And, I wonder if they told all the guys who missed the trip to avoid Halloween parties last weekend. Probably not. Covid is NOT an excuse for this loss. Piss poor preparation it the reason for this loss.

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I usually agree with your posts, but your take here is ridiculous. 24 players, including 10 starters weren't available. Several coaches missing. 3 offensive linemen seeing their first real action. Yeah, Glover looked bad, but WTF would you expect with that many missing pieces?

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But we lost the game by 7 points. And look at the QB stats. With a decent QB who completes a few more passes, connects on a couple of long balls, our run game opens up and the whole game changes. This loss was on the team, but as I said earlier, the most important position on the team had the worst performance of the day. That's on the coaches.

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So if we lost by 40 it would be sign of good coaching? Maybe if we weren't starting a true freshman at center, and we weren't missing 2 other O linemen, Glover would have had enough time to throw more accurately. Given how few players were available today, the fact that we didn't lose by 40, that the game was within reach to the very end, is a sign of great coaching.

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Glover had time to throw the ball, until he showed he couldn't complete a pass. The AZ changed up their scheme, loaded the box to stop the run and came after him. It worked. Nah, this wasn't great coaching. They had a 3rd string QB who outplayed our 2nd string QB by a ton. They had missing o-linemen and still played well enough to win, even though our defense did a stellar job of holding them to 10 points when we had replacements playing in 91 degrees. Our offense sucked and it sucked because our most important player, our QB, was ill prepared.

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So every position was well coached except for QB. Got it.

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I did not say that. What I said is that clearly Glover was not prepared the way he should have been. In light of the new info on when we received the news and that Zach Johnson did not travel, I'll back off on how tough I've been. I still think a lesson needs to be learned by the coaching staff: get all your backups regular reps over the course of the season.

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Kinda unreasonable. 3 new OL, a QB that has had perhaps 10% of 1st team snaps all year. Had we had our complete OL with Glover we likely run all over AZ.

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Our O-line was doing fine until AZ figured out we couldn't throw a completion with the QB under pressure. If we complete just a few more easy passes (like the TD that was overthrown) we are not just in the game, but it changes how the AZ defense has to play. Defense played a helluva game to limit AZ to 10 points considering diminished numbers of players, the heat and the number of 3 and outs we had on offense. On offense our worst player was our most important position, and it wasn't because of the O-line, it was because he was unprepared. We lost to an 0-8 team with a 3rd string QB who played way better than our 2nd string QB. That was the difference in the game.

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The O-line wasn't responsible for the poor passing and numerous overthrows. The o-line was not responsible for poor decision making ti not get rid of the ball instead of taking sacks. Sorry, this QB was terrible. If our coaches could not see how bad he is or if he is good and they failed to coach him up, they failed either way. If he completes some passes our run game starts working cause AZ can't stack the box. It's a team game, but the worst player on the team for this game was the most important player on the field. That's on the coaches.

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Agreed Glover either played tight or he played what he shows in practice (I don't know, I'm not there). To me, the lack of establishing a run game really hurt us. And the catches that should have been made in the 1st half, likely weighed on Glover's confidence. That said, if he is indeed our best 2nd QB than Cal has to go to the transfer portal and get like 3 QB's in this cycle.

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Agree to a point. He had way to many balls that he over threw....the one in the end zone was a ball buster. That was a missed TD.

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Agreed Glover missed basic throws. I'm not surprised by it however. Frustrating as hell and most kids in school lots can make those throws. A winnable game for sure. I'd like to think that if Zach Johnson had been available they would have at least TRIED him, but not to be.

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But Glover is our transfer portal player...

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and apparently we need a bigger pool to choose from, I guess.

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Btw, we had a decent run game until AZ figured out Glover couldn't complete a pass. Then they stacked the box and forced him to throw.

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Zona was playing with third and fourth string QBs so yeah.. no excuse

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He's been 1st string for weeks!! He's had a lot of playing time. btw ~ AZ scored 34 points against U$C, they scored 10 against us and our depleted defense.

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We lost to an 0-8 team because we are generally a team who plays to the level of our competition when we are at full strength regardless, but we were down double digit starters for this one.

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Zack did not make the trip, Rugbear.

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How could the coaching staff leave their QB2 this unprepared? Astonishing

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We got beat by a #3 !

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Given the loss of 24 players, including many starters, and a number of key coaches, it was laudable that Cal even agreed to play this game. There's no team in the country that could play to their potential given what they went through the past few days. The easy way out was to simply forfeit.

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That's all true, but that has nothing to do with how terrible Glover is. If he could be half decent we would win this game

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Agree overthrow a lot of passes

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No, the team should always be ready for next man up. When only same guys get pt all the time the 2’s are not ready.

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Next man up in this case, was 10 starters to include the most important position in football ~ the QB. Next man up applies when you have 1 or 2 starters out. But 10 with additional 5 players who get a lot of game reps is a lot to overcome. Next man up does not apply in this game.

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QB is such an important position that you MUST have your back up ready to go if #1 goes down. No excuse for a performance this bad by the back up QB.

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We are not a football factory, we do not have 5 stars in as backups. There will be a drop off going to the 2's. There will be a significant drop off given the pure number of starters out. Do I think our backup situation is good? Heck no, but the transfer portal means you can't keep moderately good backups that you've recruited - only freshmen waiting for their moment.

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"only freshmen waiting for their moment." We literally have a freshman waiting for his moment all year, but played a grad transfer.

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Kai wouldn't have been any better. Zach Johnson may have been much better.

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You dont know that. Neither do I. But point is, why not try and get him some experience in the meantime? At some point? I guess once Glover got us up by 3 scores, that wouldve been the time.

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I can tell you that a true freshman with no game experience and just scout team reps would have been a disaster, no matter if he was a God as a recruit. I can tell you that with a straight face and 100% confidence.

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Agreed, we decided that we could win with the grad transfer. Not sure I agree with the decision, but it was *almost* right.

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(backup qb that was supposed to say)

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It's worth noting that this year, calling off a game for COVID is not "free". It's marked as a forfeit and thus a loss on one's record. Thus, it's better to go ahead and try to play even if it's a long-shot.

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Tbh Arizona is garbage. Actually sad they are giving it their all and it is this competitive. Had this been a normal game it would of been a blow out win for the Bears. We must be cursed!

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We won the 1st half by virtue of turnovers.

We tied the 3rd quarter by score.

We will win the 4th quarter.

Go Bears!!

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like it...Go Bears!

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Based on your comments your the most positive Cal fan I have ever seen.

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true, that I am...ty

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If plummer was a better QB we would be in huge trouble instead of big trouble

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Brutal! Lack of depth exposed. And whatever COVID rules were so over the top. Cal wont ever be able to build a program in this environment.

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Exactly. Wilcox is garbage.

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I’m pretty hot about this one. Vocalizing to the dog who slunk away. Hot, that this was winnable with some sort of offensive tweaks beyond the standard blue plate fare.

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Standard blue plate would have been fine. Bears couldn’t even execute that

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This is on coaches, kinda setting Glover up to fail.

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Here's the good news.. If Garbers comes back next year that means we'll instead start 2023 with 0 experience at QB instead of 2022.

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This game makes me feel like I'm drunk.

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Arizona is Cal's best offense

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Maybe the Bears can quasi-teabag their way into more Arizona dick punches.

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Dick punch is our best offensive player

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Mark my words: This game will generate a new The Play, that will have 5 dick punches in the final play that determines the game.

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New energy drink Dick Punch

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Why’d they put coconut in it? I miss original.

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Glover is just setting everyone up for the 4th Q miracle shot

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given 60% of the line is new, they held their own. Like to see more running in 2nd half. Glover is doing fine. Throwing 50/50 balls that the receivers have to fight for to help Glover out. D is playing well, just need to hit Plummer a few more times.

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At this point, I'm putting most of my hopes on the D.

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that's what she said.

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Let's give em the D then.

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It’s Milner time. It can’t get any worse

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Millner has likely been running scout team all Fall. His timing and knowledge of the O is likely very very limited.

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100% with you. let's hope for a change after the halftime

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Elijah Hicks let him get a first down there. He just gave up.

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yeah wassup widdat?

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If this is our roster next week we’re gonna get cooked by usc

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Strategic false start!

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Thank goodness Ragle was there to engineer that

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At least we know Glover can throw

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We needed a ref crew that doesn’t throw a lot of flags. We didn’t get one.

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Wilcox is here, also saw sirmon

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I don't mind if Ragle is not there

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Ragle did make it

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I like seeing new players so .... as long as we win.... it will be fun.

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Intriguing…who will be our QB?!

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Seems it will be Glover. No sighting of Garbers...yet.

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Just read up on him…forgot he has lots of game time experience…Go Bears!

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Just throw this one away folks. Killed by Covid and the loss of twenty players. Yeah, kind of on the coaches for not having a functional 2nd string option at QB.

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Exactly, no excuse not to have a capable backup

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Unfortunately our bowl chances have gone up in smoke. Unless we can win three in a row from the California teams.

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Bug what’s after this year? All the years and guys behind Garbers (whom we love) and a terrible performance by ghetto transfer “stud” from Pitt(?) and ummm…

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Come again? So you either called a black player a "ghetto transfer" or you were calling the transfer portal "ghetto", which makes no sense.

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It's obvious it autocorrected. He obviously meant grad transfer. Stop nitpicking other fans

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Bad autocorrect probably

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Sorry I did not catch that! I apologize to all who were offended! No insult or slur was intended. Absolutely a Bad autocorrect. I am going to disable autocorrect and live with my spelling errors/typos.

Ther, naow Nobudy wolll know wat ah sez, bot thet woll b beter then ofendin peeps.

Soari fer thu pane.

Tull nezt weak,


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We need a recruiting head coach, and coached that can “coach ‘em up.” Until then ….

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Arizona should be ashamed of them selves. If I was on the Arizona team I wouldn't be celebrating. Literally took a ridiculous circumstance for them to win. In reality if we had our normal team we win by like 5 touchdowns.

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Nobody will care.

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The Big Game should be a battle; Stanford played the worst game I've ever seen last night. I turned it off in 2nd quarter with Utah ahead 38-0.

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Will our COVID team be available next week vs $C?

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They storm the field for beating Cal lol

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Jedd Fisch's coaching record vs Cal is 2-0. Seems worth celebrating.

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They haven’t won since 2019

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Over 2 years, and that win wasn't in Tucson.

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Well, our second stringers are just a little worse than Arizona's first string. Oh well.

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All right here comes the 4 and out!

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Our defense is either gassed or decided to be bad at the worst time of the game

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Gassed. Arizona leads time of possession by 10 minutes. Backup Defense got 3 picks and only gave up 2 scores. Can't ask for anything more.

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Doesnt help when offense keeps going 3 and out

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exactly. they've been on the field too much.

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I think it’s up to the defense to score

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How quickly can we get Evan weaver to Tucson?

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Does he still live in Arizona after being released by Cardinals?

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Why would anyone choose to live in Arizona

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This game makes the Cheez Its Bowl look like the NFL

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was that thirty yard penalty the longest gain of the day for the Bears?

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the AZ asst coach did a dick punch to the ref

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12 minute game winning field goal drive right now. Who says no?

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Only if we get at least one dick punch 🤛

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No. More like 3 and out and punt

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Seriously where is it?

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Only one this week

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Their OL is worse than ours

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Ok just one fucking first down! That’s all that matters right now. Just get a first down. Fuck the rest of the game.

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Breaking news: this just in- 2H to be played by the respective rugby teams

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As a former rugger the football game will be more interesting than a rugby match.

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We’re definitely losing the punting battle

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Here's some facts about my childhood.. I lived in Tucson in the 2nd-3rd grades and I was best friends with the stepson of the Wildcats head coach at the time Dick Tomey, so I went to all home games and was big into Bear Down. Also, Sean Elliot and crew won big in basketball, and I performed their Wildcat Rap in a talent show. And, one of my neighbors found a Gila Monster in their pool and were the talk of the town. Nevertheless, I've since grown to hate the Wildcats because of the shit that has happened there with Cal.

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Did you ever see a javelina? My uncle loved it Tucson and said they were vicious

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I never did! But was fully aware, and terrified of the prospect of them, when me and my brother and sister would set out on little desert hikes from our backyard.

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“Lived in” not “loved it”

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Hope our defense scores in this game

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Boomage = MVP

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Told y'all this is gonna be fun!

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