Sep 25, 2022Liked by Piotr Le

Cal gave up zero sacks today. What a play by new OL group.

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The story of this game was our re-invented o-line and how well they played. With them executing well, Jayden Ott was able to use his super human talents to rush for 274 yards (yes that's 274 yards!) and we had total offense of 599 yards. With the running game working, Tight Ends getting involved and our talented receiving corps doing their thing, fans who have been harsh critics of Musgrave finally were able to witness the multidimensional offense that he has given us and how well it keeps the opponent off balance...when we execute successfully. This was a hell of a fun game to watch. Our kids are going to gain a lot of confidence from this win. I think WASU will be a fun game as well. Go Bears!!!

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This is the Raider offense that was damn unstoppable.

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It was so much fun to watch plays I had never seen before. That 4th down play for a TD was just awesome. And I can guarantee you everyone watching thought we were going to pound the rock up the middle. Just a beautiful thing to watch.

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You mean Bo Jackson in Super Techmo Bowl?

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I just feel a huge sigh of relief and looking forward to the line building on this game.

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I think these guys work well together and they will gain a lot of confidence from this game. As you well know, one of the few things O-liners can take pride from is exerting their will on the opponent, with attitude. We saw that today. This was a completely different line than has been on the field the last three weeks. They all had nasty today and I was in heaven watching them get after the AZ players.

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No kidding. So many places (including an awesome TD) where the RB was stood up and then they came in and pushed us to a few more yards. And there were really only a few plays where the pocket collapsed on Plummer. Wazzu will be a tough one next week but it will be exciting to see if this chemistry and effort continues to build.

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All good points but I want to see them at Wash St that has a much better D than Arizona

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Sep 25, 2022Liked by Avinash Kunnath

Cindric is recognized as our best O-Lineman. He was our center for the last three games. Lovell, irrespective of his injuries, has been our weak spot at RG. Lovell is a massive man but moves very slowly. He would get beat on run blocks. He got beat on pass protection. Even when pulling to make a trap block, he was so slow that defensive linemen would be in our backfield before he was halfway to his end destination. If you watch game film from our last three games, the right side of our O-line was the part that was problematic. Lovell was out this week and they moved Cindo into his spot. Sessions and Rhome both still rotated at RT. Drscoll, our former LG moved to C. Vatikani took Driscoll's spot at LG and Coleman remained at LT. We ended up with guys that were quicker and muck more athletic. I'll need to watch the film, but Cindo's move to RG tooka LOT of pressure off the RT who often was distracted trying to help Locvell protect inside in pass pro, and as a result neglected the outside defensive player who often was responsible for sacks. The new make up of our line are guys mostly with attitude. Cindo and Driscoll have been noticeable all season with a great level of 'nasty'. Lovell had none as far as I can tell. Vatakani brought it with spades when he came in. He's a large human who can move, as surprising quickenss, is the strongest o-lineman on the team and has nasty; hard to get better than that (now he just needs to master his techniques and he'll play on Sunday's). Coleman had nasty but needed a little motivation. Same with Rhome and Sessions. Nasty is something that can rub off and I think our inside three got all the tackles fired up. However it happened today, our line executed, and played with nasty, blowing up holes in the d-line and second level to give a speed burner like Ott the chance to bust big runs.

I'll watch film this week and give a report, but for me today was about 5 guys who were athletic enough to get the job done playing very physical football and dominating their opponent. It the quiet reward that an O-Liner lives for; the knowledge that as a group they beat the guys across from them.

I'll tell you about Big Uglies. When I played and when I coached, it was imperative to develop success in everything your guys did, every drill they ran. It was imperative that they became a unit that knew that no one, absolutely no one, could fuck with them, ever. I won't explain how I built that mindset in the groups I coached, but it can be taught and it takes a little time. But once those big fuckers find out they are big and nasty and beyond anyone messing with them, they get an attitude, and then they gel into a formidable offensive line. Ask your buddy Dave Bordessa about it. Dave had it in spades. His balls were so big that when he took off his football pants they dragged on the ground. That's what you want in an o-lineman. And tell Dave I said hi!

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Was the last time we beat Arizona when Alualu and Jordan dominated the Arizona backfield, Nick Foles threw two forward passes in a single play, and Shane Vereen sealed the game with a long TD run?

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Turn me up on these headphones

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Sep 25, 2022·edited Sep 25, 2022

a big shout out to Ott the Hoople and all the young dudes who carried the news today

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If that had been a tweet, I would have retweeted it.

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Last year's Oregon State game was close, but this has to be the most satisfying win in the Wilcox era. Fantastic halftime adjustments, but the tide of the game was turning before halftime. Sincerely hope this is real change in the fortunes of this team and coaching staff.

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Agreed on the adjustments...the staff made some changes, and the players made some plays. Scott and Woodson with back to back huge open field tackles to force that huge punt in the 3Q.

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Despite the hiccups in the first half, Big Game last year on the Farm is going to take that spot for a good long while. We hadn't romped on Stanford in that fashion in a long time.

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Last time we scored SEVEN TDs? Last time we saw the game called with a dagger mentality? The 4th down call at the goal line to go up by 11 was brilliant. That was fun. GO BEARS!

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Haven’t scored 49 since 2018.

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Oregon State?

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Yep. 49-7

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I hope that any recruits Cal had at the game liked what they saw!

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hahaha the mea culpa on the AZ board about your predictions, Rob, is gold. At least they're up front about it

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I don’t feel the need to comment on their board on their tears. I’m better than that. But I will go and read it all for the humor.

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Rob, where can I find the cal injury report before games? I know JW is pretty hush hush on injuries but is it listed somewhere? Link?

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Usually right before the game you can find it on CalFootballPR on twitter. But they won’t say it or release it during the week. You can glean it from the depth chart every Monday/Tuesday tho.

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Didn’t see it on their Twitter account for this game but maybe they just didn’t post it

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Cool thanks!

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Oh man those comments are absolutely hilarious in retrospect

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Sep 25, 2022·edited Sep 25, 2022

I liked that Oladejo moved to OLB and Rutchena and Puskas played ILB for that vacated spot instead of Croteau playing Outside.

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Have to be a stud to make the move Oladejo made and to be so productive and disruptive throughout the game, displays his mental and athletic abilities.

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Iosefa working his way back too. Special teams the past 2 weeks.

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Did Paster play? I don't recall seeing him the last two weeks. Probably buried on the depth chart?

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If you're not giving Run Offense a 95+ score you're an incurable grump.

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I think Bill Musgrave got the rest of that offense.pdf downloaded to his iPad.

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Here's the texts from Musgrave to Troy Taylor:

"Hey Troy, can you give me some tips on building an offense?

Troy's response:

You don't need an offense, you need an Ott-fense.

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Heck that's a catchy new word, kind of like Goffense was a few years back

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It was SWOD for a while there

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Folks, I’m just going to like every comment in this thread.

It feels good to finally beat Arizona. I don’t know what is going to happen to the Pac12 or Cal but I couldn’t live with this potentially being our last game against Arizona and this ridiculous losing streak lasting any longer.

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Sep 25, 2022·edited Sep 25, 2022

The manner in which we lost to Arizona during that losing streak really was brutal. The Hail Mary crap...the McIlwain disaster that caused him to quit the sport...the only P5 team in the country to suffer a COVID outbreak nonsense of last year. It was ridiculous. End that schitt.

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Sep 25, 2022·edited Sep 25, 2022

Folks, it’s been quite some time since the football program had an athlete of Jaydn Ott’s caliber in uniform. Need to show this kid the love so he doesn’t immediately enter the portal at season’s end...so just throwing this out there.


Give early and often...encourage friends and family to do the same. I will be going door to door here in Santa Barbara, soliciting donations... ;-)

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Is it just me (totally possible), or is that thing not the most user friendly/intuitive…

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One concern I still have is we blitzed a few times and never got to the QB on those plays.

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What did they tell the team at half time?!

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Maybe they rolled out a cardboard cutout of Knowlton and told the team a piece of clothing will come off after each win.

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Sep 25, 2022·edited Sep 25, 2022

Yikes…was Knowlton an ex-showgirl like Rachel Phelps?

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