I’m very used to the Garbers underthrown PI. The over throw PI is a new innovation

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They’ve been working on it all camp. It’s a new wrinkle in Musgraves playbook.

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Worst coached game I have ever seen. oops since Holmoe.

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Absolutely. Musgraves play calling lost us this game. That’s it. Garbers didn’t play great but he shouldn’t have had to do much more than turnaround and hand it off

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Did Nevada just throw eight in the box and dare Garbers to make a play?

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What’s so tough to swallow about this game is how winnable it was. Coaching cost us this game.

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After first quarter I thought we are playing Alabama in championship game

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And that’s on Wilcox. Upside down Dykes strikes again.

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I was just thinking, I miss the excitement of, "half the defense, double the offense!"

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Toinges was wide open underneath.

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They have a GREAT kicker.

We seem to have zero want for any explosive plays at least from the passing game.

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not zero want. zero ability.

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We don't have the equivalent of their top two receivers who will probably both be playing on Sundays.

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Ugh...one thing for the Cal offense to be ineffective, but now it's making mistakes.

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Garbers needs to get his head out of his ass. I guess he was told by the coaches not to look for running lanes anymore. Don't know if this has his head screwed up. He looked confused on those last three worthless possessions. Nevada is going to stack the box the rest of the game unless Garbers steps up and makes some downfield throws. And along the way, he needs to keep the defense honest by finding some running lanes for first downs.

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Great observations

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Fire Musgrave!! Too soon??

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Nah dog. I feel like we are watching tedford decline without all the fun years before it.

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Fire Wilcox? Too soon? It is year 5.

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Until we start attracting elite talent, especially at the skill positions (which ain’t happening anytime soon, if ever), there’s a clear ceiling on the program. Wilcox’s coaching style lends itself to unnecessarily close dogfight games that turn on a handful of plays. Tedford would never have lost a home opener to UNR tho...

At least the sunset down by Petco was delightful at the glorious new Rady Shell

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Too late actuallt

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Too late.

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I liked Beau Baldwins offense better than Musgrave's.

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I’m no expert but they could never stop the run so we threw the heck out of it just to show them.

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Musgrave is doing the right thing. The announcers know nothing abut football. UNR has been stacking the box with 7 and playing a loose press. Going deep forces them to back off the box and will allow us to run the ball effectively again.

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I don’t think that one play is going to make them stop

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Yep, we need to hit a few more before they will back off and respect our passing game.

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Actually, on that last play they went from three backers in the box to two. One thing I've noticed with Musgrave is that he WON'T audible out of a call. I he calls a run and they have 7n 0r 8 in the box he still runs it. Bad

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i havent really been able to see what's going on down field. cant tell if the receivers have been blanketed all day and/or if Chase isnt willing and/or able to throw it to them in tight windows, or if he just needs to throw it earlier, etc.

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I agree but I feel stuck in the eternal Cal football situation of “we don’t have the guys to execute the game plan”

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Our WR corps this year is above average

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Doesn’t matter if the QB can’t get the ball there.

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they were below average all these years. a slight improvement made them just about average I think.

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I think it stops and starts with the QB on offense. Chase doesnt have "it". I'd like to see Milner come in and provide a spark.

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bUt He HaS mOrE sTaRtS tHaN aNy OtHeR PaC12 qB!!!

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You gotta be kidding. Milner is so far from being ready. Statistically Chase is playing a good game. We need some receivers to get open for him.

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Not kidding

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True, didnt think of Zack.

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Feels like a must win if want to go bowling this year.

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Not sure about this, only because there appear to be plenty of mediocre to bad Pac-12 teams this season.

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It’s a must win for Wilcox to prove he can build a program. All I’m seeing is another inept offense, he is really turning into Upside Down Dykes.

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Except the defense isn’t even that good. We’re getting zero pressure on this QB and their receivers are taking our DB’s to school.

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Worst loss of the Wilcox era. No one in my section could figure what Musgrave was trying to do. We run the ball well and then he switches to idiotic calls of 4 yard pass plays. Chase has regressed. Musgrave should be fired tomorrow. Can't even complete a single pass down the field without having it picked off. I've now lost faith in Wilcox with two straight bonehead OC hires. I hope we do the right thing and fire Wilcox if he can't do better than 5-7 this season, painful as it might be. Entering his fifth year he is 1-4 in his last 5 games.

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Can we finally agree we need to find a better QB than Garbers? Please!?! He has not improved whatsoever under a new OC. He can’t throw downfield, he cannot throw under pressure.

Worst coaching EVER! Wilcox should be ashamed and apologize to the team.

Fire Charlie Ragle tomorrow. He is NOT a Special Teams coach, period.

We have talented players. Our coaching is letting us down.

And where did Brooks disappear to? Injury?

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I genuinely don't understand how Ragle wasn't fired immediately after the 2020 Big Game.

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Wilcox! Wilcox decided to hire Musgrave in 2019 and doubled down by keeping Ragle in 2020.

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I'm not defending Wilcox. I just can't wrap my head around it.

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That was an absolute shit-show. Fire Musgrave now! The offensive play calling was absolutely rock-bottom after the first quarter. What does Musgrave have against the run? Same thing last year against Oregon State. Cal has the ball first and goal inside the nine yard line with all of its timeouts and on first down he calls for a PASS?!?! Ball deflected, intercepted and that's it. I think that Musgrave's best days are behind him. Also, on the defensive side of the ball, we couldn't get any pressure on Strong. I wonder if we are going to miss 'Root a lot more than we think. Uggghh....Shoot me now.

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What about the empty backfield to get out of the end zone? With Garbers throwing? Seriously? 🤦‍♂️

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It worked once but overall, Cal was flat-out terrible trying to pass the ball. It's strength on offense is the running game so I have no idea why Musgrave just decided to stop running the ball. Yes, mix things up to keep the defense off guard but stick with the run and keep their offense off the field. As soon as we stopped running the ball, we let Nevada back in the game.

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We got spanked by a MWC team that’s been living out of a bus for 3 weeks because they got smoked out of their stadium. What an absolute joke.

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Absolutely dismayed with Musgrave's offense and play calling.

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Well, my yearly optimism has been crushed. At least I don’t have to stay up late for the games this year.

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The defense played well enough to win, the offense didn't.

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Not that many defenses will hold the Pack to 22 this year.

The Bears shouldn't be shut out thru three quarters ever.

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I wouldn’t say the defense had a great game. Nevada stopped themselves more than we stopped them.

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You got beat, too much Berzerkly mary Jane for you.

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Bears are going to get a win. Sac state is coming. I hear they are only a little worse than Washington.

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Man what happened up there in Seattle

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Not great, Bob

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Manolo is throwing us off the ship right now

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What do you guys think, maybe a bubble pass, then a designed QB run, followed by a deep ball and pray for a PI?

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sounds about right

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I like the way you think

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This is it.

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Okay for the love of god, run the ball now. I don’t care if they have 8 in the box. Run it down their throat and win the game.

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No. Do not run with 8 in the bax. That's what is getting us in trouble. Musgrave refuses to audible out of a play to take what the defense give us. He has a terrible mindset.

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Passing worked so well.

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common sense does not exist

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Sorry we only throw here

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behind the line of scrimmage absolutely

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4 mins left, but lets just throw it three times behind the los

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Plenty of time to give Strong another possession.

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Im just telling you the future

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Musgrave must hate Cal fans

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Could go for another 9 min TD drive

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I think they forgot how to run the ball

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He was on the white line of the endzone when he caught that. It should come out to the 25.

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Will they review it?

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Cmon, those are Pac 12 refs, they will probably overturn it and call a safety on us if they do.

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Whooo we needed that! Now just don’t let it turn into a safety….

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I understand a freshman missing that pass. Not a guy in his 4th year

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Nice touch chase

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Be better garbers.

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We’ve reached the part of an FS1 broadcast where they teach us about rice.

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Gamble looks like he just gave up. At least try to jump for the ball maybe?

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For everyone who said last season didn't matter.....well, it mattered. Cal is picking up right where they left off. UCLA looked great late last season and just showed they are picking right up where they left off. Except in a good way.

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Yep, if anything it was an exhibition season and it looked bad. Nothing has changed. Still bad offense, still bad special teams, and a defense that has taken a step back in year 5 of Wilcox era. This is upside down Dykes.

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At least the Bear Raid was fun to watch. Death to ourselves by a thousand cuts is miserable.

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that's a fumble not incomplete

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No idea why you don’t review that

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Daltoso is getting his ass kicked on pass pro.

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Wait until he meets Kayvon Thibbadeaux

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Nightmare inducing stuff.

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The coaches must think that he's the best alternative they have

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He's been like that ever since he transferred to Cal

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Which was fine in the beginning of the Wilcox era but we haven’t been able to recruit and develop someone better over the last our seasons!?!?!

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It’s brutal to watch

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That isn’t good for Pac 12 play at all.

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UNR is a good team. Jeez.

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They are and we will face teams as talented or even more talented in Pac 12 play.

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Why did we decline the penalty? 10 yards would have knocked them out of FG range

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But it would have let them convert 3rd and 28.

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I would have taken it went with my chances on 3rd and 28.

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Seemed like Moore wasn't running for the sticks. What the heck?

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Not sure about the play calling right now.

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This is all self inflicted by musgrave. Run the damn ball.

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Another three and out. That penalty doesn't count.

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Calm down. We need a little better pass protection, and all is well.

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Offense blowing hot and cold again, not much explosiveness and the line in particular has been inconsistent. The defense was pretty sound except for the one bust.

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DBs got owned. No pressure on qb. #21 to small and way too slow. Garbers inaccurate. Did they even throw to the TE? I’ve sat thru 47 years of this shit now. Always some excuse. Punter must have averaged 35 yds gross. PK can’t hit at 40. Yds. I’ve got better way to spend my Saturday. Just don’t care anymore. Maybe time to move on.

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It is time for Wilcox to go. He is 0-2 in hiring OCs. Special teams are still and under him. He is like Tedford, just without all the winning.

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Could not agree more!

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Could have/should have run for 300 yds tonight.

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I've never said it on this blog before, but I will say it now. Wilcox is AT BEST a career 500 coach. I don't understand all the fawning over him. The man has an 11-20 record in the Pac 12 and got extremely lucky playing a bunch of weak non conference teams when he started. He does not understand the offensive side of the ball and has now made two bad OC hires. I've never seen Garbers look more confused. Did he complete a pass all night over 10 yards?

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In the first quarter in spite of pass interference

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Dude, people hold water and dawn for him like he is Tedford or has the early winning seasons and success of Tedford.

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he actually did

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Hire Tedford for OC?

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Proven qb developer. Less stress on tenfold so he won't quit due to health reasons. I support this.

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