worst defensive series all night and could not have come at worse time

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The pride of Elk Grove with 6!

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Well time to sleep since I'm driving to Oregon tomorrow (seriously). Hope i don[t get stopped a few yards short.

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"That's a senior moment" has been repurposed

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exactly how that was drawn up!

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fuck Chase, he's wide open

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Moore has the best vision of our RBs

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Oregon is at the stage of the game where they stop being cute and start spamming the same play until we stop it.

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good to see Reinwald get a TD, he's been a good Cal Bear!!

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Jeremiah Hunter is becoming a favorite...

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The guy has “it”

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This game is nice and f'd up...and that works for us!

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brown's throws are our best defense

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He is not a top-10 QB despite the team ranking.

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My play...my favorite Tedford play. Bring the TE from the right and go across to the left, with flow to the right.

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wtf is Garbers doing???

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tunnel vision

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Garbers is gonna run.

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Ok I see why the Oregon DE is hyped up.

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Sigh it’s the hope

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now the quack need to throw and we get a pick and ice this game

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You keep calling for a pick. Got for you. Coming right up. Brown right to Hicks. Hicks in for six!

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Boomage doing his thing

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just longhetto enough

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D is making stops!

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They made that Taco Bell commercial just for GEAT

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yes, yes they did and it's G(r)EAT!!!

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Son of a gun. Did not expect that first down.

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i've seen kids in school yards throw better passes, seriously

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we score and I say go for 2

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I keep expecting a flag

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Cal's own Ed Dickson play!

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was just thinking that lol

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musgrave doing it. let's get it in

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One shoe is barely hanging on as I lay on the sofa watching this drive.

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I see a turnover returned for a TD for the Bears coming up!!

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heeeeey we did it!

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Oh boy a FG attempt

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following a bye week, we now have 2 miscommunications between receivers and the QB, wtf

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Yeah if Oregon could keep turning the ball over that’d be greaaaat

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so frustrating, I'm so done w/ this OL & Garbers, it's been a long 5 years

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Good effort, but boy howdy, I am pissed at the typical squandered opps in the fashion we’ve been repeating.

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Good night y'all.

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so we have Latu but don't use him, I guess??

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TE or brooks.

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actually a pretty good call

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Okay...let's see if Cal is gonna bring me joy or sadness.

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Is that a trick question?

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not exactly a 50-50 proposition

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