
Someone please tell me when the results are released from this, some of my favorite interactions on this blog.

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The plan is for the results to be released on Wednesdays, per the same schedule as before.

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Nov 15, 2020Liked by Rick Chen

Obviously I would have liked to see us play and execute better. However, this whole season is just one big mulligan so I am not too invested or upset at the results.

I am not shocked by the poor offense. It is a theme for Cal under Wilcox and I was never really impressed with Musgrave while he was in the NFL so I wasn’t excited about that hire at all. Even with that said, it was the first game of a very disjointed season so it is hard to really judge the offense because it is a new staff with limited reps and our first game of the season against UCLA on short notice and an early start time. Hopefully the offense can improve.

The defense however was a complete disappointment today We returned a lot of starters and experience and UCLA cut through them like a chainsaw., really no excuse for that at all. This isn’t a new UCLA coaching staff or new UCLA QB or offensive scheme so I am not sure why they struggled so much. Reminded me a lot of Cal/UCLA HC game a few seasons ago when we couldn’t stop UCLA at all.

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Nov 15, 2020Liked by Rick Chen

If we are going to blame this on lack of practice and being the first game of season, well at least we got it out of the way.

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Although if someone would have told me earlier this year that Cal would not suffer its first loss until mid November, I'd have thought that was pretty pretty pretty good.

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Nov 15, 2020Liked by Rick Chen

Right! We were undefeated until November 15th, great season.

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looks like I picked the wrong day to stop sniffing glue

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Garbers seems to be a lot of the problem. If he were more accurate in his passing (and the receivers WERE open) I believe he could have spread the defense a bit and kept UCLA from packing the box and blitzing at will. It would have also kept the defense off the field a lot more. But I am done with Garbers. His mechanics are horrible and I was hoping Musgrave would have improved that with him (even via remote coaching).

Garbers isn't getting the fundamental coaching he needs or he's ignoring the coaching he's getting at game time. Either way, he's missing reads, missing open receivers, and missing targets. 3 years in, plenty of time to be coached up. Let's move to a QB with more potential.

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3 years of dismal offense was finally uncovered today. In the past, we were able to fudge it and cover it up with our stellar D. But now that we may have a mere mortal defense, it doesn't bode well.

Is it just me, or was the O-Line the biggest disappointment of the day? This was supposed to be our strongest position group -- tons of experience and a bunch of studs returning. But their 3 MANHANDLED our 5 consistently all day. They stuffed the run (team average 1.9 ypc) and poor CG was running for his life back there. Bruins: 5 sacks to 0. 9 tackles for loss to our 2. When you don't have the defense to bail you out any more, the O needs to at least be average.

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I don't know if it's fair to have expected the O-line to be our strongest position group, but we anticipated it to be very experienced and hoped they would have been able to make the jump.

The D-line quarantine for the past two weeks, however, means the O-line may have gone two weeks without going against a D-line in practice.

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This is a game we must forget. For whatever reason, we were not ready to play today on both sides of the ball. It reminds me an awful lot of the 37-7 pasting by the Bruins in 2018 at Memorial. It was said at the time on CGB that Kelly has Wilcox' number. And that definitely appears to be true.

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About to go slam some weights to get this nasty feeling out of my system.

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Apparently UCLA is .500 for the first time under Chip Kelly. We lost to a terrible team.

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We miss Beau Baldwin's QB coaching

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Brutal. F for Musgrave.

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Uninspiring hire leads to uninspiring results.

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Yes. Uninspiring all around. I guess if you've got the Wisconsin O-line you can get away with such vanilla nonsense but having your O get thoroughly dominated against a dogs hit opponent is not a good look.

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I forgot that there was a game was this morning, and so I went to see if it was still going on and how much Cal was beating UCLA by.... I guess a loss wouldn't be shocking, but a one-sided loss?? Dayammm. Oh well, guess I should be happy that I missed it.

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watching this type of cal game feels like three hours of constipation waiting for a gaseous release that never occurs and gets pent up inside; have experienced too many. Installing a new offense in the midst of Covid with an ex UCLA D-Line coach teaching blocking=ugh...defense played hard IMO, need new guys esp LB to get more reps and more depth upfront

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Eh, this isn't like the weekly rankings, I wouldn't really move QBs all that much from week to week. I'm judging them by talent/potential, not really performance. I might change the rankings of the unknown QBs as I see more of them play or as certain younger QBs develop, but I still think DTR is the worst QB in the conference. Usually when I rank the QBs, I ask myself, "who would I trade for this QB?" That game was more of a Cal loss than a UCLA win IMO.

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