Thinking outside the box here, but… what if the Big Game was moved up to, say, the second game of the year? That’s how Utah and BYU do it, for example. If we win that rivalry game early in the season, who knows? Maybe momentum could carry through, home attendance might go up and our won/ loss record might improve! (Though I really think that the ‘Big Game’ is whenever we play U$C!)

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I cannot wait for the Carolina Panthers to draft DTR and just watch him fail.

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IMHO. For the NFL, he is:

1. Too emo.

2. At times, inconsistent, likely because of item #1

3. His build is too lanky

I wish him well. I truly wish he would have chosen Cal, but it's okay, I'm sure he has lots of movie contracts falling into his lap.

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Sad to see the season end. Torn on Wilcox. Clearly record is not what it needs to be and not improving in the most important areas 6 years at the helm. Not recruiting quarterbacks is also a problem (Luke Duncan would rather be #3 at UCLA than go to Cal?). Finally punting on Musgrave was a positive sign.

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So, what to say? Sad to say but I think it's time for Wilcox to go. 6th season 4-8 record, countless games lost on poor coaching. No demonstrable progress on any front in the game (horrendous offense for the most part and progressively deteriorating defense to say the least), weak recruiting to boot. What is there to gain in keeping Wilcox? What is the worst to happen if we replace him? A new coach who has a 3 win season next year? I would take that all day for the prospect of a team that might improve in season 2 and 3 under that coach.

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Sad to that that of all the potential coaches Nebraska will interview/ hire, probably none of them would ever consider coming to Cal. Our program has fallen so far off the radar in what seems like so short a time. Example—- Gary Patterson is now an assistant coach at Texas, but I bet he wouldn’t leave to be our head coach!

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So, other than that, how was California Memorial Stadium, Mrs. Lincoln?

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Sad end to what could have to been a magical comeback. Coughing up the ball twice doomed the Bears

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Disappointing season, despite winning. Big game. Changes needed and coming hopefully

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The UCLA chant is way more obnoxious than the USC band.

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It's a close second but I don't think I can ever get over the obnoxious Fight for Troy crap on EVERY single down.

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Nah, USC band just makes me roll my eyes and ask why; UCLA chant makes me want to punch something.

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All in all, it was a great season because we beat Stanford. Hoping for more than that is dangerous.

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Disagree strongly. This sort of thinking is what’s gotten us extensions on mediocre to bad coaches. We should have higher expectations than beating a bad stanfurd team.

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I agree with you; I was being rather snarky. Apologies.

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Stanford win was nice but in no way excuses this disaster of a year. At least Musgrave is gone tho.

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And Musgrave was fired.

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And the City of Berkeley didn't overtly cost Cal any games this time around. They even let our players play without masks. And at least we still have the men's basketball season to look forward to, right?

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For basketball we can replace our masks with paper bags.

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Very easy to social distance at Cal men’s basketball games.

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Only question is whether Fox is still Head Coach at Cal on January 1, 2023...

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Some cause and effect there.

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We can only hope that that fumble keeps Ott from transferring next year.

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From the Cal perspective, the Bear did not quit, or die, but it was the wrong Bruin.

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Because Cal roars like, uh, well, a bear.

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And we go out like a lamb.

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(see what I did there)

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That basically sums up our season so in a sense, that is a perfect ending.

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Nov 26, 2022·edited Nov 26, 2022

The main conclusions I draw from this year are that Bill Musgrave is an incompetent man that seriously needs a career change and that Justin Wilcox can not be trusted to make important decisions.

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Wilcox, Fox and Musgrave. It is the holy trinity of coaching incompetence.

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No, it's Knowlton Wilcox Fox

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That’s the holy trinity of athletic department incompetence.

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That's not the trifecta box you wanna hit, GoldenSD!

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Cal band still plays the fight song.

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How many schools would retain a coach who went 4-8 in his 6th season? Just Cal?

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David Shaw's school?

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Between Wilcox and Fox our programs are in terrible shape.

Wilcox should be fired after this season and last season.

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Agree; Wilcox should have been let go at the end of last season. Even the players seem to sense he’s dead man walking.

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Well that's Cal for us.

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Yup. That's Cal.

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Brutal. His only fumble this season

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that's gotta be the worst way to lose

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I thought it was an entirely fitting end to this season

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Nov 26, 2022Liked by Rick Chen

Because Cal.

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Nov 26, 2022·edited Nov 26, 2022


Ott fumbles his last touch as a Bear?

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Ott "I can't end my Cal career with a fumble"

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Nov 26, 2022·edited Nov 26, 2022

Yes, he must redeem himself, like a Klingon who has lost a battle. He must stay out of the Portal.

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We really can't have nice things, can we?

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We have Wilcox and Fox!

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Comment removed
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We will win 5

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Nov 26, 2022·edited Nov 26, 2022Liked by Rick Chen

Well, that’s it. Have a nice off season everyone.

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Nov 26, 2022Liked by Rick Chen

That’s a fumble

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Nov 26, 2022Liked by Rick Chen

Sigh, he had the first down

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Nov 26, 2022·edited Nov 26, 2022

Welp, we were spared the heartbreak of a TD with a failed 2 point conversion.

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At least that wasn't a back foot throw.

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Sessions is not a Power 5 caliber player...

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He's from Montana State isn't he? The fact that no one is better than him is sad

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Nov 26, 2022Liked by Rick Chen

What a way to lose

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come on

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Watch Wilcox punt here on 4th down.... ;-)

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lmao he can't throw for shit

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Wow!! Throwing it!! 😂

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Dumbest play call in history.

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That was a Musgrave level call there.

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So stupid.

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Hands up for 3rd down

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Vegas is rooting for a breakaway TD here and a cover....

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Starkey says Yankoff is a 2 way player.

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Please don’t let DTR run a bootleg for a touchdown

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this is dumb

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Well we have 3 timeouts

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Nov 26, 2022Liked by Rick Chen

Guys, it’s been a honor to chat with you all.

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No way this gets overturned.

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Once again, ending season with a well chapped ass.

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And a charred bonnet

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That got yanked off

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Standing there looking like a Bobo.

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Great play by Scott and effort by Charbonnet. Where was the rest of the defense?

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In the right situation with early touches, Charbonnet is a darkhorse NFLOROY candidate next year...

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Nov 26, 2022Liked by Rick Chen

Are you kidding me?!!

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Why do I get the feeling that ucla is just yanking our chain.

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That's more than the chain gang did.

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They're getting huge chunks. Maybe we get a muffed snap or something.

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Because it happens a lot?

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Because they are?

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Bring the house to stop this 4th down attempt.

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So, if we stop, get the ball back, and score. Go for tie or win?

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Depends on how much time I’d left. If <10 seconds go for 2

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Nov 26, 2022·edited Nov 26, 2022

Win...can't get stops.

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I do not have confidence in our two point plays and we’re at home. I’d say tie personally, but that’s a long way off. Need this stop and a while drive.

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Play action pass to Moore

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Catch them before worrying about passing them.

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* whole drive

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3rd and 9...here's our shot to get off the field.

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Yeesh, almost 8 up the gut.

We could really use a healthy Brett Johnson and a Vita Vea clone next year....

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Kelly is going full Oregon 8 minute offense in us right now.

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Man, I thought we were going to rip the ball out there.

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Yanking it off even

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Not in front of the kids, please.

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Personal foul

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Illegal motion

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Couldn't have a 3 and out on that last drive. Bummer.

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