Feb 8, 2023Liked by BentPawn

Thanks BP! Good stuff my friend.

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"AD Knowlton is at a critical juncture where inaction is the worst possible choice"

Turns out it was Knowlton himself who was the worst possible choice.

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appreciate the analytical basketball article, rather than the typical game summary that ChatGPT can now write.

We just don't have enough shooters for almost anything to work. Teams just jam up the paint and double our posts and prevent drives. That takes Brown and Marsalis out of scoring roles, makes it difficult for Lars to score and creates turnovers. None of our 'shooters' (players who've taken 33+ threes) of 2K (32%), Sam (33%), Bowser (32%), Brown (26%) and Grant (26%) are good or consistent enough.

Wren should get more PT to put more shooting on the floor, but Fox only gives him limited PT because he favors defense. But without more shooting the best defense in the nation wouldn't be good enough to win games (how many games are won with 44 or 47 points?)

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Removed (Banned)Feb 7, 2023·edited Feb 7, 2023
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