Oct 3, 2021Liked by Rick Chen

I’m not surprised that Cal football hasn’t and won’t achieve the heights of the Tedford years. I am surprised that Cal football hasn’t been able to achieve .500 consistently and go to bowl games. I don’t think that’s an unreasonable expectation. Top 25 consistently? Eh probably not. But as an alum, all I want is some good play and an excuse to go to some bowl game as a break.

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Oct 3, 2021Liked by Rick Chen

Yeah, this right here. We should be able to consistently win 6-7 games each season with the occasional 8-10 win seasons. It isn’t like we are stuck in and recreating kids to the Siberian wastelands of Pullman, Corvallis, etc. we should be able to recruit high level 3 star kids and the occasional 4 star kids and amass enough talent to beat teams like Nevada, WSU, OSU, U of A etc.

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The question is, does Wilcox get an extension? If he doesn’t, then he essentially is a lame duck coach and recruiting takes a big hit. IMO, he has not earned it as he has certainly not shown the ability to win football games.

But if we fire him, what are the chances that the AD will hire someone better?

I think we need to do what the Beavers did, hire an alum. I think Troy Taylor could be the man.

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Might as well hire Troy at this point. Making someone on the boards very happy...

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Who is this “Troy” you speak of? I’m going to need a Wikipedia link so I can do my “research” on him.

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Holmoe went to BYU.

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Welp what we thought about the ILB seems to have come to fruition. Olajedo and Paster got a lot of snaps. Even grey-shirt Rutchena got some snaps and an INT!! So, the coaches have accepted the fact that production at that position isn’t there. Tattersall may have gotten a few snaps, but I don’t recall seeing him on D and I will not be reviewing this game’s tape.

That said, the defense played well enough to win. Two INTs, 21 points allowed, and a blocked punt. That block turned out to be catastrophic for the Bears as IIRC it ended with a Beaver receiver making a one-handed toe point Baryshnikov touchdown! It’s good to see younger players coming in and producing: Roberts, Hearns, Saunders, Oladejo, Paster and Rutchena.

Slater Zellers. I bet prior to this season, 99% of Cal fans would not have recognized the name. In his prior 2 seasons I don’t recall him having a bad snap. He is a good player but is mentally completely gone atm. Kinda like a golfer on the 1st tee with no confidence where his drive will go. No amount of coaching is going to help him get over the mental block. Perhaps a sports psychologist may help. He just has to “trust” his muscle memory to get over this bump so he can perform to his normal self. Perhaps the next 2 weeks will allow for that.

Lastly, the obvious. The staff must allow another QB to play in a game. First, it would allow CG a different perspective from the sideline, which sometimes aids a player. Second, if the season is in the shitter we need Millner to see the field as it would seem he is the heir apparent at QB. But moving on from CG is now fully on the table. I don’t feel it will produce wins necessarily given the state of our OL but it will prepare Millner and get him accustomed to game speed.

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Death spiral coming.

I do hate this time period for Cal football:

-Dead stick season

-Players, fans and even Coaches checking out and going through the motions

-Letting the Coaching staff go

-A way too long search process involving an expensive Consulting group that eventually offers up a lame list of Coaches

-A flurry of transfers

-Unrealistic expectations with the new staff amid rebuilding and changing the football style

Of course in the weeks after I post this, Cal will turn the season around to save their Coach and we’ll be complaining about these same issues for years to come because…Cal

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The idea of having to wait another 3-4 recruiting cycles again is so deflating.

Like others, I'm starting to lose my passion for Cal football. For the last 2 decades I've watched as much as I possibly can and rarely missed a snap, no matter how big or small the game or how bad the team was.

The idea of a Cal game happening and me not knowing the score or finding out the outcome shortly thereafter has been unfathomable. If there was a game I couldnt watch, I'd at least usually know the outcome before I went to sleep.

Yesterday, I turned the game just a couple minutes into the 3rd quarter. I didn't check back here or anywhere. I didn't even know the final score until this morning.

I cant remember the last time I honestly didnt care if they won or lost a game. This might be my first time since becoming a fan.

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Yeah, I’m there as well. I went to a friends house for a BBQ and got to his house before the second half started and he asked me if I wanted him to turn the Cal game so I could watch it. I told him I wanted to have a good time at the BBQ so please don’t turn it on. It was liberating and I had a great time.

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Unfortunately I'm there. I got home last night and it was 14-6 and I saw they missed the extra point. I went about my business and made and ate dinner before checking back. Didn't bother getting Starkey via the computer or try to find a stream. The late night (east coast) games I check the score once before bed and that's it.

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I left during the second quarter, which is the first time I have walked out on a Cal game. It was friggin' hot and the play was unprintable. I had seen enough, e.g, the blown snap, the ridiculous blocked punt that was returned for a first down, seemingly every play as "the previous play is under review", etc. Plus we were playing without energy or purpose. I haven't even watched the 2nd half on the DVR. Why bother because nothing happened.

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We left at the half. When we blew the PAT I knew nothing had changed. A couple weeks away from it will be good.

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A sad milestone

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(turned the game off)

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Can somebody explain to me why the AD is permitted to use a search firm to hire new coaches? Making new coaching hires is part of his job! He’s supposed to know how to do a search! Is the money we pay these search firms coming out of his pocket? I doubt it. I’m sure the athletic department pays for it. How is this possible? Imagine trying to convince your boss to pay you AND pay for the guy you hired to do your job for you. It’s absurd.

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Oct 3, 2021Liked by Rick Chen

The search firm also does the ground work of vetting candidates, background, legal and reference checks, logistical management of communication and interviews, etc. They also provide a buffer between the hiring target and candidate and allow both sides to gauge interest and expectations without any formal contact.

Of all the things to worry about in this mess, use of a search firm is pretty low on the list.

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Should the search firm come up with names that you already have on your short list (without divulging them to said search firm) then perhaps they are useful for the administrative BS. Else, they came up with the wrong candidates...say like, Fox.

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Thank you (and Gobears49 and GoldenSD81) for the explanations, I was genuinely wondering. These are all solid reasons. From what you and the others have said, it sounds like the search firm puts together a field of candidates and facilitates the process, as opposed to saying “Here’s your guy.” I’m not confident Knowlton will get it right though.

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GA for head coach. Screw the headhunting firm.

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This is something I could consider and back.

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Yeah, I don’t get it at all for lower level schools and schools that have not had success in football.

I understand why big schools do it, it is a way to limit the influence of wealthy alums and boosters from muddling up the process.

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The wheels have come off the cart. Need to re-boot and re-group. Saying "it's all on me" does not improve the overall picture of the situation with Cal football, which is bleak.

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Is it any wonder we can’t win when we have lost the recruiting wars? Think about it—- if you have a lick of talent, are you coming to this rudderless ship, or are you going down the peninsula, or to Socal, or Eugene. I agree with other posters here; a massive overhaul is needed, from coaching, to recruiting, to charging less for tickets to get butts back in the seats (I ain’t gonna pay $77 bucks a seat to see Cal and Colorado battle for mediocrity). And go out and poach a head coach with personality and swagger!

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A bye week during the Wilcox era has been used to develop underclassmen. I suggest (strongly) that it is use to develop the 1st string. Especially the OL which has been a weakness at Cal for many many years. Wazzu did a great job exploiting the OL. If, as Cindric claimed in his post game interview, the issue is one of technique than that should have been fixed DURING the game. Given it wasn't fixed than the OL 1st string can practice technique against our 1st string DL each day for the next 2 weeks until they have the technique down pat. To my eye the issue is more than technique.

The OL has had a 6 player rotation all season until this game. When we went deeper into the depth chart ~ Rohme came in for Craig ~ things did not improve. btw, did Craig get benched or was he injured? Driscoll apparently did not play at all (according to the participation report) and he had been playing well, perhaps he's injured now but Wilcox will never let it be known unless specifically asked.

OT: the best team in the Pac12, IMO, is OSU. Not coincidently they have the best OL in the conference. And they also have potential League players at DB and LB. I suspect they will be ranked #1 in the conference when the WFC rankings come out this week.

Also, the quacks offense isn't that good and the QB isn't going to beat anyone. His supporting staff is good but they rely on quick strike explosive plays. It's the defense that keeps them in games, not a bad formula to have. Cristobal should have been left on the tarmac in San Jose after his bone headed decision to pass the ball when furd had timeouts w/ only 2 minutes left to play in the game, saved 'furds ass and cost his team an outside chance at the playoffs.

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And OSU’s o-line coach? Jim Michalczik, who was Cal’s o-line coach in Tedford’s best years.

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He was very good in his first stint as OL coach with Tedford. He wasn’t that good during his second stint (11-13) with Tedford.

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Second stint wasn’t as successful but iirc the o line was still way better than today.

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I agree, even Dykes OL were better than what we have today and we would drop back and throw the ball a lot more than we do now and didn’t have TEs.

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I can't remember who we had during the second stint. Schwenke, MSG, Schwartz, Galas, Cheadle, Rigsbee? If they were playing, I'm sure it was way better.

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Fire garbers

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But was Wilcox angry at his press conference?

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Oct 3, 2021Liked by Rick Chen

Surprisingly, he didn’t seem as angry as usual. I wonder if he’s not angry because he’s just resigned to the fact that the wheels have come off and there’s no putting them back on. At least, that’s how I feel. I was angry after the first four, but now I’ve just given up.

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Oct 3, 2021Liked by Rick Chen

He probably had accepted the fact that this team isn't really good.

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It's entirely possible he got some feedback from the AD or someone else to lighten up a little bit in front of the press. He seemed to be really spiraling into a dark place.

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You can only get so angry. I think he’s into the reflection phase of the grief process.

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I think we all are as well

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More disappointed than angry, which makes sense given how competitive Coach is

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Bob: I think that SMU's conference has something to do with his success. The American Athletic Conference has one team (Cincinnati) that is any good. The rest of the conference is a joke. Dyke's is probably thanking his lucky stars that he didn't end up at a Power Five program like Baylor or Texas because he would be getting his ass kicked most of the time (just like he did at Cal). Say what you want about Tedford (especially at the end) but he was committed to Cal and was in it for the long term. We need to find a coach like David Shaw who is fiercely committed to his alma mater and wants to coach young men to make a difference in the world, not just go to the NFL.

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Bob: These are all good points. If what you are saying is true and Dykes has created a winner in a tough conference (something he couldn't do here), does this mean we are cursed?

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Our universe played a cruel joke on everyone involved when it landed Sonny Dykes at Cal and then shortly after opened up the Texas Tech job, which in another universe was his destiny.

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Not sure where you got that. Dugan played the whole game; you can see his stats in the box score.

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