We watched on the pac12 channel. there women are TRULY great athletes. Two 10's! WOW

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Oski: "Look at me, UCLA. I'm the Captain now."

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Go Bears!!! Pack the Haas is the least Cal fans can do to support the incredible effort put in by these true student athletes.

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There was small pockets of support for the Bears around Pauley including a group of 10+ gymnastics alumni.

I sat with Damon Moore (1982 yell leader/ Fyght For Cal on Twitter) and after the meet lots of Bruin fans came up to us “please go beat Oklahoma” - like Damon or I had anything to do with it. The UCLA fans did also come with a bunch of Olympic (ok missing Jordan Chiles does make a difference) and injury explanations but the Bears were just plain better - even to a non-regular fan, I could see our routines had fewer bobbles, we stuck our landings more often and all our skills were just cleaner.

This team is special and has a real chance to make noise at the Finals - make sure you get out there this weekend!

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