This one really should be a win... They are like Colorado in terms of lack of cohesiveness but without the high level talent

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I don't get the comments in this article. Where does it mention anything about 4.0 hill or Cal's last Rose Bowl victory or about Pinex?

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I think Coach Dillingham is glossing over a major piece of the typical ASU recruiting pitch...and it is about "connections" but not the type of "connection" that he is talking about....or does he just give the spiel to the kids during a stroll down the Palm Walk on a busy day?

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If you’re going to throw stones at our University, city, and traditions, please get it correct. We don’t say “the” 4.0 hill when we talk about Cal’s intelligent yet slightly off center student body rolling down a hill for luck that never seems to come. We don’t say “the” founders rock when we discuss Berkeley’s last Rose Bowl victory way back in 1938. It’s simply Palm Walk. Yeah, it’s that serious to us . Good luck this year!

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Fair enough: "Palm Walk". I actually spent a few years there as a postdoc, but never learned the nuance (thanks for the education). Could never quite become a die-hard ASU fan (owing to my strong allegiance to Cal), but I pull for them some and did develop a strong dislike for (the) University of Arizona. I think ASU gets unfairly criticized in terms of academic quality (owing to its legacy as a party school and Crow's wide open check collecting policy); the faculty is top notch and I have met a lot of bright ASU grads. Culturally, it's very different than Cal, in more ways than one.

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Read the room, bud.

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I love it when we play Arizona State at home. We can beat them this year. Go Bears!

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Another NFL quarterback we have to face. Pinex is like our QB. really fast. We should be ready for this game, but he is deadly accurate.

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