Cal Fans: I just found this online and it is pretty funny. It's about the game last Saturday. Nothing vulgar, I promise. I don't want to get banned from WFC so trust me. It starts at the 2:06 mark under Auburn vs. Cal. Enjoy.


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First of all, I'm sorry that, what for many of you, may be your only trip ever to Alabama, you had to be spent in Auburn. I promise we have cities with more buildings, plenty of tolerant people & fewer cows (even a couple where you won't find a single one). I was certainly a Cal fan Saturday & loved watching your Bears play their hearts out, showing people what a "team" looks like. Auburn fans are among those with the most unwarranted entitlement & backward thinking you'll ever come across. They talk some much trash but then make so many excuses when they lose. It's like they just can't give credit where credit is due because they're so hung up on thinking they're superior for some reason.

So, congrats, y'all! Every time I see a Cal Bear I'll smile & say thank you!

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I had a great time in Auburn, and 99% of people we met were friendly and welcoming. Stayed at Lake Martin - absolutely beautiful and jumping in the lake at night was a perfect way to celebrate the victory.

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What a flaming clown. The Auburn fans were all incredibly nice to us before and after the game. Go back to Tusca-trash.

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"I guess we have no choice but to make another memory Bears."

my god Avi is out here droppings bars

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Start a new trend.

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what do you mean?

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Every time I see people's video of the game and the Cal contingent, I get goos bumps and can't stop bawling. Thank you team and travel Bears!

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This win is in my top ten of all Cal wins I've seen in my 87 years of existing on this planet. Of course number one is the play which I witnessed in person. This one was so gratifying because it was in front of 83,000 screaming fans who, and many so called experts, thought Cal was a pushover and not a good team. Hope we can have so many more.

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We need to establish a commitment to the highest level and play to that every week. That''s what happens, in the past, we go into an ergonomic "save mode" and play only to the level of the competition. Hopefully the new chancellor can rally support campus wide.

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Props to y’all who made the trip; you deserve all the glory of seeing that wonderful upset!

I feel like a Cal jinx (my record is quite poor, especially in road games….), but I gotta get over that.

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Nice! Is that Nam in the very last row, talking to the guy with the "man bun?"

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No, Unfortunately, Nam couldn't make the trip. On the other hand, Rob, who took this photo - had a video call with Nam - so we all celebrated with him. Someone yelled "look! Nam got to storm the field!" and the cop next to Rob shook his head while still maintaining a scowl.

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Genuinely thought i might be arrested. but that happened later in the night. not arrested but a potential traffic stop.

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The curse of Nam and Matt, I guess. 🤣🤣🤣

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Shame that Auburn still has it's goal posts.

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Yesterday was one of the happiest days as a Cal fan that I can remember. Haven’t been that happy since the Lightning game in Washington. Even my son was all a Twitter. Memories, friends, and it’s making me dream of more than just a winning season for the first time in a long time.

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At first I was kind of in shock. My friends came over for a watch party and today one of them said I looked "catatonic" when that last interception sealed the game. But then I felt the same as you. I was singing Cal songs the rest of the night and into today.

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I did not dare break the spell.

And my voice was gone from yelling, inside my own house.

My neighbors, whether they liked it or not, were treated to call fight songs serenading the block.

It was a good day, but born of hard work and an absence of smug assumptions.

This is how a winning program begins.

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It was great!

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YTube - The Brain Drain (Auburn) interesting live commentary by host. Tracks and reveals some of the comments while yakking about the game and Auburn football. Obviously quite confident starting out with the usual inaccurate assumptions about Cal.

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Here's the phantom PI call just before the TD.


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Thanks, it would have been a chore to find it at the right spot. This show is pretty well done IMO. Auburn and like teams sure have plenty of "shows" to take in ...before, during and after.

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Oh, yes. The Auburn talk is unending. They make a point about Thorne being intimidated and rushed in the game. But, it's time for us to move on.

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I've live my whole life dealing with entitled Auburn fans & the trash talk they seem to never be able to back up. Having traveled all over the country for 40 year to watch Alabama play football & Auburn is one of the two (Tennessee) most "deplorable" fan bases I've ever come across. For 2 weeks before y'all embarrassed them, I listened as they spewed all the "aint no way we's a gonna lose to them "commie liberal transvestites" "they's in fer a rude awakinin'" bile they could muster & not once since have I heard anything but typical victim excuses from them. The majority of them really are a classless backward bunch of people.

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Well, apart from trash talk, the in-person experiences, I have read from my fellow Bears have been very positive.

Auburn seems to self-sabotage from what I have seen. Like him or not, Freeze is a good coach and recruiter. Most of us were probably more surprised than the Auburn fans at our win. We heard nothing but great things about both the Auburn Portal classes and recruits. Look out I think they’ll be the team to beat, more so every year.

But 2010 set an impossible and unlikely expectation for Auburn fans. Yes, self-sabotage by high demands and the impatience that comes with it. Perhaps they have a sort of younger sibling expectation and, deep down, in a self-limiting way, are afraid of success. “How can we complain about ‘Bama, if we’re the big dogs?”

Might be best for Dr. Phil to help the two fan bases sort this out. Best of luck to you both this season.

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Every Auburn fan we met both before and after the game were incredibly nice. They were buying us food and drinks in town and invited us to hang with them at tailgates. They were disappointed in the outcome but took it in stride. They are in the midst of a massive rebuild.

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The recruiting and transfer ranks are top five. They will be a team to beat.

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88,000 disappointed fans!!!

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Maybe 86,000 disappointed fans. There were at least a couple thousand of us loud and proud Cal fans in the corner of the end zone!

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For me, a diehard Cal fan for most of my 78 years, it was a game of courage and resilience, helping us rise above all the heartbreak and frustration. It is not always easy to be a Cal football fan, but rewards like yesterday’s game bring pure joy! Go Bears!

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Avi: What were the Cal falsehoods being spread on Twitter/X? I thought that the Auburn fans were supposedly pretty classy (unlike the fans at Ole' Miss who kept screaming "fucking communists' when we played there in 2019). What gives?

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The Auburn fans we met were all super nice. Before and after the game.

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Not surprised. My mom's family all live in Alabama (they root for the Tide) and they are all very nice and classy, even when it comes to something sacred like college football. When my cousin married a girl who went to Auburn, the family welcomed her with open arms. However, they are now divorced so we should have all seen it coming.

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We had a blast all day and they could not have been nicer. I was expecting some MAGA shit about California but didn't even hear or see that. Just a great time. Hopefully we can play them in basketball and baseball.

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Well, at least they got it kind of right. I’d rather have them call us that, than not have a clue what Cal is haha

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OMG. Did the Ole Miss fans really do that? Nicely reproducing the stereotype of the SEC and the US south when it comes to football.

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In the unmoderated boards on Saturday, there was a fair bit of Auburn fan usage of "smelly hippies" for Cal-- not so much by their very civil fans on reddit/other moderated boards.

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Freespeechlover: Yes, they really did. However, Evan Weaver used it as fuel to stop them on fourth and goal when Ole Miss was trying to score. I also remember the 2006 Holiday Bowl when the Texas A&M fans wore t-shirts that said, "In town to kick some hippie ass". We won 45-10. As long as the rest of the country keeps thinking we are all a bunch of communist hippies, I guess they will underestimate us.

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Clemson thought the same thing in ‘92, and the stomping we gave them in the citrus bowl was my first proudest moment as a Cal fan.

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They are coming to Berkeley in 2026.

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Yes! Don’t overlook SDSU who has a respectable football program!

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Agreed. In the world of modern college football. don't overlook ANYBODY!!!! Just ask Notre Dame. A lot of top teams came close to getting knocked off yesterday (ask Oregon).

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The SEC believes that they play the only real football in the country.

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One is done by 20 year old idiot frat boys, the other by an executive employed by the school paid 6 figures.

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True enough.

I think such trash talk is par for the course in the SEC, TBH.

You play on a stereotype, as did many of our folks.

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What did the auburn athletic director post that got taken down?

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Really just some snark about how Cal fans may not be used to standing for the National Anthem, be scared by USAF flyovers, (by implication) be unpatriotic, et cetera.

Himself a Fullerton grad, I can't say it's all undeserved.

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it was absolutely undeserved, but also very notably, false. he said something to the effect of 'Cal hasn't had a flyover since the 50s!' which is just something he pulled out of his ass as part of a larger tweet implying Cal is anti-military and unpatriotic.

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A fellow Bear who attended the game told me that most of the Cal fans present sat out a tribute to Auburn’s military veterans and chants of “USA”

I know we have some patriotism, but it can come across as tepid or muddled. And, yes, we have for a fact had flyovers in the recent past. I must wonder if NIMBYs have played a role in our fewer such displays.

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If the we manage to stay undefeated until week six, we could see College Station in Berkeley for a showdown with Miami.

Week 3 Cal vs SDST

Week 4 Cal vs Florida State

Week 5 bye week

Week 6 Cal vs Miami

These are the marquee matchups for week 6 (or teams that could be undefeated heading into week 6). Would they pick any of these games over Cal vs Miami?

Michigan State vs Oregon

Ole Miss vs South Carolina

Boston College vs Virginia

Alabama vs Vanderbilt

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Great for the brand, but winning is better. I hate the idea of the distraction, frankly.

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The Oregon game isn't relevant since it's on Friday. I'd say UCLA @ Penn State and Michigan @ UW scan as potential competitors too, but Ole Miss at South Carolina is the presumable frontrunner assuming no losses (S. Car. vs LSU next week, for instance).

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I decided not to include the Michigan game since they have a loss on their record. I hope that if we (and Miami) remain undefeated until Week 6, it will give us the edge over them. As of now, the ESPN Matchup Predictor has us at 40.9% and Miami at 59.1%, which suggests that, at least for now, Miami is projected to be more competitive than the UCLA game. UCLA is only given an 8.2% chance of beating Penn State. However, if UCLA can get through #16 LSU and #9 Oregon, I think they would get the nod over us versus Miami.

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Gameday was announced as LSU at South Carolina next week, which removes them as a possibility in Week 6.

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We would welcome College Game day...and you make a good points about the competition...lots to be seen, but I bet the execs are looking for an excuse to come to Cal/SF...best view shots in the biz...we can dream

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I agree. Where else can you find the weather that you do in the Bay Area. Plus, it would make those guys look "cool" and young to be in Berkeley.

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Texas A&M in Berkeley?

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A veteran of dozens of Cal trips, now grounded by age, felt the joy of this victory along with Cal fans who never give up. Your group photo is indeed epic! Go Bears!

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Love that our team brought the energy, especially after the pregame and in-game commentaries (those announcers were borderline insufferable at moments). Fernando, in the first half especially, was brilliant, Defense was fantastic , ST was excellent overall, with Lachlan being phenomenal, and our team was ready despite of all of the injuries. We have a ton to work on and a lot of games left to play, but yesterday and today are good days to be Cal fans. This team played admirably! P.s. thanks for the update on that lying POS associate director of theirs (not really sorry for my language; what he said and his walk back really rubbed me the wrong way, though I think it's ironic that this is what finally got him to delete it considering some of the garbage I saw on his TL).

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And Fleming should know better since he’s covered west coast teams. And his partner was a former Pac-12 guy too.

The announcers kept calling the game as if Auburn would turn the game in its favor. They seemed to be taking an Auburn win for granted.

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It actually sounded to me like Flem was rooting for Cal in this one, based on his voice inflections. I would root for ‘Furd against an SEC team eight days a week, I must confess. This year, anyway. But, generally I thought both guys did a good job on the call.

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Fleming is a Furd homer...always leans agains Cal, the (fill in the blank)

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