Chipped in a little.

Go Bears!

See you next year in Winston-Salem !

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Donation made! Now to send something to the history department.

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L & S leadership fund for me

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Someone should make a Glassdoor for football recruits, rofl.

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Donated! Go Bears!!!!

Btw, talked recently to the guy that is head of our collective, really sharp guy. He mentioned that Beast Mode handles back office matters for our collective so that unlike most schools where some of the donations go to overhead, here the full amount goes to the kids. Good to know!

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That could explain the very barebones feel of the online donation process. No reason to over-develop the site or complicate the process of getting that money. Just link, buy, boom!

Though I think I read that the account side of the site where you can give direct to players and get them to perform tasks (e.g. shout outs and stuff) to earn money, functionally impressive as it is, doesn't have a ton of uptake for the amount of work that was put into it.

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Also would be great if more corporate sponsorship was given to the players Vis -a- Vis the NIL. For example a company could sponsor individual players. Ott could sell Subway sandwiches like Steph Curry. That would be a lot more money in the war chest keeping us competitive with the big spenders out there. Of course if each fan kicked in Let's say $100 and there are 50000 fans that's $5 million and the needle starts to move.

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This happens. And really, that’s the most obvious and original idea behind “name-image-likeness”., right? I don’t need to use Michael Penix’s NIL to sell anything but Celsius Sports Drink does and can pay him for it. But he’s a Heisman candidate. Being the 13th best running back in the nation unfortunately doesn’t get national beverage companies beating a path to Jaydn Ott. But perhaps more regional or local companies see a value in paying him for use of his NIL. The powers that be in the nexus of Cal Football would be wise to promote those opportunities for him. I’m positive Cal Legends is doing some of this as well.

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Done. Once again

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Thanks for the link! Got my donation in. Merry Xmas Cal football!

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I donated two days ago and will do so again momentarily. Go Bears!

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Donated last week, continuing to spread #H1S message

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Donated! Apes together strong!

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Small donations can add up! Chipped in $20 a month. My conscience made me make a matching donation to a local food bank cause if I can afford to fund NIL I should also be helping out real charities. Go Bears!

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Dollars delivered. I expect the NIL people to know where it needs to go better than the ones who drove the conference into a ditch.

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Wait what happened to the pac-12?

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What's a Pac-12? There's a Pac-2.

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Love to see everyone doing what they can.

I set up a monthly withdrawal. Nothing crazy. About what I'd spend on a well-spent game day. (Tickets. Parking. Tailgate Beers. Food. Celebration Cocktails.)

It all adds up.

Go Bears

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Set up $25 a month recurring! Go Bears!

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I was already on this about a week ago and hit a snag that the website doesn't let you be logged in, and still give to the football fund. When logged in, it only let's you see individual athletes. I made a comment through their website feedback form and haven't heard back. In any case, I just gave again today and am also no whale. Shame this is what it has come to, but it is for now.

Am I at all correct in thinking that one way this works is that Coach Wilcox will learn from the player if they are getting a higher offer, and would go to the Legends Collective to ask if we can match or exceed that?

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And the issue with not being able to donate to football while logged in is that they are not storing your address or past giving history in an account you can see. That's basic internet 101 sort of stuff.

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It certainly is from a consumer expectation standpoint. It's my expectation too. Word is, however, from the people responsible for the site that it's difficult enough to develop. I'm wondering if there's some compliance tradeoff of some kind being made. Basically when we donate all they have is our gift and our email address. I gotta believe someone on the other end is keeping track of the total, if for no other reason to send me some direct email at some point (which they SHOULD!). These are valuable analytics for any fundraising organization. You will get a receipt to your email, so you can at least passively keep track of how much you've given that way.

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Thanks for posting

We need to raise some $$$ fast

All donations help

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