
Your families' home remedy for [insert ailment here]:

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How do you sleep? (Number or your own way)


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Our Crumbling Democracy

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In the last day or so British Airways have moved to “vouchers for travel within a year, no change fees” for any flight departing before the end of May, so I’m pretty well set to do what I intended with no cost penalties

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Does Trump have Corona Virus? An Investigation (BY ASHLEY FEINBERG)


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Boss: We're looking at a month of working from home.

Me: I'm never wearing pants again!!!

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When dinosaurs roamed the Earth, days were about a half-hour shorter than they are today, a new study says.

Why is this? 70 million years ago, the Earth turned faster than it does today, rotating 372 times a year compared with the current 365, according to an analysis of an ancient fossil mollusk shell from the late Cretaceous period.

This means a day lasted about 23½ hours.

The study backs up what astronomers theorized about the length of days millions of years ago.

Researchers analyzed a single mollusk that lived for more than nine years in a shallow seabed in the tropics – a location that's now dry land in the mountains of Oman.

The mollusk grew fast, laying down daily growth rings. The study used lasers to sample tiny slices of the mollusk's shell and count the growth rings.

“We have about four to five data points per day, and this is something that you almost never get in geological history. We can basically look at a day 70 million years ago. It’s pretty amazing,” said study lead author Niels de Winter, an analytical geochemist at Vrije Universiteit in Brussels.

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Climbing Gym or No Climbing Gym?

No reported cases in my county, small gym, never more than like ten people in there at a time. Touching lots of surfaces with my hands is the objective. Is it irresponsible to go?

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Good news thread--anything positive going on for y'all?

1) I'm at work today, mainly for Pre-Pi Day Pie Party, but am able to work remotely and will do so next week

2) I have health insurance

3) W4C Pi Party tomorrow!

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Contraction of everything...market in the Tank. Bozo fiddles while Rome burns.

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Today in Corona Virus

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