Keep numbering them.

Also white sauce, but on Ravioli instead.

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Bug report: I keep unchecking the subscribe to newsletter button, but every few times I come back W4C has kindly re-checked it for me and started sending me emails again. NO MEANS NO W4C. #MeToo

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Do you get the comment pop up after unchecking the newsletter button?

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I do.

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But only once -- then it works fine for a while, I don't get the pop up and don't get emails. Then I'll start getting emails again and will find the box checked. Uncheck, get the comment pop up, uncheck the box there, come through and it's OK. This seems like it happens every X amount of time, I'm noting the time now and will let you know the next time it happens.

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It rechecks the box every time you make a comment, so maybe you’ve been failing to uncheck the box sometimes?

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Hmmm, it doesn't seem to work like that for me. I can make X comments without a problem (no pop up, no emails) then it comes back.

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Also, think there's a difference btw laptop and mobile. I will pay more attention and let you know.

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Thanks. I’ll do some work to try and reproduce this myself

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Hmmmm this is the first of this bug. I’ll ping our CTO and look into it. In the mean time I’d recommend trying some other processes that you might not have done yet.

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Had a tenant want to talk to me about something "important" - she wants to make sure that I somehow keep the all the door handles disinfected - I told her to just wash her hands after touching them.

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Most (Many?) public buildings in Shanghai and Bangkok do hourly disinfections of elevator and escalator surfaces

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This isn't a public building

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@I hope you disinfect before Pi day@. Actually maybe this shouldn't be @@

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Actually now that I think of it, my apartment building in Shanghai and the condo I'm in in Bangkok does too. But they're pretty upscale with active management

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[Monk asking for wipe after shaking someone's hand.gif]

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Yeah, I got an email from a parent asking if I would send a notice to everyone to stay home if sick or if they had traveled to a CDC-marked country. A bit of an eye roll as I'd prefer not to spread the panic, but I think I'm prob legally bound to do something like that. We had already put out more hand sanitizer and give masks to anyone who needs one.

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At my school we just got directed to wipe down all the surfaces that a frequently used - i.e., all the desks every period. No supplies to do it. No time to do it. No logic to be found.

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It's It

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It's Its are wonderful. I need to pick some up.

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I purchased 3 livingsocial.com things for It's-It about a month ago. 12 ice cream sandwiches plus 12 chocolate dipped oatmeal cookies for $13. The factory in Burlingame is only open during the week. I ended up going yesterday to pick up 24 ice cream sandwiches. One reason is that it's almost impossible to find chocolate ones. Safeway and Target usually only have vanilla and mint chip. So I picked up 18 chocolate and 6 mint chip. Let's see how long it'll last. I ate one mint chip on the drive home.

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And I'm having a couple of the chocolate covered oatmeal cookies right now. It's good. Much better than plain oatmeal cookies.

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Rob. it's not even a debate. JjaJjangMyun. BLACK SAUCE.

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Fettuccini Alfredo is Mac&cheese for grownups, but I still like it.

For most pastas, prefer the red sauce, although I have a soft spot for Spaghetti Carbonara.

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I've switched from spaghetti to bucatini for carbonara - also try Molly Baz's mushroom carbonara if you don't feel like guanciale/pancetta/bacon - it's really flavorful even without all the pork fat.

I've been trying to practice carbonara - for a long time I was cooking over a double boiler, but now I've realized that some hot pasta water and just the cooked pasta will keep the sauce warm enough and cook the eggs.

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Mac and cheese is either a meal or a side, you can’t say that about fettuccini Alfredo

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Of course you can WTF

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Heh "Fettuccini Alfredo is Mac&cheese for grownups" - kinda true. I general prefer the red - last we had a puttanesca sauce, which I love. (but the wife doesn't make often)

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I freely admit I stole that line from Mitch Hedberg, but it doesn't make it less true.

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@BlueWahoosBBall: Due to an unfortunate typo, we're holding Legalize Marinara night on 4/20! Grab some pasta and come out and fight for the rights of sauce enthusiasts everywhere! Ticket+T-shirt is just $15!

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Arabiata is good with chicken spaghetti.

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Red sauce and spaghetti, linguine and clams.

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No chicken?

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Chicken spaghetti should likely be with a cheesy sauce :-P

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a watered down white sauce

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pesto for tortellini or lasagna

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Cream Sauce for shells or as a base for beef stroganoff

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You're good enough, you're stroganoff, and doggone it, people like you.

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White sauce and red sauce and pesto sauce are all good. Usually I go with red though. White wine sauce is also nice.

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Since red sauce in ubiquitous, I will choose a good white clam or mushroom sauce whenever its my option. Sometimes some of both. Much easier on the digestive tract!

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I haven't been able to access the site or DBDs at work recently since it's auto-blocked because the domain is too new. I'm working from a nearby university today, so back to the DBD! Hopefully things have been going well around here since the changeover.

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Yeah, I've heard the complaints about the domain being too new from a couple folks. I only registered it less than a month ago, so I suppose we'll just have to let time take its course.

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You actually have some monkey impersonating an IT professional who has decided a domain being new is a criteria to block it? (I'd be stunned except I've seem similarly idiotic decisions actually implemented too many times before!)

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Welcome to federal IT

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A few people have said that it works fairly well on mobile. The threads with lots of replies require landscape mode.

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... until the comments run off the end of the screen so no more political threads or sandwich threads PLEASE

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That happens on laptop screens as well

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Utah athletic department signs 5-year naming agreement; acts a proper example how to respectfully handle Native American symbolism/relationship.


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Our game w them this season was their annual celebration of the tribe, the halftime events were really special imo - basically a narrated native peoples celebration with traditional music and dancing.

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I had no idea....

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I had no idea and this has been going on since the 70s. The state of Utah is usually associated with regressive policies so pretty awesome to see the University actually being decades ahead of others. Thanks for sharing!

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"The state of Utah is usually associated with regressive policies", generally because its easier to latch on to popular dogma than to allow facts to interfere with the message. (This is not just a "Utah" problem.)

But yes, its good to see that things are being done the right way, and its getting some publicity.

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I'm confused, are you saying Utah hasn't actually enacted regressive policies? Not saying that stereotypes don't play into public perception of other states, but there is truth to this statement.

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It's definitely a very politically conservative place, but the heavily religiosity of the state can also sometimes manifest itself in respectful/compassionate ways, like how they try to handle the homeless problem, or this.

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Totally agree. Utah history really is the history of Mormons after they fled Missouri. Unlike other religiously conservative states, the history of Mormonism means Utah isn't like the Bible Belt South or similar places. The embrace of immigrants in Utah is an example and I'd argue, this is largely because of the fact that the Mormon religion founds its membership success in embracing immigrants and going out in the world and proslytizing like crazy.

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It also explains why they were less hospitable to Trump than most Republican states.

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SLC itself is blue w gay pride parade and everything else; ~50%R/20%D statewide but 20%R/40%D in SLC proper

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True, hence them managing to squeeze through a Democratic House Rep last time despite the gerrymandering of SLC.

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Cal Women's Basketball opens the Pac-12 tourney today as the 12th seed. Was trailing early, but has come storming back to take a 4th-quarter lead over #24 ASU!

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Bears win!

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Go Bears!

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Baseball: Cal shut out 5-0 by #5 Michigan


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baseball is turdible this year. So many freshmen

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MSwim: Day 1 of Pac12 championships. Cal wins 800m relay, In lead for 400m relay, but then DQ'd on 3rd leg due to early take-off.


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It was so unnecessary too since Cal would have won that relay by an eternity (3 seconds), so they could have taken a more conservative start. Still, it's Cal's Pac-12 championship to lose even with that DQ.

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Warren dropped out. Losing her home state made that outcome inevitable.

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Hasn't endorsed either remaining candidate, at least yet. The "back to Obama-lite white" movement may be so overwhelming that where her few delegates go could well become a moot point shortly.

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I think at this point her leverage would best be used in a much more likely Biden administration than the much more remote chance of helping make Bernie the nominee. She should extract as many major role and policy concessions as possible and endorse Biden. If she can nab the veep role for herself or Castro, that would be ideal, but I don't know if she's got quite enough juice to pull that off just yet.

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Warren right now:

Joe Dumars Two Phones . jpg

Paul Pierce Two Phones . jpg

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Undoubtedly, those are the conversations and calculations that are occurring.

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Trump doubles down. Says WHO's estimated mortality rate is fake news based upon his hunch.


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in other news, once you hear "covid-19" to the tune of Come on Eileen, you can't unhear it. thanks twitter.

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oh great, thanks.

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You bugger

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COVID-19, brought us down to our knees

At this moment, fearing everything

You in that mask, is it up to the task

Throat is tingly


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Remind me to throat punch you next time I see you. (And then use hand sanitizer)

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Just don't use your black belt Kali skills on me please

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just wear one of the gloves that you probably use when going into the patent's mouth.

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@mollywaggett: the scariest thing about COVID-19 is that it looks like a JIRA ticket

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I'm just hoping the government doesn't close the ticket with a resolution "Won't Fix"

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Also, the President says it's perfectly okay to go to work with coronavirus because it's not that bad.

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perfectly logical in Trump land

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he is nothing if not consistently convinced of his own rightness.

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Steph Curry returns tonight, wonder how many minutes he'll play.

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I think I saw 24-28 was the minutes restriction he was on.

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Hopefully few enough to preserve the tank

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I got in a Twitter argument yesterday and I'm curious what people here think. Somebody was trying to say that their prediction of Oregon blowing out NDSU is a "hot take." I felt this was a pretty average take; what do you all think?

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I started off reading "I got in a Twitter argument yesterday..." and nearly checked out, but was pleasantly surprised to see that it was just about a dumb college football prediction, which is up there with the best possible uses of Twitter arguments.

Agree with Atoms, NDSU is frisky, I think if the line were over a couple touchdowns I'd take the under.

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Medium-warm. Oregon will naturally be favored, but NDSU has a history of being competitive with FBS programs.

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It's the first game of the year and Oregon is breaking in a new QB so I could see this being much more competitive than everyone thinks.

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I would not expect a blowout unless this is an unusually weak Bison team. Since 2010, NDSU has a perfect record against FBS teams. In 2016, they went into Kinnick (where dreams go to die) and beat a decent Iowa team. Obviously Oregon has much more talent, but NDSU will be much more amped for this game even if Oregon does not take them lightly. I'd expect the Ducks to play it close to the vest with the new QB, and win by maybe 7-10 with neither team breaking 30 points.

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I'm thinking 42-28

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perhaps to the relief of all parties, not being able to embed tweets here has revealed how much I was depending on them to boost comment counts and not have to type my point. Sad.

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I am of two minds about this. I didn't embed a lot of tweets, but it was a good shortcut to get something in w/o having to retype/summarize first. Also, don't be lazy, self.

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[reaction gif with Dwight Schrute looking at the camera before saying "It's True"]

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red sauce, either

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Red sauce, especially if it's a spicy one like arrabiata

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TJ's Arrabiata with dinner last night. Arguably the best jarred red sauce on the market.

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I'm not a massive fan of arrabiata sauces just because I don't associate "Italian" and spicy - but it's better than overly sweet tomato sauces, that's for sure.

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