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McCarthy courting Dem's to get more votes. New Minority Whip Katherine Clark (D-MA) probably making a lot of phone calls today.


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Pretty good troll jobs by

Steven Woodrow (D-CO)



Ted Lieu (D-CA)


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Raja Krishnamoorthi (D-IL)


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Can someone copy paste these? Can't see twitter.

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Rep. Steven Woodrow


House GOP better get its act together or we’ll never address our most pressing challenges, like Hunter’s laptop and Nancy’s failure to stop 1/6.

Ted Lieu


About to go to the House Floor. (image of Ted at the door with a bag of popcorn)

The 3rd one is an image and hard to describe.

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The third one is (i think) (left side)the tunnel from one of the House office bldgs to the capital. (right side) a screen cap from GTA with a guy saying 'this ** again' or something like that.

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I wonder what sort of concessions Dems could reasonably hope to obtain from McCarthy?

I also wonder if I'm too naïve to think this might lead to some reasonable bipartisanship?

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Jan 4, 2023·edited Jan 4, 2023

Minority Leader Jeffries is absolutely correct - it is against interest for the Dems to help the GOP out of this quagmire. I believe the Dem conference takes this seriously and will not give the GOP even so much as a vote of "present".

If I were strategizing, I would tell the Dems do not approach the GOP under any circumstances. If the GOP wants to approach Dems, they should approach Dem leadership to make a deal and stay away from the rank and file. If you're approached, refer the GOP to Dem leadership.

At some point McCarthy needs to give up on his aspirations to be Speaker. If I'm advising the GOP, I would tell the Freedom Caucus that there is limited value in continuing to block McCarthy, even less value in blocking a different candidate from the establishment wing unless that candidate represents something more reprehensible than McCarthy. The Freedom Caucus looks to be very immature and bitter at this point. We know what they want, they simply can't convince anyone to join them.

If the GOP's establishment wing is serious about moving the country forward and sidelining the Freedom Caucus, they need to approach the Dems about committee leadership posts and an agreement about how things will operate. They also need to have an agreement about important issues, one of them being the debt ceiling.

Otherwise, I go back to what the Dem leadership has told it's conference - stay away from the GOP. Let them solve their problems. As long as the GOP flounders, they demonstrate the need to work with Dems to get work done because they don't have the votes internally to even elect a Speaker. There is no agenda without working across the aisle.

WORST CASE SCENARIO - A lack of a Speaker drags on for weeks and the GOP shows the country it cannot lead. At some point, you have to think that one or the other wing of the GOP understands this and takes action to break the impasse.

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point a) no idea. maybe all the chairs of all the comittees?

point b) yes, too naive.

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seems like the Dems should offer up some Rep congressperson that they are willing to support at majority leader that is palatable to the Reps as well

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Seriously, why? Make the Republicans sort out their own shit. They wouldn't help were the situation reversed.

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Absolutely agree. See my comments to clapdoc above.

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Qevin McCarthy lost 3 rounds of votes for House Speakership. He was 15 short on the first two rounds and then lost ground to 16 after Byron Donalds (R-FL) support Gym Jordan on the third.


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34th congress went through a whopping 133 rounds to vote for the House Speaker. It took two months.


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[Youth Pastor voice]

You know who else was refused three times?

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Could you imagine if the Dems could get a moderate republican to be done with it all and switch their vote?

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If the Dems stay together and vote as a bloc for Hakeem Jeffries, that's 212 votes to start. To elect Mr. Jeffries as Speaker, the only thing required would be 11 GOP reps to vote "present". In that scenario, Jeffries would have a majority and would be elected Speaker.

It has become clear that McCarthy may have relied on some Dems voting present to become elected as Speaker. The same strategy can cut both ways, although the Dems are probably not angling for it. Just seeing the GOP in disarray should be delicious enough. At some point, though, there has to be a breakthrough. Either the GOP cuts out the nonsense or there are defections, presumably from the GOP. I don't see the Dems giving any help to a dysfunctional and dangerous party.

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Trying to pull an Ohio. Except McCarthy kowtowing to Trump will mean he has to give Dems a HELLUVA lot to get their votes.


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Pennsylvania just solved a tougher situation. Maybe McCarthy just botched the politics so badly that he needs to just take the L?


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By the skin of his teeth, McCarthy gets to go home and not immediately be embarrassed for a 7th time.

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Wait did he get enough votes or do you mean because they're not voting for the 7th time today?

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Heard it as I was finishing dinner. Vote to recess with only a margin of a couple. No seventh vote tonight.

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Round six. As Jake Tapper points out on CNN, they're only in the C's and already seven votes for Donald. Do I smell a recess?

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Apparently there also aren't enough votes for a recess? This is quite the scene. People must really personally hate the dude.

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Astute observation, Scootie. The House is adjourned until 8:00 PM EST (not far away).

They're going to come back and take another vote. They'll have had time to eat something and maybe have some time to discuss strategy...or a deal.

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Kevin recognizes that if he gives the rebels the moon, they'll ask for the stars next week. It's a very difficult situation for him because going to the Dems for speakership votes may cost him votes when it comes to legislation.

Dems aren't going to give him support without some formal concessions that can't be rescinded and actually govern from the center. But they CAN offer him the ability to punish these holdouts ruthlessly and make an example of them.

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Exactly. This situation highlights why governance from the center is so much more practical than from the outer edges.

Which is why I discussed sidelining the Freedom Caucus elsewhere in this DBD. Those folks are on the fringe. They bring no real political advantage nationally; they are a liability.

One wonders at what point the establishment Republicans thoroughly reject the election deniers, the racists, and the bigots. What does it take to marginalize people who would hold back American democracy to feed their petty grievances?

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Jan 5, 2023·edited Jan 5, 2023

After Trump (and especially Jan 6) I can't even speculate on the depth of Republican depravity and cowardice. Though at least they helped pass the Electoral Count Act to prevent the next insurrection from succeeding.

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Jan 5, 2023·edited Jan 5, 2023

McCarthy apparently doesn't want another vote tonight.

"You don't have the votes. A ha ha ha ha...you don't have the votes."

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I've seen cats have less pleasure torturing their prey.

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If McCarthy gave the holdout Rs a free kick to his nalgas on the House floor it may convert them. I think they genuinely hate him and enjoy watching him suffer.

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I don't know as a person, but I do hate him as a politician, he's a worm. But I hate him for a completely different reason than the 'freedom' caucus does.

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Jan 4, 2023·edited Jan 4, 2023

Someone actually voted present on the 4th ballot. I didn't catch who. That's a first in the balloting for the House Speaker in the 118th Congress.

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Jan 4, 2023·edited Jan 4, 2023

Victoria Spartz (R-IN) voted present. McCarthy is continuing to lose votes. He has gone from 203 on the first two ballots to 202 on the 3rd ballot, and now 201 on the 4th ballot.

I think this signals that McCarthy is done. At best, McCarthy as Speaker would be so hamstrung he can't get anything done without running it by the Freedom Caucus.

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Jan 4, 2023·edited Jan 4, 2023

Chip Roy (R-TX) nominated Byron Donalds representing Florida's 19th district. Donalds is a Black man who was born in Brooklyn and raised by a single mother. He aligned himself with the Tea Party movement. He ran for Congress in 2012 and finished 5th out of 6 candidates. Donalds ran in 2020 after the announced retirement of Francis Rooney. He won election in 2020 and re-election this past November.

There were only three nominations this morning - McCarthy, Jeffries, and Donalds. Donalds appears to have gained the votes of most (possibly all) of the GOP anti-McCarthy group, supplanting Jim Jordan in that role. This is probably a relief for Jordan as he continues to support McCarthy.

TL;DR - we're heading to a fifth ballot.

EDIT - Donalds is an election denier, having voted to object to the elector slates from Arizona and Pennsylvania. He was blocked from joining the Congressional Black Caucus.

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He got decimated by Elise Stefanik in November in the vote for GOP Conference Chair.

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Seems like a fight where I want both people to lose

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Trump Endorses McCarthy after three failed speaker votes.

Will the support of cheeto-man make a difference?


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Well, it lost him a vote, so I guess so?

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Breaking news: Loser continues his losing streak

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They may resolve their differences, but I don't think it's due to Trump's support. As far as Trump's post, too late to avoid embarrassing defeat.

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Did you hear about the Tesla driver who went off Devil's Slide and plunging 300 feet down a cliff but all four of the family members survive? Well, it was an attempted murder-suicided. Boy, that's gonna make family dynamics awkward.


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This is neither the first nor the last time I'll say this: people planning murder-suicides should just skip the first step.

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Jan 4, 2023·edited Jan 4, 2023

I am not a Tesla owner nor a Tesla fan, but it bothers me every time I see an article of a car accident and the headline says "Tesla." It almost always makes it look like the car was at fault when it wasn't.

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Try being the owner of a sweet, gentle pit bull mix AND a Tesla haha

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Au contraire - if 4 passengers survived a 250ft cliff dive in a car that I was the manufacturer of, I'd want it in the headline. But you're right, a Ford in the same situation wouldn't get headline attention.

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I think there's a real reason -- with a Tesla, there's always the possibility that it was in self-driving mode. That was the case with the 8-car Thanksgiving day pile up that was caused by a Tesla in full self driving mode suddenly changing lanes and stopping in a lane of traffic.

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TBF there are countless self-driving providers at this point and they don't grab the headlines.

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They also haven't, say, programmed their cars not to stop at stop signs if they don't see another car an at intersection. Tesla deserves their bad headlines.

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Probably because they didn’t put out systems that encourage drivers to completely stop paying attention, nor claim that their beta software is good enough to be autonomous

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Eh they do that for most cars, if it was a BMW, they would have said that.

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Maybe not a Tercel. Yet we are familiar with our surrogate’s “crashes”.

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Really? Hmm maybe it's just eye catching for Tesla and I skip through other car make headlines. I don't really remember seeing other brands in headline

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I doubt the headline would have mentioned it if the car being driven was any non-luxury brand. If the car had been a Honda, for example, I doubt we would know that from the headline.

Tesla gets special mention because of Elon Musk and the stock value appears to be in a downward spiral.

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Jan 4, 2023·edited Jan 4, 2023

My nephew works at Tesla in Austin. He's kind of bummed about the stock price.

Luckily he didn't hypothecate his shares or buy on margin, as some folks did.

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There are certain products that tend to get identified by brand name rather than product type: iPhone, Prius, now Tesla.

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iPhone and Prius are not brand names. They are product names.

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Reminds me of that super sad incident up by Mendocino a few years ago.


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Divorce court, I would imagine. And right quick. Termination of the father's parental rights seems likely.

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And court ordered referral to mental health services for the "dad."

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This story is kinda sweet


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That IS sweet! I'm going to share with my romance friends; I think they'll particularly appreciate the opening paragraph.

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Will substack ever let us post photos? I found a pic of Wallace Shaw & Emma Thompson that matches pretty nicely.

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We used to go to the Catholic church outside Chinatown in Oakland and there was a layperson here that ended up marrying a priest. Obviously he left the priesthood and they opened up a small store in Oakland.

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Whole30 Day 8. Down 10 pounds already.

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Nice. I should try.

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Good start. After losing 10 in September and October I gained most of it back over the holidays. Had my physical last week and I was 2 pounds less than I weighed in June. Need to resolve to get back on the diet.

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i need to lose some pounds too .. but i always think that it will only be short term if i do a diet.

there is the argument for a wholesale diet-exercise-stop-drinking change .. but that seems like more effort than i want to put in

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Maybe you hide it well, but you seem lean to me.

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you wouldnt want to see me naked!

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Probably true for most of us.

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Maybe you have genetics like me. 23andme says genetically I tend to stay at the same weight, which is on the slim side.

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(said like dr david banner)

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So then...isn't the follow up: I'm always naked?


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For me it has been permanent - I always exercise the same, I eat whatever the wife makes for dinner - my one change was NO MORE SNACKS.

Only light breakfast, normal lunch & dinner, that's all.

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Maybe that's my problem. I love salty snacks more than sweets. I can say no to sweets fairly easily but it's hard for me to say no to salty snacks.

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i am trying to tweak my snacking from the normal crap i have to something moderately healthy like an avocado or granola+kefir.

too bad i hate bananas. seems like a reasonably good snack ..

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Jan 5, 2023·edited Jan 5, 2023

May 16, 2021 - 191 lbs. Total cholesterol 214. LDL around 120

August 9, 2021 - 171 lbs. Total chol. 140. LDL 89.

Today - 165 lbs. Aug. Total chol. 145.

No drugs. Whole food plant based. Started to feel better in a week. By three months to present, can’t say I have ever felt better regarding energy floor, sleep, clarity, stamina through out day.

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I'm down about 20 lbs from Mid Oct. only real change is to 'portion control' stuff. measure out the shredded cheese for quesadilla's rather than the usual method of 'until i feel happy', etc. and up the biking to work from occasional to nearly every day.

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Supposedly this works, if you have $$$, or the right insurance.


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It's fairly common for British pubs to be named "[X] Arms" - arms as in coat of arms. Signs were often things rather than words because customers were frequently illiterate


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Jan 4, 2023Liked by SGBear

I gave some old t-shirts to my 18 year old who is prone to buying old t-shirts at thrift stores. One of them is for a pub in Edinburgh called The Last Drop - not so much for drinking the beer until it's gone, but because it's right next to the spot where the last public hanging in Edinburgh happened. The motif is a gallows

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Spritz your coffee beans with water before grinding to reduce static and retention.

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Lakes in Alberta (about an hour outside Calgary) is one of the most beautiful scenic mountain drives around


i have been in this area a couple times because you need to drive down this 20 mi dirt road to get to the Mt Shark helipad where you can get a 8-min helicopter ride to the Assiniboine Lodge .. which is a whole different level of amazing mountain scenery.


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Jan 4, 2023·edited Jan 4, 2023Author

Life of Pi (HBO/Max, 17/19 WB). Way exceeded my expectations. The animation was absolutely superb and I was surprised to find out the movie is 10 years old. I don't know how he did it, but Ang Lee pulled off a miracle by filming this fairly faithful adaptation of the book.

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i've been listening to the babylon soundtrack while i work

it rips, 19/19

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I finished ep 4 and 5 of Slow Horses. Going to watch the finale this afternoon I think. Then maybe an episode or two of Jack Ryan.

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Bad Batch Season 2 dropped first two episodes

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2 more (3&4) episodes of Friday Night Lights + one Batman 1/2

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Kaleidoscope - Netflix. Pretty decent caper/heist/con limited series…all episodes are named after a color, and apparently can come out in different order, with White being the final episode for everyone.

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Elsewhere in college

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An interesting ESPN article about espionage in college football


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Oregon State QB Tristan Gebbia has put his name in the portal. He's hoping to get a medical redshirt to play his 7th season.


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[MBB] K-State runs past Texas 116-103. The 219 points scored during a non-OT game smashed the previous record of 199.


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Not that it matters, but that K-state team Cal lost to that was ranked last in the B12 in the pre-season media poll is 13-1, and damn good.

Coaching f-ing matters….

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Cal played fairly well that game.

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In hindsight, probably their second best effort to date. K-State passed the eye test as a Tournament team that day, despite the pre-season prognostication being so low because of the first year coach, etc.

Solid squad with SR PG Nowell, UF transfer Keyonte, that athletic freak that didn’t play HS ball, Sills, a good bench…they play D.

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Jim Harbaugh to the NFL? Michigan coach expected to head back to pros if offered a job, per report


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Wow. I guess you can be a minor god in a town and it's still not good enough. I'd like to know if the pro offer is great or if there's crap that we don't see in Ann Arbor.

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This morning's SF Chronicle had an article saying that Harbaugh had talked with the Panthers. The convo was not characterized as an interview.

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Pull the other one.

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This story is absolutely fucking wild. Claudio Reyna, who went to HS with Berhalter and is the father of USMNT player GIo, who was famously nearly sent home from Qatar, is the person trying to blackmail him.


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AND Rosalind (Berhalter) and Danielle (Reyna) were college roommates! One of the minor storylines before the Cup was the closeness of the Reynas and Berhalters.

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Completely crazy

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Damar's uncle say he's improving. Damar reportedly is remains sedated and on a ventilator.


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It sounds like he developed ARDS (Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome, same thing you hear about with covid). Sounds like he was proned and required high oxygen requirements but that's been titrated downward and he avoided ECMO (a machine that oxygenates blood directly). Hope he's turning a corner and continues to improve without setback.

In this case it's a young person's body overreacting to a life-threatening event. The cases like this I saw way back in my ICU days turned the corner within 24-72 hours and he's hopefully on schedule.

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Thanks for this insight.

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Bills-Bengals game will not be resumed this week. Skip Bayless is no doubt upset.


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Jan 4, 2023·edited Jan 4, 2023

It’s a huge game in the AFC playoff picture, too. Interested in seeing what the NFL decides to do.

Do you lose the 2 weeks between Conf Championships & SB, bump playoffs back a week, and give everyone but CIN/BUF a BYE? Who knows… guaranteed not everyone will be happy, particularly Skip Bayless.

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An article I read this morning (can't recall source) suggests the NFL makes up Bill-Bengals in an unprecedented Week 19 (January 15; no other games), pushing back the start of the playoffs' Wildcard Round to January 21-22.

Super Bowl LVII is still played on February 12, but there is no dead week between the Conference Championships and the Super Bowl.

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Giannis scores 55 in the Bucks 123-113 win over the Washington Wizards.


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Score 71, get PEDs tested.


A day after a historic 71-point game from All-Star Donovan Mitchell, the Cleveland Cavaliers were issued tests for performance-enhancing drugs Tuesday afternoon, the team confirmed to ESPN.

Players are typically subject to four random tests for PEDs during the season and two during the offseason, according to the collective bargaining agreement between the NBA and the National Basketball Players Association.

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NGL, that's a flex.

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Robin Lopez


I'm going to get it out of the way and point out that Donovan Mitchell and Robin Lopez combined for 72 tonight. Hashtag Historic Game.

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I was confused because Brook scored like 20 last night. didn't see that it was the other Lopez.

identical twins, but (at the NBA level) very diff skill levels.

Wasn't Jose Canseco's (short-lived career) brother identical?

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I might try to take the boys there later this week or this weekend.

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Replies to said imply reservations may be required

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Go Bears!!! Cue the QB watch.

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Incoming. From James Madison, Cole Johnson. Or is it James Madison from Cole Johnson? https://twitter.com/CalFootball/status/1610700455973380096?s=20&t=7navkq4J67ybKlV6Ng7Ukg

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James Johnson and Cole Madison would also be acceptable. This guy has no more eligibility, huh?

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It's Madison Cole from Johnson James

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More concerned about the O-line watch!!!

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That too.

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Courtesy of my other internet community: check if you have any unclaimed property in any state you've lived in and under any names/nicknames


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sorry for being daft, but does one just click Search for Unclaimed Property, and then type in name and current address? Seems like that's looking for properties. I got no hits, either for my current name and "maiden" name.

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I did a search by name and city for the cities I've lived in. Also I checked the box higher up. Forgot the exact label but it allowed a looser search.

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thanks. I got rid of address and city. have one possible hit for my maiden name,(surprised how many Broadhursts there are in CA!) with no first name. But it's only $3.05 from Farmer's Insurance (I have'/had a policy with them). maybe I'll see what it is...

not as lucky as others!

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Wow, more than $900 with the various amounts.

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$87 bucks from Western Union - thanks TBB! Tacos on me.

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I claimed $85 the other day, from two of my least favorite companies (Comcast and Stubhub). It was very satisfying.

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Looks like I've got a whole 15.12 from Waste Management from when we lived in Oakland.

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After many years of talking about it and having been within 20 feet of the border twice (Big Bend National Park and El Paso) I finally booked my trip to Mexico. Going to CDMX and Oaxaca for ten days in late February.

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I convinced my wife to go to CDMX for our anniversary/Dia De Los Muertos. Apart from going, I have no set plans. Please give me recommendations after you go.

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Golden Oso is your man for this. He LOVES CDMX and has all the recs.

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Current plans (because these places you need to book a month out)

Reservations at Pujol for the omakase tacos at the bar https://pujol.com.mx/eng/

Reservations at Maximo https://www.maximobistrot.com.mx/

Reservations at Quintonil https://quintonil.com/en/home-3/

Recommendations from g. oso:

El Hidlaguense (barbacoa, only on weekends),

El Turix (Cochinta Publi),

Churreria el Moro (churros),

De Huevo, Cafe de Tacuba, Cardenal and Lardo for breakfast,

Panderia Rosetta for coffee and pastries

Tacos Los Cocuyos for tacos

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why is it CDMX? Thought is was DFM (District Federal Mexico). Like Wash DC

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In 2016 the name was formally changed to Ciudad de Mexico

"On 29 January 2016, it ceased to be the Federal District (Spanish: Distrito Federal or D.F.) and is now officially known as Ciudad de México (or CDMX), with a greater degree of autonomy."

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have a great time food in CDMX is great and I assume Oaxaca is even better

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If anyone would like to come up to Tahoe Jan 10-13 from the Bay, I'm driving AND have a free condo at Palisades. Come up and "work from home"

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I would LOVE that, but alas, I have to give tours in person at work (and also am flying out on the night of 1/13, so I probably will be scrambling to pack). Have fun!

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Ohh...tempting. though I have an Epic pass I need to break in and use.

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after many years of prioritizing other places, we are finally going to Patagonia in Feb which has mostly been #1 on the list for a long time

7 days in El Calafate and El Chaten near the Perito Moreno Glacier and hiking around near the Fitz Roy.

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Does anyone have tips or recommendations for visiting Greece? We've got a college friend getting married in Athens in the middle of July and I'm looking for an island or some other secondary location to visit too. It'll be stupidly hot and in the middle of tourist season, and just hanging out at beaches isn't really our vibe.

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When asked if he visited the Parthenon during his trip to Greece, Shaq responded "I don't remember the names of the clubs we went to"

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Recommend you wrap up the trip with the wedding. The earlier in the season you can go, the better off you'll be, both for crowds and weather. Most Euro schools don't get out for summer break until second or third week of July, so if you can be there before that it'll be much better.

Santorini is cool, and is not particularly known for its beaches, but it has crazy great views. You can hike the volcano, explore Greek ruins, wander the pretty town of Oia, visit wineries... It's super hilly, but you can rent mopeds or quad bikes to explore. Take a boat trip.


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That's a great tip about summer break. My partner has expressed that she'd like to do the wedding first so it's out of the way but I'll suggest otherwise.

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How do you have comments sorted for the DBD? I feel like something changed and I now have to search for revealed new comments

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Jan 4, 2023·edited Jan 4, 2023

I do sort by old, keep the window open, and just do find "new repl". I feel like it used to automatically put new ones at the top (sorted on refresh) but now it throws new ones lower down, but not at the bottom. Very rarely new ones end up at the top. I think they did change something a month or two ago but have stopped trying to figure out the logic.

*Editing to help my search method

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exactly why i was wondering, glad it wasn't just me!

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damn...now my search method will keep finding this comment.

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The tech layoff wave hit me today. After 15 years at the company, ugh.

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Geez that bad news. On one hand, terrible for cash flows. On the other hand, more time to DBD.

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If he's in the bay area, DBDSYHH!

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Oh you!

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Well that sucks. Hope you land somewhere else soon

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Ugh that sucks. Sorry to hear. I did see that my old company indicated there would be additional layoffs this year.

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Condolences. I hope severance is good enough that you can get a new job quick enough.

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Bah. I hope you get some ice cream today and some time to regroup!

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dang, sorry to hear

good luck with the next step

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Sorry to hear, sy. Hang in there.

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It's a pretty good severance so I should be fine for at least six months. Just kind of a shock after so much time there.

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Good time to remember you aren't your job and do a lot of reflection and re-energize for the next step. You'll get over the shock soon enough. If you struggle, reach out to loved ones. Best wishes. It might well work out for the best.

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Did anyone post this before? Pac and B1G actually talked merger. Both sides claim to have been the one who called it off.


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Actually, it was the Pac-12 and the Big XII, not the B1G, that discussed merger.

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That's what I get for reading at midnight. Explains why they were so salty at each other.

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