
Isolated female gibbon gives birth.

[Americans, probably] "It's a miracle"

[Japanese, using science]. "It's a tiny glory hole, which has been repaired with steel"

[male gibbon]: "I think I can hammer a six-inch spike through a board"


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Hell no. Also, what a crappy view


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This is also a "hell no" from me


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He's just practicing for the ultimate final stage of Ninja Warrior.

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Go Bears!!!

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A look at the Cal basketball problems from the outside.


It underscores many problems discussed at length here, but its also relevant to give a conference-wide perspective view.

In this day and age, I'm wondering why/how the Cal BB teams don't either have priority use of Haas for practice, and/or have a practice facility to at least share between the 2 programs, and why the rec center has the heat turned off during winter break. Can that save THAT much money? And aren't there students that stay over between terms? Especially foreign and even some distant resident students?

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Great article by Canzano.

Despite the challenges, Cal basketball was solid for 30 years...it's been a disgrace for the last 6. The right coaches can win at Cal - we had 5 of them. The wrong guys can't win anywhere, and we've had 2 straight. Pretty simple.

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I do agree that success depends heavily on getting the right, or at least a good, guy for the job, and a poor choice is doomed. And that really good head coaches are in short supply, and not just at the DI university level (you can find spectacular failures at the high school, smaller college, and professional levels as well with relative ease).

Why?king was an obviously doomed choice from the start. But I don't at all think just replacing Fox is the solution, because of the long and growing list of other issues that impact whomever had the job's ability to do it. Fox did win at Nevada (where there has been some notable success as well of late; perhaps that's an institution that's doing a better job of creating an environment for success, not failure), and though he had mixed results at Georgia, it was still better than what has happened at Cal.

As insightful as anything in John's article was "The ADs they hire have backgrounds in rowing, field hockey, ice hockey and wrestling. It’s not what you need if you want to promote revenue-generating sports.

Cal’s biggest athletic successes in recent years have come in rowing, water polo, swimming and diving."

Will that be addressed?

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"The ADs they hire have backgrounds in rowing, field hockey, ice hockey and wrestling. It’s not what you need if you want to promote revenue-generating sports."

I call BS. This is lazy thinking. Steve Gladstone was a rowing coach who became AD after John Kasser's resignation. Gladstone knows organization and what it takes to build a winner. He hired Tedford when he couldn't get Marvin Lewis.

Winners know winning regardless of the sport. To put it another way, game recognizes game.

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Gladstone was a decent AD and so was Barbour. They had some idea of how to navigate the difficult school environment.

Knowlton doesn't seem to have any clue.

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That was an assessment by an insider a UC-Berkeley athletic department employee. To a degree, you are right, but it misses the point that the odds of finding someone with "game" to recognize game in the revenue/exposure sports is harder in a pool of those with no experience with, or expertise in, the revenue sports than those with said experience.

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Feb 7, 2023·edited Feb 7, 2023

I know it was, which makes it even worse. It goes to my assertion that Cal's admin cares nothing for athletics and doesn't pay particular attention to who is hired to run the Athletic Department.

My earlier comment is not to say that football and basketball wouldn't be helped by an AD whose focus was on football and basketball, maybe even a playing background in one of those sports. But it is to say that winners find and hire winners.

At Cal, the administration will always be an impediment unless and until they demonstrate that they care about results on the courts and the fields of athletic endeavor. The administration literally doesn't care who wears blue and gold or even the resources made available for athletics development. Admin is indifferent.

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None of these barriers are insurmountable. They're already working towards dedicated basketball practice facility to be built on the small parking lot that's on the north side of Haas Pavilion. Raise some money and bond the rest and just get it done so we won't have to hear about that excuse anymore. I wouldn't think it'd be impossible to go from chartering most flights to chartering all flights, and that'll be that. Be persistent and keep knocking these things down.

But first thing first: Fire Fox.

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A basketball practice facility is a must, so that is a step in the right direction, especially if replacing Haas isn't feasible any tie soon. But I have to wonder, are the addressing one problem by creating another? "...dedicated basketball practice facility to be built on the small parking lot that's on the north side of Haas Pavilion." Does the project also include replacing (at least) the lost parking somewhere near? (underneath?) Parking is a huge problem already, and the loss of insufficient inventory at a usable location will only further exacerbate that. (Not that it would be the first time someone tried to address an infrastructure problem by building over existing infrastructure and not replacing it elsewhere.)

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Generally speaking, colleges that prioritize parking end up looking like commuter junior colleges, not glorious universities. Just like how cities that prioritize parking end up looking like Arlington, TX. If I had my way, I'd remove all the parking except for handicapped spots, service vehicles, and Nobel Laureates.

But if if putting those few parking spaces underneath the ground floor is what it takes to garner your lead donation for the new AndyPanda Cal Basketball Practice Facility, I'm in!

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Parking & Transportation Office says that the Haas Pavilion Lot has 6 spaces. Not a big loss. The bigger logistical problem is to ensure that production trucks have a place to park outside Haas Pavilion so that TV production isn't affected.

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I always assumed that the basketball and maybe baseball coaches parked there.

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Feb 7, 2023·edited Feb 7, 2023

6 fewer public spaces on Frank Schlessinger Way, at Dwinelle Lot, or RSF Garage.

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This was the first article in eon that put meat on the bone of the 'institutional' challenges people say about Cal. And ya know, it pissed me off because these are problems that could be solved by people who understood the value of football and basketball to the overall health of the athletic department. As I've noted before, I could give two damns about the Olympic sports. I really couldn't. But if they're gonna be there, then make football and basketball be as healthy as possible.

I feel like Cal is the old British WWI adage: Lions being led by donkeys.

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I'm kind of the flip side. I care at least as much, if not more, about the Olympic sports. But I fully recognize that football and basketball are the face of the program and need to be at least competitive.

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Feb 8, 2023·edited Feb 8, 2023

Pretty much tells us what we know: the problem with our athletic program is that the administration doesn't give a shit, or is actively hostile. Any time we've had success it's because some coach or AD got creative.

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Man, mine keep me f-ing busy...

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I always thought the "dog" of "hot dog" was from Wiener and a dachshund looking like a wiener, and then it being called a "wiener dog"...which then became "dog". the words just got transposed.

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gone it.

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A Boy and his Dog. an R rated, rather kinky tale of survival.

Harlan Ellison, book and movie.

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And Don Johnson, iirc?

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It was interesting that they had to emphasize in the ads that it was R rated. Otherwise, people would think from the title it was a little kid movie.

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You are correct! I forgot about him and had to look it up.

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Leo DiCaprio photographed sitting with 19 year old model, which sparks rumors of him dating her given his history.


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I see why people find this kind of thing icky, but a 19-year-old is an adult, and this one is already a successful model. I don't think she's being exploited here, or if she is it's a mutual thing.

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Pennsylvania parents do not support their daughter's attempt to get get a long, slender neck. She would have been a major catch in the hills of Northern Thailand.


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I feel compelled to get one when I'm at a baseball game, regardless of how much that upsets my sense of frugality.

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they do taste much better at a ball game .. the crappy beer, atmosphere, etc etc

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Feb 7, 2023Liked by SGBear

Costco food court hot dog is still the best deal out there.

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Just had one yesterday. I just wish they brought back the onions and deli mustard. And the Polish.

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I also wish they brought back the onions and deli mustard. I am not sure why they got rid of those things.

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Calabrese from Top Dog

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Garlic first, then hot. Can't do it the other way around or you won't be able to taste the second sausage

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I always do Hot. And then a Kiel if I want a second one.

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i predict that the Top Dog section of the DBD will be the one w/ the most comments today

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I miss the Bird Dog....the single finest sausage in the history of the product...I'll die on this hill.

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On a menu full of greatness, the Bird Dog was indeed the king.

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Raw Dog: The Naked Truth about Hot Dogs

Part travelogue, part culinary history, all capitalist critique--comedian Jamie Loftus's debut, Raw Dog, will take you on a cross-country road trip in the summer of 2021, and reveal what the creation, culture, and class influence of hot dogs says about America now.

Hot dogs. Poor people created them. Rich people found a way to charge fifteen dollars for them. They're high culture, they're low culture, they're sports food, they're kids' food, they're hangover food, and they're deeply American, despite having no basis whatsoever in America's Indigenous traditions. You can love them, you can hate them, but you can't avoid the great American hot dog.

Raw Dog: The Naked Truth About Hot Dogs is part investigation into the cultural and culinary significance of hot dogs and part travelog documenting a cross-country road trip researching them as they're served today. From avocado and spice in the West to ass-shattering chili in the East to an entire salad on a slice of meat in Chicago, Loftus, her pets, and her ex eat their way across the country during the strange summer of 2021. It's a brief window into the year between waves of a plague that the American government has the resources to temper, but not the interest.

So grab a dog, lay out your picnic blanket, and dig into the delicious and inevitable product of centuries of violence, poverty, and ambition, now rolling around at your local 7-Eleven.

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Feb 7, 2023·edited Feb 7, 2023

NYC street dogs .. i usually get a hot sausage w/ a little bit of the simmered tomato-onion sauce. it is not really a sausage, more like a fat hot dog w/ just the right amount of red pepper flakes.

you have to be careful not to get one that has been sitting around in the water too long because they get water logged.

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Can you request one that hasn't been sitting around too long? Or can you look at it and see that it's been sitting too long so you move onto the next cart?

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HAG demands only the freshest meat trimmings

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mostly take a look. plus the less traffic-ed places have less turnover and more prone to soggy meat trimmings!

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I have a very simplistic view on this sort of thing, which is that by and large score results at the aggregate reflect family income in the catchment area. Part of that is because affluent parents can afford tutors and other interventions, part of that is because affluent parents have the time to make a nuisance of themselves with the school. The point here is not to point the finger at these kids' parents, it's that if you want a different result, give these kids not just better instruction (like reading the textbook at home and doing the problems collectively in class), but give them things like extended school days with study hall and staff to help them out. If I understand the state - local relationship on this one in Maryland, it's that the state can't make the school district do much, but they could probably write a check to help improve services. At least until counties like mine had parents filing suit because the funding model was "unequal," which would be completely on brand.

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George Santos - the inventor of the Slinky - had his campaign treasurer resign... the same treasurer who is the queen of documenting lots of expenditures that were coincidentally all one penny below the FEC regulated amount that requires a receipt.


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[WaPo] WaPo/ABC poll shows that Republican opposition to supporting Ukraine has gone from 18% in April to 63% last week. Back in my day, it was the GOP who wanted to blow the shit out of the commie Ruskies. WaPo suggests that anti-spending and Tucker Carlson's messaging to his viewers that the Ukraine can't win the war and should concede territory is having an effect.


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The capture of the GOP by insane conspiracy theorists is nearly complete.

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No longer the shining City on the Hill or the Beacon of Democracy. In my mind, Trump is the most effective isolationist since the advent of globalization. He has given his followers a lobotomy and one wonders how they'd view the Marshall Plan or the concept of enlightened self interest if they took their current world views back in time. The course of history would have been radically altered.

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I went down to the Capitol on my run this morning. No sign of Proud Boys or Oath Keepers but I did see an old pick-up with a make-shift camper on the back flying a half dozen American flags and some writing on the driver side door that said something about the People's Convoy. There's a fence all around the block of the Capitol and cement barricades along the street a block away. You can get through the barricades at controlled checkpoints.

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Sarah Huckabee Sanders gets a SOTU spotlight. Trump gets the affirmation.


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Reading the last sentence above, I picture Trump in front of a mirror saying, "I'm good enough, I'm smart enough, and doggone it people like me!"

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Heh, I remember that skit from SNL

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i started watching Paul T. Goldman on Peacock -- it's been talked up but I don't think it's for me

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I watched episodes 2 and 3 of Poker Face. I really like it. Reminds me of a TV show, Motive, from maybe 4-5 years ago. Show the murder, then the story behind how it got there.

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Peacock is free with ads, right? don't wanna pay for another service

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I read a recent story about Columbo, where it was not a whodunit, but rather a howdunit

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Feb 7, 2023·edited Feb 7, 2023

I'm 5 in...good stuff. I like how the main storyline is the undercurrent, but each episode is almost a standalone...

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Watching 4 now. So far so good.

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Finished 4 last night; quite a good show.

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When I heard the podcast, for some reason, I pictured Tina Fey in Only Murders in the Building.

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Big fan. Natasha Lyonne is well capable of carrying a show like this. The writing is solid and it's fun to see some of the famous supporting players.

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Interesting cameos from well known actors seemingly in each episode.

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Friend called Poker Face the Love Boat of crime procedurals.

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I guess technically not cameos since they're integral to the story.

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World #4 tennis player Jessica Pegula tells a story about her sister saving her mom, the owner/President of the Buffalo Bills and Buffalo Sabres.


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really excellent piece-- so amazing she was able to still compete. Health can dominate families for big chunks of time-- hard no matter the income level.

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Summary of new MLB 2023 rules. Timers, no shift, bigger bases


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stupid, stupid, stupid.

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Feb 7, 2023·edited Feb 7, 2023

None of these rule changes make much sense, especially the timing rules.

CLOCK - I'm all for reducing the time between pitches, but you don't need to do it in the fashion as reported. Most of the delay is from the batter taking his sweet timing adjusting whatever before taking his stance. The umpire and the battery can speed things up without a nonsensical clock to keep time.

SHIFT - If the defense wants to do something stupid, let them. Batters can drop a bunt on the open side of the field and see what happens next. Really, very few teams practice the art of the bunt or hitting to the opposite field. These are professionals for crying out loud. I don't buy this nonsense that they cannot hit to opposite fields or lay down a bunt.

BASES - Enlarging the bases is nonsense. If this is really about safety, the most important change would be to have a double base at first so that the batter-runner doesn't have to leave the runner's lane to tag first base. So, instead of a 15"x15" base at first, the bag would be 30"x15" with a 15"x15" square extending into the runner's lane. This would eliminate stupid a$$ batter-runners running inside the first base line and potentially colliding with the first baseman, spiking their heel, or Gawd knows what. It would also eliminate that silly side step with the left foot to touch the bag *WHEN* the batter-runner stays within the runner's lane.

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Footballer Christian Atsu is having a hell of a week. He scored the winning goal on Sunday for first division team Hatayspor in the 90th minute. Today, he was unburied from the rubble with injuries.


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Moon Unit has booked his next flight


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Big Charlie's - the only Chiefs bar in Philly - tries to have a Superb Owl party. It goes as well as if Charlie Kelly tried to do the same thing Paddy's.


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A nickel says they'll be in there with their regulars, doors locked and signs turned off. The press just got out of control and they had to pretend otherwise.

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Brandin Knight says Jim Boeheim complaining about ACC teams buying good teams is sour grapes, inferring that he knew that Boeheim paid under the table


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Time for Boeheim to move on. It's getting embarrassing.

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NASCAR driver Kyle Busch arrested for having a handgun in his luggage in Mexico. He said he forgot it was in there, but he'll have 3.5 years in Mexican jail to convince himself never forget again.


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Klay went bonkers last night. sad to have missed it, even though my intention was to stay up and watch.

>> Thompson scores 42 points with 12 3s, Warriors beat Thunder

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So... he quiets the thunder by making it rain?

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He was on fire. Even his heat checks went it. The Thunder double teamed him and sold out to him in the 3rd after he made his first two in the first 90 seconds so everyone else started driving and hitting shots. Easily looked like he could've gone for 55+ based on the first half.

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it was great to see a vintage Dubs game...and it happened without Steph!

They got a big lead and managed not to blow it, for once. Hope that the non-Stephs gain focus – like they did during his shoulder injury – and keep the SS Dubs afloat.

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They really could not stop the Thunder in Q1 at all, but came out after that and played great D. Klay is such a competitor, love it

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true, but at least could score also in Q1

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Worst-paying jobs

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So was walking my 7-yo to school this morning and they asked what age people are allowed to work. I answered something like "16-yo, with a student work permit".

Then thought about my pre-16 job, which was delivering newspapers. And what a horrible hourly rate one gets (got) doing that. I did Chron in the morning and Examiner in the afternoon (and both on Sunday mornings...ugh!)

So prob average of two hours everyday (folding papers included). And I got like $40 to $50 per month for each. That was $100 for 60 hours of work. and that didn't include walking around the hood on occasion trying to get subscribers.

Are there paper carriers anymore?

What is a non-yard work/babysitting type job that tweens can do these days? Beside pro-skateboarder or video game player or influencer ;-) Like not working for neighbors, but rather a company.

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Feb 8, 2023·edited Feb 8, 2023

There are. They're adults who drive cars and throw from the drivers seat. There was a guy who owned an Impala convertible (ca. '72 or '73, I'd guess) who drove around with the top down and threw for a few years in my neighborhood. I also recognize a convertible VW Thing (!) that was driven to throw papers. The guy who throws in my neighborhood drives a 4-door Toyota Corolla. Sometimes I see him on my commute to BART in the morning.

I assume he throws the SF Chronicle and the NY Times at a minimum. Maybe also the East Bay Times. Hard way to make a living, I think. Must be a side gig.

EDIT: I knew someone who threw the Chron when he was in his 20s. He was out like a light pretty much around 8:00 PM every night because he had to get up around 2:30 AM to fold and throw. I actually did it with him a couple of times. No thank you.

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youtuber? tiktoker?

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I put that under the category of "influencer", rightly or wrongly. I'm thinking of something more tangible than computer work. and I'd rather not have my (future) 11-yo exposed on the net like that anyway.

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perhaps. I've seen a couple of teenagers that have youtube channels on fixing up miatas or other cars. I assume they make money on ads.

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I'm old so I still get the paper delivered. There are not many of us, so the deliverer is an adult who does both the Wash Post and the NY Times and drives the neighborhood to do it.

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Unbelievable photos and video footage of devastation in Turkey. Entire apartment buildings, many 4 or 5 stories tall, simply piles of rubble or knocked over as if it were a domino. Building codes don't appear to be a priority.

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I have recurring nightmares where I am in a tall building that starts to collapse during an earthquake. It's not a real fear of mine, but my brain seems like it wants it to be. I am not watching any videos because it'll give my brain more ideas for it's late night showings. Screw you, brain.

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...or it wasn't followed right.

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Feb 7, 2023·edited Feb 7, 2023

Well, that is a distinct possibility. Another possibility is that building codes are not enforced even if those on the books are stringent. Widespread destruction as documented in photos and videos suggest either instance could be true. Either way, the building codes don't mean much when thousands are buried under rubble.

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Well, some decades (years?) ago, there was a earthquake in Turkey that killed 100's of people since the contractors did 50% of the strengthening they should of for new construction.

Not goofs, just making more $$$

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Feb 7, 2023·edited Feb 7, 2023

That was 1999. More than 17,000 killed, more than 40,000 injured.

There is an opinion piece in yesterday's (Feb. 6) WaPo on the legacy of that quake as expressed in the building codes and construction trades and with hints of how Erdogan came to power because of those conditions.

Opinion | Turkey’s earthquake death toll might be more than just a natural disaster


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As of this writing (7:50 AM Pacific time) today's DBD cannot be seen on the WFC main page -- though yesterday's is prominently displayed -- one must search the archive for it.

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it was there, but buried down in the old articles for some reason. I kept having to refresh the page.

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The W4C globalist and deep state agents are trying to stifle our free speech and take away our 1st and 2nd amendment!!

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And here I thought it was the woke mob.

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You might be attributing undesirable outcomes to nefarious actions when unintended consequences of a lack of attention to details or competence could be the case.

Not that that isn't a common scenario these days.

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The nefarious actions are producing lack of attention to details and associated incompetence.

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The deep state is simultaneously nefarious, incompetent, yet also competent to pull off such false flag operations as 9/11, faking the moon landing, the Turkish earthquake, Sandy Hook, and numerous other new world order events.

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Can they do tsunamis? Are they responsible for Mark Fox?

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