
Green bell pepper

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i have generally stopped using green bell peppers in favor of the red/orange/yellow ones that are easy to find these days and come in a colorful 3-pack.

i like the burst of color that is adds to my salads and other dishes. i guess they are a little sweeter than the green ones, but i a not sure there is any recipe where i definitively need the green one instead.

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The green ones I reserve only for meaty/fatty/heavily-spiced dishes with long cooking times. The strong flavor has a chance to compete rather than overwhelm my dishes - like African and Asian.

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I've recently started doing the same thing. Apparently there's a bit of a W4C hivemind on this issue.

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Yep, I’ve been doing the exact same thing.

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I 've started doing the exact same thing.

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An essential for gumbo and Cajun cooking.

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I use exclusively in my gumbo.

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Roasted some and added to my chili for the super bowl.

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Use them, as well as the other color schemes, almost interchangeably. Like them all in tacos, taco salads, etc. in various mixes.

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Green bell peppers taste like dirt. Red, yellow, and orange peppers are delicious.

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Not everyone finds the taste of dirt to be offensive to the palate.

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As a former Lair camper, Tuolomne County dirt is delicious.

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Cilantro lovers, for example.

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Something your SO said/did that really did the job

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Was actually really intelligent

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And also very articulate, same with my wife.

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She was the first with the "I love you." I melted.

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He made dinner - lobster bisque, poached halibut.

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Struck me out playing pickup softball with a group of mutual friends.

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Wrote me lots of really honest and revealing emails at a time when things were going to shit in his life. He was a writer and it was just not fair. Writers should not be allowed to woo via words.

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Kissed when I wasn’t expecting it.

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why don't we do it in the road?

no one will be watching us,

why don't we do it in the road?

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Pence tries a novel defense in fighting his subpeen


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US government says that other balloons shot down are not as advanced as the first one.


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Some poor little French kid from the 1950's in Paris is totally crestfallen....

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In elementary school in So Cal each kid let go of a helium filled balloon with a stamped postcard attached in a little plastic bag. We asked the finder of the balloon to mail the card back to our school. One balloon got as far as Nebraska.

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Wow, I'd be surprised if one made it to the next county, let alone halfway across the country. That sounds like a fun activity to try with a bunch of grade schoolers (though maybe with biodegradable materials for all the balloons that end up in the wilderness)

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About 20 cards were returned out of about 200 balloons set aloft. We actually had a map and marked the spots where each one was found with a push pin. Mostly in the west like Eastern California, Arizona and Nevada but several made it over the Rockies to Idaho and Wyoming. Pretty cool exercise for 1st to 3rd graders.

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S2R6 Jelle's Marble Rally


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Shane Steichen officially becomes HC of Colts


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In a move to make everyone hate ManU, Elon Musk is considering buying them


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He should also buy the Lakers while he is at it.

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already hate them so this fits well

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Why?, not that I'm a fan of theirs - Leeds instead.

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I dont even remember why but I've always hated them with the fire of a thousand suns. It might be because an early fave band of my were Man City fans before they were rich, it might be because early highlight shows were during Liverpool's heyday in the mid 80's, or it might be because they suck, are evil, are twats and should fuck themselves in the face at every opportunity because they blow anus. Fuck ManEwe

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[MLB] Extra-inning ghost runner is now permanent


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Please refer to this by its proper name, the Manfred Man.

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Such a silly thing. At least give them one inning of normal play and start this nonsense in the 11th.

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It's funny but sometimes teams catch this break and still can't score for 5 or 6 innings.

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Feb 14, 2023·edited Feb 14, 2023

I wonder if he took a blow to the chest and suffered cardiac arrest due to commotio cordis. The ESPN.com article doesn't say if he suffered a blow to the chest. or the timing of the collapse.

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Luka and Kyrie 0-2 playing together


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Not a good look.

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Feb 14, 2023·edited Feb 14, 2023Author

The Last of Us (E5). JFC, I guess I do have to cry every episode. I know exactly what's coming and it still gets me. It is a testament to how well Mazin writes and the acting. So far, 18/19. It's one of the best shows I've ever seen.

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Yep, even though I knew what was coming it did not dull the impact at all. The practical effects in that episode were really impressive, particularly the chaotic choreography of all the infected scrambling out from the underground tunnels. And that limber gymnast of a young clicker was delightfully creepy.

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Feb 14, 2023·edited Feb 14, 2023Author

[me, seeing the school in the tunnel-village]: "ugh"

I'm somewhat relieved they didn't expand on that part of the game.

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That could have been the bulk of its own episode, like Bill and Frank's story. It could have been rather charming too (initially) as Ish finds safe shelter in the tunnels, eventually decides there's no point in surviving while isolated, and invites a local family to join him to build a thriving little underground community. But the conclusion would have been absolutely horrific. It's probably better for the show that they treated the place as abandoned rather than staging it in the aftermath of the breach (particularly that one room in the schoolhouse).

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Started "The Recruit" thought the first one was just ok. Watched the second one, thought it's just not good enough to care about, and too phony overall.

But last night (my idea, "The Recruit" was the wife's) watched Witcher: Blood Origin, which did I think it was great? Oh no fucking way, very silly, lots of fighting throughout - BUT - it was also lots of goofy fun. If I'd have to rate it, I'd give it a 12/19, but so what! Still going to watch this goofy fun.

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I enjoyed it. Yeah the story isn't deep, but it's entertaining.

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third and presumably final season of Ted Lasso starts March 15th.

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Wacky Races - one of my all time favorite cartoons (mostly YouTube)

in an ongoing effort to make learning world history fun and approachable, we watched one of the episodes where Red Max wins the race.

Red Max is sort a goofy version of the Red Baron - WWI German pilot officially credited with 80 air combat victories. yesterday we were talking about the Wright Bros and how military air power became a thing starting in WWI.

what my daughter wrote ..

>> The Wright Brothers' technological advances through the creation of planes have set the Americans ahead in The Great War. Towards the beginning of the war, in 1914, we did not see the benefit of their invention. Later, we began to use aircraft to sabotage our enemies by bombing their territories. These bombings led to war in the skies, called dogfights. Planes like Sopwith Camel fighters attacked each other using mounted machine guns. Machine guns became synchronized with the propellers using an invention called interrupters.

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Feinstein say she won't run for election. Then again, will she remember that she already said it?

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Apparent rando shooting at MSU. Three dead, 5 critically wounded. School and all activities including athletics cancelled for 48 hours. Campus shut down.


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It hardly seems worth expressing outrage or sadness about these episodes, since nothing will be done to curb them.

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It's hard to do much more than shrug and accept defeat in the fight against gun violence.

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Without knowing a lot we don't, I don't know how to conclude the person wouldn't have still done something similar using another method. The real issue is what motivates a major violence incident regardless of the tool at hand?

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Easy, you:

1. Look at the number of gun deaths in USA as compared to other countries. (Higher than any country that is not a war zone)

2. Look at whether the gun deaths other countries miss are offset by rises in murders/deaths/suicides by other methods. (They are not)

QED. For policy, you don’t look at one individual’s brain, you look at systemic effects.

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We can blame it all on the GOP, but why in God’s name, in the 2020-2022 window when the Dems controlled both houses of Congress and had the president, did we not just repeal the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act? It gives Gun manufacturers immunity from product liability suits. If that were repealed, at least the plaintiff lawyers and state AGs could pick these guys apart in court. I guess the answer is Manchin?

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Would have need to override filibuster rules to get there.

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Okay true! But why not abolish the motherfucker tho?

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Excellent point.

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Feb 14, 2023·edited Feb 14, 2023


Probably too many Democrats having won election in a district that voted for Trump in '20 or a GOP governor in '22. Ticket-splitters do exist.

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He eventually killed himself, so we can't ask what the provocation was. Apparently had no connection to the university or campus.

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There's always the "Thoughts and Prayers" saying...

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Oh....but, how terrible that he is politicizing this tragedy, this is no time for politics, we need to let the families heal. At least long enough to allow the collective anger to die down and we can continue doing the same thing we've done after every one of these tragedies: Nothing.

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