
Next time you're in Switzerland during winter... how about tobogganing?


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My dad and I did that when I was a kid. It was really fun though it was much less fun sitting in the ER for 8 hours due to my dad's herniated disc.

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Growing up we didn't ski but the family would go up to the Sierras just to see the snow and would do a little tobogganing. Can't say it was on the scale of the video though. What we did was very tame.

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At Tahoe a couple of weekends ago, I saw a couple of people riding these BMX bike skis. Basically two short skis replacing where the wheels would be. With full suspension in the middle of the bike. The first person I saw ride it was an older guy so I thought maybe someone that had knee issues. But the 2nd person was a late teen or early 20s guy.

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Wild cows on the loose in New Mexico?

[Flight of the Valkyries starts playing]


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On a 19 point scale, how good are you at ice-skating?

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2. I've never tried it.

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i have tried it and i am a 1

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Probably a 4. I haven't done it since grade school, but I was competent enough at it back then.

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2 or 3. I rollerblade pretty well, so can do cross-over turns on ice skates. But I can't hockey stop. And I just feel wobbly all the time and my ankles hurt.

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I’d say I’m -0.8, or Tommy LaStella’s ‘22 WAR…

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-4728572318964285723947329 << -23

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When my dad was at Cal in the 1940's, he took lessons at Berkeley Icelandia. I didn't take lessons until graduate school in Boston. Did well enough to do single versions of toe loop, salchow, etc. Could do a spin 1 out of 10 tries.

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Probably about a 5. I can maneuver and work my way around an ice skating ring at a decent speed without falling.

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6? I can stay upright fairly well, and cross-over from right to left (but oddly not the other direction) but cannot skate backwards nor can I put any pace into skating.

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uh 1? Since I've never done it.

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Feb 17, 2023·edited Feb 17, 2023

SGBear says you can be a 2 w/o ever trying it

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I was better as a child when I took figure skating lessons in my youth. Now...I can stay upright. The same cannot be said of roller skating.

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I never was able to figure out how to roller skate. Even when, as a kid, I could ice skate. Not sure why.

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When I was a teenager, I was maybe a 5. I could skate around the old ice skating rink at Sunvalley mall. I never was able to go backwards like a hockey player can. I remember there was both a skating rink and a movie there down on the 1st floor by the JCPennys. When No 1 was maybe 7, he had an ice skating field trip with his class to the Oakland Ice Center. I sucked. Maybe a 2. I even re-hurt my back trying to catch myself from falling.

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Finally watched the first season of Ms. Marvel and I really enjoyed it.

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I do think it's fun, and enjoyable, but...

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But what?

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This is hard to explain - it's not perfect, but that's later, but I still watch it, so I don't want to affect you at all.

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I finished the first season already. Go ahead and spoil it for me.

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Really enjoyed Poker Face episode 7 (the racing episode), 6 was manic - I thought it was a lesser episode but still tons of fun.

The guest stars on this show are amazing: Tim Blake Nelson, Adrian Brody, Hong Chau, Benjamin Bratt, John Ratzenberger, Chloe Sevginy, Judith Light, Ellen Barkin, Tim Meadows. . . all these just so far.

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gotta sign in to Peacock for this

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Also Simon Helberg and S. Epatha Merkerson in the episode with Judith Light.

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Watched episode 5 of Poker Face - so great, such a fun episode (well all of them)

Love that show.

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Fell behind and finally watched the latest Last of Us episode.

Man, that show is incredibly well done.

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i'm two (three?) eps in. it sucks you in.

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not a lot of long-term contracts signed by the actors, I presume.

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Not sitcom but Lindsay Wagner on Bionic Woman was my first love…I was 4, but boy howdy, Jaime Sommers left her mark on the young Chitwood…

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Wonder Woman *drops the mic*

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Not a sitcom, but Michael Stedman on thirtysomething for sure. Also, Dylan McKay, who kicked off my lifelong love of bad boys.

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Wouldn't call it a "sitcom," but . . . Kaylee on Firefly.

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Not Morena Baccarin? Man, this audience is really hard to predict.

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She's TOO obviously sexy. Just throws me off. Girl-next-door types are my jam.

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yes, that's why Alison Brie (and Mary Ann over Ginger)

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Katee Sackhoff in Longmire. (I've never seen Battlestar Galactica so didn't know her from that)

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Over Alison Brie? Oh man, I can not agree with you. You remember her (AB) in the Western episode? OMG

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Hmmm. I guess maybe people have different tastes and opinions.

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I can see where you’re coming from, OD…

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I'm believing my own eyes and siding with Cugel on this one.

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1st ep of her roller derby show.

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Trump wants the "grab 'em by the p***y" tape banned from the E. Jean Carroll civil rape case because... well, because it looks bad for Trump.


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Reminds me of a current case where opposing counsel wants to exclude evidence simply because it is devastating to his case.

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[Tucker Carlson, in court defending in the Dominion defamation suit]

"Sydney Powell is lying", citing that he didn't believe that 2020 election fraud exited


[Tucker Carlson, last night]


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His show is just theater. Playing to his audience.

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Idaho lawmaker introduces bill to criminalize administering an mRNA vaccine. I am still blown away how some people can still going on about how these vaccines are experimental and have too many side effects (which they demonstrably don't) seems stupid since there are literally BILLIONS of applications now.


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Idaho has really gone full RWNJ in recent years.

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No vaccine against brain worms, unfortunately.

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Texas lawmaker files bill to ban Chinese nationals from buying land in Texas.


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Mrs Slug and I have been speculating about who would buy the recently rebuilt home across the street from Casa de Slug. It's listed as 4 beds, 4 baths, 4,432 sq. ft., $3,495,000.

Five weeks ago it was $3,995,000 ($500,000 more). We figure the target audience for this property was someone clearly from overseas.

This house doesn't have a view of The City from the inside, and the layout is funky, clearly influenced by the original layout. I think the guy flipping this house suffered from lack of imagination. He bought it cheap ($750K) and was looking to make a killing.


Casa de Slug is clearly visible in the background on the initial image of the 3D Walkthrough.

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IIRC Vancouver did something somewhat similar, but instead of banning purchases they fined foreigners for buying up homes and leaving them vacant, due to the housing shortage and skyrocketing rents. Something $5k per month. I wonder how many of the homes in LA are getting snapped up with all cash, above asking prices by foreign nationals.

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So... JD Vance agrees we need the EPA and that Trump's gutting of it was a bad thing


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for someone who claims to represent Appalachia and the working man, he does not look like he's ever been outdoors before.

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He looks like he's made of Silly Putty.

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Thumb form, human sized.

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Per NBC, Sydney Powell's source claimed that allegations of Dominion voting machine came to her "experiencing something like time-travel in a semi-conscious state" that allows her to "see what others don't see and hear what others don't hear". This, folks, is why you don't eat a whole pot brownie.


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MAGA: Making Attorneys Get Attorneys. Trump Lawyer Evan Corcoran has obtained outside counsel due to potential obstruction of justice.


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This is, IMHO, a bit of a big deal. Putting a defendant's attorney before the grand jury sets Trump up to strip away his attorney-client privilege. If the judge agrees that the lawyer did collude with Trump to obstruct justice, he will be compelled to testify against Trump. Corchran and Bobb may have just lit the fuse on their law licenses.

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A grocery item that is local to you, but also good

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Cheese straws. They're basically savory cheddar cookies. When you eat one, you're like "this is some powdery cheese bullshit" and then before you know it, you've had five of them in 10 minutes.

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Blue crab meat. All other crabs are inferior

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Go Bears!

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Pasties. A favored meal for Cornish miners.

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And covering nipples on burlesque dancers

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Something Swedish

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Volvo. Some of their recent cars have a little Swedish flag stitched into the seams of the seats--it's a nice easter egg

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yes, we have a little Swedish flag on the passenger seat of our XC90.

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Feb 17, 2023·edited Feb 17, 2023

a good fraction of my extended family. 2 uncles, 5 first cousins, and all their offspring. if i wanted a quick 25 person family reunion i would fly to Stockholm for the weekend.

i have been 4-5 times. always enjoyable in different ways. the north (away from all the people) is particularly nice. one of the 5 cousins lives in Lulea, somewhat near the Arctic Circle.

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A good friend of mine that I met junior year on EAP. Any of you guys do that? So fun!

I went to visit her one time in Sweden and it turns out it was the weekend of a fertility festival!

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How did you avoid being one of the 9 human scraifices?

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Oh right! There is like a horror movie about it! Is that any good?

No human sacrifices but we did play a game called “bernball” (sp?) which was like baseball. There was also some dancing around a pole (I assume it was meant to represent a penis) and eating of herring.

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Saab. Airplanes and autos (and probably much more). I was reminded of them because I was looking at a google satellite view of Castle AFB yesterday and I saw a Saab fighter jet in their inventory. HSB and I went there on the way back from Yosemite to see the SR-71. They have a lot of planes on display in their museum. I'm going to have to make another trip out there.

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Rookie Valet: I can't get the keys out!/I can't start this car!

Seasoned Valet: Is it a Saab?

RV: Yes!

SV: Put it in reverse first.

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i always wanted a SAAB, especially the old ones w/ the nice, slopey back.

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I hope you like cars that are in the shop for a long time

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Heh..he did have a Jag.

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Feb 17, 2023·edited Feb 17, 2023

They’re my favorite, personally. And you’re right SGB

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Feb 17, 2023·edited Feb 17, 2023

my 87 Jag XJ6 with circle headlights was the best. i bought it from my uncle for $1 because he never used it. it had 2 gas tanks.

that car had a sweet spot around 75 mph. you would hit the accelerator and it would take off!

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The best part about that car, even though I never saw it, was the leaping Jag hood ornament.

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if a fart had a shape, it would be a Saab

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Oh man are you wrong! Depending on what year made.

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SAAB 99 - liked it so much better than the Chevy station wagon. Although it cost me a license in Alabama - the guy HATED that import.

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My first car (‘90-‘97) was a hand me down from Pa Chitwood….a 1983 Saab EMS I named Rrricooo Saab-e because the Gerardo hit was one of my favorites. Helluva car - went up and down the coast for 6 years straight with very little issue…

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I also got one in 1990 at the Buggy Bank in Berkeley, 99 EMS. Drove it across the Rockies with no problem. The back seat upholstery had been chewed up by a dog. Got it for $900. Standard transmission. My Dad borrowed it one time to haul some Persian rugs and blew up the clutch going up Marin (as you can imagine).

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Meatballs. Yum.

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One of the first chefs that I really liked and followed was Jamie Oliver. He made cooking seem approachable and fun. I own several of his books. He is right about many things - but the more I learn about cooking, the more I realize he is a bit of a hack. I mean, he's not terrible, but he's a below-average chef.

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bork bork bork

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Spaghetti O's right?

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I was a ravioli-o's kid

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We're having Beefaroni!

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Feb 17, 2023·edited Feb 17, 2023

Re the chef salad, and salads generally, I don’t mind them per se as I know this a healthier option than basically anything else I would choose, but it’s so much work to eat! If you get a sandwich at a lunch meeting, you just eat that super quick and get down to business. If you get a salad in a box thing, you have to pick it at it intermittently for the entire hour. It’s like a job!

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A chef's salad is truly no healthier than a turkey sandwich.

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You don't win friends with salad

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I'll ride that conga line to the salad bar, though.

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I do like the chef's salad at Mezzo though.

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Tim McCarver's final roster move to the Angels. RIP


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Super nice guy, but, I feel like it must be acknowledged that he was an absolutely atrocious announcer and yet did the WS like every year!

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Redwings fans throw octopi. Bruins fans get catfished.


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Smuggling in a fish of that size must have been...interesting

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Manfred says the NBA disciplines refs who miss calls. That seems unlikely.


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Max Homa and Collin Morikawa are in the hunt at the Genesis Invitational (Homa is sitting at second, and will tee off in the early afternoon, Morikawa currently tied for 3 - his putter is letting him down a bit - missed two relatively short birdie putts)

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Go(lf) Bears!

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Collin ends the day in second at -8, one back of the leader. Homa just teed off.

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Elsewhere in college

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The chee'burger at an Alabama basketball game is $16. No sides.


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Thanks Biden.

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Why Ohio State's cancellation of the home-and-not-home series against Washington is bad for the Pac-12


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ICYMI: Utah's QB Cam Rising revealed that he tore his ACL in the Rose Bowl


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Will the Pac-12 break up? Where each team would go if league disintegrates over media rights deal


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Not sure why this author would expect Cal and Stanford to stick around in a weakened Pac-12 in this scenario. They would almost certainly be looking to go to the Big Ten too.

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They may be looking, but no one is looking back at them.

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He is a Cal and Stanford hater saying that the Big 10 now would want no part of "those teams".

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[MBB] Cal scores 60 Points! 🥳🎉🍾


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Do you think it's time to Mozilla? @or perhaps the coach should get a chance to turn the program around?@

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Can't wait for him to Go-zilla

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After our upset of UCLA he'll get an extension.

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Well, if you were able to lock in Cal +38, you are a Golden Bear. But if you were only able to secure Bears +36, that was a bad beat.

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Feb 17, 2023·edited Feb 17, 2023

Renowned West Coast hater and SEC simp Dennis Dodd speculates what would happen to the P12 Conference if the media rights deal falls through and the league is forced to disband…

Cal, Stanford, OSU and Wazzu end up in the Mountain West…sounds about right.


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IMO, the most depressing thing about going to the MWC is knowing that Justin Wilcox will still manage to go 5-7 and not win the MWC.

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If that scenario were to happen, I'd prefer to drop down a division and stop spending so much money on sports.

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...except for that pesky stadium renovation debt.

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NOT PESKY! Life saving, man.

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I meant pesky as in you have to account for the financial implications before you make plans.

But yes, I agree. The renovations were for life-safety reasons first and foremost.

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Go Bears!!!

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Feb 17, 2023·edited Feb 17, 2023Author

[MGolf] Sampson Zheng paces Cal to a second place start after Day 1 of the John A. Burns Intercollegiate in Hawaii. Cal is 4 back from the leader BYU and one stroke ahead of Arizona and Long Beach. Other Pac-12 teams that are trailing Cal are Utah (down by 10), USC (16), and Wazzu (16).



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Vote to name Annie's new son. Choices are Marshawn, Lou, Tony, Rex, Archie, Hu, and Morgan. https://docs.google.com/.../1FAIpQLSdYoz21urHSjV.../viewform

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thanks, but the link didn't work for me

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I suggested Marshawn as a name last year to the ornithologists. Didn't make the cut. Glad to see it's on the list this year.

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Between a non-booting laptop this morning and driving home from Tahoe, I missed a lot of good DBD comments today...

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Good Lord. 6 of 285 residents of a tiny Mississippi town were murdered today.


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neuro-psych eval

had one yesterday as continuing follow up from my bike accident last year. i am overall fine and hopefully this is all precautionary.

the funny part was a series of questions that i couldnt tell what the purpose was. it was more like Jeopardy-style trivia than anything else. the questions were too esoteric to test intelligence, so who knows ..

the questions (as i remember them):

- who created the character Sherlock Holmes?

- who was Cleopatra?

- who is credited w/ the theory of relativity?

- who was Catherine the Great?

- there were at least 5 others ..

lucky for me i got them all right for being good at trivia. i struggled the most w/ Sherlock ..

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Person. Woman. Man. Camera. TV.

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I couldn't come up with the Sherlock one off the top of my head (even though after looking it up, I thought "of course").

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A "no shit, Sherlock" moment, as it were.

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