
Union City

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The towns of Alvarado and Decoto merged and incorporated as Union City in 1959 - hence the name. Alvarado was the Alameda County seat for 11 years until 1865.

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I think those dates have to be wrong.

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Are you questioning the scripture of Wikipedia?


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Bob would never

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When I was 13, I played baseball for Albany Senior League all stars (13 year olds only division) and we won district, then rolled our way to the sectional finals only to run into the Union City American buzzsaw. Those fuckers ended up National runners up that year. What I remember most was that the majority of their team was over 6 feet tall and after beating our ass 10-3 in the final, they complimented how good we were because we had actually scored on them. No one had scored a run on them in their previous 8 games or whatever they had played til then. Bastards

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When Double D was 13, he played on Albany Seniors. That would have been 2009, I think. At any rate, they won District 4 at Caldecott Field. Albany routed the other team (for the life of me, I can't remember who). In that game, with Albany up by a run, one of the outfielders (who was reasonably fast, just not blazing fast) stole home. Very exciting moment.

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No 3's all-star team did that against one of our rivals when they were 9, I think. Coach had him steal home when the catcher threw the ball back to the pitcher and wasn't totally paying attention. That was the winning run in B6.

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I remember No 1 played for North/South Oakland Little League for one year before we moved when he was 9. We were contemplating moving him to play Babe Ruth in Oakland. Some of the people told us we shouldn't because it's so competitive. I think some of it was racial.

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I played Babe Ruth in San Leandro, against some kids that I'd end up playing against in HS...they had some good ballplayers.

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The sanction politics in youth diamond sports has no equivalent.

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Gorton's Fisherman - In the mid-19th centure, the local cotton mill in Rockport MA burned down, leaving Thomas Slade Gorton Jr. unemployed. He started packing cod into salt and started using the "man at the wheel" logo in the early 20th century at his company "Slade Gorton & Co". His descendent Slade Gorton ended up being a four time US Senator for Washington State and key reason that the Mariner's were kept in Seattle. He was the last Republican for WA and perhaps the few examples of a liberal Republicans.

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an utter arse

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I remember thinking it was a shame he had to leave the team to do his military obligation. I thought he could've killed it his last couple of years.

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Elsewhere in college

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Cal State Chancellor resigns after his conduct - or lack thereof - when he was President of Fresno State is uncovered by USA Today.


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This is what we gotta compete against. That's a lot of capitalization.


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We've gotten a lot better though. As long as the kids don't see other schools, we can impress them.

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For all the dudes who won't play on Sundays, life in the real world after getting this taste of opulence is gonna be a rude awakening.

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ESPN named their top 60 college football games of the 2000s. Nary a Cal game can be found. Not the goal line stand against Utah, not Garber's mad dash in the '19 Big Game, not the freezing night comeback against ASU, not the late late show at UW and I haven't even mentioned a single game from the Tedford era. (Plenty of SEC games.)

This is an absolute scandal.


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These may be great wins for Cal fans but they hardly move the needle on a national scale.

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Wasn't being serious. However see below where I mentioned games that could have been considered.

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I agree, that’s why I think the only Cal game that belongs is the 04 USC game. It was a great game and had national relevance.

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You could MAYBE argue for Oregon '07 too, but unfortunately both teams fell apart late in the season so it retroactively became less relevant.

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Of the entire 2000’s or 2010’s?

If it is going all the way back to 2000, Cal at SC in 2004 should absolutely be on that list.

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How many Pac-12 games were there? At least the USC/Texas natty.

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That game was number one, barely any other Pac 12 games. Realistically we did have a few candidates like the '04 U$C game, the '09 Big Game, the '03 bowl game vs. VTech, the '05 game at UCLA and '06 against Oregon.

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2007 Oregon, 2007 Tennessee

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Unfortunate that the 2007 season was cancelled after the Oregon game.

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Yeah, Marcus Ezeff's FF touchback was the last play of that season..... until a very fun bowl game.

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Man, the wheels sure came off the wagon that year, as they're apt to do with Cal...what a pisser, too, because we actually managed to beat our arch-nemesis Arizona that season.

I drank that entire '07 season away from my memory

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Also 2006 Oregon.

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That was already mentioned

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Today in Covid

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[Huffpo] TFG used more money from the "Make America Great Again" PAC to prop up his business than its raison d'être of raising money for GOP candidates across America.


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Grifters gonna grift

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I am shocked, shocked to the core

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Trump is indirectly back onto Twitter. And he's angry.


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Good I hope he has a stroke.

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..at a rally.

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Good. This is what happens when a judge tells you that you must be deposed. I can feel the (barely) controlled rage from here. I can only hope he bursts a damn artery...or has a psychotic break.

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A half-naked woman on a pumpjack and a dead guy want to unseat a corrupt grammy-nominated singer as Railroad Commissioner, which doesn't regulate railroads.


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Feb 18, 2022Liked by Berkelium97

Thanks I like to keep abreast of the issues. It seems the candidate has something to get off her chest. Good to get the bare facts. Her opponents are real boobs. (It's occasionally nice to re-live seventh grade humor.)

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Don't get me wrong, I see what you're trying to do there, no?

What I'm trying to say is, thank you!!


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I didn't read the article, but I did go to her tiktok feed for... research purposes, and I hate to disturb the gag but she really seems to know what she's talking about.

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more than half

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The never-before-told backstory of Pence's Jan. 6 argument


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So if his Twitter account was two weeks old and he didn't know how to use it, how did he have any followers who would pick up on those tweets?

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Richard Cullen, obviously.

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For all of Pence's bad, his speech in the Senate Chamber after the joint session reassembled was a great moment.

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Wow this is incredible. It's a great backstory.

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Feb 18, 2022·edited Feb 18, 2022

That is a remarkable article. It's amazing how seemingly little things can have such a big impact. Thanks for posting it!

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And it's refreshing to read about a high-ranking government official who does not know how to use Twitter.

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...former official.

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Stephon Diggs allegedly navigated through switch-off coverage on Monday Night.


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Looks like he ran an effective series of comeback routes

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Kim Kardashian

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The video in the comments is HYSTERICAL.

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A strong first half gave the men's basketball team a glimmer of hope of achieving a three-game winning streak. A strong regression to the mean in the second half quickly extinguished those hopes.


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I love listening to Monty call a game. So direct and insightful, almost like he's coaching us.

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It's a novel idea Cal should consider employing (competent, consistent coaching). I wonder what it would cost to talk him out of semi-retirement?

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If they did that, they would have to make sure he got multiple assistant coaches that are recruiting gods. I thought one big thing was that he didn't want to do any recruiting stuff.

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Can we get Theo Robertson back to be our recruiter?

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It seems like that is possible. Perhaps Monty's health is robust again?

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Glimmer? Oh more than that, which makes the loss worse.

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Ya, the speed with which this team crumbled in a winnable home game against a team that’s dogschitt on the road was troublesome.

Fox’s ceiling is, what, about 9th place? The longer Knowlton keeps him around, the further the program gets from the postseason.

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9th place is way too generous

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The contract extension suggestion was due to the APR score and then we beat Oregon so that added fuel to the idea.

Just wait until Fox turns down Oregon or some other school that interviews him, that’s when he gets his new 3 year extension.

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Feb 18, 2022·edited Feb 18, 2022

Ya, the extension talk is laughable, tho Wilcox got one despite a losing record.

I thought the OR sweep probably bought him another year. This game shows that shouldn’t necessarily be the case. Haas was empty, again.

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Covid hates Haas.

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Go Bears!!!

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Over the last four seasons I've probably watched fewer than 20 total minutes of Cal men's basketball, although it doesn't help that most broadcasts are exiled to the Pac-12 Networks.

I desperately want the administration to give me a reason to care, but I don't have much confidence that they will hire someone who will make the Bears competitive in the conference.

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I have been following Cal basketball since late 2000s, but this year was the firs time I ever went to a Cal basketball game. I also watched last night's game on TV, something that I had not done in the past 3 years.

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My friend's parents got a couple of extra tickets for the game this weekend so I'll be going with them.

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A phrase I'm done with: "don't get me wrong." I'll damn well get you wrong if I want to. Also don't care for it's cousin, "what I'm trying to say..." Please don't tell us that you're trying to say it, just say it. Sometimes the two are combined as in, "don't get me wrong, what I'm trying to say is..." Weak language.

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There is a place for such filler language (to break up what you're saying or to give the listener/audience a quick break), but I agree that it's too commonly used as filler (like "like" or).

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"Now, I'm not a math major but...." Well, shit, get out of here then, I demand a math major to explain the 20% budget cut in our department.

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Now, don't me wrong, we all want to keep our budgets intact. What I'm trying to say is that the CEO needs that money. I'm no math major but the hookers and blow won't pay for themselves.

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Gotta finish the sentence with "so..."

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And there is - "I'm not gonna lie, but ......." Thanks for telling me.

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Heh, the worst is: I'm not a racist, but...

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I feel like these three phrases:

1. I’m not gonna lie

2. Don’t get me wrong

3. I’m not racist

Are all related in terms of terribleness.

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It is what it is. It’s as simple as that.

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And don't say something shitty about someone then follow it up with "bless his/her heart!" That's not an automatic pass on what you just said.

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Ah, then ...."He's a nice guy or seems like one / I really like him/her, etc....but x, y, z."

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I think you are misinterpreting the usage of bless his heart.

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I always thought it was said after saying something bad about someone. Like to soften the blow.

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With all due respect…

I think these are nonsense fillers that people garble out while they are figuring out what to say

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Which is understandable when speaking, I object to when people are writing and have time to compose their thoughts.

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i got you wrong, i thought what you were trying to say was talking about people using those phrases when they speak

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But with "with all due respect", it's a surefire indicator that the speaker intends no respect towards the listener. Eff that nonsense.

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Sometimes there's a reason to use "weak" language like this, for the benefit of the listener. It's an emotional benefit, and obviously depends on the audience.

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Wordle - if you know what the word is today, it is amusing that I managed to avoid losing on my first ever 6th try. Phew indeed.

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Not sure if it was one of the ones we listed a couple of weeks ago, but here is one called Quordle. It's 4 wordles at the same time, solved within 9 steps. It changes the strategy a little bit.


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DBD AV club

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i rewatched fleabag season 2

it remains golden

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"series" 2

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It's fantastic.

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Quite enjoyed that, pretty amazing performance.

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I watched The Tinder Swindler last night and it was very good. The ending was probably the most shocking, disappointing but not unexpected part of the documentary.

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Started Righteous Gemstones last night. Comically stupid and highly entertaining.

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it's so fucking good

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In preparation for the final season of Better Call Saul I'm re-watching Breaking Bad. It has maybe the greatest first episode on TV history.

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Watched a great movie last night, some of the best B&W cinematography I've ever seen; Harakiri (Japan 1962). It's a samurai movie the same way The Wild Bunch is a Western. 19/19 WB

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Feb 18, 2022·edited Feb 18, 2022

Meanwhile, Cal still hasn’t hired it’s first African American head coach for football.

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Marvin Lewis could have been that man. But he declined. We got Jeff Tedford, instead.

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