
Ooh. I remembered something today related to yesterday's "Discount" topic.

I buy Dorco Razors on Amazon. They are the same as "Dollar Shave Club", but about 10% cheaper. DSC literally just repackages Dorco products. They are literally the same product.

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i used to use DSC. i transitioned to Harry's because i like those razors better, even if a little more expensive.

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Haiti's president resigns. Kenya announces that it is pausing its troops from policing. The country wobbles toward anarchy.


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Laundry or dishes?

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Don't mind doing either, but I hate the putting away of both.

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I hate putting away clothes even more than putting away dishes. Putting away dishes actually has an immediate upside in that it's one less thing Mrs Slug will think she has to do.

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I'll take laundry for 300, Alex.

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300 ... name of detergent that gets stains out the best

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I like Dishwasher Tetris.

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I used to hate doing these things but now I listen to podcasts or watch sports on my phone, is not so bad!

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Either. I don't mind doing either.

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Dishes, much more gratifying for me.

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I prefer folding laundry

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Mar 12·edited Mar 12

dishes. i actually enjoy doing dishes - as in washing them by hand.

turns out that i am semi fast and efficient at it as well according to the people. i never knew that there were variations.

folding laundry is a real drag. i wish someone would magically do it for me like Mary Poppins.

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I also prefer washing dishes to folding laundry. And with washing dishes after dinner I get the added benefit of being a bit more relaxed because of the warm water. It often helps me to get to sleep better than if I hadn't done the dishes.

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Journalist doesn't know basic physics. Or perhaps that Honda Accord had a JATO rocket strapped to it.


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[WaPo] TFG asked Elon Musk if he wanted to buy Truth Social


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Tik-Tok on the verge of being banned from the US. Take that, Great Firewall of China.


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Think of a good music album. Now pick a song off of it that you like that wasn’t a big hit. Minor hits ok. Please publish a link.

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Blues Traveler's 1994 Album "Four" was great, albeit one can only take so much harmonica jams in one sitting. The album is known for Grammy-winning "Run Around" and the heavily overplayed "Hook". I present for your listening enjoyment, the lesser known but still great "Look Around":


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Very good choice. Saw them a few times in the mid 90's and that song was awesome when performed live.

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I'm a huge Level 42 fan. Their 1986 album "World Machine" was a worldwide hit and gave us "Something About You" and a couple other minor hits. That album also produced "Good Man In a Storm", my personal favorite song of all time.

Level 42 released 10 albums, and are still touring through the EU. A couple years back they started playing "Good Man In a Storm" live for the first time in their history.

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The Joshua Tree is wall to wall hits, but the best song on the album is a lesser known track on the back side. Here's One Tree Hill. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WfKhVV-7lxI

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speaking of One Tree hill. that is the current family show that we are all watching together. i happen to know one of the recurring actors (Bevin Prince) as well.

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I was a big fan when it was on the CW.

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Edward Sharpe, Up from Below Album which had hits "Home" and "40 Day Dream," also had some other great songs including the the track title for the album name "Up From Below," and "Desert Song."



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Wolf Parade’s 2005 Apologies to the Queen Mary had some hits on it, but my favorite song on there was This Heart’s On Fire.

Similarly, on the White Stripes’ White Blood Cells (2001), my favorite was Dead Leaves and the Dirty Ground.

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Death and Other Details S1 E1-2. (Hulu, 17/19, WB). A who-dunnit starring Mandy Patinkin. I'm only two episodes in, but it's fantastic. Apart from Patinkin's growly vocal fry that makes him hard to understand at times, it is very cleverly written, has some super cool... uh... visual details (eg, characters interacting within a flashback, a very clever corporate video). I am hooked.

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Google is discontinuing Google Podcasts app for Android and moving to Youtube Music. I don't want to use that for podcasts. Does anyone have a good suggestion for a podcasts app on Android?

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no but i something else getting sunsetted yesterday. Mint, that financial aggregator thing.

i used to use it once upon a time. transitioned over the the one at my brokerage. i suppose it is all the same underlying technology which doomed Mint.

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Wild that the state decided to expend the resources to go to trial on this. Texas!

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That's a white hot take there, Senator Lee (R-UT)


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GOP Rep. Ken Buck to leave Congress on March 22


Buck's exit will leave the GOP with a 218-213 edge over the Democrats in the House. There are three current vacancies, four with Buck's departure.

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i did not appreciate or know this ...

Republican Rep. Ken Buck of Colorado, a hardline conservative who has clashed with his own party at times.

“Everywhere I go in Colorado, Dana, I hear that people are not happy with Trump and they’re not happy with (President Joe) Biden,” Buck said. “I am going to find the right organization to join and I’m going to start working on that issue. We have to have better candidates up and down the ballot.”

Buck announced last year that he would not seek reelection, citing stagnation in Congress and his party’s election denialism as factors in his decision to not run in 2024.

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younger child goes to school in their Wiggins jersey today after Warriors win.

a nice 800p ET start. i timed it so that dinner would be ready just when the game started so we could watch and eat.

we also played Scrabble and i got crushed by same 16 yr old.

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Big Give is in two days

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TIL: Until 1987, Etcheverry Hall had a 2 MW nuclear reactor in it. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Berkeley_Research_Reactor

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Yeah, I transferred to Cal (as a mech engineering major) in Fall 1986, so I had one year of free daily x-rays.

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I played volleyball on top of that reactor many times.

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As did I, for one year.

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I think I knew that. I started in ME in 88 so I just missed it.

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So I can carbon date you as being about 4 years younger than me ;-)

Assuming that you started Cal as a frosh.

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Yup. Actually I guess I was a spring admit so technically started Jan of 89

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HAG slept on my couch a lot in the fall of 88.

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Mar 12·edited Mar 12

Some of us Spring admit engineering students were inadvertently offered Extension so I took it and took my humanities prereqs P/NP. So I hung out and napped at HSBs suite in Clark Kerr.

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i have seen that reactor as part of some tour.i got once upon a time.

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Go Bears!!!

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Guy who shot and killed Utah DB Aaron Lowe pleads guilty to murder. As part of his plea bargain, he had obstruction and gun charges dropped because he was already on probation.


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Biblical scholars believe that John the Baptist was actually an Episcopalian.

(All trivia verified by the International Trivia Foundation.)

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Founding of Christianity --> Catholicism --> Anglican --> Episcopalian --> John the Baptist --> Messianic Judaism --> Founding of Christianity

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Episcopalian is just Catholic lite

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I’ve never been a member of either denomination, but my experience with the Episcopal churches I’ve been to are that they are much more liberal/progressive than any Catholic Church I’ve attended.

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And the Anglican Church is also Catholicism lite. The way I heard it, the Episcopalian Church is the American version of the Anglican Church, founded after the American Revolution.

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i did not realize this until quite late ... ie grad school

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ex joked about it.

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