While Francophobia is the fear and contempt of the French, Frankophobia is the fear and contempt of people named Frank.

(All trivia verified by the International Trivia Foundation.)

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The German city Frankfurt's official name is Frankfurt am Main. The etymology of the city is "Frankish river crossing on the river Main". Ironically, Germany's fifth most populous city and its banking center is named after a the tribe that France is named after.

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i rarely get one, but the top dog on the list at Top Dog is a frankfurter .. long and thin compared to the other offerings.

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Good Supreme Court justice too!

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What's your special talent

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I’m a great cook and one of my favorite things to make is sourdough waffles. They have an amazing crisp but light texture and when you use a Belgian waffle maker you get these amazing deep pockets to hold the butter and syrup and sometimes some fresh blueberries.

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I can pound a beer in a pint glass with no hands

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Recognizing where people are from based on their accents. Years of travel and being an ESL teacher have helped hone this skill.

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(nod to yesterday) washing dishes in incredibly hot water

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How do your hands hold up? I had to start using gloves a few years ago because the hot water just ate up the skin on my hands

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the secret is not to touch the water, which i barely do.

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I am referred to as "asbestos hands" in this house for that reason

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similarly .. making grilled cheese sandwiches and flipping them with my fingers. no spatula needed.

in HS we had an open campus for a few years. since i lived so close to school - 5 min walk - a bunch of us would go home and have lunch most days. i was in charge of making grilled cheese sandwiches about 1/3 the time.

lunch period ended at 1225p, so i have seen almost every episode of Leave It to Beaver but dont know how any episode ends!

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I can hang a spoon off my nose. Backwards.

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Breakfast pastry

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Brown Cow plain yogurt with french vanilla granola with blueberries. Sometimes I'll add bananas or raspberries. Slice of sourdough toast with butter or PBJ.

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you are supposed to discuss waffles, pancakes, etc ..

not your healthy breakfast!!

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not sure whole milk yogurt with their cream curd on top is that healthy.

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older child, who is lactose intolerant, was happy to a get a plant-based Icelandic skyr that was tasty and full of protein. normally the plant-based stuff is neither.

i like the full fat yogurt, but generally stick to the low fat stuff.

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I think I'm just a little lactose intolerant. I like the Brown Cow one, probably because it is whole milk. I used to get Mountain High Low Fat plain but ended up going with Brown Cow. We used to get No 1 Brown Cow when he was younger.

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coffee + something sweet is my normal ritual even if it something very small like a biscotti.

old fashioned donuts are my favorite. also reminds me of HS days.

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I heartily endorse old fashioned donuts. Acceptable alternative is a buttermilk bar, which has an old fashioned like crust.

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for some reason, old fashioned donuts are hard to find in NYC. there are so many Dunkin donuts that good donuts are rare.

there are some places w/ good yeast donuts and cake donuts, but not of the old-fashioned variety.

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I had a coworker in the midwest that had never heard of old fashioned donuts. She had never seen them.

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strange that you cant get something "old fashioned" in midwest and east coast!

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Now that I think about it, I think they called those regular donuts and had never heard of cake donuts. Maybe that was it.

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For Five Coffee Roasters, originated in NY, just opened a shop down the street. Don’t see any donuts on their menu.

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i like their coffee. havent had it in a while though. it used to be more along my path when i worked downtown in FiDi (financial district)

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Are there few donut shops (pastry shops?) independent of Dunkin?

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mostly correct.

NY is somewhat binary. nearly every diner and bagel shop is independently owned, yet there is a Dunkin, Starbucks, and Chase bank on every other block.

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Why does this not surprise me?

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Natives greet tourists in charming local way, a method steeped in tradition


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Mar 13·edited Mar 13Author

Judge in the Georgia voting interference case dismisses some of the charges against Trump, Giuliani, Meadows, Smith, Cheeley, Eastman - but the bigs ones are still on track


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Judge Cannon inadvertently outed one of the defendants in the Mar a Lago secret documents case. His name is Brian Butler. I get the feeling that there is a reason that the government is going after him rather than treating him like the small fish that he is.


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The RNC has hired Christina Bobb - an OAN claimed in 2022 that the the 2020 could still be overturned - has been appointed as their chief counsel on [checks notes]... election integrity. If you can't tell that Fascism is here, you'd better pay attention

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Interesting. Per this lawyer, Trump's defense for his Stormy Daniels coverup case is the inverse of "on-advice-of-counsel"; it's I told counsel what to do, which apparently doesn't break the attorney-client priviledge. If I read between the lines, Trump obviously has used lawyers as his fixers to do dirty work and doesn't want dirt found in document discovery.


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Uvalde Police Chief finally resigns. Presumably, he'll stay at home, standing around doing nothing


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RFK potential running mates. And he wants to be taken seriously.


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He has gained millions in free publicity from this stunt (hopefully it is just a stunt).

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Since its successfully gained publicity and public awareness, and doubtless some contributions, I think its cleat it is not a stunt.

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Per the article, they interviewed as candidates:

Aaron Rodgers, Jesse Ventura, Tulsi Gabbard, Toni Robbins, Andrew Yang, Tricia Lindsay, Mike Rowe. Rodgers and Ventura are top two.

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Hatred of QAaron is at least something all Americans can finally agree on. Way to alienate both bases.

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Hopefully, RFK, Jr. siphons off the crazies who would otherwise vote for Trump.

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I’m not sure what to think about this.


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Mar 13·edited Mar 13

Same. It's a real head scratcher for me. How does one ascertain the motives, intent, and actions of another claiming to help another human being in apparent need? What if that human being in apparent need has a criminal history? And what if access to the GoFundMe account is suddenly in question because the person trying to access the money isn't the person whose name is on the account?

But it also feeds into my suspicions about the "effective altruism" nonsense that it isn't really about altruism, at all, but about preying on people's desire to help others to make a buck. Sam Bankman-Fried is the poster child for my jaundiced view.

EDIT: There's a lot of wobble in that story.

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Mar 13Liked by SGBear

Go Bears!!!

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Mar 13·edited Mar 13

Just started the Gentlemen series last night. I typically avoid Guy Ritchie movies. Tarantino worship with an Esquire and GQ subscription. But it's surprisingly good so far, even though I can't figure out what the characters are actually saying half of the time.

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