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Ukraine announces that it has killed the 7th out of 20 Russian generals originally sent to Ukraine.


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Russia officially raises its death toll from 498 as of March 2 to 1,351 as of today. [DrEvilRiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight.gif]


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Ukrainian forces advance east of Kyiv as Russians fall back


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The Russian military had a bad day. While it was only one day, the Russian army was not only underperforming, it was actually losing.

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Honestly, I think they actually are losing now, and I didn't think I'd ever be saying that. They can't capture any cities and their supply lines are dwindling. Russian success depended on a quick blitz to topple the government. The longer this goes on the worse it gets for them.

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Barry McCaffrey says the war is at an inflection point. But that we need to provide s-300 anti aircraft missiles, anti-ship missiles and it would be wonderful if we could provide them with Abrams m1 tanks.

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...and honestly, that's what scares me the most.

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Putin/Russia are already claiming that the first phase of this operation is a success and may fall back to secure the Donabs region. Sounds like Putin/Russia are trying to create their own off ramp and Bush “Mission Accomplished” moment for Putin.

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I hope so.

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Because of the nuclear threat? Maybe, though given how badly this campaign has gone you've got to have doubts about their abilities there too.

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Putin is fortunate that Russia has nuclear weapons or the Russian army would get swallowed up and destroyed y NATO forces faster than the Taliban did in Afghanistan.

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As fast as the Iraqi Republican guard, equipped with 700 T-72 tanks, was attrited in just a couple of days.

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Good thing Russia doesn’t have a “woke” military like the US! Or is it a good thing the US military is “woke”.

Cruz just continues to get everything wrong in life.

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Mar 25, 2022·edited Mar 25, 2022Author

Five years ago, Eric Musselman had completed his second job interview for the Cal MBB HC job, but then withdrew after being unhappy with the process. I wonder what he's doing. Hopefully, he's happy whatever it is.


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My Cal bestie's husband used to work for Eric Musselman, and her general reaction to his withdrawal was "thank God" so I'm not gonna get too torn up over that one.

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Yet more evidence that Cal Athletics does not really care about winning.

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Curious that that sequence of events didn't seem problematical to the powers that be at Cal.

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Probably a huge part of the current problem!! Ugh!

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That one hurt...Mike Williams?

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Dook wins. BOOOOO!!!!

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Texas Tech had no idea how to attack a 2-3 zone. No clue at all.

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More importantly, they were completely caught off guard by it. Duke's tendencies gave no reason to expect that. It was a bold and daring play by Coach K. Which is why he now has 100 wins in the tournament alone.

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Mar 25, 2022·edited Mar 25, 2022

That might be more wins than Mark Fox has in his entire career.

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at one of my favorite cafes in NYC, La Colombe, glassware was back for in-store espresso drinks for the first time during coronavirus times.

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WaPo reports 29 texts by Ginni Thomas sent to Mark Meadows. Not only a extraordinarily close back-channel - but it showed the cooperation/lobbying to overturn the 2020 election and calling it stolen. Justice Thomas and the Supreme Court were not directly mentioned.


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Hopefully Clarence Thomas dies before the end of this week and her crazy ass dies shortly after.

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I don’t wish him to die, is too creepy. But assuming arguendo he did pass away, we have to confirm someone in like 48 hours. Preferably some 25 year old ACS wonk 😊

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It’s easy, you can even do it in a chant:


I wish…

I wish they…

I wish they would…

I wish they would die!

I wish they would die!

I wish they would die!

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He should resign in shame.

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He should, but he won't. As GoldenSD81 notes, Justice Thomas has no shame; not a scintilla, iota, jot, or tittle.

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You cannot shame these people. He has been released today. I can only hope he was released to hospice care, so that he can die from home in the next week but before he dies, he gets to watch as his wife is arrested from his dying eyes as his last living image.

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Lifetime SCOTUS appointments were a mistake.

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Yeah agree with you, should be a fixed time with no possibility to re-up that way you get the independence you want without all the creepy grave dancing that happened when RBG died. I think a lifetime appointment meant a different thing in 1789 than it does today

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I thikn they should be 20 years (to pick a number). the sweet spot between getting experience, avoiding political pressure (if elected, like in CA), and recharging the bench more often.

Would also avoid the McConnell nonsense in 2016 and 2020. Altho, it would influence presidential races more, knowing that there *will* be two new appointments (for example) during the upcoming term.

and would avoid having to pressure Breyer to retire...and not putting enough pressure to keep RGB from making the poor decision she did (not retiring when Obama was POTUS).

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Yes. Make it a long, fixed term. 15-20 years sounds good.

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like a mortgage, but no refinancing! (or maybe DO allow that...they go thru the process again? Nah, just get fresh blood)

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Mar 25, 2022·edited Mar 25, 2022

Hey, in 1789 a lifetime appointment was probably limited for practical reasons to no longer than 12-15 years, unless the appointee was unusually young.

Nonetheless the Constitution could be amended to allow a specific term as fixed by Congress. Were that to happen, I would advocate for 18-year terms. Given that the Court is eight Associate Justices and one Chief Justice, a rotation could be set to nominate one Associate or Chief Justice once every two years. Death, resignation, or impeachment would result in an unfilled term which would be completed by a confirmed appointee. A justice could be reappointed for an additional 18-year term.

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It is crazy that there is no code of judicial ethics for SCOTUS members. SCOTUS itself would have to impose this; it is amazing they have not done so

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The House over site committee should call her and her husband in for questioning on this. Could you imagine if this were one of the Democratic appointed Justices? KBJ just got grilled for a bunch of sentencing and QAnon conspiracy bullshit but Thomas won’t face any consequences for this at all.

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The House does have the power to impeach a Supreme Court justice. It has done so exactly once, in 1804. Samuel Chase was impeached by the House but was acquitted in the Senate. Justice Chase was a political target of President Jefferson, who sought to rid the federal bench of Federalists.

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I'm not sure exactly what she did that's illegal; clearly stupid, but as of yet, that's not a crime.

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I don’t think the House can or should have oversight power over SCOTUS itself. But I suppose what could be done is the DOJ could investigate Ginni for the XYZ crimes she probably committed in the course of those texts

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But Thomas was the only one that ruled against releasing text messages and other correspondence in relation to 1/6.

I don’t understand why the House Judiciary Committee couldn’t bring them in for questioning.

Hopefully the DOJ or someone does something about this. Who am I kidding, nothing will come of this.

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Oh Ginni herself is 100% fair game. And if Clarence committed some crime himself of some sort, then he could be prosecuted, though in this instance I don’t understand there to be evidence of that. I think it would be an absolutely terrible idea for the House to have some sort of ethical oversight power over SCOTUS, would plainly violate separation of powers and also as a practical matter would mean you’d have the Marjorie Taylor Greens of the world digging through Sonia Sotomayor’s trashcans. No thanks! However low you think the SCOTUS has sunk, it is nowhere near as shitty as the House

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Obviously GT has long been problematic, but I'm still floored at how brazen and straight up immoral her actions on this are.

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Clearly she has rightfully concluded that her privilege, money, connections and color of her skin would protect her from any actual consequences and sadly she is correct.

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Mar 25, 2022·edited Mar 25, 2022Author

1/6 Commission to submit Navarro & Scavino to DoJ for Contempt of Congress.


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This commission needs to move faster. The Dems are about to lose the house and senate in 7 months.

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TFG continues his "Grift America Goodly Again" tour by filing a lawsuit against [checks notes] Hilary Clinton


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Mar 25, 2022·edited Mar 25, 2022Author

Rep. Fortenberry (R-NE) convicted of 3 felonies for illegal campaign contributions.


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Given the quantities of money floating around the American body politic, I suspect that there are a lot more congresspeople who could be investigated & charged for financial impropriety

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Fortenberry took $30K from a foreign national through a middleman, then lied about it. I thought it would be at least a 6 figure amount, not a mere $30K.

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Most of these dopes are available for bargain bin prices

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A little bit of baksheesh in Washington goes a long way. I also recall that Brett Cavanaugh had 120k in credit card debt that was paid off by an anonymous figure before his confirmation. That kind of irresponsibility in financial affairs reflects poorly on a candidate.

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Apparently, science isn't a big part of the GED.


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Whatever it takes to try and own the libs

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She may be the dumbest. No wait, Cawthorn. Shit. Now I can't decide.

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Texas AG says Pride Week breaks State law


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Maybe the applicable parts of the state education code are violations of the First Amendment.

Think about it, Mr. Paxton.

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Perhaps he should focus more on border drug trafficking and related problems that actually adversely impact citizens?

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Oh didn’t you know, everything bad and all the problems of the border are Biden’s fault.

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What if they are? (They aren't.) Blame fixing doesn't fix the problems. His job is to clean up the mess, regardless of who caused it, or how. But that might actually require more work than fabricating a side show.

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The US admitted 22k Syrian refugees from 2014-2021 and the GOP threw a fit. The US is now committed to admitting 100k Ukrainian refugees with nary a peep from the GOP. I can't put my finger on what's the difference is...


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Love their pizzas.

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I consistently buy my airline tickets early, so they are cheap. This means that I always board last and am in the worst seat. I also bring my bag to the gate and take advantage of the free bag check that is inevitably offered. It's silly but hate the game, not the player.

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After having had free economy plus upgrade when purchasing my ticket, it's going to be hard to go back to regular economy after I lose status this year (almost 100% likely).

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TwistNHook's shout at basketball games

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i dont mind any of the hassles of travel. it is all part of the adventure and i would always rather be somewhere rather than home ..

that being said, over time we have subscribed to and pursued various means of making it easier and faster and more pleasant; everything from Clear, to Delta status as well as Hertz gold service to get on the road more quickly.

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I truly hate flying, the entire experience

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I just had a flight on a 737-800 a couple of days ago. the same model that crashed in south China

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I had been looking for flights that weren't on the 737 Max 9. But with limited non-stops between where I was looking I didn't really have an option.

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Fan attacks Celtic's Marcus Smart as he inbounds the ball.


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Unlike Italy, we did not lose last night - and really should have won.

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A draw in Azteca is a good result. Now just take care of business against Panama.

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True, but Pulisic's flub really hurt.

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I'm surprised the Mexicans didn't put up a better effort. CONCACAF is weird.

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We're better than them now! Ocho (sp? keeper) is still really good.

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Go Bears!!!

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[WWPolo] Blue & Gold > Maize & Blue


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Severance episode 8. OH SHIT WHAT A BONKERS EPISODE.

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yeah! at the end, I was thinking that photo was gonna be someone else – but was also thinking that couldn't be possible – and no no conception it'd be her! Only one ep left? or three??? it's gotten so good. Seems that they need more than one more ep.

Opposite of Suspicion...it started off so great. But I don't think it nailed the landing.

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Kier is a Lumen company town . . .including the hospital

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9 full episodes, so 2 left. (What's for Dinner and The We We Are)

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Nine? that's weird. I saw the "next week" one, but it didn't say Finale, which ATV+ usually does.

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Next week is episode 8

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Sometimes they have minor islands I've never heard of, but the last two has been extremely easy.

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Played it for the first time today and the answer was a country I am a citizen of (I have dual citizenship) so I got it in one try and will never play again.

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I only rarely play so that may affect which one I get. I tried earlier today and it was a small island in the Atlantic that I couldn't get. Maybe if I play consistently I can get those easy ones.

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That's interesting. I thought we all get the same quiz daily.

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I assumed the same but when I played this morning I got (spoiler alert) St. Helena as my country.

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I think I got that question recently, but definitely not in the last couple of days.

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indeed, the last 2 have been trivially easy. i rather like the hard ones. the islands are tough, but the African countries make you realize how little anyone ever talks about African nations

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Africa is my favorite. It makes me try so hard. I know most country names in Africa but the location and shape is not something I know off my head easily.

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I love the Africa ones because I am learning. I am also happy that I know slightly more than I thought I did about what is where in Africa.

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The minor islands make me so angry because THEY ARE NOT COUNTRIES. But yes, first guess today and yesterday. Do you also do Globle?

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globle requires you to know the correct spelling of countries

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Globle is fun. I get screwed when it's an African or Caribbean country.

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I just tried Globle. This is so difficult because it makes me spell exactly. My phone's auto suggest helps but I like Wordle's silhouette style

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No, I will check it out. Lately I've been hooked on QUORDLE and playing practice all day.

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Damn todays Quordle. I had a streak of 14 that got broken today.

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Nerdle has been pretty good. There have been a couple of tricky ones.

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