
Strange men lying in ponds distributing swords is no basis for a system of government.


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...or even just the basis for an existence.

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Today in Covid

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Vaccines for kids under 5 should be available within a few weeks


COVID-19 vaccination for children ages 6 months to under 5 years—the only age group yet to be eligible for vaccination—is expected to get underway on June 21, White House COVID-19 Response Coordinator Ashish Jha said in a press briefing Thursday.

The Food and Drug Administration is now reviewing data from Moderna and Pfizer-BioNTech on their respective vaccines for the young age group. The agency will convene its panel of independent expert advisers to review the data on June 15 and vote on whether the vaccines should be granted emergency use authorization.

If the panel votes in favor of authorization, the FDA will likely grant it quickly. Once that happens, shipments of federal supplies of the vaccines will begin going out to states for distribution. But, before they can go into little arms, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention will need to have its own advisory committee meeting to review the data and vote on a recommendation. And for the final step, CDC Director Rochelle Walensky will need to endorse the recommendation.

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On Wednesday I dropped by my office for a few minutes to pick up a laptop. On Thursday they announced that the building is closing until next week due to covid exposure. Fortunately there were only a handful of people there (I counted 4 cars in the lot, compared to 30ish pre-covid) and I didn't come in contact with anyone...

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Where the hell is my vaccine card? It's not in my this-shit-is-important-don't-lose-it pile

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You can make a digital version here: https://myvaccinerecord.cdph.ca.gov/received

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Thanks for sharing. I just submitted my info there to see if it works for non-CA residents.

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You can google something like VAMS QR Code and get your local website.

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That brought me to My IR Mobile, which worked for me (it also serves DC, WA, MS, ND, LS, and AZ).

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I think you’re an android user right? I don’t know if there’s an Android equivalent but if you scan the QR code from MyIR with an iPhone it will create a local version with the health app that you can save in your wallet

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I'm in the office for the first time in forever. There are 19 floors and - judging by the parking lot - maybe 50 people here.

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i would go to the office more if more people did.

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This might be the most San Francisco headline


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I saw that article yesterday. I think the headline is misleading. Betcha money a "motorized unicycle" does not have pedals. In which case, the user is not a unicyclist. The user is a rider of a motorized board with one wheel.

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CA Water

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Drove by at the end of the roadtrip earlier last month...it was loooooooowwwwwwww

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Goodbye lawns. LA limits watering to 8 minutes per station, twice weekly.


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About time. Ornamental lawns have no place in this state.

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Damn right. Californians need to make "xeriscape" and "xeriscaping" a regular part of their lexicon when talking about landscaping.

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It’s the right thing to do and I am also torn on fake grass.

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Reject fake grass. It's like a toupee for landscaping.

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Contrary opinion, but why is the squeeze always on residential use when the majority of developed surface water in CA is used for agriculture? Residential use of water has declined precipitously in CA. As an example, since 1970, LADWP used 600,00 afy serving 500,000 people. In 2016 they served 4 million people using less than 500 afy. I am tired of politicians asking us to reduce use while farmers in the valley can use furrow irrigation to produce almonds sold on the global market because they receive water, in most circumstances, far below market value.

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Because we need food

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Jun 3, 2022·edited Jun 3, 2022

But how do we account for the fact that Calfornia ag production exists in a global market place while our water exists as a scarce, local resource? Is California responsible for selling alfalfa to Saudi Arabia and almonds to India? Especially when we are being asked to compromise our own environment: Whether that be increased diversion for ag and less in situ water for the environment or decrease in residential use and a diminishment in our quality of life?

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That's a legit argument and something I can certainly understand, but don't have any real answer to. Why is all the agricultural production in California where there's resources such as land, but certainly a scarce water supply?

California has rich soil and great climate, but not water. They can buy irrigated water, and profit outweighs the cost that's why business exists. I don't know if it is a sustainable business in the long run though.

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Well, probably because water was more abundant when the farming started, and water isn’t centrally controlled in CA & correspondingly isn’t priced to make things like growing almonds inappropriate.

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I also don't have answers. Just posing what I believe are the hard questions that politicians need to ask but are not. To me, the crackdown on residential use has become a game of diminishing returns. Not only because consumptive us has been reduced so drastically, but also because of the small percentage that residential use accounts for in total developed water usage in California. Because of this, I also think it has become a form of virtue signaling that distracts us from some of the tougher problems that need to be solved.

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there's also food need (grains, rice, etc) vs. food which is not really needed (i.e. almonds - and if we're being really honest, cattle)

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100% right

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I looked this up a few years ago and residential use was something like 4% of the state’s supply while agriculture and industry accounted for almost all of the rest.

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Almost all the rest?

What percentage is for sustaining riparian and aquatic habitat?

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You're correct.

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We need to build more desalination water plants. We need to adopt more advanced waste water treatment to reservoirs. We need to adopt more rain water and storm water collection and treatment.

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Desalination plants are currently ecologically damaging to the marine environment and are very energy intensive. But 100% agreed on the other things.

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but think about all the salt we'll have!

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Gas prices

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Gas is ridiculous and it is going to kill the democrats in the mid terms.

Gas being ridiculous is good for EV adoption. I believe I read an article about 5-6 years ago that $8/gallon was the tipping point for car buyers to make the switch from gas to EV.

If gas/fuel is really tied to S/D, I don’t understand how gas is so expensive in California. The reason for the California gas tax being increased was that we have more cars on the road today than 1995 but they are using less gas than 1995 due to fuel efficiency improvements and the rise of EVs. It would seem that fuel demand is similar to the mid to late 90s in California but prices are surging, is the fuel supply to California less today than the 90s?

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My understanding is that bulk number in gas prices aren't driven locally, but rather the global price of crude oil. But complicating those are adding in factor of profit taking by both global energy giants (record breaking profits) and local stations pushing to what the market and lack of public transportation and infrastructure will bear - in the Tri-Valley area one family owns like 10 stations across LIvermore/Dublin/Pleasanton and they're like .40 cents more per gallon than most competitors, but also they have the best/most convenient locations.

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Jun 3, 2022·edited Jun 3, 2022

I filled up my TSX for the first time in probably 3 months (took a while for me to rebuild the PS pump even though I've had the parts since end of Feb). 5.99 for premium at Costco. Wow.

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My mom drove up 395 a few days ago to Tahoe. She reported that gas near Mono Lake was a $7.50 a gallon.

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I saw on twitter that there was a station in LA for $8.40 - and not one in a high rent district like Malibu or Beverly Hills or Bel-Air either.

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Are we going to see $10/gallon?

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There's a Chevron station somewhere in Mendocino County with regular at $9.769/gallon.

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Jun 3, 2022·edited Jun 3, 2022

plug in hybrids .. we have the Volvo XC90 with a MASSIVE 20 mile all-electric range. it is both great and useless all at once.

it is good enough for a few errands a day but depletes rather quickly. the good thing is that our blended "gas mileage" is in the 35-50 mpg range not accounting for charging costs which seem to be minimal.

the good thing is that we have fewer trips to the gas station these days. probably 50% less than before

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90% of my car trips are within 5 miles (mostly taking cf-98 to/from preschool), so being able to do all that distance on a small battery would be useful for me. Then the ICE would be a useful supplement for longer trips.

But I'm probably going to hold onto my car for another 3-5 years and then buy a full electric car (please someone just give me an electric equivalent to a Golf R).

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Beware the price of electricity 5+ years from now…

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True but just add more PV panels and battery storage. I can at least do something to combat and control the rise of electricity with solar+storage, I can’t build a refinery to process my own gas.

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My brother in law has an all EV car and solar panels with batteries. He takes a bit off of the grid in the winter when the sun is scarce. To balance it out though, he also has a Toyota Sequoia that gets like 12 MPG that his family takes on road trips.

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it is hard to find a ski/hike oriented road trip vehicle that is also a good EV for around town. that is why we settled on the PHEV instead of all EV

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Yes, very difficult. I also drive in the snow and on forest service roads a lot. Ultimately, I bought a quad cab Ram 1500 with V6 engine and 8 speed transmission. At the time, it was the most fuel efficient truck on the market (even better than the Tacoma and Frontier) except for the Ram V6 EcoDiesel, but the EcoDiesel was $5k more.

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I put a deposit down on the Toyota Rav4 Prime PHEV last november with a dealer that was selling them at MSRP. I checked in April and I had moved up to spot 118 . . . and they said they got in 4 last month.

So I just got a regular hybrid instead.

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I'll never not be amused that Toyota's second-quickest car (behind the 3.0L Supra) is the Rav4 Prime.

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I would think LC500 is faster

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It’s marginally less ugly than the Supra also

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Can "F" off!

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Jun 3, 2022·edited Jun 3, 2022

Amen to that. Curious to see how percentage of plug ins to overall vehicle sales looks for Q2 2022. If I were buying a new car, I would buy an EV in light of the gas prices. It is fucking ridiculous- both the price itself and the fact that it fluctuates at the whimsy of random foreign dictators. Fuck gasoline and fuck all of them

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I hope if you're looking to buy an EV now you built a time machine and can go back 9 months and put a deposit down OR you're willing to pay like 10k over MSRP.

Source: Me who just bought a hybrid, but was shopping for PHEVs for the last 3 months.

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The prices on everything seem pretty bonkers at the moment

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Every car sales person I talked to told me the same thing in general:

1. I could sit around and wait for prices to come back down. . . but they won't, not for several years

2. Those dealer added mark-ups aren't going away AND the MSRP of those cars will also be going up, so whatever I am waiting on now, will be +10-15% more next year.

Now you could say they're car sales people, they're just trying to move cars - but they are selling cars regardless - I had TWO different vehicles sold out from under a scheduled test drive for me.

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Ah good point!

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Yep, if I had that crystal ball, I would have bought a plug in or at least a hybrid a year ago. That ship has sailed...

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I would have bought a house in 2010

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I would have bought 2 houses in 2010!

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Southwest Airlines

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Throwback to the old maple bar livery in the lede image

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Throwback to $1.59/gal gas too

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I remember flying PSA which I just learned 30 seconds ago turned into parts of US Air and NOT Southwest.

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I recall I took a $15 PSA flight (it was a sale, down from $29 I think) from OAK to BUR in the 70’s

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Jun 3, 2022·edited Jun 3, 2022

So that flight cost you 2.75 gallons of gas in todays dollars.

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i would have guessed PSA > SW also.

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[Southwest] We leave out all the frills to give you the cheapest tickets. You'll put up with shitty service to get it.

[Frontier Airlines] You want shitty service? Hold my beer.

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I don't find their service to be shitty, just barebones. They always seem to be pleasant and attentive. They are my primary airline, but that's mainly a function of the bulk of my flights being BUR-OAK and my SWA credit card allows me to fly for $5.60 per flight pretty much year round. They are not great if the flight is >2.5hrs, that's usually my cut off for choosing a different airline.

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[Spirit Airlines] hold up...

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Spirit might be the first airlines to install oxygen tanks to be used in flights and charge you to use them.

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Spring Airlines - one of the budget airline brands in China spent a FULL HOUR on the loudest in-flight announcement with the flight attendant doing a full sales pitch of things to buy in the in-flight sales catalog - loud enough that my Sony Noise Cancelling over the ears headphones couldn't drown her out.

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Jun 3, 2022·edited Jun 3, 2022

SWA not totally in the wrong here

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I only fly United/ANA/Lufthansa/Air Canada, but in the few times I flew Southwest, it was a very good experience.

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Good for flights ~ 2 hours: BWI to Manchester NH, Detroit, Charleston. Never used them to go further than New Orleans tho.

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Pilot must have been really excited about cheap gas.

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mostly a function of living in NYC, but we never take Southwest. i usually opt for Delta or United since they have the most non-stops to most places from the 3 airports around here.

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I remember when Albany International got Southwest when I was living in Saratoga Springs…it was a real game changer. Santa Barbara just got SWA last year, tho, but somehow it’s not nearly the game changer it once was.

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LGA didnt have SWA for a long time as well.

one good thing is that they have the youngest "kid can fly alone w/o fees" policy, so we have sent the kids to Nashville and FL

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Probably, I think SWest is go to for any flights departing and arriving in states West of the midwest.

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Jun 3, 2022·edited Jun 3, 2022Author

Rep Billy Long [R-IL] saying blaming guns - an inanimate object for shootings is not the reason for more mass shootings. It's women's reproductive rights to blame.


By his logic of false-association, I could use anything that wasn't that prominent until after 1973... like flying Southwest Airlines

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Well, at least his "looks" match his regressive thinking.

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[GOP] The only way to stop transgenderism, which @somehow@ promotes pedophilia, is to inspect young girls' private parts


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The Grand Ol Pedophile party strikes again. This should go over well with suburban women.

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DeathSantis to veto $35m Tampa Bay Rays facility because of the team's support against gun violence


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Jan 6 Committee will broadcast its first public hearing on June 9. [grabs popcorn]


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Re Navarro — why not seek death penalty on these clowns? At least prosecute for treason and seek life. These guys hatched a scheme to overthrow a validly elected government and were not that far away from succeeding. It’s outrageous. If we don’t really go after them like we should, it will happen again. I don’t know why folks aren’t more outraged about this. Garland seems to care more about creating the impression that the DOJ is apolitical than he does about saving our democracy from the goons waiting in the shadows for their next opportunity. And that includes Trump himself; I don’t know how you don’t prosecute the guy.

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A house I run by from time to time has been flying U.S. and Ukraine flags for awhile now. When I went by today the front of their porch has a sign that says Democracies in Peril. Above the porch there are now the flags of the U.S., Ukraine, Hong Kong, Georgia, and Taiwan.

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Jun 3, 2022·edited Jun 3, 2022

State or country of Georgia?

Probably should have added Hungary and Poland but I am not sure they are actually in peril as they are more than likely not democratic anymore.

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Phil Knight offers to buy the Trailblazers from the estate of Paul Allen. Phil Knight is 84 years old and worth about $50b.


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Warriors lose at home to Celtics 120-108


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That fourth quarter was excruciating. It's like there was a lid over the basket.

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I'm not super worried about the Celtics' shooting (White and Horford are not going to shoot 80% from three forever), but they adjusted the defense to a more super-switchy style and it bottled the Warriors up. That seems more sustainable and is the thing to be worried about going forward.

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Jun 3, 2022·edited Jun 3, 2022

Smart was 4-7 as well, he of the career 32% 3P%, along with Pritchard, who also nailed 2 of 3. The shooting is unsustainable, but the D needs to be better.

Draymond is going to have to hit some shots, and Jordan Poole was downright awful...he needs to be better. So does Kerr - that lineup to start the 4th with Dray and Iggy, and no Curry, really jumpstarted BOS.

This was always going to be a close series...the teams were evenly matched in record and 1-1 head-to-head. W's favoritism was slight and largely reliant on home-court. GS was basically in control for 40 of the 48 minutes of this game, and there is really no need to overreact to a historically incendiary shooting night by a good team. Both teams played 2 good quarters of basketball...Warriors are going to have to string together 4...

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Not sure they can go to Iguodala again. Hopefully Payton is able to play in the next one?

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And conversely no one on the C’s could miss. Horford was draining threes like Ray Allen.

I feel like Game 2 is a must win for Dubs. If we go down 2-0 going back to Boston we are done

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I don't think they'll continue to make shots at that rate, but unfortunately Game 2 is now a must win. The Dubs podcast this morning was talking about how the game plan was to make anyone but Taytum and Brown shoot and the game plan "worked" except that anyone else was making open shots. Wondering if GPII will be back on Sunday as he was cleared for Game 1 but probably for good reason sat out.

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We're in deep sh**! Didn't understand all the Iggy minutes. Dray's gonna need to make some shots. Poole may need to mostly sit.

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Dray going 2-12 is pathetic. The 12 is actually the bigger issue if we’re being honest.

Poole was terrible, as was Kerr’s decision to start the 4th with 2 zeroes on O and no Curry.

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Felt as though he was caught somewhere between loyalty to those guys and overconfidence. They are going to continue to bait Dray into those looks and he's gonna have to take his share of them and make a few.

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Jun 3, 2022·edited Jun 3, 2022

A team that routinely shot 12-34 from 3 up until last night managed to go an insane 21-41. If they’re gonna shoot 51% from 3 every night, tip your cap bc they’d beat a lot of teams. Game 2 is def a must-win, as is tightening up the D.

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I'd root for the Warriors against any team Except the Celtics or the Kings, so I was pretty satisfied with the results last night.

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OK, why?

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Weird NBA fidelities that don't make a lot of sense. I am a Kings fan first but in the early oughts loved Paul Pierce. The Celtics became my time in the East. At the same time, I spent a lot of time watching the Warriors while living in Warriors media market (Antawn Jamison, Gilbert Arenas years). So 1. Kings, 2. Celtics, 3. Warriors. I admit, this probably doesn't make sense to anyone but me and really, I tune into NBA only occasionally these days.

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For years I have followed the box score while watching Warriors games. They always went deep into their bench, and while the game might be close at the half, their fresher players would pull ahead in the second half.

But in the first half of this game, they only went to 3 bench players instead of the usual 5. Maybe for good reason of injuries or whatever. But in the past, this was always an indicator of a weaker second half.

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One of whom was Iguadala, who's like a 100 years old, can't shoot and who seemingly hasn't played in months. I understand Kerr wanting to get him some minutes to get his feet wet, but geez, I wasn't expecting him to get real minutes last night.

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Jaylen Brown may have outscored the entire Warriors team in the 4th q meltdown. or at least it seemed that way ...

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Hell yeah, I was rooting for them, but man, I'm glad they're not my team, that was an ugly choke job.

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Gigantes vs Doyers Jun 10

Come say hi to many of the W4C staff section VR312

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or go to Eli's that same night and see some dirty rock n roll from the ATL, Whores.

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Mile High Club? Damn, it's been forever since I've been there.

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the diviest of dive bars

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Giants suffer the consequences of not playing well


I don’t have much time to recap the San Francisco Giants 3-0 loss to the Miami Marlins. I’m currently in union negotiations for the 27th hour out of the last 37 hours, and it’s halftime of the Golden State Warriors NBA Finals game, which I’m also writing about.

But while I did watch the Giants futile attempt at playing baseball — with one eye, admittedly — I neither watched it well enough to offer a comprehensive recap, nor do I have the time to do so, nor did the game warrant it.

So I’m going to tell you a story instead.

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Tony Gonsolin silences strong Mets offense to snap Dodgers losing streak


Tony Gonsolin continued the steadiest run of his young career, pitching six scoreless innings to lead the Dodgers over the Mets, 2-0 on Thursday at Dodger Stadium, snapping a three-game losing streak for Los Angeles.

New York entered Thursday second in the majors in both runs scored per game (5.21) and wRC+ (118), second only to the Dodgers. The Mets led the majors in batting average (.268) and on-base percentage (.340), but managed only two hits and a walk in six innings against Gonsolin, who has emerged as the Dodgers’ best starter this season.

Gonsolin allowed only two Mets to reach second base, both with two outs, and he easily wiggled out of both jams. He struck out five on the night. Thursday was his fourth scoreless start of the year, and in 10 starts Gonsolin has allowed 10 total runs.

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French Open semis ...

they saw the semis are broadcast on Peacock but only the 2nd semi. the first one (845a ET) is the good one w/ Nadal.

had to do some VPN activity to watch French live stream.

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it was close until this >>

Rafael Nadal reaches French Open final after Alexander Zverev retires with ankle injury

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he going to play Rudd, some young guy who is the first ever Grand Slam finalist from Norway

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Elsewhere in college

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We're "kids" of California,

A loyal company...


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Jun 3, 2022·edited Jun 3, 2022Author

SDSU has a Title IX case on its hands. Five football players allegedly raped an unconscious underage female in October. University alerted but did nothing.


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Charlie Ragle is looking for a new DB Coach at Idaho State on account of his current one being in jail awaiting trial for allegedly murdering someone in a drive-by shooting in 2017.


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Ryan Day estimates tOSU needs $13m in NIL money to keep his roster together.

That's it? The marginal ticket revenue at Cal would be well over $13m if we had their roster.


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Milton McKenzie - the former UCF QB who went undefeated in 2017, had a catastrophic knee injury in 2018, and then recovered to play at FSU in 2021 - has medically retired. He is also expecting a child with his wife Jany Arbos. You can google her for science.


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Hey man, I just follow the science. Sometimes it changes and gets enhanced over the years.

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her newsletter intrigues me

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I looked her up on Instagram and there’s a distinct change in her, uh, affect a couple of years ago

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You mean both of her affects

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her bountiful affects

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She's, uh, not shy.

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This is an informative and perhaps scary thread about gorillas https://twitter.com/KatLaRonde/status/1530336529427468288?s=20&t=UMkeMujtxwarmZRoeonFQQ

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19/19 very informative and entertaining, would read again

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Heh, this reminds me of my own shaggy dog story from my youth. My dad bought an old English sheepdog, nominally for my younger sister, but really for him. He put up a 4 foot chain-link fence in the back yard, but Oliver (the dog) jumped over it and escaped often. So one weekend I helped my dad build a 6 foot solid wood fence. Once he was done with this, and proud of himself, standing outside the fence, he called to Oliver - who immediately scaled the fence with ease.

Man, the look on my dad's face. And there's more to this story.

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My favorite kind of dog!!!

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but what is the biggest threat to mankind? Bears

stephen colbert dot jpg

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Bears ‘R’ Us!

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There are times when I think I'm crazy, and then there are times that I KNOW I'm crazy.

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There are known knowns. These are things we know that we know. There are known unknowns. That is to say, there are things that we know we don't know. But there are also unknown unknowns. There are things we don't know we don't know.

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News of Berkeley

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Durant Food Court (Asian Ghetto) fenced up!


(Renovating for the next 3 weeks)

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Where is triangle man going to sit?

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Dubs lost, so didn't need to spend time watching/reading post-game stuff. Watched finale of Shining Girls...very good!

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Good to hear, I’m starting this back up tonight and am on episode 3.

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Currently at the Metreon IMAX in SF waiting for Top Gun to start in 20 min.

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19/19 WB. Looking forward to watching it again with No 2 and 3.

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Jennifer Connelly must be fairly short. He was taller than her in the last scene and it looked like he wasn't wearing lifts. Perhaps that's one reason she was cast

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5'6-1/2" isn't short for women.

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I thought he was only like 5'6". And he looked to be a good inch taller than her.

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Lifts, angles etc...

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Lesson learned: bar ownership is obviously very lucrative.

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she's the daughter of an admiral. I assume the car was his.

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Top Chef Finale - what started as a pretty bleah season turned into a very good one - the run of the last 5 episodes from the Bethel Church/Juneteenth episode, through NASA, Galveston/Family, Tucson and then Finale has been really good - as good as any 5 episodes, but last night was a blowout and incredibly predictable. Food looked amazing though

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Time will tell.

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