
Who is or has helped you out? Alternatively, tell the DBD about the time you helped somebody out.

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being a home health nurse ..

during coronavirus times my 50th bday was 100% going to get cancelled and just be a Zoom affair. one of my friends was having shoulder surgery, so i invited myself over to help w/ hospital dropoff/pickup as well as the post-surgery home care for about a week.

he is the not type that would ever ask for help. i said "unless you tell me not to come, i am coming over to take care of you." he did not object.

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You mean, do we all share a pair of glasses or set of contacts???

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Solly. Is my akusento

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Zenzen daijoubu!

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As far as I can find, "Collective lenses" is a commercial product, and particular brand of eyeglass lenses. It also sounds like an Asian-inspired mispronunciation of "corrective lenses".

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Then SGB would need to have capitalized the words, and perhaps added a ™️ at the end ;-)

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But, for me, no lenses...Lasik. Altho, as almost 20 years have passed, I should be wearing reading glasses.

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I've thought about getting Lasik and my eye doctor has suggested it since my prescription (near-sighted) hasn't changed in about 20 years. But, an old coworker got one mid 2000s and said that at night she sees the starbursts more often. And I'd rather not have to deal with that so I haven't done it. Plus, I really only wear them if I'm playing sports or working out. Day to day, I don't wear them anymore since I don't need them sitting in front of the computer.

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I’ve always been near sighted. But I’ve found over the last few years that as I get older my distance vision is improving so I don’t really need to use glasses anymore.

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my eyes were bad (4.25/4.75). I needed glasses all the time. blind when I woke up. which got fogged up when skiing, etc. Switched to lenses, which was better, but still...

had/have a light bit of "star" artifact (not bursting, but at night, green traffic lights would have a bit of a star shape around the perimeter).

but in the world of "the perfect is the enemy of the good", the benefits were like 1000x the negatives.

but if you don't need to deal with glasses/lenses much, maybe not worth it

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I think once I really started working I stopped wearing contacts every day. Especially once my reading vision got a little worse. With contacts on I can barely ready my phone. But with glasses I just take them off and have no problems (yet).

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As I head into my mid-40s, this is the thing that kind of prevents me from wanting to pay for eye surgery. I'm just going to need reading glasses soon anyway. I can comfortably wear contacts when there is a need (like I'm doing something active/outdoorsy).

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my up-close vision has gone to shite. I need to either move the book further away (which then results in smaller text) or have a lot of light. sucks!

was thinking about seeing if there's a lasik tune-up available. or could breakdown and get reading glasses...

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I recently heard someone say that they'd been stuck in the middle of nowhere. Why are people always in the middle? Once I got to the outskirts of nowhere I'd turn the f*ck around. Yet people keep going until they're smack in the middle. Weird.

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We're on the Road to Nowhere

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speaking of nowhere .. i am meeting friends at Nowhere Bar tonight in NYC.

gay bar during Pride month should be extra fun ...

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I generally end up at the ass end of nowhere.

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Maybe driving between two places that have the middle of nowhere between them?

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my guess is that it like the "rock and a hard place". if you are in the middle of 2 places that are both nowhere, then you must truly be nowhere.

i just made that explanation up .. so it could be all wrong. that is at least how i interpret it for myself.

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Cal @ Auburn

Who’s going, and where are you sitting??? I prefer to be around friendlies than expose my kids to the rabid version of SEC fans

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not sure we know yet about actual seats, right HAG?

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Correct. Auburn will try to keep groups together. We had 2 STHs buy tickets and we paired our names with the ATO. EOS, send me an email and I'll give you my name to give to the ATO rep. heyalumnigocgb <at> gmail <dot> com

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Sent, thanks!

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Like, wow, man. Some consultancy claims that Michigan is, like, the biggest weed market in the US - surpassing California. Somehow I doubt that.


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Woman sues Jeffrey Epstein client for a bunch of nasty stuff. Defendant says it was a normal, consensual, respectful relationship between an 81 year old man and a poor immigrant model in her 20s.


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Go Bears!!!

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New York City revokes TFG gun license. In related news, TFG has a gun.


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Jun 6·edited Jun 6Author

The Georgia election interference case against Trump has been effectively blocked until after the election via a State appellate court which is reviewing the Fani Willis' eligibility


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Steve Bannon fails to run out the clock. Appeals court rules that he has to report to jail to start his four month sentence for Contempt of Congress on July 1.


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Democrats try to push contraception as an election topic by floating a right-to-contraception bill that they know would fail, and just did in the Senate.


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Jun 6·edited Jun 6Author

ICC T20 Cricket World Cup is going on right now. The US has pulled off one of the biggest upsets in Cricket WC history by beating Pakistan via Super Over by 5 runs. Three of the seven fallen Pakistani wickets were from dudes name Khan. The US is now 2-0 and Pakistan is in danger of crashing out in the first round if they lose to India. The US faces India next Wednesday then Ireland next Friday.


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Scotland gets robbed as their match got abandoned due to rain after leading 90/0 on 10 overs.

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The Acolyte - new Star Wars offering on Disney (13/19)

from a time 100 yrs before the rise of the Empire. mostly peaceful times, but the Dark Side is still in the mix ...

the reviews seem to be negative. i rather liked it.

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I feel a bit mixed so far. I'm intrigued by the story, but find some of the actors flat.

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On my list for sure

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Dune 2 (HBO, WB 17/19) WB. This is a Denis Villeneuve film, so of course it is going to be eye candy. And good lord, this movie is one the best feasts for the eyes you'll ever see. It is an absolute spectacle in design, cinematography, sound, lighting, color (or lack thereof), costume, and set. It rightfully should rightfully contest for the technical Oscars. My key beefs with this are pacing - a natural consequence of trying to fit a massive book into a movie just short of 3 hours, Villeneuve's love of really dark scenes where it can be difficult to see what's going on, and some nerdy quibbles about what's changed from the books.

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I’m upset with myself for not seeing this in IMAX

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same. i was waiting for someone child to come with me. never happened

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Jun 6·edited Jun 6

i am not sure why i am putting off seeing this. maybe i dont sit down to watch TV for long stretches anymore

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Lakers targeting Danny Hurley. Start the Mahaney to Cal rumors?

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Interesting that a couple of days ago it sounded like JJ Reddick was a sure thing to be the next coach for the Lakers. Now it's Hurley. I'm not sure if he'll succeed in the NBA. Is he going to be able to convince financially secure men run through a brick wall for him?

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Honestly, the Lakers job has to be one of the worst in the league. Much like the Dubs, their roster is not young or good enough any longer to compete for titles in the west. They lack the trade assets and cap dollars to make big enough moves to get much better. And Lebron and their fanbase keep them perpetually in win-now mode. That said, he has set high expectations for that Uconn program and NIL makes college coaching even more of a hustle than ever before. If I’m him, I’m entertaining the offer for show to get my name in the conversation for other more attractive NBA jobs down the line.

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Rumor is AD nixed JJ

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You know what happens when inmates run the asylum...

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I starting playing pickup with a mostly new group of guys and one guy had a kid that did or does go to Campo. He said that it was a well known fact around campus that Mahaney had no interest in academics. At all. Which is probably why Cal didn't go hard at him during HS. And probably explains why he went to UConn vs Michigan. So unless Cal really lowers its academic standards, I don't think he's coming.

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Where do you hoop by the way? Have done my fair share of west contra costa pickup and rec league ball. Still play one night a week to the chagrin of my already well-past aged out body.

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I play wed night in a gym in WC. Sat morning is the new group I've played with once. Includes a guy that plays Wed. And Sun afternoon in WC outside as well.

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Really it will probably end up just being twice a week. Not sure I have it in me to play 3 times. Need to get my cardio back after my achilles surgery last year.

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I also have chronic achilles tendonosis as well as plantar issues, though never to point of surgery. I play one night a week, which either feels like not enough or too much depending on how my feet and ankles are doing. I also play soccer one day/week, which doesn't help my lower extremities. I used to ball play at that Tice Valley Rec Center near Rossmoor for years. And (I like to think that) I ruled Heather Farms and Larkey Park back in the heyday of when there was still outdoor pick-up.

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Yeah, I’d heard that he basically couldn’t come to Cal if he wanted to because he lacks any transferable coursework.

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Anybody remember Chase Buddinger from his days as an Arizona Wildcat MBB player? He was drafted 44th overall and had a seven year NBA career and started 50 games. He just qualified for the US Olympics men's beach volleyball team.


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I did see this. That's pretty cool that you can go from pro BB to a pro VB player just like that.

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To be fair, he grew up in a volleyball family. His parents and siblings all were advanced competitive vballers

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True. One article I read said he was the NCAA VB POY so he definitely had the skills.

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Fiji's Prime Minister (75) took home a bronze medal in the Oceania Athletics championship in shotput 75-79 year old age category shotput. If you're a pessimist, he came in second to last.



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Djokovic withdraws from French Open with knee injury


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Birmingham-Southern - the Division III baseball team that had its college close while they were playing - were eliminated from the D3 CWS. Rather than fly home, they chose to take a bus home from Ohio in order to savor their last moments together as a team.


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Sadie Engelhardt is a Californian high school girl. Last week, she set the US outdoor high-school girl's mile record of 4.28.46. She is committed to NC State.


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