Question about this forum: Is it the intention of people who are regulars here that this by an exclusive club for a few of us, or would more participants be welcome? If the latter it does a disservice to the DBD when it can only be found via the archive as is the case today and was all day yesterday. Yesterday there were only 39 comments from seven different people. I've been planning -- for the third year in a row -- to have a daily feature for the football season but I'm loath to put the time in if it's only going to be seen by a dozen people a day. If people are fine with the DBD being hidden away I'll keep my yap shut in the future.

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I've been in Seoul this week so with the time difference I haven't really been posting. I feel like many of our old regulars have been dropping off for the last 5+ years, especially since we've moved to substack. The interface isn't great for mobile and there isn't an app (not that the old sbnation app was good).

It would be good to get the old regulars to come back. I'm not sure how we can get new people to show up if it doesn't show up on the front page.

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Twist or Rishi fashion posts again, anyone? At least no more deep v-neck t-shirts.

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I use the RSS feed on phone, so it's always there. And if I later want to type, I just go to the website on laptop.

Was on my phone, but came here to post. Today's DBD wasn't on the front page at all (7 June???). When I clicked Show All, today's DBD was 3rd.

With that, it seems that a year ago, there'd be 20+ people per day, with 100~200 posts. Def slowed down this year. Not sure why.

I'm usually not getting here until late-pm or evening (after work), so when I do post, it often just sits there, since it's too late for others. Which keeps me from posting more...a blessing in disguise?!? ;-)

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The hard part of gaining visibility on Slack is a) these aren't sent to the greater membership - you have to want to come here and b) the algorithm for visibility on the Front Page is weird. Specifically, I can "pin" it to the Front Page but often that makes it the default #1 article, which the DBD should never be. So, we usually we are in the proverbial "bottom of a locked filing cabinet stuck in a disused lavatory with a sign on the door saying ‘Beware of the Leopard'."

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Jun 12·edited Jun 12

i am perfectly happy for more and new participants.

my guess is that even if DBD was easier to find it would not necessarily attract sticky new members. if a new person stumbled across it, they might find it perplexing or a strange set of inside jokes w/ a strange set of people.

if we wanted to increase DBD participation it would require 1) direct invites to people we know that might become regulars or 2) have a Fri ice-cream cone giveaway or 3) both

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There are many like me who just read and only comment periodically/limited/no commenting (if I’m not commenting I’m most likely still reading). Maybe to get other eyeballs on DBD there can be SB Bear’s great description of DBD in the FAQ for W4C (may already be there), and periodic promo in some of the hot topic blog posts. I know a little explanation would’ve helped me when I first started reading W4C- I ignored DBD for years. I really appreciate everything that SB Bear says are the pluses- with the addition that it is great to get Cal sensibility/humor here particularly as I don’t live near many Cal alum anymore.

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I stumbled here early-covid (or maybe before?)

Had to ask what DBD even meant! (oh, that!) Was pointed also pointed to the glossary, which helped. but there is a lot of Inside Bearsball here.

I mention things that happen here fairly often – "so on this Cal sports blog I read...well the site is for sports, but this is a daily thing where they talk about some repeating topics, one main topic, and then whatevs..." – but that's too much of a preamble ;-)

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Ha, me too on mentioning things here, and have shortened iexplaining source to“that Cal site” for those that already got the long explanation.

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I also shorten it to something like that, with folks I've bothered at least a few times with DBD tidbits ! ;-)

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These are all valid points. If I were to do a bit of in-product micro-marketing, I would say that one of the key things about the DBD is that people are very civil, self-aware, and objective. One can ask an honest question and get an honest answer. Or a good answer to a deliberately silly question. It not like other boards were things can turn into butthurt nastiness in an instance. And the powers of W4C do not suffer fools. They will and have banned people and issued refunds to posters who are insufferable.

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For a while I was worried GB49 would "find" the DBD. I think he did find it at one point because I remember a post or two but that was it. One good thing about the "hidden" DBD is that the trouble makers are kept out.

Not sure how to advertise the DBD. It would be nice if there were a way to automatically "pin" the latest DBD toward the top. But there isn't a way to do that in substack.

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You have just described why WFC in general and the DBD in particular are such pleasant places for a hang.

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OD, your humor reaches beyond Cal readers- I shared many of your trivia bits with my husband- the John the Baptist one particularly slayed him!

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I learned today that GU is based in Berkeley. A friend who is a world class ultra runner posted a video on his FB and he’s wearing a gold GU t-shirt that says made in Berkeley and has the walking bear. It prompted me to look up GU and discover it’s a Berkeley company.

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What is GU? When I read that, I was thinking of Uniqlo's "Old Navy-like" sub-brand. ($15 is too much for a pair of shorts at Uniqlo? Ok, how about $9 here at GU.)

And that GU, of course (I think, of course), is based in Japan.

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GU is an energy supplement in various forms that is widely used by endurance athletes. I’m so old that I pre-date it but if you go to a marathon or other distance race you will see evidence of the gel packs along the course.

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The Power Bar HQ used to be on Center Street/Shattuck above the Downtown Berkeley Bart station. They had a sign at the top of the building there for years. My buddy in college was a receptionist for them, and he used to bring home GU when they were first developing it in the mid-nineties. Took them awhile to find a market for it I think. Cliff Bar got its start in Berkeley as well. Not sure if it's still there, but it used to be headquartered down on 4th Street.

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After I looked up GU I went back and looked up Power Bar too. I used to see Brian Maxwell (RIP) when I would run the trails in Redwood Regional Park.

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Jun 12·edited Jun 12Liked by SGBear

This past Saturday was the wedding of our oldest (CJ) and Elle. Double D (CJ's brother) was Best Man, a cousin of Elle's was Maid of Honor.

Approximately 150 to 160 were in attendance. Absolutely wonderful event.

Mrs Slug and I left our fingerprints on this event in three ways. One, the booze. CJ and I went to Costco to get the beer and liquor. CJ asked me about the best choices for Old Fashioneds and a gin drink (I've forgotten what it was). We went with Bulleit Rye and Kirkland's London Dry Gin. That's one.

Two was Mrs Slug, her mom, and I sprung for a Wedding portrait as a wedding gift. Mrs Slug came up with the idea of a wedding portrait and found our artist for the wedding. Mrs Slug's mom also contributed towards the cost of the portrait. The portrait was in progress during the event and was largely finished before sunset. The finished product will be delivered to the newlyweds in about 5 weeks. The portrait created quite a stir and many people commented on how beautiful it was. The artist had several inquiries about reserving her for future weddings. One couple put down a deposit for their wedding on the spot.

Three was in a wedding toast. Let me back up. Earlier in the week, Mrs Slug and I heard from our son, the Groom, that we weren't enthusiastic enough about the wedding. Oh, good grief. Really? Mrs Slug and I discussed and then let it go.

As we were sitting down to dinner at the wedding, there were toasts and roasts from the bride's parents (toast), Maid of Honor (toast), and Best Man (roast). I delivered the toast as Father of the Groom on behalf of myself and Mrs Slug. Everyone else's was humorous (Bride's parents), personal and funny (Maid of Honor), or comedic (Best Man).

Ours was more of a meditation on the uncertainties in life and that marriage is the only risk worth taking. I expected polite applause and maybe a chuckle here and there. What I got instead was something totally unexpected. Apparently, the speech (short as it was) was considered a tearjerker, but well received. Near the end, I looked over at the Bride and Groom. She was on the verge of tears. Apparently, the following passage started the waterworks: "Elle, we love you. We couldn't love you more than if you were our very own."

Enthusiasm shows itself in different ways.

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very nice. and congrats to the new couple (and the parents)

i often wonder what these types of wedding or milestone events will be like for us. the kids are 17 and 20 and might have big events in their future. i wonder if i will be able to pull off a speech w/o crying. i dont acually ever cry in public w/ a couple rare exceptions that have to do with "the kids growing up so fast." so i imagine that a wedding will be a tough on for me.

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Something I learned since the wedding - there are words in languages other than English to describe the relationship between parents of the wedded couple:

In Spanish: consuegro (masc.), consuegra (Fem.), consuegros (pl.)

In Greek: sypmatheros (masc.), sympathera (fem.), sympateroi (pl.)

Apparently, a number of languages also have words to describe the relationship between parents of the bride and groom. English, however, has no such word. And while there is no literal translation from other languages into English, the best concept seems to be "co-parent(s)-in-law".

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Attention DBDers: The warning that I received, you may take with however many grains of salt you wish, that the brown acid that is circulating around us, is specifically not too good. It's suggested that you do stay away from that; of course, it's your own trip, so, be my guest.

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Yeah, the moose at the entrance already told me that.

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Sweet tooth

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I tend to crave savory foods more often than sweet foods.

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I'm the same way. I can say no to sweet foods, but it's much harder to say no to savory snacks.

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yes. my morning ritual is making a cortado along w/ something sweet.

and that is just to start the day ..

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If you were forced to move to another American state, where would you move?

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Got a great setup since getting here in 2011 and retired lat 2017. B. Island in Puget Sound. Upon making the move, I sincerely thought I would get out upon retirement and return to smaller town living in Northern Idaho, Liberty Lake WA or Bitterroot Valley or the like. But got spoiled in many ways...walkability, ferry to Seattle - M's games. occasional Husky game, more & greater variety of Interesting people, medical facilities, mild climate, etc. etc. Became a no brainer to stay put after three years. Plus I bought in during the recession.

But lately as time marches on, I have lightly entertained moving to southern Oregon to be closer to sisters, cousins, childhood friends in Sacramento. So that would be the "if I had to".

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I suppose Colorado, or maybe Montana though Montana's politics give me pause. But really, I'm never leaving California for anywhere else in the US.

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For those that don’t live in CA now, would you go back? I always thought I might end up back there, but with fires, lack of homeowners insurance, and just general expense, now I’m not so sure…

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Not a chance.

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I thought about it when I retired but my condo was near paid off and comparable in Cali would have been much more. Plus lots to do here within a close walking/Metro distance.

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The Hawaiian Islands. Year round warmth and swim in the ocean with honu. Read book under shade tree on beach.

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Hawaii seems like the obvious answer here.

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i have been to Hawaii very briefly. not enough tp know if i like it or not. sounds intriguing though

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Jun 12·edited Jun 12

Probably Oregon or Washington.

We'd want to be close to the kids (and grandkids?) and I don't see either of them moving out of California or even the Bay Area.

Arizona is a non-starter because of the heat, and Nevada probably fails for the same reason.

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my guess is that one or both of the kids do not come back to NY area. eventually we would like to be near possible grandkids as well. just seems like a very tricky dance to figure where to live.

i am mentally giving myself then next 10-ish years to live wherever and do whatever as the kids figure themselves out. and then depending on the geographic locations of people make a plan that works.

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If you move to Hawaii, I imagine it is likely you would regularly get visits from family. But I understand the prospect of remoteness is a valid concern for many.

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I'm in the home stretch ahead of retirement, so perhaps someplace that is high in standard of living rather than jobs, central/left for politics, and relatively mild winters. I'm thinking Virginia.

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What is driving you from NC? NC would be one of my potential re-location states since I lived there previously for 4 years (it was great, but I moved to GA for job) and still have a network. The hard turn on politics gives me a little pause, will be curious to see how this fall’s Gov election goes.

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It's a hypothetical question. I am not moving from NC.

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I definitely missed the “if had to”- glad NC is still a good place to live (and stay!).

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Jun 12·edited Jun 12

luckily that is not far ... time or distance

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Probably Washington although Oregon, New York and Massachusetts are tempting.

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Jun 12·edited Jun 12

VT .. in fact this has been openly discussed as a empty-nester option. we are only 1 yr away from last child going off to college and have even looked at real estate in Burlington.

from a long term perspective, if you overlay the impending climate change disaster scenarios with the changing politics of states, VT is the only one my wife is will to consider.

personally, i would be fine w/ Maine or NH as more middle-of-the-road options. on the other hand, VT does offer a great combo of hiking, skiing and outdoors lifestyle for most of the year - except for mud season. on the downside, it is among the oldest states in the US. everyone young leaves if they can get a job anywhere else ..

Mud season is the transition period between winter and summer, usually beginning when the snow starts melting in late March or early April and ending in early June, according to the Green Mountain Club.

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I love Vermont, even though I haven't been back there in decades. For Mrs Slug, though, it would be a hard pass because of the winters.

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makes sense about winters. that is the thing for many people. winter and snow happens to be my favorite season, so it works out good that the thing i want is also not the most expensive, especially since we are not moving to Boulder.

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Winters in New England are hard, man. Summertime is really nice. I think fall would be glorious. Visiting Vermont would probably be more of our thing, not living there.

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"luckily or not" they are getting easier and easier every year. there is barely a long consistent ski season. it used to be be very solidly late Nov-mid Apr. now you are happy to get Dec-Mar.

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India @ USA in T20 Cricket World Cup. India is an overwhelming favorite to win.

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ESPN.com has the current score at the top. I understand none of it.

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cricket is just as impossible as baseball to understand

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the score was

USA 110/8

India 111/3 w/ 7 wickets left.

i think that means the following

- each team gets 10 wickets .. if a wicket is knocked down then you lose one.

- USA went first, scored 110 runs, only lost 8 wickets, but they number of times they could keep batting ended

- India scored 111 while only losing 3 wickets, and probably did not require all of their "at-bats"

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happening here in NYC (Long Island actually).

the US beat Pakistan in something of a shocker. India played well to beat Pakistan. i assume US will lose badly.

apparently one of our best players has a tech job by day.

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Jerry West has passed away at the age of 86


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I remember in the early seventies my father pointing out West and Chamberlain running up and down the court on our tiny black and white television.

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Phillies catcher JT Realmuto out for a while with knee surgery


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Australia's Mollie O'Callahan was the previous world record holder in the long-course 200m freestyle at 1.52.48. At her last race, she firmly broke that previous record by 37 thousands of a second. In a plot twist, she came in second in that last race.


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USMNT U23 team loses to Japan 2-0 in pre-Olympics tune-up


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Jun 12·edited Jun 12

hoping to watch the game today. so far i have had something out on the town during games 1-2. unrelated, will be in Boston for one night on Thu this week and back again the following weekend,

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The Slow Mo Guys record the various races at the Cheese Roll in Gloucestershire


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Netflix’s “Home Game” has a nice episode on this insanity.

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Establish GOP effort to primary Rep Nancy Mace (R-SC) fails. Mace wins primary by 27 points


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Go Bears!!!

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Jun 12Liked by SGBear

we have a new hire at work this week who is a recent Cal CS grad. we had a hearty "go bears" during standup this week.

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If you think Cal, UCLA, Oregon State, and Washington State's athletics finances are bad - look at Washington's.


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Seems like all of college sports is a financial house of cards right now.

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That was my thought, also. It's really hard to predict right now, but it seems to me that if UW's Athletic Dept. is in financial trouble, then there are a bunch of other schools in similar or worse shape. UW is a recent national championship contender.

We know that Arizona had shenanigans that resulted in a 9-figure deficit. What else is lurking out there?

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