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4 whole fried chickens

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Jake and Elwood!

How funny is it that Dan Akroyd of all ppl is the skinny guy

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Butter and cinnamon sugar

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Black coffee

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...plus peanut butter.

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Lemon ginger tea.

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Guy known for grift, financial reporting shenanigans, and lying reports this impossibility


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Special Master Dearie warns Trump to sign an affidavit that the FBI planted evidence or else he will move forward that the inventory list was accurate. Again, Trump gets put in a tough legal situation.https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/donald-trump/special-master-mar-lago-case-asks-trump-back-allegation-fbi-planted-ev-rcna49023

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Mad Max: Fury Road. (19/19, HBO WB). Holy moly....Now that is an action film. Stylish, great pacing, honors previous films while still does new things. Great all around.

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It's one of the few recent movies I'm confident in proclaiming a masterpiece.

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It is awesome, visually - story? Did anyone say movies need them? Not really so much.

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The story is told through the visuals.

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Uh, sure, if it's that tiny, it's awesome looking.

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Is this your first time watching it? It’s such a great movie. I am still surprised they haven’t done a sequel to it yet.

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it's coming, with the woman from Queen's Gambit, iirc

I was surprisingly underwhelmed by MM: FR

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It's a pre-quel.

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I am really enjoying Andor. Proving once again that Rogue One is the best thing that Disney has done with SW.

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It helps when you have Tony Gilroy writing the dialogue and scripts. Michael Clayton.

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i was about to start watching but go tired and fell asleep.

will pick it up this weekend.

nice to hear the early positive reviews

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I liked the first one a lot.

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Sydney on Apple TV Plus - not only a great biography of the actor (Sydney Poitier), but a history of the civil rights movement and black Hollywood.

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Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power

- back to the Harfoots

- setting off for Before-gul (h/t Ringerverse)

- Galadriel kicking ass

- Durin + Elrond mischief.

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Watched the first episode of the last season of Atlanta on the plane. Pretty good. A little strange.

Also watched the first episode of the new Quantum Leap. For some reason I thought the lead was Randall Park (before having seen the episode). I'm going to give it a chance. I did like the original one.

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Finished Station Eleven last night, such a well done work of art. GoldenSD81, you were right, the view of human nature improves as it goes along.

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Went down the rabbit hole and was up til 2…cranked out final 5 episodes of S1 of Industry…good stuff.

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Last night I finished America and the Holocaust on PBS, Ken Burns latest work. Excellent stuff with connections to today. Highly recommended.

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Finished America? Didn't you start the 6 whole seasons 2 weeks ago (roughly)?

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You might want to read my comment more carefully where the words Holocaust PBS and Ken Burns appear. Unless, as the Brits would say, you're having a laugh.

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Oops! Thinking of the other show.

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Apple to sponsor SB halftime show. Unconfirmed whether everyone will get an unsolicited U2 album for free. https://sports.yahoo.com/super-bowl-lvii-halftime-show-now-sponsored-by-apple-music-134058089.html

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Fox will cut the broadcast at halftime, go to a studio show, and only Apple TV viewers can see the halftime show.

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AAA player smokes a pitch, admires the ball for a bit, bat flips, hot dogs it around the bases...


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Elsewhere in college

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Go Bears!!!

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If we finally beat U of A tomorrow my post game revelry will approach beating an LA school level.

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I held an exorcism. We'll be fine. All taken care of.

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At least UCLA can say school hasn’t started, and the stadium is huge and far away. No such excuses for us!

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What I'm seeing is we meet B1G standards for attendance.

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This is like those stats you see about TV viewership that look worse than it is because they don't include all the games on the Pac12Network. Percent of capacity isn't the most telling. We've had two home games, and U.C. Davis and UNLV football don't really get anyone's heart pumping.

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Good point and for some reason I thought that stat was from last season’s attendance stats.

That being said, it does show a lack of enthusiasm around the program. If Cal were ranked, coming off a 8 or 9 win season and picked as a Pac12 north division favorite those numbers would be better.

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I remember a packed house for the opener against Sac State in 2004. People knew that team was going to be good.

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Cal didn't play Sac State in 2004

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It was 2005. So Cal was coming off their best season in forever. Makes sense.

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Sep 23, 2022·edited Sep 23, 2022

Wilcox really knows how to fill a stadium.

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That is sad.

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DBD Financial Advice

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I had a chunk of cash sitting around, so this morning bought a 1-year t-bill (~4%) and some tax-free bonds (~5%) with varying maturity dates. didn't have anything in particular that I wanted to invest in. just wanted to make more than the 0.05% it was making as "cash".

In my youth, I played the market more...if a stock doubled, I'd sell half and then play with house money. was good in the short-term, but in the long-term, I've left a LOT of money on the table. The main two stocks I did that with were Apple and Pixar. (Luckily I didn't sell all!)

My best investment strategy over the past couple of decades has been "benign neglect" (aka "let it ride"). in the first few months of Covid, as the market dropped and China locked down, I was regretting not seeing it coming in February...figured that AAPL would get crushed as Chinese manufacturing suffered and the world had less $$. Didn't work out that way. As it went up in late-2020, I sold some, and have since watched further potential profits not occur because of that. Had I been "smart" and sold more earlier, I would have missed out on this 2-year AAPL rise...

flip side is buying some Beyond a bit late and kicking myself for not having bought more while watching it soar! That has been tempered as it has crashed...

tl;dr I don't have the time to research/obsess over the market, and even if one does, there's just a bunch of dumb luck involved. so just trust that the market will continue to rise (assuming that you don't need the $$ during the bad economic times) and don't stress over it ;-).

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That's pretty much where I am at with a goal of diversifying down the line. This really is just a way to grow the retirement so it is long-term. There is a part of me that wants to maximize, to some extend, the initial investment, knowing it is foolish to time for the bottom, but also knowing the market decline ain't done yet.

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Upon the recommendation of Scootie (and I think SGBear), I opened a Vanguard account, moved a chunk of change over, and was going to invest in the S&P 500 Mutual Fund. After reading several articles indicating the market will likely decline, I have now been waiting since early August to invest. Question is, where is the bottom and when do I pull the trigger?

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conventional wisdom .. you cant pick the bottom. no one can.

if you are going to invest $X in the market. split it up into N chucks and invest $X/N every month.

that way if it goes down more you buy more shares and cheaper prices. if it goes up you are ahead but at least getting the rest of the money invested on the way up.

forgot the technical word for this. dollar cost averaging, maybe?

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The plan was to invest one chunk, then set it up to auto-invest a specified amount every month and just forget about its performance for a few years.

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Cash money

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C. R. E. A. M

Get the money, dolla dolla bills y’all…

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The new chancellor of the exchequer gave a speech describing new tax policy and in the course of the speech Sterling went from $1.12 to $1.10 which might not be the “moving the market” result he was hoping for https://twitter.com/edconwaysky/status/1573265160827207681?s=46&t=LShx70X_UBrv25nuob5IIg

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