
Oh wow. Gangsta's Paradise and No Diggity where, I think, the first two mp3s that I downloaded way back when. Maybe late 96 or early 97.

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Ian strengthens to a Category 3. 12-18 foot surge near Cape Coral/Fort Myers. This looks bad.


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Where does OB71 live? Hopefully not in the path.

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Isn't 18 feet elevation like the highest point in the main part of Florida?

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Florida's highest point is Britton Hill (345 ft.) in Walton County. Walton County is in the panhandle.

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there might be a couple freeway overpasses that get higher.

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Lovely here today.

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Other than 1 afternoon thunderstorm, getting the first organized rainfall system in ~3 months. Fall officially commences.

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And within the hour, the first power hit due to wet weather events!

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Nordstream gas pipeline ruptures underwater. Sabotage via submarine suspected.

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Moscow-schill Tucker Carlson ignores the obvious suspect of sabotaging the pipeline, blames the US and Biden.


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He has become (already was?) a parody of himself.

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It is now widely accepted that Russia is drafting one million draftees and is not limiting it to military veterans. This contrasts to the announced 300k military veterans they said. Russia, lying? Shocking, I know.

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It may be a bit more nuanced than that. One of the reports I read (WaPo or NYT) indicated that regional commisariats may be deliberately trying to overperform their goals. Problem being that the resulting sweeps are getting not only people with prior military experience, but it is also sweeping up men without military experience, disabled, and older men as well.

There are also reports that villages and rural areas dominated by ethnic minorities are being heavily conscripted. The resulting charge is that Putin is practicing a form of genocide against these ethnic minorities.

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I don't think that means it's going to work.

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Sending a bunch of untrained and poorly equipped draftees to fight in Ukraine in the fall and winter is not going to work out well for Russia and Putin.

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Human wave attacks worked before, they can work again

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Quantity has a quality of its own - JS

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They worked for the USSR in WWII because they were defending their country. The effectiveness was not in evidence once they pushed west.

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There's a strong motivation in defending your homeland. Much less so in conquering another one.

Something Russia is discovering about Ukraine.

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Which is ironic, because Russia has fought two very big defensive wars to repel invaders within the last 210 years - the French Invasion (1812; Napoleon) and Operation Barbarossa (1941-1942, Hitler). In both cases, the Russians were able to repel the invaders but at the horrific cost of hundreds of thousands of lives and destruction of towns and villages in each case.

Doubly ironic in that Russians should know that Ukrainians would fight to the death to defend their homes and country. They are very similar peoples. Kyiv is often considered to be the cradle of the Russian people, not just Ukrainians. In a very real sense, Putin is a traitor to his own people.

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The humans need to believe these attacks for them to win... and I'm not sure I see this now.

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Lack of training undercuts belief. Too many of the conscripts know what's up. They know they're being marched off a cliff (metaphorically).

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I think the humans in WW2 believed that the NKVD or whoever would shoot them if they didn't keep running towards the Germans

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Ugh. Certain Death behind you, marginally less than certain death in front of you.

Great motivator.

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I should have included the sarcasm indicators!

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Worked well when being invaded by the Nazis and fighting a war of survival. I don’t see it working this time.

Plus, modern weaponry has gotten a lot more precise, lethal, and efficient in cutting down human waves.

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Your favorite pre-smartphone phone

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Blackberry - the one with the analog rollerball in the middle and the analog keyboard at the bottom. So easy to quickly respond to emails.

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The first BB I had was one of those. Some limited smart phone-ness to it, but mostly huge for email/text/IM stuff.

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Agree! As an email device it was actually better than any current phone. But of course it didn’t do much else.

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How dare you besmirch Brick Breaker!!!!

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Motorola Razr

No it wasn't my favorite but it was the fancy phone before smartphone

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The most satisfying end to a phone call was that phone's plasticky *snap*

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I loved mine.

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First phone I could check Cal scores on

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I actually "saw" two of the biggest endings to SC games in the '04 season via the WAP browser updates on my RAZR.

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That's how I "watched" Cal/Oregon 2007. There was LONG pause in updates while the refs discussed what happened. I was so confused.

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I watched the end of Cal USC in 2003 via the WAP browser on my flip phone - come on damn you EDGE. . . UPDATE

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I definitely enjoyed my Razr.

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probably the original Motorola flip. Huge phone with no features, but could make calls ANY WHERE. I don't ever recall being without service.

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My parents land line.

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Nokia 3310 - Snake 2, interchangeable covers, custom ringtones and you could hang up by just chucking it against a wall. What's not to love!?

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Never had one, but the Motorola Sidekick was the coolest phone around for a brief period. I heard it rapidly developed keyboard issues though.

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When I worked for the Houston Rockets every single dancer had a Sidekick

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You worked for Rockets?

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4 seasons

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Are you Steve Francis?

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Kelvin Cato

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Don't remember the brand, but if you took an egg and stretched it about twice as long, that was its shape. Came in several colors; I picked blue (of course!). There were not smart phones then, so it was just a phone. But you could enter text on the little LCD screen. It was the first phone I had that I could actually "name". Really fit nicely in the hand, unlike today's phones.

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flip phone!

i dont even remember which one i had but i had Sprint at the time because they had a way to upload your entire address book from a CSV file.

made it so i was never dependent on losing my phone. instead, i had to write a Perl script to get the CSV file into the correct format.

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TMobile Motorola W490. Or the Nokia 611X series.

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Sprint Palm Pilot Phone with included stylus.

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My girlfriend at the time (now wife), bought me one of those bulky Nokia phones in the mid to late-ninties. At the time, I was probably the first person I knew with a cell. I remember the feel of that clunky thing weighing down my pants, which would have already been baggy at the time.

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Same timeframe…my first cellphone was this same bulky NOKIA, but mine had a Cal Bears logo on the face plate…


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I remember in the 90s if you used your cellphone in any public place like a store or even at a baseball game, people would look at you like you were an uncouth asshole. One time my friend was quietly talking into his phone at a Giants game just briefly to set up a place to meet post game, and these middle aged guys in front of us admonished him to “get off his f—king phone”. Meanwhile there were the usual drunk guys wandering around screaming at the manager to pull the pitcher and no one said a peep to them!

Custom always lags behind technology …

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Ask the DBD a question. Wrong answers only.

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What's a great birthday gift for a wife?

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1, cut a hole in the box

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I'm simply dying to know what step two is.

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tried that once. Can confirm it did not work out well

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Hmm, I don't get this...

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SGB got had by a tribute video. Here's the original.


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Whatever became of Leland Wong?

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changed name to Benedict, is an actor now (mostly in Marvel projects).

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Andrew, Andy, or other similar name

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Andy Samberg whose name I dropped above.

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My middle name

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Sep 28, 2022·edited Sep 28, 2022

Andruw Jones

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Andy Dufresne. You know, the main character of "The Shawshank Redemption".

Speaking of the story, the book is very much the same, only you come to learn why Red is in Shawshank, In the movie, Red only alludes to it as a "stupid" act. In the book, you know his crime.

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Sep 28, 2022·edited Sep 28, 2022

I misread that as Andy Defense

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What was his crime?

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Sep 28, 2022·edited Sep 28, 2022

He murdered his wife by cutting the brake line of the car she was driving. But the runaway car also killed a kid. He hadn't planned on that.

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Sep 28, 2022·edited Sep 28, 2022

Wow, I can see why they left that out in the movie as it makes his character much less sympathetic.

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It also gives depth to what Red said in his last parole hearing.

Parole Board Interviewer: Please, sit down. Ellis Boyd Redding, your files say you've served 40 years of a life sentence. You feel you've been rehabilitated?

Redding: Rehabilitated? Well, now, let me see. You know, I don't have any idea what that means.

Parole Board Interviewer: Uh, well, it means you're ready to rejoin society --

Redding: -- I know what you think it means, sonny. To me, it's just a made up word, a politician's word, so that young fellas like yourself can wear a suit and a tie and have a job. What do you really wanna know? Am I sorry for what I did?

Parole Board Interviewer: Well, are you?

Redding: There's not a day goes by I don't feel regret. Not because I'm in here, or because you think I should. I look back on the way I was then, a young, stupid kid who committed that terrible crime.

I wanna talk to him. I wanna try to talk some sense to him -- tell him the way things are. But I can't. That kid's long gone and this old man is all that's left. I gotta live with that. Rehabilitated? It's just a bullshit word. So you go on and stamp your form, sonny, and stop wasting my time. Because to tell you the truth, I don't give a shit.

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I forget...I read the book back in High School, a decade before the movie dropped in '94. In the movie, murder was the case that they gave him....

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Man missin’ tier 2, cell 245….

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Typhoon Andy passed near Guam when I was there in 1989 First tropical storm I experienced.

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Chile or someone/something Chilean

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sea bass

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aka the Patagonian Toothfish

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Great place for telescopes. Astronomer went missing recently though :-/

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Hatch or jalapeno?

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The great poet Pablo Neruda.

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one of our HS friends is a fly fishing guide in Chile. in case you ever need one ..

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Per NYT Nancy Haberman, Trump asked the Assistant Secretary for Health Brett Giroir if the latter could bomb Mexico. Giroir, who is a retired Admiral, was dressed is his formal blues. WH Staff told Giroir to stop wearing his blues to meetings as to not confuse Trump. Trump continued to like the idea of bombing Mexican drug labs and even escalated his dumb idea to Scy of Defense Mark Esper.


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Trump applies to the DOJ to have the government pay for their eDiscovery software service because nobody will work with him


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gee..shocking that the first story is a Fox affiliate. I wonder where the lead actually is.

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Just take the average.


Looks like it's about 51-46

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Still closer than it should be.

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Swing states are what they are.

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Sep 28, 2022·edited Sep 28, 2022Author

J6 Insurrectionist/Influencer rejects government plea-bargain for 90 days in the pokey, citing that he "does not bend the knee to tyranny". He now faces up to 24 years in Federal jail.


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He’ll have plenty of time to think that one over

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It's way down the list of bad things, but how about some casual racism from TFG


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Fawlty -

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I liked that the first time... not so much when I tried to re-watch.

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The Two

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Cirque of the ...

have not been to Patagonia yet, but this place in the Wind River Range (WY) is the most amazing mountain scenery i have ever seen.

we did a 3 day backpacking trip to Lonesome Lake and camped out under the Towers for 2 nights.


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Saw Iron Maiden last night at the Concord Pavillion. Forgot how much I hate that venue, but Maiden ripped. Not the best set list, but very back loaded with all the hits.

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I completely understand both aspen parts.

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back loaded sounds good. (altho I only had their first 4 or so albums.

Saw them at Oakland Arena back in 1983(?) opening for The Scorpions. Number of the Beast tour.

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My first show was Maiden at the Cow Palace on the Powerslave tour when I was in 8th grade Twisted Sister opened. The TS backlash had already begun among metal fans.

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Watched the first episode of The Affair last night, thought it was truly great. (And disturbing as well)

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This is the Showtime show correct? I watched the first season and enjoyed it but never kept up with the series.

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Watched the first 3 eps of Andor on the D+. Good show, leans into the same grit as Rogue One.

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saw Pet Shop Boys and New Order in Philly at the McCann theatre - a venue very similar to the Concord Pavilion.

music was good and nostalgic. nothing overwhelming, but still fun.

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Happy 9 year anniversary to this Wazzu all-time great event


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I was hoping it would have been the 2014 Pac12 after dark classic between Cal and WSU.

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Friday game: #15 Washington @ UCLA

UW favored by 3, O/U 66

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West Coast TV viewership through week 4:


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Either Lincoln is boring or Nebraska fans are embracing the suck


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There is nothing to do within 100mi, might as well go to the game

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All the tickets were sold but I doubt all the seats will have butts in them.

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I used to have Jim Edmonds on one of my fantasy baseball teams. Let's check in to see how Jim is doing.


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Jim Edmonds personally destroyed a fantasy baseball season of mine in the early 2000’s….

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[USNMNT] The least amazing, sensational, dramatic, heartrending, exciting, thrilling


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I'm not sure what to make of these recent lackluster performances. They're friendly matches that don't mean anything, so how much did anyone care about winning?

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Giants WR Sterling Shephard can't catch a break. He tears his ACL while pulling up on a play, untouched. Last year, he tore his Achilles tendon.


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That Met Life turf is a complete and total hazard. The players would be better off playing games on the asteroid from the movie Armageddon.

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Someone give him Klay's number

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Saw that when it happened. You knew right away it was not as it should be.

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The MN Twins are below 0.500 this season. You know what they need? The Twins organization says new uniforms.


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First, Rosh Hashanah is over. Secondly, there is limit to the types of split stats we should keep.


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The subject of the above:


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The first one was horseshit. The 2nd and 3rd were less of a pause, but I've seen much worse. If I were the pitcher I'd have held the 3rd one until the batter called time.

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I have the Reds and Pirates game on as background. It was looking like Pirates 3-0 in just over two hours, until a reliever (not their closer) came in and gave up single, homer, homer. A 12:30 weekday start, two bad teams, and it's raining so almost no one there. On to extras they go.

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taking a 700a train to Boston tomorrow and since i have the afternoon off i was planning on going to the Red Sox game.

will be my first game at Fenway. i sat inside once for a game that eventually got rained out.

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Hockey is back. Sharks beat the Ducks 5-4 in preseason.

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Wash Caps practice facility is nearby and they have practice and a scrimmage planned for tomorrow and I'm thinking about going by.

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A's lose to the Angels, 4-3

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Recent reports suggest the Giants are good again


Perhaps the obituaries for the San Francisco Giants season were a bit premature. With a 5-2 win over the Colorado Rockies on Tuesday, the Giants have now won seven of their last eight games. And while they’re very much out of the playoff picture as currently constructed, we all know how much Rob Manfred likes to change rules and implement them immediately.

What if he decides to opt for a fourth Wild Card team in each league? Or perhaps, wanting to try and leech some of that sweet, sweet football viewership, or help Aaron Judge set some records, he’ll wake up tomorrow and add 30 games to the schedule.

Either of these things would put the Giants right back in it, since apparently they’re a good baseball team again. Here’s hoping they hit the pause button on that and restart it in March.

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Dodgers walk eight times, but lose to Padres on a free pass


Dodgers-Padres saw plenty of action on the basepaths, but not a lot of actual hitting for both sides. The go-ahead run in the eighth inning for the Padres, and the tying run for the Dodgers in the ninth both scored on balls that weren’t caught cleanly. So it was fitting that the game ended on a base on balls, as Craig Kimbrel walked in the winning run with the bases loaded, giving San Diego a 4-3 win in 10 innings.

They say that at any given baseball game you can get to see something new and in this particular affair, it didn’t take long for this on Tuesday.

Mookie Betts led off the ballgame with a single, then stole steal second base. But he was told to go back to first base because of umpire’s interference, as home plate ump Sean Barner failed to get out of the way of catcher Austin Nola’s throw to second.

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Not surprised Kimbrel walked in the walk off run. The Dodgers are going to come to regret depending on that loon to close games.

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Sep 28, 2022·edited Sep 28, 2022

Roberts already said he's not closing games in the postseason. At this point they're not chasing wins so they probably gave him the opportunity to get through the 10th. They used 4 higher leverage guys to get through the 7th, 8th, and 9th and Vesía and Graterol didn't pitch. 5 of those 6 will be the high leverage guys in the playoffs. Kahnle looked pretty good, just need to get him innings before the playoffs after missing 1 year due to TJ.

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As I fell asleep I heard some guys ranting on the radio that he shouldn't even be on the post-season roster. I guess that's why.

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Go Bears!!!

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ICYMI: Rob and Andy recap the infamous Bus 2 ride back from South Bend. Look for "California Golden Bearcast" on your podcast distribution channel, specifically "89 Blitz: The Gang Goes to South Bend".

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Dennis Dodds thinks things are getting closer with Cal/others going to the Big 10

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Maybe make the Rose Bowl the Big 10 championship game.

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With no Blake's (nee Pappy's) or Kip's, what are the best local bars or restaurants to watch a Cal game nowadays? The Kingfish and the Crogan's in Montclair come to mind. What are others?

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In Berkeley, I suppose it would be Ralieghs.

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Triple Rock


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Cornerstone owner was at the tailgate you & we were at Notre Dame! Great guy!

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Sep 29, 2022·edited Sep 29, 2022

I thought Cornerstone only put on Melvins gigs. Didn't realize they had normal hours of operations. Good suggestion.

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What happened to Kips? I logged a lot of hours there many decades ago.

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Sep 28, 2022·edited Sep 28, 2022

Kips is still there. Went there after the UNLV game. It's upstairs only, though. Not sure when/if they stop letting kids in, though. At some point, it turns into basically a nightclub.

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That's great to hear. I love that shithole. I thought they had a notice on the door suggesting they were done for.

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I walked by there after a night game last season and there was a huge queue to get in. Not like the old days. Place changed when they started selling the hard stuff.

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Crogan's in Montclair used to advertise heavily on Cal game radio broadcasts, and I think they used to do a Cal postgame show or something from there.

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Sep 29, 2022·edited Sep 29, 2022

Yep, long-time Old Blues bar that I've actually never watched a game at cause, well, at the end of the day it's a Crogan's in Montclair.

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When should Cal launch the Heisman campaign for Ott? If he continues the season with a least a few more outings like we've already seen, he should be a shoo-in, right? I think he might be one of those exceptions where even if the team doesn't necessarily compete for a championship (though that's still on the table), he might be considered given his spectacular style, strength, and speed.

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Cal should be more concerned with keeping Jaydn Ott in Berkeley for another year, if not two...if I'm a deep pocketed Old Blue, I am doing serious legwork NOW to put an Ott NIL plan in motion before he enters the portal in December and bolts for SC or the SEC by President's Day.

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Jimmer, we only learn lessons the hard way. You know that, right?

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This, and thank you.

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Note he said IF...

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Whoops! Yes, he did. Well, then thank you for the intent! :)

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If JJ Arrington isn't even invited, no way Ott gets invited unless he's well over 2500 yards.

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Eh, I see what you're saying - BUT - only on true winning teams does anyone "win" the Heisman result.


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I've got an idea. How about we win all of our games?

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Completely agree! :)

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I'd love it!

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11-1, win Pac12 championship, goes onto the playoffs!

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Paul Hornung won the Heisman for a season in which Notre Dame went 2-8

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Well, we all know that Notre Dame gets things they don't deserve

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Chuck Muncie was Heisman runner-up.

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If Ott has at least 1,200 yards with 5 games to play, he has a shot at 2,000 yards in a season. Charles White did it for USC in 1979 (2,050 yards in 12 games). USC was 11-0-1 that year, their lone blemish a 21-21 tie against 'Furd. The Toejams defeated the Buckeyes in the 1980 Rose Bowl, 17-16.

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well that's a good end to any season

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