Not sure what this post has to do with Cal Athletics but I will say that my nephew (a UC Davis grad.) completed his F/A-18 Super Hornet training on the Abraham Lincoln last September when he made his first night landing on an aircraft carrier. However, he did receive his commission at Cal along with four other ROTC cadets (two from Davis, two from Cal and one from the 'Furd). I think that the thing I will always remember about that day is when his detachment commander addressed all the assembled parents and families and told them; "Your sons and daughters have been fortunate to have been exposed to some of the greatest minds in science, law and diplomacy here at UC Berkeley [where they did most of their ROTC training] and I am confident that they will take what they have learned here and use it to better serve the Navy and our nation." You would be surprised at how many people thought that ROTC training at Cal would turn their sons or daughters into pot-smoking hippies instead of fine, young officers. Sheeesh....Go Bears.

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Aircraft Carriers

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Jan 11, 2022·edited Jan 11, 2022Author

My family had a chance to stay on an aircraft carrier for like a week. How that happened, I don't know. However, there were regulations that the minimum age was 13, but I was only 12.5 years old. We didn't go and my brother grumbled for years about that missed opportunity, but really aren't my folks the real villains because they were willing to lie about my age?

Also, the USS Lincoln strike group visited Singapore when I lived there. There were young men with high-and-tights all all over the island. I remember that my wife and I had dinner with my landlord and his husband for some Thai food at the top floor of Orchard Towers. It was my landlord's idea as he was a foodie. Orchard Towers is locally known as "Four Floors of Whores" because at the nightclubs there are packed with freelancers. The top floor specialized in Thai freelancers, half of whom were "kathoey" (ie, trans-women). Hence, this is why there is such authentic Thai food at the top floor. While lots of Lincoln's boys went to the lower floors, we did watch a bunch of them come up the escalator and go into the Kathoey bar. Some came out accompanied. I wonder how many knew what they were getting into.

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SGBear: What you did on the Abraham Lincoln is called a "Tiger Cruise". Typically that is when family members are allowed to sail with the ship to its next home port.

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any port in a storm as they say

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It wasn't for a week, but my parents went for a day cruise out past the Golden Gate and back when my brother was on the Coral Sea based in Alameda.

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Throwback to the time the 2009 football team took over an aircraft carrier


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My dad flew jets in the Marines. He said trying to land on a carrier at night was fairly terrifying.

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My high school's football team would do an annual overnight on the USS Hornet in Alameda as a team building event. I attended the one year I was on the team and it was a pretty cool experience overall. The most memorable things were how massive the vessel is both inside and out, how cramped the sleeping quarters were (4 high bunk beds with the top level within sniffing distance of the ceiling) and that I may not enjoy being on the football team.

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I visited the Hornet both as a kid in the 1960s and recently, about 3 years ago. As a kid I remembered the yucky purple punch they served, and also that the nuclear powered Enterprise was docked next door and looked so much cooler. But the Hornet picked up Apollo astronauts, and they have nice displays that include that. Also memorable is that they used to use animal blood to put out fires.

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Heh, and it's about a 1/4 of the displacement of a modern Aircraft Carrier.

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This is not about aircraft carriers, but I listened to a purportedly nonfiction audiobook about how the KGB took over a Soviet nuclear sub in 1968 and tried to nuke Honolulu, but the warhead defused and the sub sank because Eisenhower had decided to share failsafe technology with the Soviets that caused nuclear missiles/bombs to defuse and explode if they were attempted to be launched outside of proper protocols. If true that is perhaps Ike’s greatest act.

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I think Ike is the 2nd best president we had in the 20th century and easily top 10 presidents ever.

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He's good, but 2nd? He immensely benefited from post WWII hegemony - but the hubris of some of the actions of the CIA conducted during his term really came back to bite us in other 20th century presidential terms.

If I had to rank, it would go something like this:

1) FDR, no question

2) Roosevelt -trust buster

3) Truman - for generally trying to do the right thing

4) Eisenhower - Interstates, not a minor accomplishment

5) LBJ & JFK for the good that they achieved - acknowledging the many mistakes as well.

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I feel like Ike’s role and support in the Civil Rights movement gets overlooked. He accelerated the integration of the armed forces and used the withholding of federal funds to do so. He rightfully enforced Brown V Board in Arkansas by placing the Arkansas national guard under federal control when the Arkansas governor refused to enforce the ruling.

He appointed Chief Justice Earl Warren, who would oversee one of the more liberal SCs and decisions in the 20th century.

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Jan 11, 2022·edited Jan 11, 2022

Whoa, the last one is not true that way you think it is, Warren was seen as a solid conservative when he was appointed. He was the Republican candidate for VP in 1948, was the AG in California and was a firm proponent of, the forced removal and internment of over 100,000 Japanese Americans during World War II.

The whole reason that the Federalist Society exists is to prevent someone like Earl Warren from being appointed by a Republican Pres.

Sure I give him some credit on Civil Rights, but he didn't exactly lead on that, more followed the rules.

Truman was the one that commenced the integration of the armed forces, tried to institute universal health care, and did all the heavy lifting in the Cold War - NATO, Berlin airlift etc.

I still rate him highly, but 1953-60 he didn't face that many challenges.

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Good point on Warren and I often forget his more conservative pre SCOTUS CJ career. Interestingly, Warren is the lash SCOTUS Justice to serve office as I believe he was the governor of California in the 40s if I recall correctly.

I suppose Ike did just follow the rules and didn’t truly lead on Civil Rights but I feel by simply doing so sent a message that the federal government would no longer look the other way in terms of Civil Rights and the enforcement of civil right laws.

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Scoff - com'on, that can't be true.

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It seemed pretty well researched, although who am I to judge:


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I'm not Bob, but this led me down a wormhole; I knew about half of these, but it makes for pretty scary reading (note, it's not on this list):


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All I know is it led to a pretty terrible movie:


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... are good things to have when playing Axis and Allies.

i wish i had played this game more. only played a handful of times in college. but it seemed endlessly complex, in a good way ...

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lots of late night sessions with friends with that game. be sure to withdraw your armor at the start if you're USSR!

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Entire weekends were lost to Axis and Allies.

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i like getting a tour of these things either at Fleet Week or older ones that are on display in various places.

also, HAG successfully distracted me on the Intrepid in NYC while my wife was setting up for my surprise bday party once upon a 39.5th bday

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My Dad had his memorial service on the USS Hornet in Alameda, he was a 30 year military officer and after that a successful entrepreneur.

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That place is skitz. My kids loved it - as did I!

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I've visited both the Intrepid and the Midway.

I wonder if they are going to soon become obsolete. There's a lot of speculation that all it takes is one missile to knock out an entire carrier.

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Yes, a legitimate concern - but also just the concern that such a capital ship is at risk can make them useless, if you're so afraid of losing them in a war against a major opponent.

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I did the Midway the last time I was in SD. It's pretty cool. Parking was a pain though.

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You could argue, even as a schmoe like me, that the clock has been ticking since the Falklands war. Probably longer.

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That is especially because you could achieve some of the same operational capability with submarine-based cruise missiles. Not all of the capability, of course (close air support, etc).

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That was a great trip. Walking all around Manhattan, having Shake Shack for the first time, your surprise party with a couple of HS friends that flew out. It was all our 40th bday years.

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I've dpne a tour of a destroyer but even more interesting, I have a photo of my mom in high school on a tour of an aircraft carrier in Hong Kong in like 1961-64 era - must either be on vietnam or taiwan patrol.

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How might the Reconstruction era been different if Lincoln isn’t assassinated?

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Hugely different.

Lincoln's successor, Andrew Johnson, was hostile towards federally guaranteed rights for Blacks and sought to intervene in Reconstruction in a way that favored returning Confederates to positions of power in state and local governments.

Had Lincoln not been assassinated, I think that there would not have been open political warfare between his presidency and Congress and greater success in integrating Blacks into political life in all levels of government.

I think Lincoln's assassination set the United States back by at least 80-90 years, possibly longer.

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Johnson was terrible, it is unfortunate Lincoln couldn’t or didn’t pick a better and more ideologically aligned VP. Johnson was a confederate sympathizer and was unwilling to work with fellow Republicans in Congress to integrate African Americans into post civil war American society as free citizens.

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Jan 11, 2022·edited Jan 11, 2022

You could say Andrew Johnson is America's Wyking Jones?

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Wouldn’t the 1876 election fiasco that ended Reconstruction still happen though? Even if he made better advances before then, that would still have been a step back, as it was in our iteration of the multiverse.

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The end of Reconstruction as a consequence of the 1876 election might still have happened. I posit that it would not have happened if Lincoln had served his full 2nd term. Lincoln would not have chosen to oppose Congress' attempts to overrule the Black Codes. The efforts to return Southern whites to leadership positions in state and local government would have been blunted by a full 2nd term.

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Very, huge difference.

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I agree with you but I struggle to pinpoint what would have been different. Any ideas what would have been different? Institutional racism was firmly entrenched and the north and Republican seemed to want to move on after the Civil War.

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They didn't want to move on right away at all, Grant was a huge thorn in the side of Johnson, and prevented many of his worse decisions.

I don't think you, or anyone can pinpoint exactly what would have happened, only it would have been much different, and better.

Don't agree with Slug about 80-90 years - Lincoln wasn't going to end racism in the South.

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You’re right. I also don’t agree that it set things back 80-90 years. Racism and institutional racism was firmly entrenched in the south and really the entire country. No way Lincoln was going to fix that in 4 years or if given another 40.

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Been to Lincoln, NE. Don't remember much.

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I drove through on my way to Purdue in '92. I remember a whole lot of nothing in the middle of a whole lot of nothing.

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It's amazing the Cornhuskers can fill the stadium with 90K people. I know some people in Omaha who have season tickets, so I guess people from all over Nebraska go to games.

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Yeah, I have a cousin who has no direct connection to the university but has season tickets with her husband. Since both my parents were born in Nebraska I was a fan growing up but any rooting for them is long since gone.

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I lived in NY, but grew up wearing red Cornhuskers T-shirt as a kid. My dad used bring back t-shirts from places he went on business trips. I was a Huskers fan until about high school too lol

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I drove though when driving from Portland to Louisville. Took a picture of the capitol building. That's all I remember.

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sounds like Lincoln NE

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NH ... is a cute little town in the White Mts.

most famous for the Flume Gorge and Franconia Notch.

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DBD Not Official Financial Advice

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Getting a real time lesson in why not to time the market. I've just been sitting here for the last thirty minutes watching an etf to see if it will drop to its lowest level since I've started investing in it. It now has, and now I wonder if I should wait even longer for it to drop further.

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sell Mortimer, sell

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Sale on stocks?

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Buy low and hold.

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Looks like I bought that ETF at the trough of this morning's trading.

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DBD Test Kitchen

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Roasted tomato soup. Charred Spanish onion, plum tomatoes, and garlic at 425 for about 25 minutes. Blended with about a cup of chicken stock. Imma about to balance it out with salt and sour cream for lunch. Also, grilled chicken Ceaser salad.

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I put cooked white rice in the soup when blended to make it a bit more smooth and creamy.

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In retrospect, I probably should have added half-and-half rather than sour cream. It was still really yummy. Tomato soup just feels like winter to me.

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Throw some good fresh ricotta in before you blend. Adds a nice tang.

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I love to add cooked white rice just after blending, to give a bit of texture! Reminds me in a very comforting way of being a kid.

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Going to be making pan seared lamb chops with roasted date and mint cucumber salad

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made it - photo is on the gram.

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rigatoni w/ white bolognese -- modified using impossible meat and almond milk

this is one of our family favorite weeknight meals


everyone thought that the impossible meat version tasted better than the ground turkey version. perhaps there is not enough fat in the turkey whereas impossible meat has more (?)

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Impossible meat has a ton of sodium, which might help when you are comparing with ground turkey.

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good to know

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Our Crumbling Democracy

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Self-proclaimed human questions Dr. Fauci.


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Self-proclaimed Constitutional expert chimes in.


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on twitter, atoms posted a self-cugatomsing and i've never been happier

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What about when we saw a woman at a bar with a book and DMoney was there?

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Today in Omicron

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I've had my fill of Omicron drama recently. A toddler in cf-98's daycare class tested positive last Thursday, so everyone who was in that class that day has to be quarantined for 10 days. At-home tests are impossible to find out here. Mrs. Bk97 took cf-98 to a county drive-through testing site yesterday and waited for nearly 3 hours before turning around and leaving because she had a class to teach starting at 1pm. I was able to take cf-98 in to Kaiser to get a pcr test, but we probably won't get results back until early next week. Thankfully, a neighbor had a spare at-home test and we were able to use it an get a negative test for cf-98.

On top of all this, my mom was supposed to fly out from CA today to visit for a week. In addition to cf-98's testing drama, my mom was exposed to a covid-positive person at work who came in to work despite feeling ill and later tested positive. Now my mom, who only has three weeks left in the office before retirement, is symptomatic (she hasn't tested yet because there are no tests available anywhere) and had to cancel her trip here at the last second.

Fun times.

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That sucks, man. Sorry to hear about it.

I would imagine your mom is less than happy given her work situation. Seems a rather sour note on which to end one's working career.

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She's been steadily growing increasingly disillusioned with her work environment over the last several years. Covid has not helped one bit. She works in an environment with three different public agencies and none of them have developed effective means of sharing covid info across agencies, so contract-tracing is nearly impossible. Retirement can't come soon enough for her.

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Ugh, it's my nightmare to have my kids' schools have to close for such a long time period. And yeah, I know it may be coming.

The 10-day quarantine seems a bit overlong to me if people aren't showing symptoms and/or tested negative, but I know that such rules are hard to change quickly.

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The only reason they're imposing the 10-day quarantine is because she's under 2 and unable to mask effectively. Had she been older, she could have returned after 5 days as long as she tests negative and wears a mask (and all the older kids there are required to wear masks, so it wouldn't have been a big deal).

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our county schools had just wrapped up a "test to stay / test to return" pilot as the case rates went vertical and now are having to hand out tests to literally everyone which is going as well as you'd expect. Still at 10 days quarantine because the "test to return" program got sidelined in the rush to deal with everything else...

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I'm actually a bit impressed at how well the Oakland schools have handled this so far, as they moved pretty quickly into "test to return" as a process and got tests out to families before the Christmas break. They haven't had to shut down any elementary schools yet. I think at least one high school had a one-day shutdown thanks to a teachers' "sick out" action (not endorsed by the union).

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Jan 11, 2022·edited Jan 11, 2022

That sucks and as a father with a 1 and 4 year old in preschool and had to keep them out last week because of Covid, as well as had to keep my 4 year old out for 2 weeks in October because the fully vaccinated teacher caught Covid, I feel your pain.

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that fucking sucks

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Self-proclaimed Covid expert chimes in.


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whoa, racist florida man is also anti-vaxx??? who would thunk it?

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Santa Clara is clearly doing well after 1 week: https://www.scu.edu/preparedscu/health-and-safety/covid-19-dashboard/

I literally left campus to go back to my house because of online classes and the campus vibe just being so off and dead. Out of all the food places closed, classes online, and yet they still haven't made a directive about the #2 Gonzaga vs Santa Clara basketball game on Saturday.

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Did they test everyone to return to campus? 8% positives is what UCSF is seeing in their testing of people coming in for medical procedures (non-Covid related), which ties in here -- likely around 8% of the population in the Bay Area is currently walking around with Covid.

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They tested *everyone* who returned to campus, which is about 50-60% of the student population at the moment.

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And one of the two teachers in my 1 year olds preschool class has tested positive for Covid. Class will be shutdown for 2 weeks now.

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Good luck with both the health of your family and with managing the quarantine period. From my own unfortunate experience being in the exact same situation right now, it's tough even if everyone stays healthy.

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Damn that sucks

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My kids get exposure notices almost daily. So far they are swabbing negative. But it seems like a matter of time. My wife is immuno-compromised so is isolating from the rest of us. Good times!

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Taking another rapid test to see if it's gone. Was positive Sun morning. Today is about 11 days from the first onset of symptoms. Basically been isolating myself in my room and putting on a mask when going to the kitchen to get food or going to the bathroom.

I have another 5 min to wait. It reminds me of waiting for the pregnancy tests.

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Jan 11, 2022Liked by Berkelium97

WOOHOO!! No line. Still gonna wear my mask for another couple of days just in case since the boys will be here.

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[Der Spegel] Djokovid's PCR test was positive then negative and now positive, which of course means he might still get deported after it was ruled that he could stay after having his visa revoked after backlack when it was issued. That's some serious backspin.


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i was telling HAG during the game that it seemed like there were a lot 49er fans ...

Los Angeles Rams coach Sean McVay: Number of 49ers fans at SoFi Stadium caught us off guard


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Jan 11, 2022Liked by Berkelium97, SGBear

Jeez, that's about as dumb as Fitz complaining he was fooled by a blog.

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The Rams announced an attendance of 74,447. It appeared as though most were 49ers fans, cheering their team to a victory and playoff berth.

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Jan 11, 2022·edited Jan 11, 2022

Rams and McVay got that Chargers home game treatment.

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Other College

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Stanfurd's leading rusher Nathaniel Peat reportedly hits the portal. You hate to see it. https://twitter.com/RivalsPortal/status/1480681198783508484?s=20

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Jayden De Laura to Arizona, Cameron Ward to Wazzu

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Bad news for Cal...De Laura gave us trouble in Oct & Arizona of course owns the Bears, and Cameron Ward was prolific at UIW & will put plenty of points on the board...2 winnable 2022 games just got a whole lot more challenging. Sigh.

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Time will tell, but I'm skeptical the de Laura for Ward swap at WSU will prove to be a good decision. I understand the relationships and reasons they did it, but if I'm a Coug, I don't feel more encouraged at this point.

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Jan 11, 2022·edited Jan 11, 2022

I guess, but if I am a Wazzu fan, I absolutely feel more encouraged...making the jump from the FCS would perhaps be more a obstacle if he were headed to the SEC or B10, but the PAC 12 is by far the least competitive of the P5 conferences right now, unfortunately. Kiffin & Ole Miss wanted him, though.

And Ward’s physical skills are impressive - a 6’3”, 220 pound dual threat QB w/ a strong arm that knows the system and put up video game stats last year? Something tells me he’ll handle the transition just fine & will be in the discussion for P12 Newcomer of the Year. De Laura is a solid & steady QB, but he did get benched in El Paso.

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The first half was a little dull but that second half was thrilling. Praise be to ESPN for offering the All-22 camera angle (broadcast with a wide shot that allows you to see the receivers' routes downfield).

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Should I be surprised that this is where Georgia displays the National Championship Trophy this week?


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Probably also the Waffle Houses as well.

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Kelee Ringo went from burnt toast to having a 6 star meal at the house. All in all good for them, I was getting incensed at Kirby for not putting in JT Daniels in Q3 but for once his decision making didn't spite them.

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I didn't watch the game, and I am boycotting it until Cal is one of the participants. (That will be a long time, like aeons).

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I didn't watch, because I don't care to watch SEC fellating for hours.

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should have watched the coaches feed on ESPN 2

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Too bad the audio wasn't better on that feed. Jimbo was understandable, but some of the other guys mumbled too much

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that's just dumb.

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Dude that game was great. Those two teams are head and shoulders above the field this year, kind of reminded me of that year when SC and Texas were clearly the two best.

I shudder to think of the result had we played either of those teams….

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Agreed. Cal gets shut out, and maybe gets to 100 total yards, on the final drive in garbage time. Maybe...

Those athletes are just different...bigger, faster, stronger...the sideline to sideline speed was ridiculous and they were so physical...

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I'm glad I was working out and missed most of the very boring FG fest that was most of the first three quarters, saw the ending.

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That game was basically the evolution of the SEC over the last two decades. Boring, defensive struggle and conservative, play not to lose offense in the first half. Followed up by offense opening up and using its talented played makers to score some TDs.

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SEC has a lot of offense these days. The stifling D that Georgia and to a lesser extent, Bama, have is somewhat unusual these days. Your statement from 5+ years ago is dead on

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Yeah, maybe two decades ago was a bit of an exaggeration. The SEC has does have a lot of offense these days. The old days of defense and an offense that produces 3 yards and a cloud of dust are long gone.

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Georgia's defense did not seem representative of what they were capable of in that first Alabama matchup. This time it was.

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Jan 11, 2022·edited Jan 11, 2022

Newellbany & I remain convinced that UGA kinda-sorta took a dive in the SEC Championship game in order to get a 2nd team in the CFP....;-), but only a little bit...

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That 40-yard TD pass with roughly 9:00 left in the fourth quarter (?) was a thing of beauty.

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Up to that point I wasn't really impressed with Stetson Bennett IV. That throw was such a great throw. I'm still not sure if he would make a great pro. At least the couple of games I've seen, I'm not sure he would make a great pro.

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He is Ken Dorsey 2.0. I doubt he gets drafted but he went out a winner and had the game of his life! Plus, I’m sure he can get just about any job he wants in the state of Georgia.

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A friend of mine went to high school with Ken Dorsey at Miramonte and was one of his high school receivers. My friend tells me, Dorsey was disappointed we didn't even recruit him - but he had a pretty good career as a third string pro QB, which goes along with bullpen catcher and NBA 15th man as the best sports jobs.

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He gets drafted before Chase Garbers...

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If by drafted before Chase you mean signs a UDFA contract before him, sure, that could happen.

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He may have just had his career high moment. If he has, its not a bad one, and one most would gladly take.

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He supposedly grew up a Dawgs fan... He'll be drinking on the house in Athens, GA for the rest of his life.

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Yeah I think he is a college guy. But dude, what a gamer and what a way to go out.

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I enjoyed watching that game more than I was expecting. Good times.

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that was a fun game to watch. as the game progressed i figured that if Georgia could play more or less perfect defense they had a shot at winning. and that is what they did.

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More $C players hit the portal, maybe Cal can swoop some of them or someone like Lonyatta Alexander.

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Jaxson Dart just announced he's transferring, would be an excellent (but long-shot) pickup.

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WVU seems like the logical destination for Dart since they're going Air Raid without an entrenched QB.

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Jan 11, 2022·edited Jan 11, 2022

no shot. Maybe Miller Moss if he leaves (which I predict he will)

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Jan 11, 2022·edited Jan 11, 2022

Gonna need some fresh faces if they’re to be competitive, despite the favorable even year schedule. I think Plummer is decent, but the Bears nonetheless figure to have the 11th or 12th ranked QB in the P12, depending on whether Lewis retains the job in Boulder & how McKee does. Ugh.

DTR, Nix, Penix, Daniels, Rising, Ward, De Laura, Nolan, Caleb Williams??

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It does concern me that even Garbers initially was a Dykes recruit. Hard to point to our O nowadays and see anything that will make a 17 yo QB prospect cream his pants

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Good point...and the fact that none of Wilcox's recruits could ever beat him out speaks volumes...

I mean, ask yourself what elite HS QB wants to come play for this wannabe Wisconsin Badger offense that finishes in the bottom third of the P12 every year? It's a fair question...they want to throw the ball 40+ times a game.

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Go Bears!!!

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