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Go Bears!!!

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Elsewhere in college

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La Rona

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Got my test back, still negative.

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ordered at home covid test kits from USPS yesterday.

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Was this the 4 per household ones? I had purchased a few from Amazon and it took like 10 days to get here. Those are my spares since I had found ones from the local CVS when I was testing a couple of weeks ago.

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aside from the free USPS masks, insurance is now required to pay for X number per person per month. so we order some number like 4X ..

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kinda. It was one per household, but each set has 4 kits.

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Public Health official placed on leave for trying to do his job:


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Like other stressors, the rona is just making socioeconomic inequality worse.


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Biden's first-year report card: just like Trump's


Biden's had a difficult year - Covid, Afghanistan, crumbling infrastructure and whatnot.

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As expected, the Republican Party's attempt to kill millions of people by intentionally exacerbating the pandemic is being blamed on Biden.

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thanks Obama!

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Gave a good speech today.

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I don’t blame him for Afghanistan. Covid, he did a good job with the initial vaccine push but the GOP and it’s voters have done a lot to slow and undermine his efforts.

He got the infrastructure bill passed so that’s great.

All in all, I give him a B-.

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There was one about 3 miles from my house that closed recently. I went there once several years ago and didn't buy whatever I was looking for because they didn't have it (probably some kind of tool).

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, Ernie

Cal MBB guard. Was good but came off the bench since Kevin Johnson and Chris Washington were in his class.


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30 years? Maybe 40? Maybe even longer. Haven't really had a reason to go to Sears since I stopped wearing Toughskins. I didn't realize they even still existed.

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I've been to the Sears Tower more recently than a Sears store.

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Inside Sears' death spiral: How an iconic American brand has been driven to the edge of bankruptcy

"The employees who spoke to Business Insider describe an internal mess with a revolving door of executives and low morale. Senior executives say Lampert has cut investments in stores because he's trying to turn it into a tech company that collects and sells customer data through the Shop Your Way program.

In the past, Lampert has defended his strategy, saying he intends to turn Sears into a more "asset-light" organization, but one that would still include physical stores. He denies widespread claims that he's stripping the company of all its most valuable properties and brands and hastening its bankruptcy.

At the same time, he has executed a series of real-estate and financial transactions to help prop up Sears. While the failure of the company could certainly wipe out his hedge fund's investment in the stock, these deals have set Lampert up to benefit in other ways, creating a conflict of interest, a shareholder lawsuit claims."

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It's been fascinating to watch. Sears especially was positioned to become Amazon before, and managed to mis-manage a huge head start into irrelevancy.

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Similar moves were used to kill a hospital in Philadelphia, screwing over:

-residents doing their training there (the number of residents across the country is controlled by Congress, apparently, and it's not just something that can be changed or easily shuffled around)

-the community that depended on the hospital

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Hilltop Mall, Richmond.

Not sure when was the last time, but it could easily have been 10 or more years ago.

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Oh man, I happened to go into Hilltop about three years ago, just to check it out.

It was a spooky ghost town. Amazing how far it fell from the thriving place I remember from my youth.

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The last major purchase I/we made at a Sears was a chest freezer was in 2003, I think. We still have it. Works fine.

When I was a kid, the major appliance purchases my parents made were usually from Sears. Plus some clothing. I remember spending time looking at the Christmas Wish Book, which was a version of the Sears catalog.

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Ha, I remember some school kids wearing some matching clothes from Sears - hella dorky. Can't remember the name...

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The clothes are called Garamimals. Ithik they should make these for adults. I have a few friends (males and females) that could use the help.

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I think there used to be one at South Coast Plaza. Went there maybe 15 years ago.

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there was one there which was completely out of sorts given the upscaleness of every other store in that mall

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I went to the one at Tanforan shortly before their ch 11 in like 17/18 and was like WTF is this place?

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DT Oakland, must have been some time ago, it was useful to have one nearby, but I realized it must be dying when more than half the people in line were there to return stuff rather than to buy.

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I'm certain that I've been in one in the last year, probably even during the 2021 holiday season, either at Southland Mall in Hayward or Sun Valley Mall in Concord.

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Last visit would’ve been 2017, at the slowly-dying Wilton Mall just outside Saratoga Springs, NY...

Over the 12 years of home ownership in the Spa, I bought a snow blower, a dishwasher, a lawn mower, a fridge, a washing machine and 2 dryers there. It seems odd now because since I moved to CA, I’ve been strictly a Best Buy-guy, and there was a BB right across the street back in NY...

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one of those stores that I didn't miss until I needed to repair or replace an appliance.

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we went to one to buy an appliance and promptly got a rejected credit card charge because we don't shop there often enough

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On the question above I'd have to say when I was living in Hawaii in the late 70's - early eighties. They had some quarter video games I liked to play in the lobby.

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Also bought some Craftsman tools at Orchard Supply a few years back. That was a Sears brand, but because of declining sales they (Sears) started selling them through other outlets.

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Will MLB start on time?

Looking less likely, which will cost even more fans.

Will hockey or soccer pass baseball in popularity in the US within the next 50 years?

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Hockey, no. Soccer, no.

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Agree no way hockey ever surpasses baseball.

But soccer? Seems possible even if not particularly likely.

I think so much depends on the fate of football. If head injuries kill it eventually (I think quite likely in 30-50 years) then where do those athletes and fans go? My guess is primarily to basketball and secondarily to soccer, with baseball a third option just ahead of the cacophony of Olympic/X Game sports.

This also assumes we are not including esports in this analysis

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Jan 19, 2022·edited Jan 19, 2022

Soccer is going to obliterate baseball in popularity in the next 2 decades. Its already reasonably close

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yeah, yeah ,yeah. You and I have been hearing for decades about how soccer, metric, and Esperanto were going to sweep across America. I have faith that Americans will not permanently change their behavior patterns.

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average attendance in MLS is already higher and the number of teams is getting close to MLB. Lots more games in MLB but wayyyyy more kids play youth footy versus baseball. Lets see where TV ratings go but baseball is nothing compared to what it was 30 years ago. Soccer will take over the #3 spot in the US sooner rather than later

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Soccer has clearly improved its popularity a lot in the last two decades or so. It's hard to deny that.

The issue is the domestic league. MLB is still clearly the class of the world. MLS is a Triple-A league at best. Sure, some people here enjoy following the English Premier League and others in Europe, but it's not the same as having a hometown club. Right now, soccer seems to be a thing that most Americans only get up for when the World Cup is going on.

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...and if we do well in the World Cup, that will only accelerate the process.

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Brave of you to assume that the USMNT will qualify.

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Pundits were saying the same thing in the 80's when I was playing soccer, but it hasn't dethroned baseball yet, but I could see it happening in the next two decades.

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Don’t forget the impact of Ted Lasso.

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Yeah I have a feeling you guys are right about that. Would be interesting to see data on this re 18 and under crowd today

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Soccer yes, hockey no.

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Soccer, yes. Hockey, no.

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Related to the belt discussion above: have you heard of hockey butt?

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I hadn't heard of it, but I've seen it. Even more noticeable in figure skaters due to their costumes. I guess it's an ice skating thing. Along with thunder thighs.

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Hockey has its own labor issues that significantly hit its popularity. Plus, @in 50 years there will be so much global warming we won't have ice.@

Soccer, yes. Especially with the projected growth of the Latino demographic.

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I think there is virtually no chance it starts on time. Think even of the basic logistics. They need to negotiate, sign, and ratify an entire CBA. But as of today they do not have agreement on the basic framework. Good fucking luck with that. I think spring training starts in April and season in May.

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I have full confidence in baseball management to shoot themselves and everyone else nearby in the foot. There are exceptions, isolated islands of astute management and sports acumen, but the majority of baseball operations seem as devoid of common sense or situational awareness as any collective I've ever encountered.

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Jan 19, 2022·edited Jan 19, 2022

Jeff Passan of ESPN wrote a good article right after the lockout began on when exactly the start of the regular season would actually be in jeopardy...we haven't reached that point yet, but it's getting closer...if they're still at an impasse come early Feb/Valentine's Day, Opening Day is toast.

One thing that will be a clusterfock is the visas....what a mess.

This more recent article sumamrizes some of it...


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I would guess starting pitchers need about 4 weeks to build up innings. Probably 6 starts every 5 days builds from 1 to 6 innings. I'd guess most have started throwing bullpens after the new year.

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What would cause the season to start late? I'm out of the loop on MLB.

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lockout...per usual, labor is a dumpster fire

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Cake for Breakfast

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I have cake in the fridge and may need to make that happen tomorrow morning...

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My parents used to give me a slice of Sam's Club pound cake every morning.

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first breakfast in our house is generally coffee + something sweet.

cake definitely qualifies

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This cardamon cupcake with brown butter frosting is the bomb.

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You're supposed to have enough for everyone if you bring a cake into the DBD.

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I think I do, where are y'all?

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Close by, but I have to read the book you lent me first

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i don't believe you

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Where's mine?

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Where's mine?

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I have a hard time believing that ad is real.

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he's learning

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Almost a cugelatomsing. . . almost.

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In fact, the only possible use would be for the stereotypical 1970's flasher.

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DBD Book club

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Jan 20, 2022·edited Jan 20, 2022

After two years of reading ~nothing, I’ve been on a tear. Pappyland (bourbon), The Premonition (covid), Liftoff (SpaceX), Diary of a Very Bad Year (finance). Pappyland was gassy but the others were excellent.

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Currently reading: Streets of Laredo and Crying in H-Mart.

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Currently reading Sally Rooney's third novel, "Beautiful World Where Are You" which I am enjoying very much but wouldn't be everyone's cup of tea. Next up will be "The Lincoln Highway" by Amor Towles, who also wrote "A Gentleman in Moscow" which took the world by storm a couple of years back.

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I've read both of Towles novels and look forward to The Lincoln Highway. If it's half as good as the others it will be great.

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Reading a Wallace Stegner novel, a Shooting Star. Recently finished Educated.

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Educated was a bit harrowing.

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I've been pouring through Jim Harrison's novels and novellas. Fortunately he was a prodigious writer so there's still more to enjoy. I recommend him. He was buddies with Gary Snyder whose work I also admire. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jim_Harrison Got a Dave Eggers novel I've been meaning to get to plus the new bio of Malcolm X (or is Malcom in the middle, I get them confused).

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Gary Snyder is an old friend of my wife's family from their time in the 60s and 70s living on the North San Juan Ridge outside Nevada City.

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I saw him talk at the Bay Area Book Festival a few years ago and for me it was like being in the presence of royalty.

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Which among Harris’ works would you most recommend?

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The English Major. The collection of Brown Dog stories. Returning to Earth. But I've enjoyed everything of his so far.

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So I'm reading this book, "The American War in Afghanistan" - and I get to the end of chapter 4, we've won, there's no opposition, Afghanistan is at peace for first time in 20 years (2002) and I'm thinking to myself - do I have to keep reading this?

kidding, I'll keep reading.

Anyway it got me thinking, that corrupt cheeto stain of a person recently occupying the oval office really didn't accomplish much other than yet another Republican tax give away to the rich, but can you imagine a world in which: We defeat the Taliban, then leave in 2002 and never stupidly invade Iraq? Set up Guantanamo Bay? Bush honestly has so much more to answer for than cheeto boy.

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Bush has a lot more to answer for what either did as President, but that orange lump of lard has a lot more to answer for based upon a lifetime of criminal activity, a lifetime of racism, and for his attempts to overthrow American democracy and to institute a Nazi regime.

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Let's put them both on an ice floe.

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DBD Not Official Financial Advice

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How often does everyone request credit limit increases?

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I had to do it once when I was on a business trip and had to expense two business class flights on my introductory credit card about 20 years ago, but after that, never.

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Jan 19, 2022·edited Jan 19, 2022

they keep giving them to me without me asking

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I requested an increase one time, to $15k, before my wedding. Came in handy because I had to pay the bar tab at the end of the night and it was over $11k. I still have the itemized receipt.

More on topic, a lot of banks will give you a heloc with no unused fee if you move your accounts there. If you are thinking of the cc as an emergency reserve you might consider setting up and not using a heloc like that.

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I don't think I've ever requested a credit limit increase for a credit card.

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On the topic of pants....belts. I own two belts and have no idea whether that's normal. How many does the average person have and if it's more than two, why?

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I have 14. Casual ones, more high end ones, thin ones, thick ones. Brown, black, tan. Belts a little longer when I'm a bit husky-sized. Different buckles. Spread out over two houses.

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Also, I come from a long line of men with no butts. Belts are not optional for me because I am shaped like a pencil below the hips. Thanks, Dad.

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Jan 20, 2022·edited Jan 20, 2022

My brother-in-law, too. His coworkers nicknamed him ¿Dónde Culo?

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Squats, deadlifts, lunges.

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All they do is make the pencil sexier, not beefier.

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I assumed everyone was already eating cake.

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I used to have two: a brown one and a black one. I replaced them with a reversible belt. Now that I 1) never go into the office and 2) now wear jeans on the rare occasion that I go to the office, I have little need for belts. I think I've worn a belt twice since covid started.

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I have one (a wide, green one) that I took from my mom's wardrobe and am on the lookout for a skinny, yellow patent leather one, but don't really need to wear a belt (especially in the post-pants era).

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I have like ten, but I only wear two with any regularity. I may be dumping the other ones in the move.

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Several. Mostly for suits / dress pants. A couple for jeans, but I’d rather go untucked. More comfortable and a little sloppy. But, frankly, who cares anymore.

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I can't stand belts. I feel so encumbered by them. I have to wear them with when wearing a suit and have two for this purpose. Otherwise, no belts.

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I own one belt. I have never worn it.

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I have about 20. Several casual belts, several thick belts for jeans, several belts for dress pants and suits.

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Jan 19, 2022·edited Jan 19, 2022

Ugh. I was at a wedding in Charlotte this summer and realized I forgot to bring a belt the day of (Saturday). Somehow absolutely no department stores were open due to Covid and I went to three separate little stores before finally stumbling into a high-end boutique. It had only one type of belt available- for $150. I was out of options so I reluctantly bought it, but the damn thing's the most uncomfortable item I've ever worn. It's got bolts that stick out a full 3 mm from the top and bottom of the corners so they dig into my stomach whenever I sit down.

Absolutely awful design, but I paid way too much for the thing so I'm obligated to wear it.

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At that point I would've just bought some rope and pulled my shirt out enough to fall over the waist.

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Jan 19, 2022Liked by Berkelium97

...and tie an onion on it?

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as was the fashion at the time

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then you run the risk of someone ragging on your cord

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A similar thing happened to me the day I was pitching a foundation for research $$$. No affordable belts in Los Altos so I went without.

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I have 3. One of those braided ones I bought while I was still at Cal (don't wear it too much), one daily one, and one dress one (which I wear less than the braided one).

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I guess I have 6, but that includes 2 I don't wear any more.

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i seem to have more belts that the average (2)

i have 2-3 casual ones for wearing w/ jeans and 2 dress up ones that dont get miuch use

i also have some "outdoors" type ones for ski pants and hiking pants/shorts

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two belts; one black, one brown

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Same! Now that I WFH I also rarely wear either of them, as I don’t need them for jeans anymore

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Two belts for me. That might be 1 more than I actually need.

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I have two identical reversible leather belts, one that is used as black and one that is used as brown.

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I have two that I use regularly, business belt and casual belt.

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