
Groundhog's Day

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Disney's Jungle Cruise

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Did you hear about the Russian's Sputnik vaccine? It is 91% effective against Covid and 100% effective at __________.

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How a yoga-practicing farmer's market cheese-selling vegetarian home-schooling mom of eight goes from being crunchy to helping lead the Capitol Insurrection


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Re Wild Sights: I watched a car on 101 Northbound on the way to Lake Tahoe absolutely eat it off the 3rd Ave and Paul Ave exit junction at Visitacion Valley in San Francisco, going over the barrier and ended up flipping down the 18 ft sliding wall (if you know you know when you are on 101 at that location) and I was just in awe like there's no way they are living through that and there's no way there won't be a Daytona 500 style pileup in the aftermath. I did never find out about what happened to those people that day but from my recollection at least some broken bones were in order.

Also the Daytona 500 is in 12 days for all my NASCAR fans here on W4C, looking forward to another great season, my 14th as a fan despite only being 19 lol.

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In Blade Runner, who are the replicants fighting? Other replicants from different corporations or other alien species?

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DBD spaceflight

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Who here tries to keep their phone at around 50% charged +/- besides me?

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Roy Batty speech:


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Other countries even less steady government

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Today in our unsteady democracy

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Today in Covid 19

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Other College

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