In Blade Runner, who are the replicants fighting? Other replicants from different corporations or other alien species?

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Or humans! Excellent question. As with other Philip K. Dick stories, it's hard to know what is the truth.

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The old "unreliable narrator" device.

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Yeah or other humans. I assume in the Blade Runner universe that humanity has expanded to other inhabitable worlds.

Also, what is a C-Beam?

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I assumed it was a metal beam used for construction (like an I-beam) that incorporates a c-shape in its profile.

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That would make sense as

I assume they are building space ships or space stations.

I also took it as a type of weapon fired by the attack ships, like a laser beam.

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I think it just means light. In e=mc2 it refers to the speed of light.

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DBD spaceflight

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SpaceX just launched Starship SN9 to 10 KM and tried to flip from the belly descent to landing. <spoiler>didn't make it</spoiler>. I'm guessing time to successfully land will be similar to when the attempts required to land Falcon 9 the first time.

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Working out the kinks...

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Groundhog's Day

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My favorite holiday.

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Our local groundhog is Sir Walter Wally. He said early spring.


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Great movie

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Who here tries to keep their phone at around 50% charged +/- besides me?

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I get anxious if my phone, computer, gas tank, or stomach are less than a quarter full. Prefer >90%.

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When it gets to ~15% I tell myself I need to charge it. Then I usually forget, notice again when it gets down to 5% and finally plug it in.

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Why would you do that? I basically charge mine up every night. I'm usually in the 70% every night.

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Keeping the battery on any phone/laptop at 50% extends battery life, 100% or 0% stresses the battery, shortens life.

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Not really. The range for "optimum" is 20% - 80%, and depending on your device, the operating system can slow down charging from say 90% to 100% in order to reduce wear and tear on the battery. You can accelerate wear by ramping up and down to extremes, but any given battery only has so many charging cycles before degradation of total capacity.

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I have a Pixel 4 - I only have to charge it every third day.

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Roy Batty speech:


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Thanks, I haven't seen Blade Runner since it first came out so I didn't recognize the words...Now where is that picture from?

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Ain't the Golden Gate. It might be the Feather River outside of Oroville,

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Disney's Jungle Cruise

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They don't have it in Shanghai Disney (I think the corniness that is part of the joke doesn't really come through) - I've been through it in Hong Kong, but the Cantonese version is just a straight forward tour. They have three lines in Hong Kong - English, Mandarin and Cantonese - the mandarin line was by far the longest, but the English boat rotation was the least frequent, so I took Cantonese.

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but the Cantonese version is just a straight forward tour.

Wow, that does not translate, the jokes are the main point unless you're 5 or so.

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Unless it's your very first time in a really good theme park. The audio-animatronics are still pretty decent (and they're better in HK than in Anaheim and Orlando for Jungle Cruise, where the corniness is part of the appeal)

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Feb 2, 2021Liked by SGBear

I used to work there in the early '90s for summers and winter breaks in California while I was a student at Cal. I would show up in late May and leave for school in early August, so I missed the awful heat and obnoxious August crowds. I understand why they are making the changes that they are making to be more culturally sensitive, but I'll still miss the Trader Sam joke that he has a 2 for 1 sale: two of his for one of yours!.

My understanding about the animatronic skipper additions is that they will put animatronic skippers along the river so that the live skipper can interact with him, which would be pretty cool. Maybe I misread that, though.

Andy...there is almost no such thing on the river as "inadvertent" controversial commentary. :) On grad nights, if I was careful, I would use a more, um, adult version of the spiel: "OK, we're off like a prom dress!" "Did you know that the giant python is the SECOND longest snake in the jungle? If you want to see the longest, I get off work at 6!" "I hear if you're nice to Trader Sam, he'll give you a little head." And, my favorite, "The hippos are only dangerous if they wiggle their ears and blow bubbles. But, since Bubbles isn't here, we should be OK."

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So did anyone ever meet up with you after 6?

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I saw that there was some kind of fuss happening on social media related to that, and I decided I didn't need to know, it was okay.

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is PETA mad they shoot at the hippos?

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It's pretty rife with 1950s era racism. Even after a couple of content pass throughs, that stuff is still there.

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They have apparently replaced the live boat captain with an animated one for consistency of message, and possibly avoiding even inadvertent controversial commentary.

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No! Live boat captain is what made that so fun! BOOOOOOOOO!

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I remember going with one cruise captain who were so over his job that the whole spiel was one giant run-on sentence:


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Did you hear about the Russian's Sputnik vaccine? It is 91% effective against Covid and 100% effective at __________.

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growing hair in 3 weeks. Some side effects may occur, such as trouble breathing, the ability to win gold in women's gymnastics even though you're a 6'2" male, and an uncontrollable craving for borsht.

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source programmable guidance, thanks to Austin Millbarge & Emmet FitzHume...

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keeping your brake lines from freezing up

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This is a real consideration in much of Russia.

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poisoning Putin's critics

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How a yoga-practicing farmer's market cheese-selling vegetarian home-schooling mom of eight goes from being crunchy to helping lead the Capitol Insurrection


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Those home-schooling hippie-types often seem to gobble up all sorts of pseudoscience from *~`wellness blogs'~* so it's not much of stretch to see her fall down another rabbit hole of misinformation.

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and (speaking from experience in a region full of these people) they are often quite xenophobic about people not part of their 'group'. Not racist, exactly, but can certainly seem that way.

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Once you start down the road of "just asking questions," it's amazing where you can end up. Especially when you're plugged into various MLM schemes, which are especially pervasive for middle class right wing women.

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The "ask questions" approach is useful (it was the foundation of good journalism before journalism largely transitioned to repeating press release propaganda), but it does require the ability to evaluate the answers received for validity.

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the second part is pretty damn important

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Has been quite interesting to watch. And to watch the hedge funds and others try to manipulate it back into reality. Every article that I've seen on a financial site and every comment from 'investment professionals' has been 'the little guys should take their profit now and not get burned'. Which is not wrong, but is also what the hedgies need to cover the over shorted postitions.

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Tank tank tank

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I wonder if the Hedge Funds dollar cost averaged selling short by adding short orders near the high.

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I'm sure they tried, but I don't know if there was any to short.

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Other countries even less steady government

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So Myanmar - overturning a legitimate election and installing military rule is pretty bad. During Ang Sung Syu Kyi's time in charge, however, she had tacit support from the military and it was (as I understood it) already a quasi-junta anyways, just with her as a figurehead AND she either enabled, or at least didn't try to stop genocide.

I'm not sure if there really is a "good side" here

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Isn't Democracy the good side? The Military performed the coup because their party got trounced. Ang Sung Syu Kyi doesn't have to be perfect in order to represent progress.

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The Rohingya probably don't view her time in office as progress.

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Completely agree, but I doubt she instigated that at all.

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Yeah I know, but I'm not defending her per se, just the march toward democracy, which clearly took a step back.

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Today in our unsteady democracy

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the House is going to try to remove Majorie Taylor Greene from the education committee

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I think "try" is the operative word. Hoyer asked McCarthy to kick her out on Monday. McCarthy said a mild thing (something along the lines of "she said some concerning things"), but the whole fact that it's going to House floor means that McCarthy told Hoyer to pound sand. They won't remove her, but Dems are trying to force GOP to go on record defending her. I think the GOP repositioning (eg, McConnell backing Cheney, badmouthing Taylor Green) is a way to not defend the indefensible, but still have her stay on. I predict the GOP House members will "she says the darndest things, but she loves America so much and you want that in a Politician and we can't create instability during this time when the President is looking for unity".

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"Loving America" and even accurately representing the beliefs and desires of a significant number of your constituents are generally desirable traits, but don't directly relate to being competent to participate in setting policy and budgets.

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Recently finished the 3rd season of Justified. Fuzzy morals of police shootings aside, it's a really well done series with super compelling characters.

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They're US Marshals! Is that the one with Margo Martindale? That one was great.

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Yes. She was season 2 and was INCREDIBLE.

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I started the Servant on Apple TV a few nights ago. M. Night Shyamalan directed series that's a little too fucked up to put into words but I'll try. Couple hires a nanny to watch over their "baby" but it's not a baby at all but a lifelike doll bc the actual baby dies of SIDS, but then the baby comes back to life.

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I don't like the premise and I won't acknowledge it. Season 2 of Dickinson is very fun though.

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I took Cugel’s rec & started The Americans...early season 2, but is getting really good. Keri Russell is a national treasure.

Your Honor makes me miss New Orleans.

The Stand re-dux is pretty awful. Just can’t get on board with the casting...Piscatella from OITNB as Tom Cullen, and Oda Mae Brown as Mother Abigail?? I’m waiting for her to call out for Sam Wheat & to tell Molly-girl she’s in danger...

The Night Stalker is titch unsettling

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Americans get even better as it goes along, there's never any drop off.

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it is a wild ride the whole way.

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One Chinese city (is it Wuhan? I don't know - I saw it pass by on Twitter), is asking people to stay in that city and NOT travel during Chinese New Year - the largest or second largest mass migration in the world (I'm not sure on stats this vs the hajj). If you can prove you're not from that city and show that you pay taxes there - they'll pay you 2000 RMB.

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Today in Covid 19

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Other College

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USC poaches Cal's video producer


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It would be nice if the rest of the Pac-12 stops poaching our staff.

Except Ragle. He can go.

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That’s what we said about Alamar and he has done well since he left Cal. Maybe it isn’t them and it’s us?

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ding ding ding

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I have seen the enemy of poor Cal special teams and it is us.

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But wait, what happens to our Arizona pipeline?

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That's interesting. Movin' on to Tinseltown.

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An analysis on 2020 college placekickers.

If you're wondering, Dario Longhetto didn't qualify in the analysis because he had too few attempts. But I've done the math. He was +0.561, so he is essentially one or two above the median kicker. If the Big Game didn't happen, he'd still be in the middle of the 2nd quartile because he didn't get many chances to kick thanks to Cal's offense (ie, didn't get to add value by making long FGs).


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Sigh. Recruiting talented players is about all Helton has left to get better results in games, which remains a very sticky metric for how well a program is doing. He's yet to get a staff or a scheme in place that works for "coaching players up," as they say. I guess playing to the traditional strengths of getting "razzle dazzle" skills players on offense might be a good fit for NIL purposes?

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It's getting USC players that are at least capable of doing things many players many other teams get are not and will never be capable of doing.

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All I'm saying is that I watched some Oregon State football this past season (not a lot) and saw a team with players who maybe weren't that talented but whose coaches were putting them in positions to do well. They looked like they knew what they were trying to do. As long as Helton is coach, SC will be (especially) vulnerable to teams like that.

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gotta keep Helton. Wouldn't want to see $C with all that talent with a coach that knows what to do with it.

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Definition of "failing upward"

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*Steve Sarkisian has entered the chat*

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EA Sports back with NCAA Football.


I remember I had NCAA 04 for the original XBox. I kicked ass with that Cal team.

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And EA's stock spiked...

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and then earnings were announced and it crashed after hours. It'll be back to normal in a day or two. Happens every quarter, like clockwork

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not if I can't get a next gen console! Can you help me with that?

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yeah, no. I dont have one either. Junior is driving me crazy about it

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Feb 2, 2021Liked by SGBear

a little insider info would have been nice dick

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I'm just wondering what's going to be left of the SEC in a couple years. Tennessee imploded, Georgia is on deck allegedly, smoke at Florida and LSU...and that's not mention the money TAMU is throwing around right now. Lawdy

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I’m still confused, how does this game hasten the demise of the SEC?

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it doesn't, the question is, how much of the SEC is a smoking crater by the time the game gets made? ESPN has a lot of dollars invested in the SEC but those guys down there aren't making it easy to cover things up

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As long as Saban is upright, SEC remains.

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I think he steps away in a year or two. Their bag man process seems to be a lot more refined haha

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its been rumored for a long time but the image and likeness stuff always made it fuzzy

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looks like it's only for next gen consoles.

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Go Bears!

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Re Wild Sights: I watched a car on 101 Northbound on the way to Lake Tahoe absolutely eat it off the 3rd Ave and Paul Ave exit junction at Visitacion Valley in San Francisco, going over the barrier and ended up flipping down the 18 ft sliding wall (if you know you know when you are on 101 at that location) and I was just in awe like there's no way they are living through that and there's no way there won't be a Daytona 500 style pileup in the aftermath. I did never find out about what happened to those people that day but from my recollection at least some broken bones were in order.

Also the Daytona 500 is in 12 days for all my NASCAR fans here on W4C, looking forward to another great season, my 14th as a fan despite only being 19 lol.

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I was walking through a shopping mall parking lot when a guy came running out, pursued by police or maybe security guards. The guy commandeered a car and made the driver speed off. One officer yelled "Shoot Terry, shoot him!" And also told me and my friend to get down, so we laid flat. The other officer shot at the car several times and the car slammed into something and stopped. I later read that the driver was OK and the guy was caught.

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Sorry, F1 all the way.

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F1 for me desparetly needs that regulation change to bring the teams back together, at this point you can look in awe at Hamilton's greatness but before that it was lowkey ridiculous what Mercedes F1 was doing, hence why I make more effort to watch NASCAR, especially at tracks like Daytona and Talladega which you should watch too, Daytona 500 Feb.14th at 11:30 on Fox.

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Semi-inverting the starts would help. Hamilton is a multi-generational talent, but F1 is a qualifying contest, followed by freeway racing that strings out the competition, instead of fostering passing. I've seen races where no one on the podium made a pass for position all day.

Legislating fuel economy out of the equation for supposed safety reasons only exacerbated the problem. Declining fuel load does factor into it, but they have so much fine engineering control that you really have to miss the setup for that to be a problem, and that probably already qualified you into the back of the field anyway.

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The sensitivity of the aerodynamic designs of the cars to "dirty air" also make it hard to get a lot of overtaking, even with DRS. I think if you had cars with the safety features of today but the emphasis on mechanical grip from ye olden days, it might make for more interesting racing.

I am not a NASCAR fan but I appreciate that the emphasis on comparability makes it harder to just have one team dominating. BTCC and (in prior years) DTM racing are other examples of that.

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I got my fill of Daytona from last weekend's 24 hours of Daytona.

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That was one of the better 24 hours races in a long time. Actually really got into the daylight portion on Sunday.

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Yes it was, even my dad who i desperately but heads with for the remote was into the DPI and GTLM class finishes, at least the #01 CGR prototype lost a tire with 15 mins left, but still after 23 hrs and 45 mins of racing to have a battle for the lead really says something.

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That race was also great, I love the complexities from endurance racing, especially the Rolex 24 at Daytona and the 24 Hours of Le Mans.

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The 12 hours at Sebring has a reputation for interesting racing too. A track with distinctive character and some history makes for compelling racing on any circuit.

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12 hours of Sebring definitely has its own taste, especially with the surface and layout of the track, the ultimate balance and narrow off roads aside from the backstretch at the airport really provide concentrated racing.

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Here's a crazy finish at the Mazda MX-5 Cup at Daytona this last weekend.


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I think the wildest thing I've ever seen in person was Tracy McGrady scoring 13 points in 35 seconds. But with the NBA results over the last couple days, it's not even that wild anymore (Lillard, Beal + Westbrook)

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Sunday was a great day for me to remember that all Wizards games are aired on a local sports channel. The end of that game was nuts.

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I saw a shootout between cops and a guy on a motorcycle in Newark, NJ. The motorcyclist was hit and lost control of his bike which skidded on the ground in the middle of an intersection.

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At the time I was getting on the turnpike after my flight had landed and was headed into NYC for a morning meeting with some bankers.

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