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The third episode of each 3 episode mini-arcs have each been so good. This one was like Heat. . .but in Space.

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I can’t wait to watch it tonight.

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Don't you have a job?!?

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Live the dream, man!!!!

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When dating, what is/was a deal-breaker for you that other people might think is trivial

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Being dumb despite being super hot/freaky.

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Having a penis

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I was going to say "a beard", which is in the same ballpark. and would put me in the same club as Scootie and TBB ;-)

(which, as a semi-bearded person, hurts!)

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I don't think that others would think that's trivial. (it is for me also, but I presumed it to be common...maybe I'm wrong.)

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I suppose if you are a smoker you might find that trivial.

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Marijuana? Tobacco a few times a day?

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Oct 12, 2022·edited Oct 12, 2022

Who still smokes marijuana cigarettes in California?

I think smoking tobacco cigarettes is the bigger deal breaker, marijuana less so.

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I agree with MoriBear. Smoking tobacco is not trivial.

But I'm largely out of this dicussion, anyhow. I ain't dating and I don't expect to unless, well, I won't go there.

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Cannot be less intelligent than I am.

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after a few dates with different people i care much more about someone having a degree than i expected to

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Gotta like dogs…and preferably not have cats.

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Being a liar. Ex-wife (former girlfriend from freshman year at Cal) had this problem.

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Smoking, conservative, religious.

The last one I had to learn the hard way that in a relationship, the only type of threesome I was interested in was a FFM and not a MFJ.

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Jesus, I presume

makes her screaming, "oh, god...oh, god" not quite as ego-boosting as you might have otherwise thought.

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Unwilling to be uncomfortable in food or travel

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Oh this too! Unwilling to sacrifice creature comforts for adventure.

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I really can't think of anything that others would find trivial. My first thought was, "Didn't think I was funny," but a shared sense of humor isn't trivial, right? Being a Michigan fan had potential to be a deal breaker...

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"didn't think i was funny" is a very serious dealbreaker

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Looks aren't everything.

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I know!!!

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Being a die hard $C fan would be pretty hard to swallow, Furd a close second, but may be tolerable.

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Sure, tho on a larger scale, being a sports fan in general IS worth something, wouldn’t you say…having dated a number of non-sports fans, I can live with someone being a fan of the wrong team more than I can someone that just loathed sports. Not surprisingly, the former-Mrs. Chitwood loathed sports, which is one of the reasons to loath the former Mrs-Chitwood…

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Did she also not like dogs and have a cat?

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Oct 13, 2022·edited Oct 13, 2022

No cat and she loved dogs…was crazy about Allie-pup.

It never would’ve gotten off the ground otherwise, regardless of how far I outkicked my coverage from a superficial perspective! ;-)

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loves hugs?

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Preference but not a dealbreaker, as it turns out

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sounds like there's a story there! ;-)

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OOooOOoo I can't talk about this, 1st GF was 2 weeks in my first quarter here.

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Good looking but vapid and shallow.

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Being religious.

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arm pit and/or leg hair on the lady

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A movie that - in your humble opinion - was pretty good, but bombed at the theaters

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Edge of Tomorrow. Bomb is a strong word, but it definitely disappointed in US theaters.

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The Last Starfighter

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Office Space

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1999? Yes, I agree.

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Role Models - Bombed in theaters but has grown a cult following. Great cast, full of really funny people. Heart warming and silly.

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Supposedly the original Hocus Pocus? Which I plan to see soon.

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Blade Runner's a well-known box office flop, of course, but Blade Runner 2049 was also something of a commercial failure despite easily being on of the best movies of the year.

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I loved it so much when that came out, so much.

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There are a lot of movies that originally did poorly and are now considered classics.

It's a Wonderful Life actually kind of bombed on initial release!

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Paths of Glory, the Kirk Douglas film noir by Kubrick. Now a staple of film classes.

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Watched it as a frosh at PFA.

Class was Philosophy 7 I think, Existentialism in Lit and Film.

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Too many to mention especially as I don't watch any of the Marvel type movies tending more toward indy and foreign films.

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are you excited for the untitled 5th indy movie coming out next year

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I actually love the first and third of the Indiana Jones movies, a rare case of action pictures that I thoroughly enjoyed. Liked the original Blade Runner too. But for the most part I prefer the likes of Bergman, Tarkovsky and Fellini.

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Dead on, 1st and the 3rd ARE the best, and well done.

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I will watch it, but probably not in the theaters. As long as they don't have aliens I'll be happy. I just want to be entertained.

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Brian Monarch releases an outstanding deep fake


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Can't you see I'm burnin' burnin'?

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Doctor, pleeease

Oooh, the mess I’m in

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What does autumn smell like?

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Oct 12, 2022Liked by SGBear

leaf mold

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Smoke from household fires. Everyone in my town had a wood burning stove for heat in the winter.

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Ooh, this is a good one. I was just noticing last weekend that the neighborhood smelled pleasantly of wood smoke.

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Exactly, good call, paulie…spent 10 years in Saratoga Springs, NY, and October smelled like stove fires and leaves…kinda miss it.

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I grew up partly in Midwest and had a pleasant association with the smell of wood burning. Now it smells like wildfires to me

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Cinnamon! And rotting leaves.

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Oct 12, 2022·edited Oct 12, 2022

Cannabis. Unless smoke from wildfires is permeating the air.

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I remember the distinct smell of mature marijuana plants ready for harvest in Santa Cruz Aug to Oct. You'd just be walking around a random neighborhood and get a waft of very pungent weed. Lots of backyard grows.

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California wildfires

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Zuck is recreating the Wii


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They didn't have LEGS until now? Just torsos floating around in the ether? And it took this long? Great job, Zuck. Keep dumping loads of money into this dumpster fire.

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I don’t really understand their ideal buyer. Also shifting from software to hardware is so difficult; they will really bet the company on doing so?

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I can't imagine using this to discuss anything serious in a meeting. Such as what kind of cancer treatment to use. Or how best to support the war in Ukraine.

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i just can't imagine using it

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They (Meta) sure are showing a lot of ads of the metaverse. Good luck floating that boat.

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Meta will sell you $1500 VR goggles. Good luck with that, Zuck. Your ego is too fragile to have someone tell you that is a terrible idea.


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Last Sunday’s NYT business section had a long profile of Meta’s Horizon Worlds (think vr Second Life) that was more positive than I expected or wanted? Sounds like lots of kids and folks who stay plugged in for hours, a bit of an AOL chatroom vibe but easier to convey nonverbal reactions?

Still super unappealing to me and I hope it dies in a fire.

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Not relevant or useful at the moment but I believe it will be useful and used extensively in our lifetime.

I think it would be most applicable in education and teaching. Humans, for the most part are very visual and hand on learners so imagine having something like this in Dr. Filippenko‘s class and actually visiting the universe and stars as he is lecturing about them.

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I fail to see how this is relevant to my life, or anybody's life for that matter.

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At the moment.

People said the same thing about TV and the internet.

While I don’t find it relevant at the moment, I do believe it will be relevant and used in our lifetime.

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I guess I don’t buy into all “progress” of the last 15 years. I’m not on social media either though. I just see these things as wasted time and misplaced value. Not saying they bring no value whatsoever, but on the whole, these leaps in progress are just making us dumb AF.

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I am a bit confused by your comment. Are you saying the internet hasn’t brought any substantial value and improvement to society and that the internet is just a waste of time?

Or is social media the waste of time and hasn’t brought any value or progress to society.

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Angela Lansbury dead at age 96

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TIL: Angela Lansbury had to save her daughter from Charles Manson.


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She played the lead in the first off-Broadway show I ever saw in 1980: Sweeney Todd. She won a Tony for that role. Sweeney Todd kinda scared me, but I thought she was delightful playing her architype - the mid-Atlantic marm

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She also was the teapot's voice in Beauty and the Beast, the animated film from the 90's.

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She sings perhaps the most memorable and well known song of that movie.

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Watching her sing as Mrs. Potts is so much fun (bonus Jerry Orbach content!)


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Her grandfather was a Christian socialist and one time leader of the Labour party, her father was an activist as well. I don't think it's a coincidence that she kept hiring older actors for Murder She Wrote so that they could remain active enough for union benefits including health care.

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Noooo, Mrs Potts!

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I liked her in The Picture of Dorian Gray - and yes Gaslight is her first.

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The oldest movie I can remember her in (probably her first) was Gaslight, starring Charles Boyer, Ingrid Bergman, and Joseph Cotten. Lansbury played a conniving housekeeper and played her to excellent effect. Lansbury was nominated for Best Supporting Actress in 1944 for her portrayal. She was all of 18 when Gaslight was released.

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Gaslight is available to watch on Roku and HBO/Max

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It was her first. She was quite fetching as she was in another early film, The Picture of Dorian Gray.

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Very attractive, indeed. Even as she aged she remained attractive. As Crude Jude Mohan (a certrain HS English teacher) would have said, "She was well preserved."

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Suisun City

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My Aunt, Uncle & cousins live there…visited recently for first time in years…amazing how it’s developed over my lifetime.

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Is this just a random topic? My first college BF was from Suisun City (and the Furd).

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Kanye goes on a talk-show and doubles down on more anti-Semitic stuff. The episode will not air.


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Seems surprising that they would dump an episode nearly guaranteed to have very high viewership. Regardless of how they feel about Kanye's views.

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It sucks always being average.

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Which is why we, as a group, would be over the moon with a 7-5 season and disappointed with 5-7.

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Markhuri Sanders Frison's face

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So many financial measures would be better expressed as medians because means can be overly influenced by outliers. News outlets often report average income, home prices, rent, car prices, etc. instead of medians and it irritates me. Sell 19 $25k Corollas and 1 $400k Rolls Royce, and the mean jumps up to nearly $44k while the median is $25k.

This has been my ted talk.

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Mean with standard deviation is super helpful to understand how well the mean represents a typical number chosen at random.

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Asking people to understand std. dev is a tough ask.

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I define a standard deviation pretty much every time I mention it on CGB/W4C pieces (100+ times by now), and I still do it every time because I'm not convinced everyone knows what it is. And that is for an audience of people who mostly went to Cal. The general public? Forget it.

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Oh yeah. Voice of Reason.

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Let alone understand asymmetric dispersion

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strip. There are four states that you have to stop for a stopped school bus that has a divided road. NY, MS, WV, and AR (when the divider is less than 20 feet wide).

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Not sure I understand or agree with the comment. What is the definition of a "divided road"?

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Any road with a median, barrier, or other impediment between the directions of travel.

Although you don't have to stop for a bus on the opposite side of a divided road around here, I still often encounter people who stop and clog up traffic. It's obnoxious.

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"...or other impediment between directions of travel." Such as a grade separation. Not that it applies in California, but Berkeley has multiple instances of grade separation. Of course, all examples I can think of are in the hills. Where else would grade separations exist?

The one obvious example I can think of that most (possibly all) denizens of the DBD would be able to recall or cite is Hearst Avenue between the intersections at LeConte Ave. and at Euclid Ave. That grade separation also requires southbound traffic on Scenic Ave. to turn right at Hearst Ave.

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There's also that patch on Euclid

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Yup. It starts after making two or three curvy turns north of Eunice and ends a little south of Keith Ave. The entire stretch of that grade separation is curved, although most is gently curving.

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I would have thought California was higher in median income. But I guess it's a function of having such a large population. We're no. 1!

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The central valley and mountains are full of people who have a very low income. pulls that median down. One observation is that the lowest county median in CA is just about at Mississippi's state median.

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The hipster’s mean

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CT jury reaches verdict in Alex Jones case. [upturned pinkie at corner of mouth]



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Why isn’t this guy fired yet?

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yeah I don't see how he isn't gone.

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I thought Biden was going to appoint new members of the board of governors who would throw him out.

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Leading GOP megadonor to stay neutral in 2024 primary


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I'll believe it when I see it.

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for today.

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Max Homa taps in for the win on Twitter


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Ron Rivera apologizes to Carson Wentz because he said, well, the truth.


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The fact Rivera mentioned QB as a divisional impediment in a division that boasts Cooper Rush and Daniel Jones as starting quarterbacks is definitely a shot across the bow of USS Wentz…

Big Ron’s likely on the way out, tho, and isn’t pulling any punches.

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Nick the Goalie - Nick Vertucci, a former pro-hockey player has a great Twitter channel. He proves that goalies are weirdo savants.


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Brett Favre: If you think about it, really I am the victim here.


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Going full-bore with the Fox News playbook

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Fox is too left wing for these chuckleheads now.

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[USWNT] US drops second game in a row, this time 2-0 against a short-handed Spanish side.


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Davante Adams charged with misdemeanor assault for MNF shove

at least some repercussions even if not from employer ...


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Cole cruises, Bader, Rizzo bash, Yanks beat Guardians 4-1


NEW YORK -- — Gerrit Cole dreamed of this moment growing up in California, winning a postseason game in pinstripes at Yankee Stadium.

Harrison Bader had a similar fantasy while sitting in the first base seats as a 15-year-old and watching New York’s last championship team.

They combined to make each other’s wishes come true.

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But NYY-LAD would be a good series! I don’t like either team but would watch.

Guardians deserve to lose for picking that dumb name when the Spiders was right there! 😀

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they could've been the cleveland rocks

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Nick Castellanos leads way for Phillies in NLDS Game 1 win


ATLANTA -- Philadelphia Phillies outfielder Nick Castellanos called the postseason a "fresh start" for him after helping his team to a 7-6 victory over the Atlanta Braves in Game 1 of the National League Division Series on Tuesday.

Castellanos, 30, had three hits and three RBI, plus a ninth-inning, diving catch in right field to help seal the win for the visiting team.

"It's kind of just a fresh start, a clean slate, so to speak," Castellanos said after the game. "And obviously these games are really intense. For me, that helps me lock in and kind of slow things down. It's just a lot of fun.

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Philadelphia Phillies' David Robertson hurt celebrating, out of NLDS


Philadelphia Phillies reliever David Robertson is out of the division series against the Atlanta Braves with a celebration injury.

Manager Rob Thomson said Robertson strained his right calf jumping up in the air when Bryce Harper homered against the Cardinals in the last round.

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In honor of the state of Washington, the Mariners Coug It.

Yordan Alvarez hits 3-run walk-off HR as Astros win Game 1




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HOUSTON -- The walk-off home run Houston Astros slugger Yordan Álvarez hit to cap a wild come-from-behind victory in Game 1 of the American League Division Series on Tuesday called to mind great blasts of Octobers past.

It left the bat with all the ferocity and velocity of another postseason home run at Minute Maid Park: Albert Pujols' laser off Brad Lidge in 2005. It was the first game-ending shot by a team that was trailing at the time since Joe Carter's homer that won Toronto the 1993 World Series. And though it won't register in the all-time annals because the Astros' 8-7 victory over the Seattle Mariners arrived so early in the postseason, the 41,125 in attendance and those in both clubhouses -- elated on one side, stunned silent on the other -- couldn't help but marvel at Álvarez's feat.

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That was brutal. And to Houston, too. What a disaster.

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And the manager took out the closer and brought in one of the starters to do . . . that.

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Dodgers ride early offense, hold on to beat Padres in NLDS Game 1


LOS ANGELES — If Game 1 of the National League Division Series showed us anything, it’s that the Padres aren’t going down without a fight. The Dodgers used every advantage at their disposal to outlast San Diego 5-3 on Tuesday night at Dodger Stadium.

Perks earned by the Dodgers for finishing with the best record in baseball included a bye into the NLDS, and home field advantage in any series they play. It also afforded Los Angeles the ability to line up its pitching as they saw fit, while the Padres had to use their top three starters to win a wild card series in New York.

Any thoughts of rust after five days off between games dissipated in the first three innings.

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I hope BoMel has some success in the playoffs rather than a legacy of quick exits.

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It seems like he's definitely changed the culture after their last two disasters that were managers. I think he'll do a good job. They need veteran leadership. Time will tell if Manny is that guy or not.

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Tatis is the bigger issue in all this.

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That's what I meant by veteran leadership. He needs someone to tell him what not to do during the offseason, things like that. For example, if he were a BB player no way any of that stuff would fly on the Warriors. Same with the Dodgers. The veteran leadership is what they're lacking right now.

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Elsewhere in college

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Hey HAG and HSB, the 3 Lamorinda teams are a combined 17-1. Campo & Acalanes are both 6-0 and play each other in Moraga in two days.

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Ohh...lets go!! Don't Coug it.

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Go Cougs!

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Kansas QB says reports of his death are greatly exaggerated


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Brent Musburger claims the woke media went after him. It's not like he was a tone-deaf boomer being pervy about AJ McCarron's girlfriend



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Pac-12 notices the barn door is open and all the horses left a long time ago.


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Trolling for dollars.

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Apparently big ole maple bars are a thing at BYU. I guess if you're not coming buzzed, donuts are the next best thing.


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Very big.

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BYU is playing quite a tough schedule this year.

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Neuheisel has credible sources saying that UW and Oregon a done deal to Big-10 and Cal and Stanford likely to join them.

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Oh goodie. Big 16 West

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Oops. I mean Big 20.

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There's also a bit in this article (answer to question 8):


"Not only is the Big Ten not done, it most likely moves to 20 with the addition of Stanford, Cal, Oregon and Washington. There are a number of reasons for the pause in expansion, including but not limited to: Playoff expansion, and adding a media rights partner to pay for the 4 new teams.

In a perfect world, Playoff expansion is worked out over the next couple of months and Power 5 conference commissioners agree on a format that will begin in the 2024 season (there’s a lot of green still left in that putt).

USC and UCLA join the Big Ten in 2024, and the conference would do backflips if it could find a media rights partner to pay for the 4 new schools to also join in 2024. See the symmetry: new Playoff, new 20-team Big Ten.

Two separate industry sources have told me the Big Ten is deep into talks with Amazon to join the league’s media rights group that includes Fox, CBS and NBC. The Big Ten needs Amazon to pay an estimated $320 million annually to make the 4 new teams whole ($80 million each) with the rest of the Big Ten in 2024.

But there are a few obstacles in the negotiations: Amazon doesn’t want just games at the lower end of the Big Ten food chain, and a handful of Big Ten schools (see: Indiana, Northwestern, Purdue) fear a majority of their games will be streamed with Amazon instead of played over cable and network television.

All of these things can be overcome, and the Big Ten will likely find another partner — be it Amazon, or someone else."

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I know the media rights money is the whole game but I wish the rest of the Pac would stay together and maybe add Boise St and SD State, just from the POV of a fan.

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I dunno, from the POV of a Cal fan I think it's better to keep playing USC and UCLA every year. Those other schools will never drive the same interest.

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I’d much rather travel to Madison, or Columbus than Corvallis or Pullman

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I'm waiting for Madison and Ann Arbor since I did Columbus.

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I would prefer the Pac 12 stay together and we just added some more schools to get to 16. Looking back, the best move would have been to add Oklahoma State, Houston, and some combination of Texas Tech, SDSU, KSU, Kansas, Boise State, UNLV.

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Alex Kirshner wrote this for Slate:


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I can’t wait for Kirk Ferentz to retire and name his son Brian his successor.

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Can't do it until Brian has sex. (Shutdown Fullcast joke)

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Go Bears!!!

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Nobel Laureate in Chemistry Carolyn Bertozzi shows pictures from when she and Rage Against the Machine's Tom Morello were in the same band in college at Harvard


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BY GAWD THAT'S 747 MUSIC. 747 is crowned Fat Bear Week champion, adding to his 2020 award.


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Absolute unit

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Bear Force One!!

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#8 in a completely subjective poll, but I'll take it.


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[MGolf] Bears win Alister Mackenzie Invitational. The field wasn't necessarily super strong, but the Bears did beat a Long Beach State team that got votes for rankings. Cal played consistently and strongly. Sampson Zhang was stellar and came in second for individuals.


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Alrighty, then...


Alex Jones must pay nearly $1 billion for spreading and profiting from lies about the Newtown massacre, a Connecticut jury said.


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