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Wish I could be there, and have fun. But not too much.

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What a week to miss!!!

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This applies more for tomorrow but still. You all helped make this possible being a part of our community!


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What is that costume?

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Thanks for asking the question, Scoots. I, too, had no idea.

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Dalek! Have you never seen Dr. Who?

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I figured it was related to the Doctor

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seems like an original late-60s BBC costume!

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DBD test kitchen

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Banh Mi on the tailgate menu tomorrow. I'll have both chicken and pork meatballs with a cucumber salad side. No word on the Pac 12 network stopping by so I'm going to assume they aren't.

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Looking like worse and worse of an assumption

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Might not be a safe assumption yet.

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I'll come say hi :)

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does hi meaning eating things?

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Something new: Thukpa, Himalayan chicken noodle soup. Grilled, shredded chicken thighs and veggies in chicken stock plus spices & chilies served over noodles (rice or angel hair) - very spicy, eat with a fork and a spoon. Had to pair with the Riesling again.

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Can't remember if I relayed this before. When I worked at the embassy in Bangkok for a couple weeks once, one of the regular employees had me over for dinner. When he asked about my tolerance for spicy I said not much. He had his housekeeper tone it down for me. I still found it almost too spicy. He found it so bland he couldn't eat it. My northern European roots were showing.

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24 ghost ships have risen from the sea floor due to volcanic activity roughly 75 years after they were sunk during the Battle of Iwo Jima


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Huh. So is what we're seeing here because the seabed has been lifted by the seismic activity?

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Scared the shit out of me when I was 10

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yeah I don't know what my parents were doing letting me watch Dr Who when I was like 4 - was NOT a fan of the Daleks

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Well, it was marketed as a show for kids.

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happy bday Terrence

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Happy Birthday!

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Yippee!!! Happy birthday!

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Happy Birthday!!

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Terence. might help if i spell/type

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thanks . . it's almost over

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Reese's PB cups

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Mr Goodbar vs Krackle

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Krackles are awesome and Mr Goodbars are the one thing in the Hershey's miniatures I will not eat.

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Krackles, Mr Goodbar, Dark Choc...Milk Choc.

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whats the difference? Nestle Crunch is about the same too, no?

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I think the comparison should be Krackle vs Crunch. Both have rice krispes. I guess one is Hersheys (Krackle) and one is Nestles.

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I remember liking Mr Goodbar better…quick googling says Mr G has peanuts which explains why I like it more

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I'm going to a costume party tomorrow where you can come as whatever you want as long as its CLOWN. Wish me luck.

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I hope you have a stash of anti-anxiety meds.

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Hot dog

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I have a Phoebe Bridgers style skeleton onesie . . . that I can't find.

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And Cobra Kai

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we had a Zoom Halloween at work yesterday. the Zoom backgrounds certainly help w/ the effect


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Our Crumbling Democracy

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US Rep. Adam Kinzinger (R-IL16) - one of the GOP who voted to impeach Trump - announces he's not running for re-election. He won 64% of the vote, but his district appears to have been eliminated/gerrymandered out.


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He probably wasn't going to run anyway. That's when R's tend to find their profiles in courage.

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If you can't beat em, pull out the rug

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About 3.7% of the US Air Force is facing court-martial for failing to achieve full vaccination. However, almost all of them are partially vaccinated.


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The unvaccinated personnel are insubordinate. Can't have that in the military. Dishonorable discharge seems appropriate.

I don't give a shit about putting them in the stockade; that would be nonsensical, potentially counter-productive, and possibly make them martyrs.

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The 3.7% aren't partially vaccinated -- 96% are at least partially vaccinated. And Any 300,000 person workforce can live without 12,000 employees for a while, especially if they are employees who deliberately won't follow the company's rules.

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It brings up the question of whether these people should even be in these positions if both their judgement and situational awareness is that poor.

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Q-loving election official in MI gets stripped of duties, then goes rogue, stealing election machine.


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Amazing how so much of the election violations seem to be self-fulfilling by R's.

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Today in Covid 19

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has anyone done the mix and match booster? I was thinking about supplementing my pfizer shots with moderna

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My original vaccine was J&J. I got a Moderna booster on Wednesday.

Like Rocksanddirt, my injection arm (left) is sore. In every other way, I have suffered no ill effects.

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I originally had J&J in March. I want two shots of Pfizer or Moderna as Japan is not accepting J&J shot as a fully vaccinated person.

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Wish I had waited a couple of weeks for mine so I could do that, but I am PPP.

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I think mixing is more important for those that went the J&J route, given their experience stats, though I do understand the advantage of the 1 shot alternative, and in some cases, availability. I went PP + P because that was what was available at the time, and Pfizer seems sufficient. I suspect we will be looking at another booster come some time this spring. Switching to Moderna at that time might make some sense.

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I've booked in for a Moderna booster tomorrow morning, how jolly!

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Got booster on Wed Eve. Arm is quite sore. no 5G, magnetism, or extra appendages.

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Got shot #3 yesterday. Autism hasn't kicked in yet.

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But your 5G reception is much better now isn't it?

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I *wish* my 5G would improve. Reception in Emeryville is dismal.

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I'm still catching up from my DBD leave of absence. Buckeye Bear escaped the Buckeye State?

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Haha I don't think you were gone for that long! I moved away from Ohio (physically, but my heart will always be at Jeni's) in 2015, lived in Taiwan until 2018, and then moved back to the Bay.

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Ah got it

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PETA asks the MLB to rename "bullpen" to the "arm barn".

Here's Why PETA Is Pushing MLB to Rename 'Bullpen' to 'Arm Barn'


As MLB faces the World Series and renewed national conversation regarding the Braves' team name and 'The Chop,' PETA called on the league to rename the bullpen to arm barn, saying the current term is "outdated."

'Bullpen,' as many baseball fans know, is the area where pitchers warm up.

“Words matter, and baseball ‘bullpens’ devalue talented players and mock the misery of sensitive animals,” PETA executive vice president Tracy Reiman said in a press release. “PETA encourages Major League Baseball coaches, announcers, players, and fans to changeup their language and embrace the ‘arm barn’ instead.”

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Wow, these folks just invite derision.

Bullpen works just fine in spite of the sensitivities of some folks.

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maybe "limb laager"?

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I can't decide: if I start using "arm barn" just to be a troll, is that fruit too low-hanging?

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But isn't a barn where you put animals? I'm not sure they even thought this through.

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ha - true! but the fact that it makes no sense makes it even better for trolling use

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I had to follow the link to the source in the story I saw to make sure it wasn't sarcasm. Alas, it wasn't.

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can always count on them to focus on the real issues

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Yeah, I was thinking of all the issues that actually warrant some attention, this is something that is getting focused on?

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What a joke

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[NYT, paywall] Roger Goodell has made $127,800,100 from the NFL over the past 2 years. Unclear if he got a free company t-shirt as well.


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Jfc whyyyyyyy

How about a little less money for overpromoted mediocre white guys and make it so a hot dog costs less than $12 at a game

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I hope Manfred gives PETA the same giant middle finger he gives the fans

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Warriors blow 19 pt lead and lose to Memphis in OT after 9 million turnovers.

one turnover was just Draymond on a 8 sec backcourt violation because he walked the ball up the court too slowly w/ about a minute to go and chance to take the lead

J Moraint played amazing well though. he has some ridiculous stat line

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One of those weird regular-season losses when a team's head isn't in the game.

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it was for the first 2.5 Q. then not. And Ja was the opposite. Cold H1 and then went hot. And Curry did the usual 0-pt Q4. Not sure what's up with that. (Granted he does only play the last half of Q4, but still. and yesterday he had OT also, and still scored 0).

The TO, tho...for fuck's sake. So many telegraphed sloppy passes.

Draymond's 8-sec TO was stupid, but so is the rule. If there's defensive pressure, yes. But if not, who cares. It's already detrimental to the O by leaving them less time in their half-court offense.

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Right, they just kind of got lazy with the ball. Over the course of the long season, it happens.

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ftfy: Over the course of a long WEEK, it happens

I was gonna say long GAME, but they did a great job against OKC on Tu.

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Curry cold in the 4Q and OT doesn't help. Still, they turn the ball over way too much. As discussed previously, the excessive passing needed for Kerr's O lends itself to some TOs, but at the end of the day, they're still way too loose with the ball. Until they clean that up, they will continue to gag games like tonight if they don't have Curry blowing up.

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and this (he reads after posting)

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Joel Quenneville resigns as Florida Panthers coach - if you haven't been following, it appears like the Chicago Blackhawks from ten years ago covered up and hid a sexual abuse scandal of a minor league player they promoted for the playoffs by one of the team's video staff. It's very ugly stuff.

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Been following the ESPN stories about it. It’s really terrible.

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Rockets Jalen Green and Utah Jazz's Jordan Clarkson make history as the first matchup of two NBA players of Filipino descent. Jazz blow out Rox.

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Bob Melvin to the Padres

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I wonder if the stupid spinning thing will now go away. This may make the Padres more of a contender. Tingler (and Andy Green before him) was in over his head. The NL West may actually be a 3 horse race next year. Depending on the Padres starting pitching.

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Meh, tough to see the Pads as contenders, tho Melvin is a decided step up from Tingler, who was a boob (sorry GoldenSD). But they lack leadership on that roster...Even after the Tatis flap, I'm not buying Machado as a leader - any guy who admitted he quit during the World F-ing Series (as a Dodger) is automatically excluded. Snell is a putz & Darvish is overrated...they were looking to deal the one veteran guy they had (Hosmer).

Maybe Preller is actually the problem there...only so often you can keep blaming your manager. Maybe at the end of the day, you're just not very good.

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Definitely Preller is the problem. However, Melvin is a solid hire. But as you said, Machado isn't the correct leader. I suppose it could've been Hosmer but he's been bad and his contract is trash.

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This has been a really hard year to be an A's fan. I feel like we're all being treated like athletic supporters.

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Very apt analogy. Certainly the nearly doubling of season ticket prices makes that analogy even more appropriate.

It has been a very hard year to be an A's fan. The on-field results would have been more tolerable if only the ownership and his hired lackey (Kaval) weren't so blatantly incompetent.

The best thing that could happen now is Billy Beane leaves the A's. It would expose the ownership as incompetent jerks. Maybe even force the sale of the franchise to a group that is competent.

The A's franchise is blighted by its current ownership and a commissioner all too willing to do whatever to appease ownership. Manfred's willful ignorance of the mandate to act in the interests of the sport is disturbing.

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I heard from my friend that his parents (huge Cal donors) decided not to renew their group A's season tickets. The price increase was the last straw.

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Not surprising.

Also, sad that a major sports franchise so undervalues their customers that they see them only as an element to be manipulated.

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Your last point is true, but when looking at the historical record it's hard to find a commissioner who did NOT typically try to appease ownership.

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It's a matter of degree. Ownership has become less interested in the health of baseball and more interested in how to leverage baseball.

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Owners have always been that way. It's the commissioner's office that changed. I'd argue that Bart Giamatti was the last commissioner to put the game first while effectively managing the owners, although he wasn't in the role long before he died. Fay Vincent came next but couldn't handle the owners. Then came Bud Selig, an owner himself, and the traditional role of the office was dead.

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Heh, and true.

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Also, Matt Olson is on the trading bloc

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I'm sure he'll be making more $$$ in San Diego than Oakland.

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the end of game interception preserving the Packers (6-1) victory over the Cardinals (6-1) was so weird. it looked like a Madden glitch as the wideout stopped in his tracks and I don't know how the cornerback caught the ball - he just ended up having the ball

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I was hoping for a tie and go to OT. I had many players from that game on my fantasy. Instead got minus with that INT for Murray.

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Was unbelievable. Mrs Slug and I looked at each other in disbelief, not quite believing what we had seen.

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I saw that. I was shocked. Like AJ Green was an NPC.

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WTF was AJ Green thinking??? Know the situation - you're out of timeouts...why are you blocking as if it's a running play, especially when you're 6'4" and in single coverage. Brutal.

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That's true, there was no need for a block in that situation.

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Link for the lazy: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iUCRUKz2rmA

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I could watch the ball caroming off his helmet all day long

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Right after the Packers came up short on 4th down at the 1-yard line. These Thursday night games continue to be fantastic this season.

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Rodgers also provided us with an image that soon turned into memes

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Pretty sure they were going to leave AJ Green on the tarmac

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(they're both 7-1)

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But GB is now the 1 seed, with the only bye.

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BING BONG Knicks defeat the Bulls

(if you haven't seen the Sidetalk NYC video from opening night a week ago, I beg of you, please watch it. It's my favorite thing and I watch it at least once an hour.)


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those people pay my salary

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Don't you regret not coming to the KNIIIICCCCKKKKSSSSSS

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4-1! (with an inexplicable loss to the dregs of Orlando)

lol at seizure dude in the Amare Stoudemire jersey

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Desus Nice from Desus and Mero being in the video is only like the 7th most interesting thing in it.

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it gets better every time I watch it

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I'm at 6 so far

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Rob Perez


my favorite easter egg from the viral Knicks fan video is the first guy to appear is


, the same fan who hit the half court shot a couple years ago and was notoriously paid in NY Lottery scratch off tickets.


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Other College

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UC Santa Barbara has a little tempest in a teacup over a $200m donation by Charlie Munger to design/build an uncomfortable dorm.


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I feel like the lede is so buried in this. Charlie Munger is Warren Buffet's right hand man and head of investments for Berkshire Hathaway. He made a similar donation to the University of Michigan and they built the fucking thing (though it's only 600 windowless bedrooms).

And in addition to 4000+ windowless bedrooms, this building at UCSB would have 4500 occupants and TWO ENTRANCES/EXITS FOR THE WHOLE BUILDING.

It's just patently insane.

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"cool that the modern university is so bloated and craven that we’re doing triangle shirtwaist factory with kids now"


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So this has been tested? How's it going at Michigan?

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It's for law students, so who really cares?

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The phrase "die in a fire" suddenly comes to mind.

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Comment deleted
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let's try an experiment. give me your money, and i'll see what kind of thoughts I come up with

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"the radical new building concept, which calls for an 11-story, 1.68-million-square-foot structure that would house up to 4,500 students, 94 percent of whom would not have windows in their small, single-occupancy bedrooms."

On a campus renowned for being right next to the beach. YeahOkay.gif

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I won't defend this design - not at all. Definitely not. But I will say that architecture has a huge role in either fostering or hindering collaboration, which is what this asshole says he's trying to do, but this is bad execution.

There were two dorms at a summer place I used to work at. One of them had a central entrance into a lounge, and then the hallways went out from there. Everybody hung out in the lounge and on the steps into the lounge. It was a very social building/party dorm.

The other dorm had a lounge, too, but it was in the back of the building. Nobody every went there. You'd enter right into the hallway and go straight to your room. There was no place for social interaction, so it naturally became the quiet dorm.

The architecture created the personality of the dorms, and the architecture alone.

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that is some crazy shit, right there. Fascinating on all levels.

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Student housing is a real issue down here...there's litigation between the school and the town. It's a real mess.

As for this dorm...what could go wrong?

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SC plays Arizona this weekend, which I think has to be the last clear shot at a win for the season - the line is SC by 21 and I'm expecting they'll need a late score to cover

(at the risk of being unpopular, it seems to me that SC is quite capable of beating Cal but there's a decent chance they'll find a way to fuck it up).

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Have we heard yet who you want to be your next head coach? I'm legit curious.

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as long as it's not James Franklin or Urban "oil check" Meyer, I'll keep the complaints to a reasonable minimum.

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Why not James Franklin? Although I think it would take a lot of money to hire him away from Penn State.

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DC's all in on Ed Orgeron.

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Ed O would have to refocus on football instead of his pecker.

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Please see Carroll, Pete.

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we're used to it

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Everything in this paragraph can be a copy/paste for the Cal game next weekend.

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"quite capable of beating Cal"

I mean, that's not like sending william shatner into space level difficulty

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Between Arizona's complete ineptitude and USC's shockingly bad performances at home, it's a battle between the negligible force and the trivially movable object.

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it's going to be SO BAD I can't wait

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I miss those old CGB articles that would be telling me who Beavs fans want to punch in the face, today.

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I think we've had those for every game this year.... We may have missed one because they didn't get back to us.

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It's back this week


"Whom do you most want to punch in the face?

Mario Cristobal, no question."

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God, I forgot how absolutely amazing the Beavs' uniforms are. Is it OK if I root for them just for their good fashion sense?

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Sure, starting on Sunday

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There is seriously not a question anywhere in the college football media landscape that offers more insight into a fan base than that one.

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Who do we want to punch in the face? (John Elway for me, but it's a target-rich environment. I could also go with Andrew Luck, or Mack Brown, or that motherfucker who was Pac12 commish whose name I've already yeeted from my brain)

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Larry Scott

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these are ALL excellent suggestions. I'll still punch Mack Brown.

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all day. every day.

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Also I remember someone writing the Eating the Enemy articles.

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Yellow Fever! He retired a while ago, but that was a fun series.

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Mine were better

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Chef extraordinaire goso also did them for a few.

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Go Bears!!!

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Tedford to be honored at halftime


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Word is Kevin Riley is set to honor Coach with a symbolic game ball....he will scamper around midfield aimlessly, collide with his own player and then run off the field with the football.

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Oct 29, 2021Liked by BentPawn

still too soon

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For about 6 years there I thought Tedford would be Cal's coach for life.

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Same here.

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Of course 21 year old me thought that about Bruce Snyder as well (Fuck Bob Bockrath!)

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31 year old me thought the same thing. (also, Fuck Bob Bockrath! Sadly, though, Bockrath was only doing what he was told to do by Chancellor Tien.)

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I am Jack's complete lack of self awareness

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